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Learning spaces and the future of
Tryggvi Thayer
May, 2022
A subtle but significant
change over the last decade
The increasingly fuzzy line separating
the physical and the digital
 Communicate with anyone at any time
 Virtual reality
 Media manipulation (fake news  echo
 Augmented reality (physical and digital
Two concept
pairs to frame
this talk
 Striated and smooth space
(Deleuze & Guattari, 1987)
 Physical and functional reality
(my own jam)
Striated and smooth space
Striated space: controlled, structured, regulated
 Movement is limited
 Perception is limited
 Action is limited
Smooth space: open, tranparent, traversible
 Movement is free
 Perception is unhindered
 Action is unlimited
Technology in striated spaces
Modern ICTs have a significant smoothing effect on our spaces
Physical and functional
realities in learning spaces
We are placed in physical realities:
 Demarcated by walls and other obstructions
 Everything has its place and purpose
 Actions are purposefully constricted
We construct functional realities:
 Defined by the environment/community with
which we are interacting at any given moment
 Subjective, boundaryless bubbles that exist within
our physical reality
 Are enhanced by smooth space (more affordances)
What does all
this mean for
learning spaces?
Multiple smooth spaces coexist within a learning space:
 Unhindered access to vast amount of resources
 Unperceived individuals have a presence within the learning space
 Any individual within the learning space is potentially interacting with
an unperceived functional reality
 Perceived environments are individualised
 Striated spaces are transcended
Designing learning spaces
for the future
Learning spaces designed to accommodate
smooth space:
 Ubiquitous technology
 Access to resources and intelligences is
unhindered (and promoted)
 Facilitate functional realities that are
conducive to learning (its all about the
affordances, see Thayer, 2016)
 Striations are made to be transcended
 Maintaining connectivity within smooth
learning spaces is the central challenge
(Deleuze & Guattaris rhizome concept)
Image: Marc Ngui https://happysleepy.com/
Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1987). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia (Massumi, B.,
Trans.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Thayer, T. (2016, August 24). Addendum on affordances and educational technology. Education4site.

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Learning spaces and the future of learning

  • 1. Learning spaces and the future of learning Tryggvi Thayer MVS H May, 2022
  • 2. A subtle but significant change over the last decade The increasingly fuzzy line separating the physical and the digital Communicate with anyone at any time Virtual reality Media manipulation (fake news echo chambers) Augmented reality (physical and digital merge)
  • 3. Two concept pairs to frame this talk Striated and smooth space (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987) Physical and functional reality (my own jam)
  • 4. Striated and smooth space Striated space: controlled, structured, regulated Movement is limited Perception is limited Action is limited Smooth space: open, tranparent, traversible Movement is free Perception is unhindered Action is unlimited
  • 5. Technology in striated spaces Modern ICTs have a significant smoothing effect on our spaces
  • 6. Physical and functional realities in learning spaces We are placed in physical realities: Demarcated by walls and other obstructions Everything has its place and purpose Actions are purposefully constricted We construct functional realities: Defined by the environment/community with which we are interacting at any given moment Subjective, boundaryless bubbles that exist within our physical reality Are enhanced by smooth space (more affordances)
  • 7. What does all this mean for learning spaces? Multiple smooth spaces coexist within a learning space: Unhindered access to vast amount of resources Unperceived individuals have a presence within the learning space Any individual within the learning space is potentially interacting with an unperceived functional reality Perceived environments are individualised Striated spaces are transcended
  • 8. Designing learning spaces for the future Learning spaces designed to accommodate smooth space: Ubiquitous technology Access to resources and intelligences is unhindered (and promoted) Facilitate functional realities that are conducive to learning (its all about the affordances, see Thayer, 2016) Striations are made to be transcended Maintaining connectivity within smooth learning spaces is the central challenge (Deleuze & Guattaris rhizome concept) Image: Marc Ngui https://happysleepy.com/
  • 9. References Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1987). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia (Massumi, B., Trans.) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Thayer, T. (2016, August 24). Addendum on affordances and educational technology. Education4site. http://www.education4site.org/blog/2016/addendum-on-affordances-and-educational- technology/.

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1988).油A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia. Bloomsbury Publishing. P&F is my own distinction. It may well be that it could be found in some literature but I am not referencing anything in particular here. This is my own way of describing what has emerged from my own research. Physical reality: The reality independent of ourselves that is constituted by the physical objects, structures and beings in our environment. Functional reality: The environment subjectively perceived by ourselves that we can employ for whatever purposes we deem necessary at any given time or place.
  • #9: http://www.education4site.org/blog/2016/addendum-on-affordances-and-educational-technology/