ITU Telecom 2013 Workshop: New Telecom Opportunities in Voice and MessagingDean Bubley
Presentation slides from workshop run by Martin Geddes & Dean Bubley, at the ITU Telecom World 2013 conference in Bangkok, November 2013.
Covers the evolution of the "phone call" towards new forms of voice communication, the end of telecom services ubiquity, the rise of the OTT model, opportunities from Hypervoice, Telco-OTT services and the new technology of WebRTC. Also covers other areas of VoIP, IMS, SMS, RCS / joyn & the challenge for regulators and telco organisations
The document provides an overview of the early punk world and its evolution over time. It mentions key locations and bands that helped develop different punk genres from the late 1960s through the early 2000s. These include early punk scenes in Detroit, New York, and London that influenced later developments in hardcore punk, ska, glam rock, and other genres across locations like California, Washington DC, Ireland, and Northwest America.
1. The document discusses a lecture given by Dr. George Hegedus on the power of electrodermal screening (EIS) in clinical practice.
2. EIS was shown to be useful in detecting food intolerances like gluten and casein, and dietary changes based on EIS results led to health improvements for patients.
3. A comparison of EIS measurements between Hungarian and Arab populations found differences that correlate with lifestyle and disease statistics. Monitoring of a weight loss program using EIS showed successful results.
Max Intl Presentation 1226893609673285 9donswanson
This document summarizes a nanotechnology product called Max N-Fuze that efficiently delivers targeted nutrients to support optimal cell function, communication, and defense. It is described as the ideal companion to MaxGXL and MaxWLX supplements by a medical doctor. The document also outlines a 3 step program for those interested in the opportunity, including purchasing a starter kit and product packs, as well as recommendations for earning income by sponsoring others.
This document contains summaries of graphic design projects for various clients. It describes logos, brochures, flyers, and advertisements created for a business advisor, landscaping company, music festival, natural products consultant, dance studio, and zoo. The designs conveyed intended messages through imagery and layout tailored to each client's needs.
This survey asked parents about their experiences accessing healthcare for their children through CHIP over the last 6 months. The key findings were:
- Nearly all (99%) respondents confirmed their child was insured by CHIP
- Most respondents (74%) reported no problems finding a provider they were happy with
- Wait times to see providers for routine care were typically less than a week
- Urgent and emergency care was usually received as soon as wanted (75-78% same day)
This document discusses electrical circuit components and connections. It mentions parallel and series resistor configurations as well as circuit diagrams showing resistors connected in parallel and series with positive and negative terminals. The document also repeats the title "Applied Electrical Technology 2" several times.
Never before in th history of corporate America is there been a need for a new breed of leadership. We need to get back to the basics of Integrity, Honesty and putting others before self.
Oak Hall School's inaugural student exchange trip to China would take place over spring break in 2011. The itinerary included flights to Seoul and Beijing, with tours of historic sites like the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall of China. Students would then take an overnight train to Shanghai to see modern areas like The Bund, and travel by train to Changzhou to visit Changzhou #2 Senior Middle School and landmarks in the city. Additional destinations included Suzhou known as the Venice of China, and return travel to Shanghai via bullet train to end the trip at the Shanghai airport.
Angels are created from light by Allah. Jinns are created from smokeless fire, while humans are created from clay. Angels obey Allah completely and do not rebel, while jinns have free will and can believe or disbelieve. Satan was a jinn, not an angel, who disobeyed Allah's command to prostrate before Adam.
The document discusses creating an all-inclusive ministry to men with the purpose of making disciples. It emphasizes having a wide and deep cultural and biblical approach focused on developing Christian leadership through three strands: priority of man, portal to change, and code for sustaining change and capturing momentum to create value.
The document summarizes key concepts from Blue Ocean Strategy. It discusses value innovation as creating value for both the company and buyers by eliminating or reducing competition factors and raising or creating new elements. It contrasts red ocean strategy of competing within existing industry boundaries versus blue ocean strategy of creating new market space without competition. The six principles of blue ocean strategy aim to reconstruct market boundaries, reach beyond existing demand, and overcome organizational hurdles to strategy execution. Tools like the strategy canvas, four actions framework, and profit model are presented to help visualize and implement blue ocean strategies.
This document describes how to calculate the rotor frequency of a two-pole, 50 Hz induction motor with a rotor speed of 2850 rpm. It first finds the slip speed as 3000 rpm, then calculates the slip as 5%, and uses this to determine the rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz.
Max Intl Presentation 1226893609673285 9donswanson
This document summarizes a nanotechnology product called Max N-Fuze that efficiently delivers targeted nutrients to support optimal cell function, communication, and defense. It is described as the ideal companion to MaxGXL and MaxWLX supplements by a medical doctor. The document also outlines a 3 step program for those interested in the opportunity, including purchasing a starter kit and product packs, as well as recommendations for earning income by sponsoring others.
This document contains summaries of graphic design projects for various clients. It describes logos, brochures, flyers, and advertisements created for a business advisor, landscaping company, music festival, natural products consultant, dance studio, and zoo. The designs conveyed intended messages through imagery and layout tailored to each client's needs.
This survey asked parents about their experiences accessing healthcare for their children through CHIP over the last 6 months. The key findings were:
- Nearly all (99%) respondents confirmed their child was insured by CHIP
- Most respondents (74%) reported no problems finding a provider they were happy with
- Wait times to see providers for routine care were typically less than a week
- Urgent and emergency care was usually received as soon as wanted (75-78% same day)
This document discusses electrical circuit components and connections. It mentions parallel and series resistor configurations as well as circuit diagrams showing resistors connected in parallel and series with positive and negative terminals. The document also repeats the title "Applied Electrical Technology 2" several times.
Never before in th history of corporate America is there been a need for a new breed of leadership. We need to get back to the basics of Integrity, Honesty and putting others before self.
Oak Hall School's inaugural student exchange trip to China would take place over spring break in 2011. The itinerary included flights to Seoul and Beijing, with tours of historic sites like the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall of China. Students would then take an overnight train to Shanghai to see modern areas like The Bund, and travel by train to Changzhou to visit Changzhou #2 Senior Middle School and landmarks in the city. Additional destinations included Suzhou known as the Venice of China, and return travel to Shanghai via bullet train to end the trip at the Shanghai airport.
Angels are created from light by Allah. Jinns are created from smokeless fire, while humans are created from clay. Angels obey Allah completely and do not rebel, while jinns have free will and can believe or disbelieve. Satan was a jinn, not an angel, who disobeyed Allah's command to prostrate before Adam.
The document discusses creating an all-inclusive ministry to men with the purpose of making disciples. It emphasizes having a wide and deep cultural and biblical approach focused on developing Christian leadership through three strands: priority of man, portal to change, and code for sustaining change and capturing momentum to create value.
The document summarizes key concepts from Blue Ocean Strategy. It discusses value innovation as creating value for both the company and buyers by eliminating or reducing competition factors and raising or creating new elements. It contrasts red ocean strategy of competing within existing industry boundaries versus blue ocean strategy of creating new market space without competition. The six principles of blue ocean strategy aim to reconstruct market boundaries, reach beyond existing demand, and overcome organizational hurdles to strategy execution. Tools like the strategy canvas, four actions framework, and profit model are presented to help visualize and implement blue ocean strategies.
This document describes how to calculate the rotor frequency of a two-pole, 50 Hz induction motor with a rotor speed of 2850 rpm. It first finds the slip speed as 3000 rpm, then calculates the slip as 5%, and uses this to determine the rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz.
Denne gang er korthed en dyd. Som regel plejer jeg at fordybe mig i mine posts. Fokusere p? nuancer, detaljer, pr?cisere forskellige perspektiver, og hvordan de kan oms?ttes i praksis, hvad enten vi taler ledelse, organisationsforst?else, ideudvikling eller andre fokusomr?der.
Og naturligvis er pr?cision, fordybelse og nuanceringer afg?rende og bliver det mere og mere, fordi kompleksiteten bliver st?rre, uanset hvilket perspektiv vi adresserer. Og for at kunne navigere i den er det vigtigt, at der er substantielle dimensioner, som vi kan forlade os p?, og som g?r os stabile og derfor i stand til at navigere agilt og dynamisk.
Og det sp?ndingsfelt kunne jeg skrive l?nge om. Det m? blive en anden gang. Denne gang vil jeg overlade ordet til alle dem, som jeg har haft gl?den af at m?tte m?de, og m?ttet f?lge p? deres vej i min undervisning, coaching og ledelsesudvikling.
De er om nogen, dem, der fortjener den store anerkendelse og respekt. De har haft modet, viljen og styrken til at begive sig ind i omr?der, hvor de ellers ikke normalt har haft deres gang. Men de har gjort det. De har udfordret sig selv, de har v?ret med, de har holdt fast og alle er de kommet ud med noget fantastisk, som p? ingen m?de kan forklares i ord. Derfor skal de ogs? have lov til at komme til orde. Ogs? s? andre kan f? forn?jelsen af at f? konkrete beviser p?, at refleksion ikke beh?ver at v?re abstrakt, og at den rent faktisk kan bidrage til det, som vores verden er p? nippet til at m?ttet erkende. Gamle m?der at arbejde med ledelse, personlig udvikling og ?ndrede tankegange kr?ver ?ndrede m?der at navigere p?.
L?s ledernes udtalelser om, hvad ledelse og ledelsesfilosofi har af muligheder gemt i sig. Jeg h?ber, at i alle bliver klogere p?, hvad ledelse koblet med filosofi kan og f?r lyst til at dykke dybere ned i det perspektiv.
I er altid velkomne til at kontakte mig for at diskutere, hvordan det evt. kunne indg? i jeres organisation. Jeg er altid villig til at dele ud af mine erfaringer. Kontaktoplysningerne er sidst i dokumentet.
God l?sning og god reflekteret dag.
This drawing shows Anna's family, including herself jumping on a trampoline in her favorite room. She expresses love for coco but hate for salami, and has a pet dinosaur named Zuzu.
Lokal kIrkeudvikling
Netv?rkskonference 2
¡°F?r vi kaster os ud i aktiviter har vi i
kirken brug for at udvikle redskaber til at
identificere vores opgave. Det
indeb?rer, at vi udvikler en
holdning, hvor vi l?rer at lytte i flere
retninger: til ordet (Gud), til
lokalsafmundet og kultren, til dem, der
kommer i kirken ¨C s? vi kan finde ud af
hvad Gud har gang og s? vi kan finde ud
af hvordan vi kan engagere os¡±
? Lytterunde
- lytte til mennesker i lokalsamfundet
? Guldgravning
- lytte til hinanden i kirken
? Lytte til ordet og hinanden
- lytte til og samtale om bibeltekst
¡°Mission is finding out what
God is doing and joining in.¡±
¡±Kirkens opgaver er at finde
ud af, hvad Gud har gang i og
s? engagere sig i det.¡±
(Rowan Williams)
¡±Det handler om at lade
det andet menneske
komme til orde og dermed
m?ske til live. Det handler
om n?rv?r, n?rv?r og
atter n?rv?r¡±
(Bjarne Lenau Henriksen)
? At blive lyttet til
? At begynde at s?tte ord p? troen
? At blive refereret
? At komme til orde i f?llesskabet
? F?lles handling, f?lles oplevelse ¨C skaber
? F?lles reference-tekst
? L?rer hinanden at kende p? en ny m?de
? F?r i f?llesskabet nye indsigter
? F?r nye perspektiver p? f?llesskabets opgaver og
? At lytte grundigt til hinanden
? At gengive loyalt, hvad andre
har sagt
? At tale om (og tolke)
? At tale offentligt om ?ndelige
? L?gfolk, der ogs? taler
? L?gfolk, der ogs? leder
? Pr?ster, der ogs? lytter
? Arbejdsgruppem?der
? Aktivitetsudvalgsm?der
? Menighedsr?dsm?der
? Menighedsm?der
? Studiekredser
? Medarbejderm?der
? L?s en bibeltekst h?jt ¨C Luk 5,1-11
? Tag et par minutter til at reflektere over teksten
? Find den person, som du kender mindst i gruppen
? Lyt til, hvad denne person fort?ller dig, at han eller hun har
h?rt i teksten
? Derefter byt roller, og fort?l, hvad du har h?rt ¡
? Alle fort?ller i plenum, hvad de har h?rt og l?rt fra deres
? Afrund med opsummering, b?n eller salme.