Kennarar 鱈 Fellask坦la s坦ttu n叩mskei丹 um samr脱丹u sem kennslua丹fer丹. n叩mskei丹inu var fjalla丹 um tengsl hugsunar og tungum叩ls og 綻叩tt samr脱丹unnar 鱈 a丹 styrkja b叩丹a 綻脱ttina. Kennarar unnu samr脱丹uverkefni 叩 n叩mskei丹inu og m叩 sj叩 brot af vinnu 綻eirra 叩 gl脱runum.
Learning spaces and the future of learningTryggvi Thayer
This document discusses how learning spaces are changing due to the blurring line between the physical and digital. It introduces the concepts of "striated space" which is structured and limited, versus "smooth space" which is open and allows free movement, perception and action. Modern technology has a smoothing effect by allowing connectivity and access to vast resources. The document argues learning spaces should be designed to accommodate multiple overlapping smooth spaces by providing ubiquitous technology and maintaining connectivity to facilitate flexible functional realities that are conducive to learning.
Erindi 叩 n箪nemakynningu 叩 menntav鱈sindasvi丹i H. Umfj旦llun um birtingamyndir sk坦la 鱈 v鱈sindask叩ldskap byggt 叩 nokkrum af d脱mum sem 辿g hef safna丹 s鱈丹ustu 15 叩r.
This document discusses international comparative surveys (ICS) of education systems. ICS projects aim to provide comparable data on education across countries to encourage reflection and improvement. They are used to gauge national education systems and identify best practices. However, some argue ICS have led countries to adopt standardized testing and corporate management models through the global education reform movement. While ICS increase awareness of other systems, they may also disrupt efforts to develop education that cultivates creativity and well-being.
Kennarar 鱈 Fellask坦la s坦ttu n叩mskei丹 um samr脱丹u sem kennslua丹fer丹. n叩mskei丹inu var fjalla丹 um tengsl hugsunar og tungum叩ls og 綻叩tt samr脱丹unnar 鱈 a丹 styrkja b叩丹a 綻脱ttina. Kennarar unnu samr脱丹uverkefni 叩 n叩mskei丹inu og m叩 sj叩 brot af vinnu 綻eirra 叩 gl脱runum.
Learning spaces and the future of learningTryggvi Thayer
This document discusses how learning spaces are changing due to the blurring line between the physical and digital. It introduces the concepts of "striated space" which is structured and limited, versus "smooth space" which is open and allows free movement, perception and action. Modern technology has a smoothing effect by allowing connectivity and access to vast resources. The document argues learning spaces should be designed to accommodate multiple overlapping smooth spaces by providing ubiquitous technology and maintaining connectivity to facilitate flexible functional realities that are conducive to learning.
Erindi 叩 n箪nemakynningu 叩 menntav鱈sindasvi丹i H. Umfj旦llun um birtingamyndir sk坦la 鱈 v鱈sindask叩ldskap byggt 叩 nokkrum af d脱mum sem 辿g hef safna丹 s鱈丹ustu 15 叩r.
This document discusses international comparative surveys (ICS) of education systems. ICS projects aim to provide comparable data on education across countries to encourage reflection and improvement. They are used to gauge national education systems and identify best practices. However, some argue ICS have led countries to adopt standardized testing and corporate management models through the global education reform movement. While ICS increase awareness of other systems, they may also disrupt efforts to develop education that cultivates creativity and well-being.
This document summarizes a presentation about megatrends, forward-looking leadership, and futures thinking. It discusses analyzing forces driving change through lenses like technology, social trends, and environment. It also covers identifying megatrends, using tools like futures wheels and scenarios to explore impacts and possibilities. The presentation aims to provide an overview of futures methodologies and leadership strategies for addressing long-term needs.
Technological development & the future of education: The next 20 yearsTryggvi Thayer
This document discusses how technological developments may impact education over the next 20 years. It outlines plans for a new School of Education Plaza that will facilitate collaboration between educators. It then describes 5 emerging technology trends and how they could influence 21st century skills. Key elements of education that may be affected are student autonomy, transactional distance between instructors and learners, and learning environments. Three scenarios are presented varying these elements from low to high levels. The document concludes with a workshop on using scenarios as diagnostic and visioning tools to explore relationships between technology and education.
Augmented reality: The next frontier for learningTryggvi Thayer
Augmented reality (AR) supplements the real world with virtual objects that appear to coexist in the same space. As AR and other technologies further blend the real and digital worlds, educators must prepare students for a more complex multidimensional reality. Functional reality describes an individual's usable relationship with their environment, and educators should help expand learners' functional realities. Learning as "realization" involves understanding one's environment, creative construction of new understandings, and sharing knowledge with others using available tools. AR and other technologies will dramatically impact society and require rethinking education to focus on realization through hands-on experiences that illuminate contexts.
21st Century Skills and teachers' professional developmentTryggvi Thayer
The document discusses the future of technology in education and teacher professional development. It argues that teachers need to develop 21st century skills like traversing flexible learning environments, exploring new ideas through nomadic discovery, and using social media to optimize information sharing. Teachers should move from a reactive, past-focused approach to a proactive stance of imagining new possibilities to construct optimal futures for students.
Education Plaza: Online communities of practice for educatorsTryggvi Thayer
Presentation for NLS network of Nordic teachers' unions in Reykjav鱈k, 6. June, 2016.
The philosophy behind Education Plaza's approach to continuous professional development and the Samspil 2015 ICT in education training initiative.
Veldisvaxandi t脱knibreytingar og 綻ekkingar綻arfir kennara:Hva丹 綻urfa kennarar...Tryggvi Thayer
Erindi flutt 叩 Vorr叩丹stefnu MSHA 2016: Snjallari saman.
Hva丹a framt鱈丹 sj叩um vi丹 fyrir sk坦la og sk坦lastarf me丹 tilliti til t脱kni綻r坦unar? Hvernig geta/脱ttu kennarar og sk坦lastj坦rnendur a丹 breg丹ast vi丹?
5. Hva丹 ger丹ist 綻egar 辿g ba丹 ykkur a丹 breyta
stillingum 叩 snjallt脱kjum ykkar?
1. Verk a丹 vinna
Minnka truflandi 叩hrif snjallt脱kis
2. Meta a丹st脱丹ur
Hva丹 er snjallt脱ki?
Hvernig getur snjallt脱ki trufla丹?
Hva丹 er truflandi 鱈 綻essu samhengi?
(Hva丹 kemst 辿g upp me丹?)
3. Meta kosti
Hva丹 geri 辿g vi丹 snjallt脱ki丹 til a丹 minnka truflun (mi丹a丹 vi丹 a丹st脱丹ur)?
4. Framkv脱ma
Gera 綻a丹 sem 辿g get og tel a丹 n脱gi til a丹 verki丹 teljist unni丹
7. Gagnsemi hluta
Hlutverk og notagildi hluta r脱丹st af:
Hva丹 vi丹 viljum gera
A丹gengi a丹 vi丹eigandi verkf脱rum
Gefum hlutum n旦fn en hva丹 綻eir eru r脱丹st af 綻v鱈 hva丹 vi丹 getum gert me丹
綻eim hverju sinni.
etta l箪sir 鱈 hnotskurn 綻v鱈 sem vi丹 k旦llum athafnakosti (e. affordances)
8. Hugsa丹i til 綻鱈n
Sendi丹 einhverjum sem er n叩komin ykkur skilabo丹:
H脱 var丹 hugsa丹 til 綻鱈n
9. Hugsa丹i til 綻鱈n
L脱si丹 snjallt脱kinu ykkar
Skiptist 叩 t脱kjum vi丹 einhvern n叩l脱gt ykkur
Sendi丹 n炭 s旦mu manneskju skilabo丹:
etta er fyrir sk坦laverkefni
11. Athafnakostir (e. affordances):
Tv脱r skilgreiningar sem 炭tiloka hvora a丹ra
Gibson (1979):
The affordances of the environment are what it offers the animal, what it provides or
furnishes either for good or ill. The verb to afford is found in the dictionary, but the noun
affordance is not. I have made it up. I mean by it something that refers to both the
environment and the animal in a way that no existing term does. It implies the
complementarity of the animal and the environment. (p. 56)
Norman (1988):
the term affordance refers to the perceived and actual properties of the thing, primarily
those fundamental properties that determine just how the thing could possibly be used.
[] Affordances provide strong clues to the operations of things. Plates are for pushing.
Knobs are for turning. Slots are for inserting things into. Balls are for throwing or bouncing.
When affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking: no
picture, label, or instruction needed. (p.9)
12. Athafnakostir og bein skynjun
l鱈kar forsendur Gibson og Norman:
Bein skynjun (e. direct perception):
Gibson: ll merking er 鱈 veruleikanum 綻ar sem einstaklingar skynja hana beint 叩n
mi丹lunar 辿g skil til hvers hlutirnir eru 炭t fr叩 umhverfislegu samhengi. Bein skynjun er
verufr脱丹ilegur grunnur skynjunar.
Norman: Merking mi丹last 鱈 gegnum hugtakalega forskrift og er varpa丹 叩 ver旦ldina 辿g
skil til hvers hlutirnir eru vegna 綻ess a丹 辿g s辿 綻a丹 叩 綻eim. Bein skynjun er hugar叩stand,
綻.e. a丹 einstaklingur skynjar hlut beint 綻egar athygli hans beinist a丹 eiginleikum hluta.
Forsendur Gibson og Norman eru andst脱丹ir p坦lar.
Ef vi丹 sam綻ykkjum skilgreiningu Gibson ver丹um vi丹 a丹 hafna skilgreiningu
Norman og 旦fugt.
20. Athafnakostir 鱈 menntunarfr脱丹um
(nnur en upphafleg skrif Gibson & Norman)
Greinar sem mest er v鱈sa丹 鱈 og 綻ar sem fjalla丹 er um fr脱丹ilegar undirst旦丹ur hugtaksins athafnakostir 鱈
tengslum vi丹 UT 鱈 n叩mi og kennslu:
Conole, G., & Dyke, M. (2004). What are the affordances of information and communication technologies?. Association for
Learning Technology Journal, 12(2), 113-124.
Kirschner, P., Strijbos, J. W., Kreijns, K., & Beers, P. J. (2004). Designing electronic collaborative learning environments.
Educational technology research and development, 52(3), 47-66.
Pea, R. (1993) Practices of distributed intelligence and designs for education, in: G. Salomon (Ed.) Distributed cognition.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
nnur fr脱丹ileg skrif sem oft er v鱈sa丹 鱈 sem fjalla ekki beint um UT 鱈 n叩mi og kennslu:
Gaver, W. W. (1991). Technology affordances. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing
systems (pp. 79-84). ACM.
Hutchby, I. (2001). Technologies, texts and affordances. Sociology, 35(2), 441-456.
McGrenere, J. and Ho, W. (2000). Affordances: Clarifying and Evolving a Concept. Paper presented at Graphics Interface
2000, Montreal.
Mikilv脱g fr脱丹ilegar umfjallanir um athafnakosti sem sjaldan er v鱈sa丹 鱈 鱈 greinum um UT 鱈 n叩mi og kennslu:
Chemero, A. (2003). An outline of a theory of affordances. Ecological Psychology, 15(2), 181-195.
Warren, W. H. (1984). Perceiving affordances: Visual guidance of stair climbing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception and Performance, 10, 683703.
Turvey, M. (1992). Affordances and prospective control: An outline of the ontology. Ecological Psychology, 4, 173187.
21. Athafnakostir
UT 鱈 n叩mi og kennslu
Pea (1993): Ein fyrsta notkun hugtaksins athafnakostir 鱈 tengslum vi丹
UT og menntun:
In Gibson's (1979, 1982) work on the ecology of perception, the notion of
"affordances" of objects that link perception and action is central. "Affordance"
refers to the perceived and actual properties of a thing, primarily those
functional properties that determine just how the thing could possibly be
V鱈sa丹 er 鱈 Gibson en skilgreining sem er notu丹 er Normans.
22. Athafnakostir
UT 鱈 n叩mi og kennslu
Flokkun Conole & Dyke 叩 athafnakostum UT (2004):
Salomon describes Gibsons concept of affordances as follows.
Affordance refers to the perceived and actual properties of a thing, primarily those
functional properties that determine just how the thing could possibly be used. (Salomon,
1993, p. 51)
Salomon goes on to describe how Norman has developed this concept
Ath: V鱈sa丹 er ranglega 鱈 Salomon. essi tilv鱈sun er 鱈 Pea (1993).
Skilgreining Normans 叩 athafnakostum brei丹ist 炭t en undir nafni Gibsons.
23. Athafnakostir
UT 鱈 n叩mi og kennslu
Fj旦ldi tilv鱈sana 鱈 b脱丹i Gibson & Norman gefa til kynna a丹 gengi丹 er 炭t
fr叩 綻v鱈 a丹 um s辿 a丹 r脱丹a:
Blanda丹 hugtak: Ekki h脱gt! Hugt旦kin 炭tiloka hvort anna丹.
Sama hugtaki丹: Van綻ekking 叩 literat炭rnum.
Hugtakaleg 綻r坦un: L鱈ti丹 um gagnr箪na umr脱丹u um undirliggjandi kenningar.
hrifamikil fr脱丹ileg skrif eru bygg丹 叩 hugtaki Normans.
Athafnakostir eru sj叩anlegir eiginleikar hluta.
Merking skapast me丹 samspili skynjunar og hugr脱nna t叩kngervinga.
24. Af hverju skipta athafnakostir m叩li:
Framt鱈丹 menntunar
R旦kin fyrir 綻v鱈 a丹 horfa til framt鱈丹ar:
rar t脱knibreytingar
rar samf辿lagsbreytingar
Menntun er undirb炭ningur fyrir framt鱈丹ina
10-15+ 叩r fram 鱈 t鱈mann
hrif 叩kvar丹ana sem eru teknar 鱈 dag
hrif 叩kvar丹ana teknar 鱈 framt鱈丹inni
Menntun 叩 a丹 lei丹a - ekki fylgja
Framt鱈丹ars箪n 鱈 menntam叩lum endurspeglar framt鱈丹ina sem vi丹 viljum.
25. Athafnakostir og t脱kni framt鱈丹arinnar
Athafnakostir eru 坦lj坦sir (e丹a hreinlega ekki til) ef hluturinn hefur ekki veri丹
Getum l鱈ti丹 sem ekkert vita丹 um t脱kni framt鱈丹arinnar fyrr en b炭i丹 er a丹
hanna hana.
Athafnakostir birtast 鱈 samspili umhverfis, einstaklings og 綻ess sem hann vill
Getum gert grein fyrir athafnakostum t脱kni framt鱈丹arinnar ef vi丹 綻ekkjum
umhverfi丹 og einstaklinginn.
35. Framt鱈丹in er ekki eitthva丹 sem kemur fyrir
okkur heldur eitthva丹 sem vi丹 sk旦pum og
m坦tum me丹 okkar ath旦fnum og
Margir, aftur og aftur
The primary goal of futures studies is, to create a
new sense of time; to stretch time by including a
longer vision of time within our forecasts, decision
making, and living.
Inayatullah, 1990
36. A丹 sj叩 m旦guleika framt鱈丹arinnar
Birtingarmynd framt鱈丹arinnar er oftast 旦nnur en sp叩丹 hefur veri丹.
Gengur oft illa a丹 t鱈masetja framt鱈丹ina.
Athafnir og vilji f坦lks segja meira en myndir e丹a or丹.
37. Kerfislegt 綻r箪sti- og a丹haldsafl breytinga
togast 叩
Vi丹 gerum ekki allt sem vi丹 getum og
yfirleitt af g坦丹ri 叩st脱丹u.
38. Breytingar旦fl
Hva丹 kemur til me丹 a丹 hafa 叩hrif 叩 menntun?
Breytingar 鱈 atvinnul鱈fi
F坦lksflutningar um allan heim
N箪 t脱kni
Einn gegnum gangandi 綻r叩丹ur
39. T脱kni og n叩m
5 st坦rar bylgjur 鱈 t脱kni綻r坦un
1. Gr鱈丹arlegt magn gagna (Gagnagn坦tt/big data)
2. Skil milli 綻ess raunverulega og stafr脱na a丹 ver丹a 坦lj坦s (S箪ndar- & gagnaukinn
veruleiki/virtual & augmented reality)
3. Allt a丹 ver丹a stafr脱nt (Afefnisv脱丹ing/dematerialization)
4. V辿lar sem beita gagnr箪ninni hugsun (Gervigreind/artificial intelligence)
5. Allsvegar sam綻脱tt t脱kni (kl脱丹anleg & 鱈gr脱丹anleg t脱kni/wearables &
21. aldar h脱fni m坦tast af 綻essum t脱kni綻r坦unum!
40. Athafnakostir t脱kni framt鱈丹arinnar 鱈 n叩mi og
1. hrif 叩 umhverfi
Hvar fer n叩m fram?
2. Breytt geta getum gert meira/anna丹 me丹 n箪rri t脱kni
Hva丹 vill/getur nemandi gert?
Hva丹 vill/getur kennari gert?
3. relding h脱fni/綻ekkingar
Hva丹 綻urfum vi丹 ekki a丹 kenna?
Hva丹 kemur 鱈 sta丹inn?
Hvernig l鱈tur 綻etta allt 炭t fr叩 sj坦narhorni
sk坦lastj坦rnenda, kennara, nemenda?
41. Verkefni
( p旦rum)
Velji丹 eitt af st坦ru breytingarbylgjunum.
Sj叩 QR k坦丹a
Kynni丹 ykkur vi丹komandi t脱kni og fyrirsj叩anlegar breytingar 叩 netinu.
Meti丹 breytinguna me丹 hli丹sj坦n af 3 綻叩ttum athafnakosta t脱kni
Setji丹 fram minnst 3 hugmyndir um hvernig kennarar g脱tu n箪tt
t脱knina 叩 j叩kv脱丹an og uppbyggilegan h叩tt 鱈 n叩mi og kennslu.
Veri丹 skapandi, dj旦rf og hugsi丹 STRT!