The document provides an overview of the early punk world and its evolution over time. It mentions key locations and bands that helped develop different punk genres from the late 1960s through the early 2000s. These include early punk scenes in Detroit, New York, and London that influenced later developments in hardcore punk, ska, glam rock, and other genres across locations like California, Washington DC, Ireland, and Northwest America.
The Ming Dynasty fell in 1644 after invasions by the Manchu people. The Manchus then established the Qing Dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China. Over time, the Qing Empire grew powerful under emperors like Kangxi and Qianlong, but conflicts with European powers like Britain over trade led to problems. The Qing banned the opium trade, but the British went to war over it, leading China to cede Hong Kong and agree to unequal treaties, humiliating the Qing Empire.
WebRTC Asia Forum - What is it & why is it important? Dean Bubley, Disruptive...Dean Bubley
Introduction presentation by Dean Bubley of Disruptive Analysis at the WebRTC Asia Forums in Hong Kong & Singapore, in January 2014.
Covers the basics of "What is WebRTC & Why is it Important", including use-cases, market growth, key players and WebRTC's role in democratising voice, video and realtime data
This document discusses significant figures and how they apply to measurements and calculations in applied electrical technology. It provides examples of identifying the number of significant figures in given measurements that include leading or trailing zeros, such as 0.000001 V, 100 000V, 0.00 4 57 V, and 15 004. The document also demonstrates how to round calculations to the appropriate number of significant figures, such as converting 396.6 to three significant figures as 397.
The document discusses "Entartete Kunst" ("Degenerate Art") which was an art exhibition organized by Nazis in Munich in 1937 to ridicule modern art. It notes that Otto Freundlich, whose sculpture "The New Man" was included, later died in the Lublin-Maidanek concentration camp while trying to escape occupied France. The document also lists several modern artists whose works were declared "degenerate" by Hitler and Goebbels, including Beckmann, Kirchner, Grosz, Kokoshka, and others.
Event Pro Mobile Business Solutions Presentation 11.19.08 (Compatability Mode)birvin
EventPro Services is a mobile business solutions and event management firm that has been in business since 1992. They design and execute mobile marketing and training solutions using various vehicles like trailers, motor coaches, trucks and vans. Their services include developing mobile marketing campaigns that use specialized vehicles as rolling billboards, providing product displays and demonstrations. They also offer fleet management and tour logistics support. EventPro presented examples of mobile units they created for clients like HP, Nike Bauer Hockey, and Microsoft. They also provided specifications and photos of some used vehicles currently available for sale or lease.
1. The document analyzes female suicide terrorism and finds that while a universal framework does not exist, certain conditions make it more likely, such as an ongoing conflict, restrictions on women's roles, and radical organizations that recruit female bombers.
2. Organizations choose female suicide terrorism for rational reasons like increasing loyalty and support, but on an individual level it stems from losses in the conflict and trauma that damages identity.
3. Most cases of female suicide terrorism are not about emancipation but related to identity issues and preserving men's power, though some motives differ from men's, like unconditional loyalty to leaders.
Ezra Dylan Saul is seeking connections in the business world to help save money on office supplies. His resume highlights his extensive work experience in sales, customer service, and business administration roles. He has a business finance major with 73 credit hours completed between Texas State University and Lonestar Community College. His resume emphasizes skills in sales, communication, adaptability, and a positive work ethic developed through positions like account executive, cook, server, and internships in wealth management and energy consulting.
The document outlines a framework for generating stories from archived web collections. It discusses possible story types using the same page over time, different pages at the same time, or different pages over time. Criteria for choosing pages include being in English and on-topic. Collections are suggested to generate initial stories from, with an expectation of three stories per collection using the different story types.
So You Want To Be A Consultant July 2009 Publishedjimlove
The document provides an overview of management consulting as a career path. It discusses what consulting is, whether it is suitable for the individual, and basic consulting skills like taking care of business, crafting value propositions, and using metrics. It also covers staying in business through issues like taxes and associations. The presentation encourages participants to think about their goals and interests in consulting.
This document provides tips and strategies for effective networking. It emphasizes making genuine connections by conversing from the heart, finding common interests, and following up to build relationships over time. The key aspects of networking highlighted are exchanging information and resources to create mutually beneficial relationships for both personal and professional success.
This document discusses the Sakai open academic environment. It describes widgets everywhere, embedding gadgets in different sites, and accessing gadgets from a browser toolbar on any website. It also mentions the November 2010 state of play, and lists the administrative IT, library IT, research IT, and academic computing teams involved in the project.
Kangxi scroll discovery story and lesson planrobert ponzio
Power point showing my "Re" discovery of Kangxi Southern Inspection tour scroll online, visiting Phoenix to get a digital copy, then presenting it to Sister school in Changzhou, China. Made the news in China! I was very excited when they brought us out the the site depicted in Wang Hui's image.
The document discusses different types of MBA graduates based on their competency and networking abilities. It presents these types in a 2x2 grid, with the ideal being competent with good networking skills. The rarest but most valuable are competent graduates who are also good networkers. The worst type are those who are incompetent but good networkers, as everyone knows they are full of nonsense. Those who are competent but bad networkers, like some ex-engineers, can improve by learning to network better.
PatInt Solutions provides various patent and intellectual property services including patentability searches, landscape analyses, freedom to operate analyses, patent drafting and filing, and patent valuation. The company has over 10 years of experience working with clients in industries like telecom, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and more. Case studies are presented showing sample deliverables and methodology for patentability searches, landscape analyses, freedom to operate analyses, patent invalidation analyses, and patent valuation projects.
WebRTC Asia Forum - What is it & why is it important? Dean Bubley, Disruptive...Dean Bubley
Introduction presentation by Dean Bubley of Disruptive Analysis at the WebRTC Asia Forums in Hong Kong & Singapore, in January 2014.
Covers the basics of "What is WebRTC & Why is it Important", including use-cases, market growth, key players and WebRTC's role in democratising voice, video and realtime data
This document discusses significant figures and how they apply to measurements and calculations in applied electrical technology. It provides examples of identifying the number of significant figures in given measurements that include leading or trailing zeros, such as 0.000001 V, 100 000V, 0.00 4 57 V, and 15 004. The document also demonstrates how to round calculations to the appropriate number of significant figures, such as converting 396.6 to three significant figures as 397.
The document discusses "Entartete Kunst" ("Degenerate Art") which was an art exhibition organized by Nazis in Munich in 1937 to ridicule modern art. It notes that Otto Freundlich, whose sculpture "The New Man" was included, later died in the Lublin-Maidanek concentration camp while trying to escape occupied France. The document also lists several modern artists whose works were declared "degenerate" by Hitler and Goebbels, including Beckmann, Kirchner, Grosz, Kokoshka, and others.
Event Pro Mobile Business Solutions Presentation 11.19.08 (Compatability Mode)birvin
EventPro Services is a mobile business solutions and event management firm that has been in business since 1992. They design and execute mobile marketing and training solutions using various vehicles like trailers, motor coaches, trucks and vans. Their services include developing mobile marketing campaigns that use specialized vehicles as rolling billboards, providing product displays and demonstrations. They also offer fleet management and tour logistics support. EventPro presented examples of mobile units they created for clients like HP, Nike Bauer Hockey, and Microsoft. They also provided specifications and photos of some used vehicles currently available for sale or lease.
1. The document analyzes female suicide terrorism and finds that while a universal framework does not exist, certain conditions make it more likely, such as an ongoing conflict, restrictions on women's roles, and radical organizations that recruit female bombers.
2. Organizations choose female suicide terrorism for rational reasons like increasing loyalty and support, but on an individual level it stems from losses in the conflict and trauma that damages identity.
3. Most cases of female suicide terrorism are not about emancipation but related to identity issues and preserving men's power, though some motives differ from men's, like unconditional loyalty to leaders.
Ezra Dylan Saul is seeking connections in the business world to help save money on office supplies. His resume highlights his extensive work experience in sales, customer service, and business administration roles. He has a business finance major with 73 credit hours completed between Texas State University and Lonestar Community College. His resume emphasizes skills in sales, communication, adaptability, and a positive work ethic developed through positions like account executive, cook, server, and internships in wealth management and energy consulting.
The document outlines a framework for generating stories from archived web collections. It discusses possible story types using the same page over time, different pages at the same time, or different pages over time. Criteria for choosing pages include being in English and on-topic. Collections are suggested to generate initial stories from, with an expectation of three stories per collection using the different story types.
So You Want To Be A Consultant July 2009 Publishedjimlove
The document provides an overview of management consulting as a career path. It discusses what consulting is, whether it is suitable for the individual, and basic consulting skills like taking care of business, crafting value propositions, and using metrics. It also covers staying in business through issues like taxes and associations. The presentation encourages participants to think about their goals and interests in consulting.
This document provides tips and strategies for effective networking. It emphasizes making genuine connections by conversing from the heart, finding common interests, and following up to build relationships over time. The key aspects of networking highlighted are exchanging information and resources to create mutually beneficial relationships for both personal and professional success.
This document discusses the Sakai open academic environment. It describes widgets everywhere, embedding gadgets in different sites, and accessing gadgets from a browser toolbar on any website. It also mentions the November 2010 state of play, and lists the administrative IT, library IT, research IT, and academic computing teams involved in the project.
Kangxi scroll discovery story and lesson planrobert ponzio
Power point showing my "Re" discovery of Kangxi Southern Inspection tour scroll online, visiting Phoenix to get a digital copy, then presenting it to Sister school in Changzhou, China. Made the news in China! I was very excited when they brought us out the the site depicted in Wang Hui's image.
The document discusses different types of MBA graduates based on their competency and networking abilities. It presents these types in a 2x2 grid, with the ideal being competent with good networking skills. The rarest but most valuable are competent graduates who are also good networkers. The worst type are those who are incompetent but good networkers, as everyone knows they are full of nonsense. Those who are competent but bad networkers, like some ex-engineers, can improve by learning to network better.
PatInt Solutions provides various patent and intellectual property services including patentability searches, landscape analyses, freedom to operate analyses, patent drafting and filing, and patent valuation. The company has over 10 years of experience working with clients in industries like telecom, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and more. Case studies are presented showing sample deliverables and methodology for patentability searches, landscape analyses, freedom to operate analyses, patent invalidation analyses, and patent valuation projects.
This drawing shows Anna's family, including herself jumping on a trampoline in her favorite room. She expresses love for coco but hate for salami, and has a pet dinosaur named Zuzu.
Harald Hegstad, Menihgedsudvikling i Den norske KirkeMogens Mogensen
Menighedsudvikling 2
1. MENIGHEDSUDVIKLING 2 Hvorfra? Hvor er vi i dag, og hvordan er vi kommet hertil? Kursus i Greve-Solr?d Provsti Tors dag den 3. februar 2011 Mogens S. Mogensen
2. MODEL FOR AT T?NKE KIRKE Kirke ER Kirken G?R det, den er Kirken ORGANISERER det, den g?r I sin KONTEKST (tid og sted)
3. 1. HVAD ELLER HVEM ER KIRKEN? ¡± kirken er de helliges forsamling, i hvilken evangeliet forkyndes rent, og sakramenterne forvaltes retteligt¡±.
4. 2. HVAD G?R KIRKEN? Kirke hos os: Fest ¨C gudstjeneste Tro ¨C undervisning Handling ¨C diakoni Samtale - mission
5. 2. KIRKENS OPGAVE ELLER MISSION ER at v?re - gudstjeneste, f?llesskab, tilstedev?relse a t g?re - n?stek?rlighed, diakoni , fortalervirksomhed, omsorg, n?dhj?lp a t sige - forkyndelse, undervisning, kommunikation,samtale
13. KRISTENHEDSSAMFUNDETS KIRKE I 1950¡¯ERNE Gudstjenester Kirkelige handlinger Komfirmations- undervisning Sj?lesorg Offentlig myndighed
14. ¡± BOLIGENS BETYDNING. PR?STEG?RDE GIVER PONDUS¡± ¡± Kan man forkynde Guds ord med den forn?dne kraft, hvis man ikke bor nogen steder, det er v?rd at regne med?¡± Jan Lindhardt I KD 29/1/10
15. KRISTENHEDSSAMFUNDET I OPBRUD Stat ¨C kirke? Folk ¨C menighed? Skole ¨C kirke? Sygehuse ¨C pr?st? Pr?st ¨C autoritet? Det offentlige rum ¨C kristendom?
16. KIRKEN I ET VADESTED Fra kristenheds til post-kristenhedssamfund Fra moderne til postmoderne samfund Fra mono- til multisamfund
19. ARBEJDSDELING UNDER OPBRUD Den officielle folkekirke Gudstjeneste Kirkelige handlinger: d?b, konfirmation, vielse, begravelse Kirkebygninger, kirkeg?rde, folkeregistrering De frie kirkelige organisationer B?rne-Ungdomsarbejde Diakoni i Danmark og internationalt Mission i Danmark og internationalt
24. MOBILITET OG NETV?RK Folk flytter mere, skifter job Netv?rk spiller st?rre rolle p? bekostning af foreninger Sv?kkelse af lokalsamfund Por?se gr?nser
25. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITET Den hinsidige Gud Den iboende Gud Syndere ¨C tilgivelse S?rede ¨C heling G?re sin pligt Realisere sig selv Ordets forkyndelse Mysteriet i nadver Forst?else Erfaring
26. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITET Tro som sandhed Tro som tillid Komme i himlen Leve p? jorden Embeds - autoritet Personlig autencitet Hierakiske relationer Gensidige relationer St?rke gr?nser Bl?de gr?nser
27. HVOR ER VI KIRKE? i et traditionelt statisk samfund - regelstyring (¡±regulativer¡±) - g?re som vi plejer i et moderne ¡¯plan?konomisk¡¯ samfund - m?lstyring (¡±fem?rsplaner¡±) - forudsige og kontrollere fremtiden i et postmoderne samfund - navigering i kaos (¡±l?rende organisation¡±) - lytte, dr?mme, eksperimentere, realisere
28. TAK! Mogens S. Mogensen Konsulentfirmaet Adr.: N. J. Holms Park 55, 6070 Christiansfeld Tlf.: 7456 2282 ¨C 2617 5712 E-mail: Website:
Editor's Notes
#21: Menneskers binding til sl?gt, sted og tradition l?snes. Identiteten er dermed ikke p? forh?nd givet for det enkelte menneske . ¡± Selvets refleksive proces, hvor det enkelte menneske fors?ger gennem rekonstruktion af sin livshistorie at skabe mening og kontinuitet i tilv?relsen. Livsstil, som giver form og indhold til fort?llingen om ens identitet, bliver helt central¡± (Giddens)