Lauku mksliniecisks pa邸darb朝bas atspogu勅ojums re庁ionlaj pres: novadu kul...Janis Daugavietis
Latvijas Kult笛ras akadmijas Starptautisk zintnisk konference Kult笛ras krustpunkti 2013. Latvijas Kult笛ras akadmija, Zirgu pasts. R朝ga, 2013.gada 2. novembris
Este documento define un blog, sus caracter鱈sticas y prop坦sitos. Un blog es un sitio web en el que autores publican art鱈culos de forma cronol坦gica. Los blogs permiten a los lectores comentar y suelen tratar diversos temas. Las caracter鱈sticas de los blogs incluyen innovar constantemente, durar a largo plazo, generar ingresos pero priorizar a los lectores. Los blogs sirven para expresar ideas y puntos de vista al mundo, y recibir respuestas de los lectores, similar a un correo electr坦nico pero de alc
La computaci坦n en la nube permite que los usuarios gestionen archivos y utilicen aplicaciones almacenadas en servidores remotos a trav辿s de Internet en lugar de en sus propias computadoras, lo que facilita el acceso a la informaci坦n desde cualquier dispositivo con conexi坦n a Internet de una manera m叩s eficiente y segura.
This document discusses shapes and how many sides they have. It asks the reader to name a shape and then asks how many sides that shape has. In just a few words, it introduces the concept of identifying shapes by counting their sides.
RSS es un formato de datos que permite distribuir contenido web a suscriptores de forma sencilla. Los lectores RSS centralizan las actualizaciones de m炭ltiples sitios web de inter辿s para que los usuarios puedan revisar f叩cilmente las novedades sin necesidad de visitar cada sitio individualmente. Existen lectores RSS como programas independientes, servicios web o extensiones de navegadores y correos electr坦nicos.
CAWI izplat朝ba - nerunjot par aisberga redzamo pusi (studentu uc amatieru un google formm), praktiski katra firma piedv 邸du pakalpojumu. To izmanto pat oficils statistikas iestdes savu apsekojumu (aptauju) veik邸anai. LR CSP skums bija 2011.g. Tautas skait朝邸ana, bet tad kop邸 2014.g. praktiski katrs iedz朝votju/ mjsaimniec朝bas socilais apsekojums tiek 朝stenots 3 veidos CAWi, CATI, CAPI.
Appropriating Urban Spaces to Local Scenes [w/ Jzeps Bik邸e]Janis Daugavietis
This document discusses factors that contribute to the success or failure of non-state cultural, civic, and youth projects in obtaining and sustaining spaces for their activities. It analyzes data from 8 case studies of such projects in Latvia, Lithuania, and Russia using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). The analysis finds some common determinants of success across projects, including affordable costs, devoted leaders, and lack of conflicts. However, QCA has limitations for this type of cross-cultural comparison given differences between projects and challenges obtaining data on failed cases. While preliminary, the analysis suggests some key factors that characterize the surveyed projects.
Soviet time born Latvian punk: social origins and object of protestJanis Daugavietis
Paper for 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY CULTURAL GROUP RESEARCH: Youth Subcultures, Worldviews and Lifestyles, Kaunas, Lithuania
Previous research on beginnings of Latvian punk, which was mostly done in fields of journalism and punk activism, indicates that first Latvian punks appeared in early 80-ies, but the first punk bands - in the first half of the same decade. This rises the first question: why punk came so late? Comparing with Estonia and Russia or with some Central European socialist countries, it was late (Troitsky 1988, Trubetsky 2009, Haas 2001). Comparing with some other Soviet Republics or some 3rd World Countries the first wave of Latvian punks cannot be labeled as late. There are some explanations why Latvian youth were behind the Estonians in adoption of punk style. Most popular is Estonias closeness to the capitalistic Finland. They were better informed about newest trends in the free world because they get better access to the Finlands broadcasting, including TV, and mass media, and to understand the communication was easier because of similar languages. Other explanation of lagging Latvian punk scene, and not only the punk, the same can be said about whole Latvian rock, is more conservative and strict local cultural policy.
Second question asks about the social origins of first soviet Latvias punks. There are two prevailing lines in explanation of the birth of subcultures, including punk. The first is original Birmingham subcultural theory, which talks about relations of youth class and resistance through the style and rituals (Hebdige 1979). More modern approach to the analysis of subcultures brings so called post-subcultural theory, stating that youth involvement in different taste cultures or subcultural groups are matter of individual choice, not determined by the factual class affiliation (Bennett 1999; Muggleton 2000).
If we are investigating early Latvian punk, we can detect both aspects and motivations, but also new factors emerges. Significant part of the first Latvian punks were strongly connected with the art school circuits. It might be said that these middle class kids were better informed about current cultural trends in the West and just appropriated punk style as a sign of distinction. At the same time actual resistance in soviet-time Latvian punk was always apparent. Arguing with the political regime the main battlefield was so called national question. Ethnic Latvian punks expressed their national oppression turning to the right, in direction of nationalism. This was one of the main reasons why they adopted swastika and nazi imagery. This also initially lead to the separation of newly forming punk scene into two: Latvian singing and Russian singing. This again contest the notion of style as purely aesthetic value.
Anna Lei邸kalne (IZM), Jnis Daugavietis (LKA)
Referts nolas朝ts JVLMA IV starpdisciplinr zintnisk konferenc M笛zikas pt朝jumi Latvij. R朝ga, 2017.g. 31.marts
* * *
Iesniegtais pieteikums
Stikla griesti ir viens no jdzieniem, ko izmanto, lai problematiztu sievie邸u un v朝rie邸u nevienl朝dz朝gs iespjas kpt aug邸up pa socil statusa kpnm, piemram, ieemt vado邸os amatus. Ms 邸o pieeju piemrojam, analizjot profesionlo mobilitti Latvijas kordiri庁邸. Ir nojau邸ams (un statistiskie dati to apliecina), ka profesijas zemkajos posmos, t.i. kordiri庁邸anas skolnu un amatierkoru diri庁entu pulk domin sievietes, bet augstkaj posm, t.i. Visprjo Dziesmu svtku virsdiri庁entu kopien, vairkum ir v朝rie邸i.
Kordiri庁邸an situcija dzimumu nevienl朝dz朝bas jom nav unikla, l朝dz朝ga tendence ir konstatjama, piemram, Latvijas zintn vai politik, kur 邸o jomu augstkajos amatos domin v朝rie邸i, kaut gan lielko masu zemkajos slos veido sievietes (studentes, zintnieces vai vienkr邸i attiec朝g vecuma valsts iedz朝votjas).
Analizjot statistiskos datus, veicot analogu pt朝jumu sekundro anal朝zi un intervjot da転da l朝mea Latvijas diri庁entus un diri庁entes, meklsim atbildes uz jautjumu, kas ir tie faktori, kas samazina sievie邸u-diri庁en邸u iespjas kpt pa profesionlajm kpnm aug邸up.
Atslgas vrdi: koru sociolo庁ija, Dziesmu svtki, dzimumu nevienl朝dz朝ba, stikla griesti.
Differences and Inequalities in arts participation: Case of Latvian Song and ...Janis Daugavietis
The Latvian Song and Dance Festival is a traditional national event held every five years that brings together over 35,000 amateur performers. Research has found social inequalities in participation, with some groups like ethnic minorities and those with low incomes being excluded. The current study analyzes survey data from 2002, 2007, and 2010 to compare the characteristics of participants and non-participants. It finds that participants are more likely to be ethnic Latvians, live in rural areas, have children, and have higher incomes. The goal is to better understand barriers to participation facing underrepresented groups.
Jdziens 'ilgtspj朝ba' Latvijas Republikas att朝st朝bas un kult笛ras politiku pa...Janis Daugavietis
Prezentcija, kas nolas朝ta LU 73. konferences Sociolo庁ijas sekcij 束Ilgstpj朝ga att朝st朝ba Latvij un sociolo庁ij損.
2015.gada 13. februr朝, LU Socilo zintu fak., 325. aud.; Lomonosova iel 1a
Paper for ESA (European Sociological Association ) 11th Conference in Turin. 2013.08.31.
In contemporary theory of cultural policy there is a popular assumption about role of arts in social development. The local cultural assotiations can be powerful actors in revitalization, civic engagement, community-building, etc. Cultural participation is viewed as a source of social capital, which in turn contributes to social cohesion and building better environment. The two most popular Latvian amateur arts forms are choral singing and participation in folk dance ensembles. Their popularity is a result of established national tradition - singing is regarded as one of the most important Latvian cornerstones of the nation's identity. The other factor is administration of culture which is largely inherited from the USSR without any significant structural transformations. Cultural policy is still dominated by paternalistic model in which the state continues to undertake responsibility and control of certain professional and amateur art forms. Government is responsible for the delivery of culture and certain art activities (amateur singing and dancing are among them) to the masses. Maintaining network of cultural houses and hiring amateur collective conductors are dominant type of support. Therefore the government nourished choirs and dance ensembles do not meet requirements to be regarded as associations of free citizens. They are rather groups of amateurs in residential care than active and self-organizing art or cultural communities from whose artistic practices we can hope to get additional social capital and input in local social development.
Meanings and changes in Subcultural tastes in Latvia 2002-2010.
Presented at conference "Youth (Sub)cultures in Changing Societies " in Tallinn, Estonia, 2011.02.04.
4. 悪鉛温壊庄韓庄一偵界庄逮温
(citu aptauju vid笛)
Pa邸aizpildmo anketu aptauju paveids
(Self-Administered Survey)
...ts nos笛t朝邸ana respondentam (aicinjums aizpild朝t),
aizpild朝邸ana un aizpild朝ts anketas nos笛t朝邸ana atpaka勅
notiek nekltien jeb virtuli, izmantojot internetu.
Uzreiz pc anketas aizpild朝邸anas dati pa internetu tiek
nos笛t朝ti aptaujas veicjam un automtiski pievienojas
kop朝gajai datu bzei.
9. E-aptauju priek邸roc朝bas, 1
gandr朝z paz笛d pap朝rs & tipogrfija; pasts; datu
ievad朝邸ana; intervtji
agrko ned勅u vai mne邸u viet pat da転as stundas;
automatiztas aptaujas gad朝jum var sekot l朝dzi katra
konkrt br朝転a koprezulttiem
visur, kur internets, pat ja citos kontinentos (vieglk
sasniedzams atsevi邸跳as '朝pa邸s grupas')
10. E-aptauju priek邸roc朝bas, 2
'Lieli dati', lielas izlases
nav vairs tik b笛tisku izmaksu ats跳ir朝bu starp lielm un mazm aptaujm
Anketu dizains
jaukks, draudz朝gks, daudzveid朝gks, sare転庁朝tks
piem., vieglk izmantot vizulus, audio un video materilus; vieglk pievienot
paskaidrojumus un help failus; filtru un prju izmanto邸ana; iespjami visu
veidu jautjumi; atvrto atbildes nav tik strikti jierobe転o...
Br朝vka un int朝mka anketu aizpild朝邸ana
laika izvle un aizpild朝邸anas ilgums; nav tie邸as intervtja un blakussdtja
Bezmaksas e-aptauju r朝ki
11. Tr笛kumi, 1
praktiski nav iespjama kontrole, 朝pa邸i ja nav skaidri
zinms respondentu loks (庁enerlais kopums)
Maza respondence
~ 5% l朝dz 50%. Liela da勅a respondentu pamet anketu
pusrat (nogurst, apvainojs...)Abandonment of the survey
& dropouts: respondents who do not finish the questionnaire
Nekontroljamka anketas aizpild朝邸ana
(respondenti un viu atbildes)
12. Tr笛kumi, 2
Ierobe転otas izlases jeb iedz朝votju aptvrums
(coverage), jo:
a) ne visiem ir tehnika, pieeja... pie interneta (no visiem Latvijas
iedz朝votjiem interneta lietotju ir ap 70% [2011.g.])
b) be visi mk... e-zin邸anas (e-prat朝ba) un pieredze, lai vartu
b笛t par respondentu (joprojm samr liel sabiedr朝bas
neuztic朝ba e-lietm [ar朝 spama problma])
...nav iespjama piln朝ga (aptaujas veicjs var saemt IP
adresi u.c. datus)
13. Potencilie riski un ikdienas gr笛t朝bas
Respondentu motivcija
...m庁ina rad朝t, maksjot respondentiem vai piesolot balvas loterijas
veid (u.c. citi stimuli [jauks reklmas video ;)])
fonti (piem., diaktrisks z朝mes, kiri勅ica), kompji (jauda,
programmat笛ra), ekrnu lielumi, skaas, krsas...
Datu nopl笛de
nozag邸ana, uzhako邸ana, sagroz朝邸ana (e-vl邸anu piemrs)
Profesionli respondenti (nemain朝gi pane勅i)
14. Aptaujas un anketu veido邸anas tehnikas
(da転i ieteikumi & br朝dinjumi), 1
Jem vr at邸跳ir朝gi...
fonti, prl笛kprogrammas, datori (jauda, platformas,
programmas...), ekrnu lielumi, skaas, krsas, fonti...
5 min ir OK, bet vairk - ...
Jo mazk izv勅u, jo labk!
...respondents were more likely to endorse items when they were posed in the forced-
choice format than when they were posed in the check-all format . the forced-choice
format promotes better response behavior than does the check-all format. (Dillman
2007: 454)
15. Aptaujas un anketu veido邸anas tehnikas
(da転i ieteikumi & br朝dinjumi), 2
Skalu vizuli-semantiskais dizains
The conclusion we draw from these papers and others is that scales are very sensitive to
the effects of words, graphics, and numbers. (Dillman 2007: 482)
Paradati ("metadati")
laika mr朝邸ana; jautjumu atbild邸ana (redi庁邸ana); aptaujas
vieta.... is possible to collect for each respondent and each question the time it took to provide
an answer and whether any changes from the original answer were made. In addition,
for question asking for multiple responses (check-all items) it is possible to learn in what
order answers were selected. (Dillman 2007: 488)
16. Respondentu 'samed朝邸ana
Person朝gs uzaicinjums (e-past, soc. t朝klos), ja ir kontakti
re庁istri, datu bzes (piem., mans gmail konts; ministrijas mjas lapa),
sniega pika
Uzaicinjums noteiktai mr跳auditorijai, grupai, kopienai, ja
nav kontaktu
aptaujas saite lap, socilajos t朝klos, e-pasta lists (piem., domubiedru
grup, man FB profil, iznirsto邸ais logs (Pop-Up)...)
Profesionlie respondenti un profesionl rekrut邸ana
Pane勅i - A group of recruited survey participants who have agreed to take part in surveys.
They have usually shared an extensive amount of information about themselves and
their households, which can be used for appropriate sample selection.
17. Aptaujas gaitas kontrole un datu t朝r朝邸ana
...gan respondentu (uzved朝bas), gan viu atbil転u
pirms aptaujas
uniklas aptaujas adreses (var b笛t salinkotas ar konkrtu e-pastu)
aptaujas gait
atgdin邸ana - l朝dz trim reizm (Follow-Up Invitations, send reminders)
ieprogrammi r朝ki (k勅笛das un automtiski labojumi valod & ciparos, br朝dinjumi
par neatbildtiem jautjumiem, izv勅u izdar朝邸anas krt朝bas re庁istr邸ana...)
pc aptaujas
pc IP adreses
laiks (intervls starp viendu IP adre邸u anketm)
18. Pc aptaujas
Klasiskie so勅i:
datu izvrt邸ana - vai sasniegta izlase, vai pietiekami
kvalitat朝vas anketas...
t朝r朝邸ana (cleaning) - skat. iepr. slaidu
eksport邸ana - parasti 'caur ekseli'
anal朝ze - daudzas e-platformas to 勅au dar朝t tie邸saist,
neizmantojot anal朝zes standartprogrammas
19. Web-formu jautjumu un skalu veidi
u.c. terminolo庁ija
Radio buttons
HTML boxes
Check boxes
Pull down menus
際際滷r scales
Pop up menus
Help screens
Sub menus
D朝vaina versija latviski:
20. R朝ki un resursi
Simtiem e-aptauju servisu un platformu.
(it k) Top online survey websites
Google, skat. 2013.02.22. u.c.
21. Secinjumi & kopsavilkums, 1
jauns aptaujas veids (10-15 gadi)
daudz vl maz zinm, maz pt朝t
tehnolo庁ija att朝sts, tpat k potenc.
respondentu zin邸anas (ieskaitot to, k izvair朝ties
no anket邸anas)
22. Secinjumi & kopsavilkums, 2
Galvens priek邸roc朝bas:
Galvenie tr笛kumi*:
maza respondence
23. Citi e-izptes r朝ku veidi & nkotne
e-r朝ku kombin邸ana un mikse邸ana (piem., ats +
pa邸aizpildms anketas)
visiem ir eID un visi ir sasniedzami e-veid?
24. Avoti
Bickman L, Rog DJ, editors. Handbook of applied social research methods. The SAGE handbook of
applied social research methods; 2009.
Dillman DA. Mail and internet surveys: The tailored design method [Internets]. John Wiley & Sons;
Sue VM, Ritter LA. Conducting online surveys. Sage Publications, Incorporated; 2007.
AAPOR. Standard Definitions - Final Dispositions of Case Codes and Outcome Rates for Surveys
[Internets]. 2011 [citts 2013. gada 24. februr朝].
Survey Sampling International (SSI) Glossary of Research and Sampling Terms For Internet,
Telephone and Mail Surveys
Globlo 'pane勅u' paraugi:
25. tika
ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and
Marketing Research) Guideline for Online Research
Council of American Survey Research Organizations -
Code of Standards and Ethics
Editor's Notes
#7: Pc TELEFONAPTAUJM: bez answering machine, bez numuru noteicjiem, bez alternat朝vm - ja zvana, bija jce勅! -- l朝dz As the telephone became a major method of marketing products and substantial increases in unwanted calls occurred, people increasingly became less tolerant of such intrusions (Dillon 2007:8)
#14: Ironically, the enormous number of imaginative possibilities for constructing Web questionnaires also present major risks of increased survey error. Sometimes surveys are designed with a level of technical sophistication that makes it impossible for some Web users to receive and respond to them. (Dillon 2007:354)
#17: 1) Internet surveys of specifically named persons (i.e., using list based samples), 2) probability based Internet panels 3) non probability Internet panels, also called opt in or access panels 4) river samples or self recruited online samples (