The booklet of happiness - LithuaniaComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document discusses different definitions and perspectives on happiness. It states that happiness is found through enjoying life and relationships with others, being content with what you have, feeling complete fulfillment, and focusing on internal soul rather than external possessions or comparisons. Overall, the document explores happiness as an internal state of being rather than something dependent on external factors or achievements.
English Lesson - WWI diariesComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis lesson plan aims to teach secondary school students about World War I soldiers' experiences through analyzing their diaries and memoirs. Over two lessons, students will:
1) Research the historical background of WWI in groups and present their findings. They will then read individually about the soldiers' experiences.
2) In groups, students will analyze excerpts from four WWI diaries based on style, tone, sensory details, and character development. They will share their findings.
3) The goal is for students to gain a deeper understanding of what life was like for soldiers on the front lines and far from home during WWI through critically examining firsthand accounts.
Soldier E. BrookeComenius Projects in Paderewski1. The document provides context and questions about the poem "The Soldier" by Rupert Brooke. It asks the reader to make predictions, visualize imagery, and discuss the mood, author's style and purpose, and personal experiences related to the poem.
2. The poem is written from the perspective of a soldier who says that if he dies, he wants to be remembered as belonging to England forever. His body will decay into the foreign land but his spirit will return to England through thoughts and memories.
3. The soldier presents himself as proud of what England has given him and shaped him to be. He seems willing to sacrifice his life for his country and presents England in a positive light.
Avant-gardeComenius Projects in PaderewskiThe document discusses different avant-garde art movements that emerged in Europe following World War 1. It provides brief descriptions of 12 avant-garde styles including Futurism, Expressionism, Cubism, Dada, Surrealism, Fauvism, Constructivism, Conceptual Art, Land Art, and Minimalism. The movements generally aimed to reject traditional styles and find new ways of artistic expression, being inspired by science and technology. They developed new rules and assumptions about how to approach and create art.
Dadaism-cubism comparisonComenius Projects in PaderewskiDadaism and Cubism both originated in the early 20th century as rejections of traditional art forms and conventions. Dadaism began in Zurich in 1916 as a reaction against World War I, emphasizing randomness, absurdity and anti-art gestures. Cubism developed in France between 1907-1911 and aimed to depict reality through geometry rather than traditional perspective. Both movements influenced various art forms including painting, sculpture, photography, poetry and architecture. Key figures of Dadaism included Hugo Ball, Kurt Schwitters and Marcel Duchamp, while Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque led the development of Cubism.
Anna Dąbska -Design Thinking i nauczanie oparte na projektach w praktyceComenius Projects in PaderewskiAnna Dąbska -Design Thinking i nauczanie oparte na projektach w praktyce
Jak zorganizować lekcje języka obcego w szkole?Comenius Projects in PaderewskiJak zorganizować lekcje języka obcego w szkole? Anna Guldynowicz, Beata Jaruga, Agnieszka Marcewicz-Kuba
Aplikacje na lekcje powtórzeniowe prezentacjaComenius Projects in PaderewskiAplikacje na lekcje powtórzeniowe prezentacja Magdalena Kosior-Szychiewicz, Katarzyna Zdeb
Body Language presentation by Gabriel Larotta FlorezComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document discusses verbal and nonverbal communication. It defines body language as the language expressed through facial expressions, gestures, and body movements. Body language is an innate form of nonverbal communication that conveys emotions and messages without words. It is controlled by the limbic system of the brain and allows people to intuitively understand feelings through displays of comfort or discomfort. While some myths exist, like that certain behaviors always indicate deception, body language is a largely unconscious yet reliable form of communication important for social interactions.
Personal Statement TipsComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document provides guidance on writing a personal statement for university applications. It recommends including details about your course choice, academic skills, personal skills, work experience, and achievements/aspirations. The personal statement should be structured in 4 paragraphs discussing your interest in the course, related experience, extracurricular activities, and reasons for applying. The document advises focusing on strengths and virtues rather than boasting, and avoiding cliches, colloquial language, and being overly informal.
2nd issueComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document summarizes the activities and tasks completed during the Comenius 2013-2015 project on social well-being. It discusses four modules focused on how students feel at school, volunteering, social networks, managing stress, and time management. Some of the tasks included having students fill out a questionnaire on how they feel at school, creating a volunteer's guide, and presenting on social networks. The document also describes partner visits to Lithuania and Poland where students presented their results and participated in workshops on managing stress, ergonomics, and art therapy.
Lublin town-gameComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document describes a scavenger hunt game for students in Lublin, Poland. It provides 22 tasks for students to complete at various historic sites around the city. The tasks involve taking photos, reading plaques, listening to music, and learning about important events and people from Lublin's history. Key places mentioned include Lublin Castle, Grodzka Gate, the Old Theatre, Dominican Convent, Trinity Tower, and the Metropolitan Cathedral. The document emphasizes learning about Lublin's role as a center of Polish-Lithuanian union through landmarks like Lithuanian Square and its historic importance as a multi-cultural city at the crossroads of Eastern Europe.
You are what you eat 2Comenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document discusses healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. It begins by defining a healthy lifestyle as behaviors that keep the body and mind well, like exercising, eating nutritious foods, and avoiding drugs. It then lists the ten commandments of a healthy lifestyle, which include eating regular meals, drinking water, limiting salt and sugar intake, and exercising daily. It describes potential health issues from an unhealthy lifestyle like anorexia, obesity, and addictions. Finally, it discusses some dietary options like vegetarianism and divided eating.
You are what you eat Comenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document contains multiple choice questions about various health and lifestyle topics such as:
- How long a school project lasts (options are 1 month, 35-58 months, 2 years, 3 years)
- What percentage of a healthy lifestyle you can't control (options are 22%, 20%, 53%)
- How many rules you should follow to be healthy (options are 8 rules, 63 rules, the square root of 102 rules, 11 rules)
- How many times one should eat in a day (options are 5 or 6 times, you shouldn't eat, just dinner, every 24.5 minutes)
- How many grams of vegetables one should eat per day (options are 1 kg for every kg
Project based learning GuideComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document provides an overview of project-based learning (PBL). It defines PBL as a student-centered learning method where students work independently or collaboratively to solve real-world problems through research, skill-building, and developing competencies. The final products are then publicly presented. Benefits of PBL include deeper understanding, higher-order thinking, skill development, increased motivation, and preparing students for future careers. When implementing PBL, teachers act as facilitators while students plan and manage their own work. Successful projects follow steps like defining the topic and outcomes, creating a work plan and schedule, and selecting resources for research.
Comenius times, num.1 englishComenius Projects in PaderewskiThe document summarizes a Comenius multilateral school partnership project focused on well-being. It describes the project's modules addressing well-being from biological, psychological, social and occupational perspectives. It also discusses preparatory activities in Lithuania, a visit to Lublin Poland where students from 5 countries met to share experiences, and a visit to Eskisehir Turkey where students experienced Turkish culture and visited religious and historical sites. Upcoming visits to Sweden and Poland are also noted.
Anna Dąbska -Design Thinking i nauczanie oparte na projektach w praktyceComenius Projects in PaderewskiAnna Dąbska -Design Thinking i nauczanie oparte na projektach w praktyce
Jak zorganizować lekcje języka obcego w szkole?Comenius Projects in PaderewskiJak zorganizować lekcje języka obcego w szkole? Anna Guldynowicz, Beata Jaruga, Agnieszka Marcewicz-Kuba
Aplikacje na lekcje powtórzeniowe prezentacjaComenius Projects in PaderewskiAplikacje na lekcje powtórzeniowe prezentacja Magdalena Kosior-Szychiewicz, Katarzyna Zdeb
Body Language presentation by Gabriel Larotta FlorezComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document discusses verbal and nonverbal communication. It defines body language as the language expressed through facial expressions, gestures, and body movements. Body language is an innate form of nonverbal communication that conveys emotions and messages without words. It is controlled by the limbic system of the brain and allows people to intuitively understand feelings through displays of comfort or discomfort. While some myths exist, like that certain behaviors always indicate deception, body language is a largely unconscious yet reliable form of communication important for social interactions.
Personal Statement TipsComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document provides guidance on writing a personal statement for university applications. It recommends including details about your course choice, academic skills, personal skills, work experience, and achievements/aspirations. The personal statement should be structured in 4 paragraphs discussing your interest in the course, related experience, extracurricular activities, and reasons for applying. The document advises focusing on strengths and virtues rather than boasting, and avoiding cliches, colloquial language, and being overly informal.
2nd issueComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document summarizes the activities and tasks completed during the Comenius 2013-2015 project on social well-being. It discusses four modules focused on how students feel at school, volunteering, social networks, managing stress, and time management. Some of the tasks included having students fill out a questionnaire on how they feel at school, creating a volunteer's guide, and presenting on social networks. The document also describes partner visits to Lithuania and Poland where students presented their results and participated in workshops on managing stress, ergonomics, and art therapy.
Lublin town-gameComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document describes a scavenger hunt game for students in Lublin, Poland. It provides 22 tasks for students to complete at various historic sites around the city. The tasks involve taking photos, reading plaques, listening to music, and learning about important events and people from Lublin's history. Key places mentioned include Lublin Castle, Grodzka Gate, the Old Theatre, Dominican Convent, Trinity Tower, and the Metropolitan Cathedral. The document emphasizes learning about Lublin's role as a center of Polish-Lithuanian union through landmarks like Lithuanian Square and its historic importance as a multi-cultural city at the crossroads of Eastern Europe.
You are what you eat 2Comenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document discusses healthy and unhealthy lifestyles. It begins by defining a healthy lifestyle as behaviors that keep the body and mind well, like exercising, eating nutritious foods, and avoiding drugs. It then lists the ten commandments of a healthy lifestyle, which include eating regular meals, drinking water, limiting salt and sugar intake, and exercising daily. It describes potential health issues from an unhealthy lifestyle like anorexia, obesity, and addictions. Finally, it discusses some dietary options like vegetarianism and divided eating.
You are what you eat Comenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document contains multiple choice questions about various health and lifestyle topics such as:
- How long a school project lasts (options are 1 month, 35-58 months, 2 years, 3 years)
- What percentage of a healthy lifestyle you can't control (options are 22%, 20%, 53%)
- How many rules you should follow to be healthy (options are 8 rules, 63 rules, the square root of 102 rules, 11 rules)
- How many times one should eat in a day (options are 5 or 6 times, you shouldn't eat, just dinner, every 24.5 minutes)
- How many grams of vegetables one should eat per day (options are 1 kg for every kg
Project based learning GuideComenius Projects in PaderewskiThis document provides an overview of project-based learning (PBL). It defines PBL as a student-centered learning method where students work independently or collaboratively to solve real-world problems through research, skill-building, and developing competencies. The final products are then publicly presented. Benefits of PBL include deeper understanding, higher-order thinking, skill development, increased motivation, and preparing students for future careers. When implementing PBL, teachers act as facilitators while students plan and manage their own work. Successful projects follow steps like defining the topic and outcomes, creating a work plan and schedule, and selecting resources for research.
Comenius times, num.1 englishComenius Projects in PaderewskiThe document summarizes a Comenius multilateral school partnership project focused on well-being. It describes the project's modules addressing well-being from biological, psychological, social and occupational perspectives. It also discusses preparatory activities in Lithuania, a visit to Lublin Poland where students from 5 countries met to share experiences, and a visit to Eskisehir Turkey where students experienced Turkish culture and visited religious and historical sites. Upcoming visits to Sweden and Poland are also noted.
Jak grać i uczyć?- Justyna Stojek i Monika Wiśniowska
1. „Jak grać i uczyć?”
Szkolenie dla nauczycieli w zakresie wykorzystania TIK
w ramach projektu POWER „Mobilność kadry edukacji szkolnej”
organizowane w dniu 24.11.2017 r.
w Lubelskim Centrum Konferencyjnym ul. Grottgera 2 w Lublinie
Aplikacje/strony internetowe:
1. Quizlet
✓ Fiszki (możliwość tworzenia zestawów ze zdjęciami)
✓ Możliwość wymiany zestawów opracowanych pojęć w grupach (uczniowie sami mogą je tworzyć)
✓ Wyszukiwarka zestawów w bazie danych
✓ Posiada 4 różne sposoby uczenia się
✓ Ma wbudowany syntezator głosu w różnych językach
✓ Generowanie testów
✓ Tworzenie quizów
✓ Gry indywidualne
✓ Gry grupowe:
2. Factile
✓ Gra planszowa online
✓ Poziomowanie trudności pytań (suma pieniężna przyznawana za pytania)
✓ Praca w grupach
2. 3. Kahoot
Strona do tworzenia quizów:
Strona do logowania dla uczniów:
✓ Praca indywidualna, w parach, w grupach
✓ Komputer, tablet, smartfon
✓ Opcja ‘quiz’- tworzenie i przeprowadzanie interaktywnych quizów
✓ Opcja ‘jumblegame’- np. układanie wydarzeń, procesów, etapów, słów w zdaniach (w nauce
języków) w odpowiedniej kolejności
✓ Opcja ‘discussion’- inicjowanie dyskusji klasowej, grupowej, w parach
✓ Przyznawanie punktów / nagród- opcja podium ☺
✓ Możliwość dzielenia się swoimi ‘kahootami’ z innymi nauczycielami, opcje ustawienia
✓ Wyszukiwarka ‘kahootów’ w bazie programu
✓ Przebojowa melodyjka w tle, która mobilizuje do działania tych najbardziej ospałych i
4. Socrative
Strona dla nauczyciela (SocrativeTeacher):
Strona dla ucznia (Socrative Student):
✓ Praca indywidualna, w parach, w grupach
✓ Komputer, tablet, smartfon
✓ Interaktywne quizy mogą mieć charakter: testu wielokrotnego wybory, pytań: prawda/
fałsz oraz pytania otwartego
✓ Opcja pracy grupach (Space Race) pozwala na dobieranie się w grupy/pary samodzielnie lub
program może w tym wyręczyć uczniów ☺
✓ Możliwość ‘podglądu’ każdej odpowiedzi ucznia, obserwacji postępów ucznia/ grupy
✓ Możliwość dzielenia się swoimi quizami z innymi nauczycielami oraz pobrania zestawu
pytań w formacie pdf