This is a powerpoint presentation on the variety of social, recreation and vacation programs that we offer to adults and teens with developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injury.
The document discusses tensions between two groups in San Francisco, with the "Haters" making an initial move that prompted a response from the "Anti-Haters", who took action that led to the "Haters" retreating in disarray.
This document discusses thinking strategies for problem solving and idea generation, specifically the technique of mind mapping. Mind mapping involves creating a central idea or word with branching stems that connect related ideas. It can be done by hand, on a computer, drawn digitally, using text and pictures, or a mix of digital and hand drawn formats. The goal of mind mapping is to help think outside the box and explore connections between ideas.
This document describes how to calculate the rotor frequency of a two-pole, 50 Hz induction motor with a rotor speed of 2850 rpm. It first finds the slip speed as 3000 rpm, then calculates the slip as 5%, and uses this to determine the rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz.
10 ways social media monitoring builds brands and drives salesMarketwired
Social media monitoring provides brands with insights into conversations, sentiment, and influencers across social networks and platforms. This allows brands to engage customers in real-time, identify issues and opportunities, measure performance, and manage crises. Specifically, social media monitoring enables brands to track discussions, understand sentiment, identify influencers, generate leads, provide customer service, measure return on investment, and gain competitive insights. The challenges include analyzing billions of conversations across many languages and networks with a high noise ratio, while the opportunities include real-time engagement, feedback, relationship building, and crisis management.
The document contains mathematical equations for calculating resistance in a circuit with two resistors connected in parallel. It shows setting up the equation to calculate the equivalent resistance of the two resistors by taking the inverse of the total inverse resistance. It then solves for the value of the unknown resistor R2, obtaining a final value of 34.28 ohms.
This document discusses two theories for why legal origin influences financial development: the political channel and the adaptability channel. The political channel argues that legal traditions differ in the priority they give to private property rights versus state power, and that common law traditions give higher priority to private rights, promoting financial development. The adaptability channel argues that legal traditions differ in their ability to efficiently adapt to changing economic conditions, and that common law traditions are better able to adapt through judicial precedent. The paper aims to empirically assess the validity and relative importance of these two channels in explaining differences in financial development across countries.
The document discusses the rise of social media and the interactive internet. It notes that while platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are important, they do not represent the full potential of an interactive, collaborative network. The key aspects highlighted are the shift to a more interactive experience where people can both consume and create content. The document urges readers to look past the hype and focus on how these new technologies and tools can help solve real business problems and deliver value through new possibilities and approaches.
Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles, such as electrons or protons. It is considered the flow of electric charge or the movement of electric charge from one place to another. Electrical technology is the application of electricity to practical uses such as power generation, business machines, household appliances, and industrial devices.
This document provides an overview of key legal issues related to podcasting, including copyright, publicity rights, and trademark law. It discusses when permission is needed to use various types of content, such as facts, public domain works, creative commons licensed content, and fair use of copyrighted material. The document also addresses distributing podcasts, using services, implied and explicit licenses, and finding "podsafe" content that is free from restrictions. The goal is to help podcasters understand major legal topics in a general way while disclaiming that the information does not constitute legal advice.
Here are the key points about establishing liability in medical negligence cases:
- The plaintiff must prove duty of care, breach of standard of care, harm, and causation. All elements must be established.
- Duty of care arises from the patient-practitioner relationship. Practitioners owe a duty to exercise reasonable care and skill.
- The standard of care is what a reasonable practitioner would do in the same circumstances. Expert evidence is usually needed.
- Harm must be proven, usually through medical records and reports. Compensation covers out-of-pocket costs, pain and suffering.
- Guidelines are relevant but not determinative. Compliance suggests standard was met, non-compliance suggests it was bre
This document summarizes information about TEFL certification programs offered by BAE. It outlines the benefits of becoming TEFL certified such as traveling the world while earning an income and gaining cultural experiences. BAE is highlighted as offering an accredited program with opportunities to observe real ESL classes and gain hands-on teaching experience with ESL students. The program is available in both full-time and part-time formats and students will receive ongoing feedback and evaluations to monitor their progress. Upon completion, BAE provides employment assistance through references, job postings, and alumni support networks.
The document proposes using conditional random fields (CRFs) to improve legal document summarization. CRFs are applied to segment legal documents into seven labeled rhetorical components. Feature sets are used to improve CRF performance. A term distribution model and structured domain knowledge are then used to extract key sentences for each rhetorical category. The resulting structured summary is found to be 80% accurate compared to ideal summaries generated by experts.
Gruff provides two versions: a standalone version for exploring small datasets and a server version for large enterprise datasets. It allows navigating graphs in several views, automatically deriving queries from patterns, and programmatically controlling Gruff over HTTP. The document outlines 11 lessons on using key Gruff features like managing triple stores, the graph view, table view, visual query builder, and using pictures for nodes. It demonstrates connecting to AllegroGraph Server and discusses future plans like additional views and statistical/geospatial analysis support.
This document contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) about first4cover, a home insurance product. It covers questions in the following categories: about first4cover and the products offered; getting quotes; policy cover details like buildings, contents and personal items; documentation; payments; after sale support; system updates; and contact information. The FAQs provide concise answers to common questions potential customers and partners may have regarding first4cover's home insurance products and quoting/sales process.
This document discusses electrical circuit components and connections. It mentions parallel and series resistor configurations as well as circuit diagrams showing resistors connected in parallel and series with positive and negative terminals. The document also repeats the title "Applied Electrical Technology 2" several times.
This document describes how to calculate the rotor frequency of a two-pole, 50 Hz induction motor with a rotor speed of 2850 rpm. It first finds the slip speed as 3000 rpm, then calculates the slip as 5%, and uses this to determine the rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz.
10 ways social media monitoring builds brands and drives salesMarketwired
Social media monitoring provides brands with insights into conversations, sentiment, and influencers across social networks and platforms. This allows brands to engage customers in real-time, identify issues and opportunities, measure performance, and manage crises. Specifically, social media monitoring enables brands to track discussions, understand sentiment, identify influencers, generate leads, provide customer service, measure return on investment, and gain competitive insights. The challenges include analyzing billions of conversations across many languages and networks with a high noise ratio, while the opportunities include real-time engagement, feedback, relationship building, and crisis management.
The document contains mathematical equations for calculating resistance in a circuit with two resistors connected in parallel. It shows setting up the equation to calculate the equivalent resistance of the two resistors by taking the inverse of the total inverse resistance. It then solves for the value of the unknown resistor R2, obtaining a final value of 34.28 ohms.
This document discusses two theories for why legal origin influences financial development: the political channel and the adaptability channel. The political channel argues that legal traditions differ in the priority they give to private property rights versus state power, and that common law traditions give higher priority to private rights, promoting financial development. The adaptability channel argues that legal traditions differ in their ability to efficiently adapt to changing economic conditions, and that common law traditions are better able to adapt through judicial precedent. The paper aims to empirically assess the validity and relative importance of these two channels in explaining differences in financial development across countries.
The document discusses the rise of social media and the interactive internet. It notes that while platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are important, they do not represent the full potential of an interactive, collaborative network. The key aspects highlighted are the shift to a more interactive experience where people can both consume and create content. The document urges readers to look past the hype and focus on how these new technologies and tools can help solve real business problems and deliver value through new possibilities and approaches.
Electricity is a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles, such as electrons or protons. It is considered the flow of electric charge or the movement of electric charge from one place to another. Electrical technology is the application of electricity to practical uses such as power generation, business machines, household appliances, and industrial devices.
This document provides an overview of key legal issues related to podcasting, including copyright, publicity rights, and trademark law. It discusses when permission is needed to use various types of content, such as facts, public domain works, creative commons licensed content, and fair use of copyrighted material. The document also addresses distributing podcasts, using services, implied and explicit licenses, and finding "podsafe" content that is free from restrictions. The goal is to help podcasters understand major legal topics in a general way while disclaiming that the information does not constitute legal advice.
Here are the key points about establishing liability in medical negligence cases:
- The plaintiff must prove duty of care, breach of standard of care, harm, and causation. All elements must be established.
- Duty of care arises from the patient-practitioner relationship. Practitioners owe a duty to exercise reasonable care and skill.
- The standard of care is what a reasonable practitioner would do in the same circumstances. Expert evidence is usually needed.
- Harm must be proven, usually through medical records and reports. Compensation covers out-of-pocket costs, pain and suffering.
- Guidelines are relevant but not determinative. Compliance suggests standard was met, non-compliance suggests it was bre
This document summarizes information about TEFL certification programs offered by BAE. It outlines the benefits of becoming TEFL certified such as traveling the world while earning an income and gaining cultural experiences. BAE is highlighted as offering an accredited program with opportunities to observe real ESL classes and gain hands-on teaching experience with ESL students. The program is available in both full-time and part-time formats and students will receive ongoing feedback and evaluations to monitor their progress. Upon completion, BAE provides employment assistance through references, job postings, and alumni support networks.
The document proposes using conditional random fields (CRFs) to improve legal document summarization. CRFs are applied to segment legal documents into seven labeled rhetorical components. Feature sets are used to improve CRF performance. A term distribution model and structured domain knowledge are then used to extract key sentences for each rhetorical category. The resulting structured summary is found to be 80% accurate compared to ideal summaries generated by experts.
Gruff provides two versions: a standalone version for exploring small datasets and a server version for large enterprise datasets. It allows navigating graphs in several views, automatically deriving queries from patterns, and programmatically controlling Gruff over HTTP. The document outlines 11 lessons on using key Gruff features like managing triple stores, the graph view, table view, visual query builder, and using pictures for nodes. It demonstrates connecting to AllegroGraph Server and discusses future plans like additional views and statistical/geospatial analysis support.
This document contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) about first4cover, a home insurance product. It covers questions in the following categories: about first4cover and the products offered; getting quotes; policy cover details like buildings, contents and personal items; documentation; payments; after sale support; system updates; and contact information. The FAQs provide concise answers to common questions potential customers and partners may have regarding first4cover's home insurance products and quoting/sales process.
This document discusses electrical circuit components and connections. It mentions parallel and series resistor configurations as well as circuit diagrams showing resistors connected in parallel and series with positive and negative terminals. The document also repeats the title "Applied Electrical Technology 2" several times.
PPP by Kirsten Grube presented at meetings in Missional Church Learning Network in Copenhagen and Aarhus November 2009. Focus group interviews with people in the 30s who are members but not active in a free church in Denmark.
I l?rdags var jeg hovedtaler i Folkekirken hos "K?benhavns Stift Ungeudvalget"
Temaet som jeg var blevet bedt om at tale ud fra var "Hvordan Folkekirken bedre kan komme i dialog med unge".
For at jeg kunne tale om dette emne var jeg n?dsaget til at arbejde med den udbredte og manglende forst?else, der er i medierne og samfundet generelt, for hvad folkekirken er og vil. Jeg pegede bl.a. p? at folkekirken mangler at definerer sig selv og kommunikerer i et sprog som vi (mennesker i samfundet) kan forst?.
Det f?rte til at mit foredrag mere handlede om at folkekirken bliver n?dt til at se sig selv som en serviceudbyder der skal beg? sig p? samme betingelser som andre (medlems) virksomheder og deriblandt at s?tte kunden/brugeren/medlemmet i centrum.
Det kom der en masse sp?ndende debatter ud af.
Et rum er ikke blot et rum: Biblioteket som sted og hvorfor det g?r en forskelChristian Lauersen
Opl?g om biblioteket som sted og social infrastruktur og hvorfor det g?r en forskel i b?de civilsamfund og akademia. Introduktion til placemaking som metode til at arbejde med udviklingen af delte steder
This drawing shows Anna's family, including herself jumping on a trampoline in her favorite room. She expresses love for coco but hate for salami, and has a pet dinosaur named Zuzu.
1. NYE EKKLESIOLOGISKE MODELLER Pr?sternes Obligatoriske Efteruddannelse, Liselund Kursuscenter tirsdag, 7. september 2010 Mogens S. Mogensen
2. EKKLESIOLOGISKE MODELLER Den traditionelle model ¨C i moderniseret udgave Missional kirke Fresh expressions of the church
3. Hvor er kirken? Hvad er kirken? Hvad g?r kirken? Hvordan organiserer kirken sit arbejde? MISSIONAL MODEL FOR AT T?NKE KIRKE ¡± The church is. The church does what it is. The church organises what it does.¡±
4. PR?STEN ¨C OG KIRKEN UNDER PRES 1980: Pr?ster i laveste risikogruppe mht. sygeforsikring i USA 2010: Pr?ster i n?sth?jeste risikogruppe
5. Come gather 'round people wherever you roam and admit that the waters around you have grown and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth savin¡¯ then you better start swimmin¡¯ or you'll sink like a stone for the times they are a-changin'.
8. KIRKEN I ET VADESTED Fra kristenheds til post-kristenhedssamfund Fra moderne til postmoderne samfund Fra mono- til multisamfund
9. KRISTENHEDSSAMFUNDET I OPBRUD Stat ¨C kirke? Folk ¨C menighed? Skole ¨C kirke? Sygehuse ¨C pr?st? Pr?st ¨C autoritet? Det offentlige rum ¨C kristendom?
10. ¡± BOLIGENS BETYDNING. PR?STEG?RDE GIVER PONDUS¡± ¡± Kan man forkynde Guds ord med den forn?dne kraft, hvis man ikke bor nogen steder, det er v?rd at regne med?¡± Jan Lindhardt I KD 29/1/10
13. ARBEJDSDELING UNDER OPBRUD Den officielle folkekirke Gudstjeneste Kirkelige handlinger: d?b, konfirmation, vielse, begravelse Kirkebygninger, kirkeg?rde, folkeregistrering De frie kirkelige organisationer B?rne-Ungdomsarbejde Diakoni i Danmark og internationalt Mission i Danmark og internationalt
18. MOBILITET OG NETV?RK Folk flytter mere, skifter job Netv?rk spiller st?rre rolle p? bekostning af foreninger Sv?kkelse af lokalsamfund Por?se gr?nser
19. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITET Den hinsidige Gud Den iboende Gud Syndere ¨C tilgivelse S?rede ¨C heling G?re sin pligt Realisere sig selv Ordets forkyndelse Mysteriet i nadver Forst?else Erfaring
20. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITET Tro som sandhed Tro som tillid Komme i himlen Leve p? jorden Embeds - autoritet Personlig autencitet Hierakiske relationer Gensidige relationer St?rke gr?nser Bl?de gr?nser
22. KIRKE I ET TRADITIONELT STATISK SAMFUND - regelstyring (¡±regulativer¡±) - g?re som vi plejer
23. KIRKE I ET MODERNE ¡¯PLAN?KONOMISK¡¯ SAMFUND - m?lstyring (¡±fem?rsplaner¡±) - forudsige og kontrollere fremtiden
24. KIRKE I ET POSTMODERNE SAMFUND - leve med radikale forandringer - navigere i kaos (¡±l?rende organisation¡±) - lytte, dr?mme, eksperimentere, realisere
25. TEKNISK / OPERATIONEL LEDELSE N?r organisationer er i stabile omgivelser Hovedopgave: Vedligeholdelse og udvikling af eksisterende programmer Top-down ledelse: ekspertisen sidder i ledelsen Implementering af planer bygger p? forudsigelighed L?sning af tekniske eller operationelle problemer
26. ADAPTIV / ORGANISK LEDELSE N?r organisationer oplever radikale ?ndringer i omgivelserne Hovedopgave: at udvikle en l?rende organisation Bottom up ledelse: viden og erfaringer er fordelt i hele organisationen. Ledelsens opgave er at fremme betingelser som fremmer fantasi, initiativ og kreativitet Resultatet i et levende system kan ikke forudsiges eller programmeres Respons p? adaptive udfordringer
27. UDFORDRINGER FRA KULTURELLE FORANDRINGER Tekniske problemer Lette at identificere L?sninger findes allerede Eksperter kan l?se problemerne Kr?ver kun en ?ndring et enkelt sted eller f? steder Modtages ofte positivt Adaptive udfordringer Vanskelige at identificere Ingen f?rdige l?sninger p? lager M? l?ses af dem der har problemet Kr?ver ?ndringer mange steder Ofte modstand mod adaptive l?sninger
28. UDFORDRINGER FRA KULTURELLE FORANDRINGER Tekniske problemer ¡± Maskinelt¡± problem Kan gennemf?res hurtigt ¨C evt. ovenfra gennem ordre Appellerer til pr?sten som ¡±h?ndv?rker¡± A daptive udfordringer ¡± Systemisk¡± udfordring Foruds?tter eksperimentering, villighed til at fejle, tager tid, og kan ikke kommanderes igennem Appellerer til pr?sten som ¡±teolog¡± ¡± The single biggest failure of leadership is to treat adaptive challenges like tehcnical problems¡± ¨C Heifertz
30. HVAD ER KIRKEN? Jesus: ¡°Du er Peter, og p? den klippe vil jeg bygge min kirke .¡± Paulus: ¡°Tag vare p? jer selv og p? Hele hjorden; i den har Hellig?nden sat jer som tilsynsm?nd, for at I kan v?re hyrder for Guds kirke ¡± Credo: ¡±Jeg tror p? ¨¦n hellig almindelig kirke ¡±
31. KIRKEN ER ¡.. Kirkebygningen? Pr?sten? Gudstjenesten? Dogmerne? Institutionen? F?llesskabet?
32. KIRKEN ER ¡ ¡±¡ de helliges forsamling , i hvilken evangeliet forkyndes rent, og sakramenterne forvaltes retteligt¡±.
34. GUDS MISSION Den treenige Gud er den sendende Gud Faderen sender s?nnen til verden Faderen og s?nnen sender Hellig?nden til verden Den treenige Gud sender kirken til verden
35. KIRKEN HAR IKKE EN MISSION MEN GUDS MISSION HAR EN KIRKE ¡± Fred v?re med jer. Lige som Faderen har udsendt mig, sender jeg ogs? jer¡± (Joh 20,21)
36. KIRKEN ER ¡. kaldet til at v?re et tegn p? et vidne om en forsmag p? et redskab for Guds rige (Lesslie Newbigin)
37. KIRKEN ER ¡ ¡± At v?re kirke er altid at v?re kirke for andre¡± (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
38. KIRKEN ER ¡ ¡± Folkekirkens mission som kristen kirke er at forkynde Kristus som hele verdens frelser ¡ Kirkens overordnede opgave danner udgangspunkt for de konkrete former, kirkelivet f?r i sogn, provsti og stift. Alle konkrete m?ls?tninger m? dybest set tjene denne opgave¡±
39. Et krigsskib En redningsb?d En singlesculler En rob?d En speedb?d Et sejlskib HVIS KIRKEN VAR ET SKIB ¡?
40. En u-b?d Et handelsskib En lystyacht En olietanker Et vrag HVIS KIRKEN VAR ET SKIB ¡?
41. HVAD G?R KIRKEN? Kirkens opgave er at v?re (koinonia, leiturgia) - gudstjeneste, f?llesskab, tilstedev?relse, n?rv?r a t g?re (diakonia) - diakoni , omsorg, n?dhj?lp a t sige (kerygma) - forkyndelse, undervisning, samtale, kommunikation
42. HVAD G?R KIRKEN? ¡° Mission is finding out what God is doing and joining in¡±. ¡° We do need to recover confidence in the God of mission in the Church. We need to recover the sense that the agenda isn¡¯t something that we set or the world sets but that God sets, that God has a vision for human beings which he wants us to pursue with him, and that he will give us the resource that we need¡± (Rowan Williams)
43. GUDS VISION ¨C GUDS RIGE Kirken er kaldet til at v?re et tegn p? et vidne om en forsmag p? et redskab for Guds rige (Lesslie Newbigin)
44. MODEL FOR AT UDVIKLE KIRKE I KULTUR UNDER RADIKAL FORANDRING Cirkul?r proces Lytte Dr?mme Eksperimentere Innovere Evaluere Kombineret m. refleksion - Vi l?rer ikke af erfaringer, men af at reflektere over erfaringer F?lles refleksion blandt alle involverede Teologi ¨C refleksion over kirkens praksis i lyset af skrift og tradition
45. 1. LYTTE Lytte til Gud ¨C ¡±Dwelling in the Word¡± Lytte til kulturen ¡±Dwelling in the Context ¡±Lytterunder¡± Lytte til hinanden i kirken ¡±Appreciative Inquiry¡±
46. b. LYTTE TIL GUD ¡±DWELLING IN THE WORD¡± L?s en bibeltekst h?jt ¨C Luk 10,1-12 Tag et par minutter til at reflektere over teksten Find den person, som du kender mindst i gruppen Lyt til, hvad denne person fort?ller dig, at han eller hun har h?rt i teksten - hvad var det du standsede ved, noget nyt, noget overraskende, noget udfordrende eller opmuntrende, eller et (teologisk) sp?rgsm?l, som teksten rejser Derefter byt roller, og fort?l, hvad du har h?rt ¡ Alle fort?ller i plenum, hvad de har h?rt og l?rt fra deres samtalepartner
47. b. LYTTE TIL KONTEKSTEN ¡±DWELLING IN THE CULTURE¡± ¡±LYTTERUNDER¡± Indhente kvantitative ¡±objektive¡± data Indhente kvalitative ¡±subjektive¡± data
48. c. LYTTE TIL HINANDEN I KIRKEN APPRECIATIVE ENQUIRY - is a collaboratory and highly participative systemwide approach to seeking, identifying, and enhancing the ¡¯lifee-giving¡¯ forces that are present wehn a sysem is performin optimally in human, economic, and organizational termes. It is a journey during which profound knowledge of a human system at its moments of wonder is unco vered and used to co-construct the best and highest future of that system.
49. PROBLEM SOLVING ¡¯ Felt Need!¡¯ - Identification of problem Analysis of Causes Analysis of Possible Solutions Action plan / treatment APPRECIATIVE ENQUIRY INITIATE AI by introducing leaders to theory and practice, deciding focus, and developing initial steps to discover the organizations ¡±best¡±. INQUIRE concerning ¡±the best¡± of the organization¡¯s narratives, practices and imaginations. IMAGINE ¡±what might be¡± by interpreting the interviews, taking the risk of building towards concensus concerning ¡±what should be¡± INNOVATE ¡±what will be¡± through discourse, commitment, and equipping, withe the largest level of participation.
50. SP?RGSM?L TIL SAMTALE Giv eksempler p? dine bedste oplevelser af som pr?st at v?re i bred kontakt med folk i dit lokalomr?de? Hvilken af kirkens aktiviteter har givet jer den bedste oplevelse af at v?re folkets kirke? Hvad skulle der til hvis du og kirken skulle have flere af disse positive erfaringer?
51. 2. DR?MME Beskriv dine tre st?rkeste dr?mme eller ?nsker for dit sogn/din kirke.
52. 3. EKSPERIMENTERE Learning by doing F?r et stort projekt s?ttes i gang, eksperimenter p? mindre plan Vi l?rer kun, hvis vi er villige til at fejle
53. 4. INNOVERE Innovation kr?ver mod Tradition kan kun bevares gennem innovation Kirken som ¡±innovationlab¡±
54. 5. EVALUERE Vi m? forholde os kritisk til det vi g?r Vi m? v?re villige til at l?bende at justere vore planer
58. THE PAROCHIAL SYSTEM ¡® We know that our much loved and treasured parochial system is not equipped to meet all the challenges of young, mobile populations, whose patterns of life and work are not those of their parents¡¯ and grandparents¡¯ generations.¡¯ (Rowan Williams)
59. FRESH EXPRESSIONS OF CHURCH Kirke p? forskellige tidspunkter Kirke for forskellige netv?rk Kirke i forskellige kulturer Kirke for ¡±nybegyndere¡± Kirke for s?gere Kirke p? tv?rs af sognegr?nser
60. DEFINITION OF FRESH EXPRESSION A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church. It will come into being through principles of listening, service, incarnational mission and making disciples. It will have the potential to become a mature expression of church shaped by the gospel and the enduring marks of the church and for its cultural context.
61. SPECTRUM OF FRESH EXPRESSIONS The large well funded projects undertaken collaboratively by several parishes or by a deanery Only a handful in each diocese. 200 people employed in full time posts. A range of smaller projects requiring much less resourcing and normally led by clergy alongside other responsibilities or by teams of lay ministers. A third of all congregations involved in such projects
62. 14 FRESH EXPRESSIONS Alternative worship congregations Base ecclesial communites Caf¨¦ church Cell church Churches arising out of community initatives Mulitiple and midweek congregations Network focused churches School based and school linked congregations and churches Seeker church Traditional church plants Traditional forms of church inspiring new interest Youth congregations Church for children Church for under-fives and their families
63. SIGNIFICANCE OF FRESH EXPRESSIONS ¡± A fresh expression of church is a new and/or differenct way of being church in and for our changing culture.¡± ¡± A fresh expression of church is not normally seen just as an additional activity or simply a stepping stone for people to Sunday services but as something with the potential to be or become church for those who take part¡±
64. MIXED ECONOMY ¡± The existing parochial system alone is no longer able to deliver its underlying mission purpose. We need a mixed economy of the old and the new. Mixed economy is celebrating and building on what is mission shpaed in traditional forms of church .. And finding new flexible, appropriate ways to proclaim the Gospel afresh to those who do not relate to traditional ways¡± (Bishop Cray, Nyborg 2008)
65. EVALUERING Mellem 1/3 og 1/2 af engelske sogne arbejder nu med former for fresh expressions of church 7-800 steder ¨C over 250.000 involveret Stadig flere involveres gennem visionsdage I h?j grad drevet af frivillige Systemiske konsekvenser: ?ndring af kirkelove Justering af Pr?ste-/lederuddannelse/-efteruddannelse ?ndrede ?konomiske disponeringer
66. EVALUERING Lytteproces Vilje til opbrud Teologisk forankret i kristologi-missiologi-ekklesiologi Engagement b?de fra oven og fra neden Samarbejde mellem kirkens formelle og uformelle strukturer Sammenholdt tradition og fornyelse ¡± Folk i kirke¡± og ¡±Kirke i folket¡± Leve med forandring ¨C ingen import af f?rdige koncepter ¨C men l?ringsproces
67. SP?RGSM?L TIL SAMTALE Hvad er din bedste erfaring af samarbejde mellem flere kirker i provstiet? Hvilke ?nsker eller dr?mme har du om samarbejde p? tv?rs af sognegr?nser?
68. TAK! Mogens S. Mogensen Konsulentfirmaet Adr.: N. J. Holms Park 55, 6070 Christiansfeld Tlf.: 7456 2282 ¨C 2617 5712 E-mail: [email_address] Website:
Editor's Notes
#15: Menneskers binding til sl?gt, sted og tradition l?snes. Identiteten er dermed ikke p? forh?nd givet for det enkelte menneske . ¡± Selvets refleksive proces, hvor det enkelte menneske fors?ger gennem rekonstruktion af sin livshistorie at skabe mening og kontinuitet i tilv?relsen. Livsstil, som giver form og indhold til fort?llingen om ens identitet, bliver helt central¡± (Giddens)