This document provides a publication list for Dr. Kevin D. Brown including 36 peer-reviewed publications from 1990 to 2008. The publications focus on characterizing cytoskeletal proteins, identifying their roles in cell cycle regulation and DNA damage response pathways, and investigating epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor genes in cancer development.
Arihant Aarohi, a residential cum commercial project is located in a unique place indeed. A place that’s easily accessible from four popular suburbs Kalyan, Thane, Panvel and Vashi.
1. JavaScript has evolved significantly from its early uses in web browsers to power rich client applications, server-side applications, mobile applications, and games.
2. Key evolutions include support for modern design patterns, asynchronous non-blocking I/O, common code bases between Node.js and io.js, and full support for ECMAScript 2015 features.
3. ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) extended JavaScript with new syntax and features like let/const, modules, classes, iterators, promises, and typed arrays while ECMAScript 2016 (ES7) added features like async functions.
The document outlines the seven simple secrets of financial independence according to Bert Whitehead. It begins by describing Whitehead's experience and credentials as a financial advisor. It then reviews the 10 stages of the typical financial life cycle, from infancy through retirement. Finally, it details the first two of the seven secrets: 1) Fund your future first by always saving 10% of income and reinvesting earnings, and 2) Don't mortgage your future to pay for present expenses by avoiding excessive debt.
This document discusses several methods of fabric colouring and decoration, including dyeing, pigment dyeing, block printing, tie dyeing, stencil printing, quilting, smocking, embroidery, ribbon work, screen printing, and metallic thread embroidery. It provides details on the materials and processes involved in each technique, such as how dyes penetrate fabric while pigments are applied to the surface, how patterns are carved onto blocks for block printing, and how stencils are cut out of sheets for applying colour in defined areas through stencils. It also gives brief overviews of techniques like tie dyeing, quilting, smocking, and different embroidery stitches used for fabric decoration.
This document discusses classroom management strategies related to teacher presence and talk. It addresses the importance of teacher proximity, appropriateness, movement and awareness in managing the classroom environment. The document also discusses effective uses of the teacher's voice through ensuring audibility, variety and conservation. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of rough-tuning language use through simplifying grammar, vocabulary and tone of voice when interacting with students.
Enhancing Users' Experiences (Contextual Research in Forsyth Park, Savannah)Najmeh (Naz) Mirzaie
This project goal was about the necessary techniques to conduct relevant and useful research of a novel domain in context. Forsyth Park (Savannah, GA) was chosen as the case study. The results were to gain knowledge and expertise to contribute to the design process in user-centered products and systems in which users’ goals and task needs are given primary importance. The project covered observations, interviews, contextual inquiry and design, questionnaires, and the creation of new and novel research techniques.
Samuel & Greice - Jornal A Tribuna (Videira-SC, 14-05-2014)Samuel e Greice
A dupla catarinense Samuel & Greice lançou seu novo EP "Amor e Sonhos" com as canções "Jogo do Amor" e "Meu PaÃs". "Meu PaÃs" foi lançada recentemente e mostra um lado mais intimista da dupla, com figurino que faz referência à bandeira do Brasil.
La terapia respiratoria es una profesión de la salud en el que especialistas trabajan con pacientes que sufren de problemas respiratorios agudos o crónicos.
The expansion model of business and our global economy have created a culture of consumption. Users around the world are being encouraged to adapt new technologies and their related products. Our complicated systems caused huge traps in our societies from abuse of shared resource, beating the rules, and seeking the wrong goals. These current forms of global capitalism are ecologically and socially unsustainable. All these deprivations are causing in resentments and many unsustainable behaviors against the collective concerns of the societies. Therefore, these critical areas are necessary domain for designer’s active participation.
This journal explores how sustainable behavior context could harmonize the individual concerns of the citizens with collective concerns of the society, so in the long term prevent the mentioned traps in our systems. Through studying our natural capital, frameworks, and system thinking the journal investigates the requirement for enabling people to live as they like, but in a sustainable pattern.
There are different groups of frameworks that can help designers that all share the nature as model and mentor. Everything in nature is about optimization; there is no waste or discrimination. So, these models are our blueprint to reach to a sustainable future. The journal commences with introducing sustainability and sustainable behavior context. Then related history, theories, and influential leaders are described. Based on sustainable behavior goals, concept of Natural Capitalism, related frameworks, and system thinking will be presented. Finally, crucial elements in practicing sustainable behavior and related case studies will be discussed.
How we're designing and building services at the Home Office with user research and agile. Includes tips on how to change the way an organisation works.
This document discusses etiquette and protocols for customer interaction. It covers 6 modules: office etiquette and protocol, business conversation skills, basic customer care skills, handling difficult situations, making a positive first impression, and telephone handling. The benefits of good customer service are also discussed, including increased customer satisfaction, retention, and the company's bottom line. Body language, attitude, behavior, and distance are important aspects of customer interaction etiquette.
Community management (Social Media in de Praktijk)Irene Frijlink
De presentatie over community management, gegeven op 27 oktober 2011 bij Social Media in de Praktijk. In deze presentatie wordt ingegaan op de verschillende taken en rollen van een community manager en wat verschillende stadia van een community voor de community manager betekenen.
Co-creatie, de overtreffende trap van communicatieVeerle Verspille
Mijn bijdrage voor het congres "HR in de zorg 2016: Wanneer HR change-R wordt...". HR professionals moeten vaak als volleerde veranderexperten aan de slag. Maar hoe bekom je dat medewerkers en management verandering daadwerkelijk adopteren? Mijn advies: Vermijd eenrichtingsverkeer en zet hoog in op co-creatie. Wie van de meet af aan de betrokkenheid van zijn stakeholders opzoekt, bereikt een duurzaam veranderresultaat.
Enhancing Users' Experiences (Contextual Research in Forsyth Park, Savannah)Najmeh (Naz) Mirzaie
This project goal was about the necessary techniques to conduct relevant and useful research of a novel domain in context. Forsyth Park (Savannah, GA) was chosen as the case study. The results were to gain knowledge and expertise to contribute to the design process in user-centered products and systems in which users’ goals and task needs are given primary importance. The project covered observations, interviews, contextual inquiry and design, questionnaires, and the creation of new and novel research techniques.
Samuel & Greice - Jornal A Tribuna (Videira-SC, 14-05-2014)Samuel e Greice
A dupla catarinense Samuel & Greice lançou seu novo EP "Amor e Sonhos" com as canções "Jogo do Amor" e "Meu PaÃs". "Meu PaÃs" foi lançada recentemente e mostra um lado mais intimista da dupla, com figurino que faz referência à bandeira do Brasil.
La terapia respiratoria es una profesión de la salud en el que especialistas trabajan con pacientes que sufren de problemas respiratorios agudos o crónicos.
The expansion model of business and our global economy have created a culture of consumption. Users around the world are being encouraged to adapt new technologies and their related products. Our complicated systems caused huge traps in our societies from abuse of shared resource, beating the rules, and seeking the wrong goals. These current forms of global capitalism are ecologically and socially unsustainable. All these deprivations are causing in resentments and many unsustainable behaviors against the collective concerns of the societies. Therefore, these critical areas are necessary domain for designer’s active participation.
This journal explores how sustainable behavior context could harmonize the individual concerns of the citizens with collective concerns of the society, so in the long term prevent the mentioned traps in our systems. Through studying our natural capital, frameworks, and system thinking the journal investigates the requirement for enabling people to live as they like, but in a sustainable pattern.
There are different groups of frameworks that can help designers that all share the nature as model and mentor. Everything in nature is about optimization; there is no waste or discrimination. So, these models are our blueprint to reach to a sustainable future. The journal commences with introducing sustainability and sustainable behavior context. Then related history, theories, and influential leaders are described. Based on sustainable behavior goals, concept of Natural Capitalism, related frameworks, and system thinking will be presented. Finally, crucial elements in practicing sustainable behavior and related case studies will be discussed.
How we're designing and building services at the Home Office with user research and agile. Includes tips on how to change the way an organisation works.
This document discusses etiquette and protocols for customer interaction. It covers 6 modules: office etiquette and protocol, business conversation skills, basic customer care skills, handling difficult situations, making a positive first impression, and telephone handling. The benefits of good customer service are also discussed, including increased customer satisfaction, retention, and the company's bottom line. Body language, attitude, behavior, and distance are important aspects of customer interaction etiquette.
Community management (Social Media in de Praktijk)Irene Frijlink
De presentatie over community management, gegeven op 27 oktober 2011 bij Social Media in de Praktijk. In deze presentatie wordt ingegaan op de verschillende taken en rollen van een community manager en wat verschillende stadia van een community voor de community manager betekenen.
Co-creatie, de overtreffende trap van communicatieVeerle Verspille
Mijn bijdrage voor het congres "HR in de zorg 2016: Wanneer HR change-R wordt...". HR professionals moeten vaak als volleerde veranderexperten aan de slag. Maar hoe bekom je dat medewerkers en management verandering daadwerkelijk adopteren? Mijn advies: Vermijd eenrichtingsverkeer en zet hoog in op co-creatie. Wie van de meet af aan de betrokkenheid van zijn stakeholders opzoekt, bereikt een duurzaam veranderresultaat.
Project portfolio adviseur in de hoofdrol v1.0Andre Haverkort
Project Portfolio Management is modelmatig inmiddels goed beschreven bijvoorbeeld door OCG (via P3O) en door PMI. Dit levert vaak nog niet de gewenste verbeteringen in de besluitvorming. Vooral strategische project portefeuilles kennen projecten die moeilijk te vergelijken zijn. Besluitvorming is dan erg complex. Onderzoek toont aan dat ons onbewuste brein dan beter in staat is om besluiten te nemen. Op dit intuïtieve besluitvormingsproces geven de modellen geen antwoord. Hier komt de regisseur in beeld, zijn of haar persoonlijkheid, positie en wijze van communiceren.
De positie die de portfolio manager in een organisatie in neemt hangt vaak af van de personele invulling van de functie (of rol). In organisaties waarin projecten een belangrijke rol spelen wordt de portfolio manager snel toeschouwer in plaats van spelverdeler. Bij de inrichting van projectportfolio management zal aandacht besteed moeten worden aan de positie van de portfolio manager en dat is een afstemmingsproces tussen persoonlijkheden en kwaliteiten van alle spelers. Met in het achterhoofd de 7 eigenschappen van Covey geeft deze presentatie daarvoor een aantal suggesties. Samengevat creëert een portfolio manager eerst duidelijkheid over zijn/haar positie en laat dan de meerwaarde zien door pro-actief handelen. Empathisch vermogen is daarbij een cruciale kwaliteit.
This document discusses various concepts related to user experience design including time, matter, space, experience, artifacts, mechanics, transportation, media, story, persona, empathy, map, motivation, flow, capacity, opportunity, intervention, consolidation, mystery, sensuality, intimacy, meaning, on/off switches, in-game experiences, switchboards, and user journeys. It also mentions someone named Niels van Maaren in relation to these concepts.
This 3 sentence document discusses how emotions rather than reasons lead to action and defines lovemarks as brands that people feel loyal to not just because of quality or service but because of an emotional connection that inspires love, trust and intimacy. It suggests that for brands to be truly great, they must create emotional connections that inspire love and loyalty in customers rather than just satisfy them rationally.
The document discusses customer journey mapping and touchpoint analysis. It provides examples of touchpoints across the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase customer experience. It also shows how to map touchpoints onto a wheel diagram and select high impact touchpoints to prioritize. The goal is to understand the customer experience holistically from their perspective rather than from individual departmental processes.
The document discusses using the Touch Point Wheel model to map out and prioritize a company's brand and communication activities from the customer's perspective. It explains that the model places customer touchpoints across three stages: pre-purchase experience, purchase experience, and post-purchase experience. The workshop then has participants select high impact touchpoints to create alignment and action plans around improving specific touchpoints.
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European...zaipahphu82
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Meander | Biodiversiteit | Breng de natuur in de stadTanja Nolten
Met natuurinclusief bouwen breng je de natuur terug in de gebouwde omgeving en dat is goed voor onze gezondheid, de biodiversiteit, het klimaat en ons levensgeluk.
Dus als het gaat over biodiversiteit, dan gaat het over meer dan een vogelkastje, een insectenhotel of een bloemrijke berm. Prachtig maar dat is niet genoeg! Het moet gaan over systemen, over verbindingen, over water en bodem als basis en over leefgebieden.
We willen klimaatadaptie en natuur zodanig combineren dat dit:
Voor de bewoners aantrekkelijke groene woonmilieus oplevert
De temperatuur in de stad getemperd wordt
Water vastgehouden wordt (belangrijk bij hevige regenbuiten)
Vogels, vleermuizen, eekhoorns etc een nest kunnen maken
Zo worden zwaluwen (en vleermuizen) met holle stenen naar Sleeuwijk gelokt om daar de jaarlijkse muggenplaag te beteugelen
Meander, Fianne Bakker geeft inzicht
250221 (WR) v1 Lunchsessie Noordhoff trends digitale technologie en
Ik heb op 6 maart 2025 een lunchreferaat verzorgd voor een groep medewerkers van Noordhoff Zorg. Daarbij ben ik ingegaan op vijf belangrijke trends op het gebied van digitale technologie en leren en ontwikkelen.
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Editionbirteaaguena
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8t...graidijonuz
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8th Edition
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Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbinsdiscusmhmmad
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbins
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbins
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbins
de heksen van Aspelare en Nederhasselt .JaimeLavid
Verhalen over historische en fictieve toveressen, heksen, aardgeesten en duivels die leefden (en soms ook stierven) in Aspelare en Nederhasselt, of er gewoon bestonden in de verbeelding van de lokale bevolking.
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)shidqipurwin
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Presentatie Climate CleanupWorkshop | Hoe groen is jouw project?Tanja Nolten
Stel je voor: jullie project wordt een baanbrekend voorbeeld van duurzaamheid. Door innovatieve, groene bouwmaterialen te gebruiken, zoals hout, vlas, olifantsgras en hennep, worden jullie de helden in de strijd tegen CO2- en stikstofuitstoot.
Deze materialen zijn niet alleen milieuvriendelijk, maar ze hebben ook CO2 opgeslagen tijdens hun groei, waardoor jullie project een positieve impact heeft op onze planeet.
Maar hoe bewijs je deze impact? In deze workshop duiken we diep in de kunst van het berekenen van CO2- en stikstofreductie, om niet alleen onze projecten, maar ook onze planeet te transformeren.
Door Climate Cleanup, Jelle Bijl
SMARTCirculair Excellencedag 2025
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee...hebcaylie35
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee Test Bank
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Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manualgodlykanani
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Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manual
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Hoe zorg je voor integriteit in je ontwerp zodat je voorkomt dat je een vermogen kwijt bent aan installaties en het huis of gebouw altijd comfortabel is?
We hebben nogal wat uitdagingen in de energiesystemen van de toekomst. We. willen het comfortabel hebben in het huis of gebouw. Hoe ga je dan een optimaal energiesysteem inrichten zodanig dat:
je een lage milieu impact hebt
de energierekening laag is
het onderhoud beperkt is
en hoe maak je het de installateur makkelijker?
Mark Sprenkels van Breman Installatiegroep in Zwolle leert je anders nadenken over onze energiesystemen van de toekomst waarin opgenomen energie en water. Want water wordt in toenemende mate een uitdaging. Oh ja, netcongestie komt ook nog om de hoek kijken
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manualthabsyberber
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3. Observaties voor strategie (1)
• Het Merk/organisatie heeft een centrale
plaats bij de conversation manager
• Merkpositionering ontwikkelen
• Merken roepen emoties op
• Merkidentificatie
4. Observaties voor strategie (2)
• Adverteren is nu Activeren
• Online/Offline luisteren en converseren
• Discussie starten en faciliteren
• Emotie oproepen door betrekken van de klant
Kansen voor gebruik Gamification als integraal
middel om doelen te bereiken.
18. 1 Alle zintuigen zijn erbij betrokken
2 Verhoogde Concentratie en Focus
3 Veranderen Tijdsbesef
4 Emotie
5 Persoonlijk
6 Contact met omgeving door doen en ondergaan