Kangxi scroll discovery story and lesson planrobert ponzio
Power point showing my "Re" discovery of Kangxi Southern Inspection tour scroll online, visiting Phoenix to get a digital copy, then presenting it to Sister school in Changzhou, China. Made the news in China! I was very excited when they brought us out the the site depicted in Wang Hui's image.
This document discusses applied electrical technology. It focuses entirely on applied electrical technology by repeating that phrase multiple times. In a concise manner, the document covers applied electrical technology.
This show is illustrates the tentative schedule for the 2013 OHS trip to visit our Sister school in Changzhou China. It shows highlights from the 2011 delegation's trip.
The Gruvi app aims to help users discover and share entertainment experiences by tapping into friends' recommendations on Facebook. It will recommend movies based on users' tastes, show what friends like, and help plan movie nights. This addresses a problem in the film industry where new movies have difficulty gaining exposure. Gruvi will identify early fans, engage them through campaigns, and track engagement metrics. This will help studios market films more effectively and deliver a return on investment. The app plans to expand across Europe and integrate with other services to reach users whenever they make film choices. Revenue projections show the company needs 250,000 to break even in Europe.
This visual shows Peter O'Toole's 8 Oscar nominations for Best Actor between 1962-2006 and provides information on who won the award instead and for what movie. It lists the years O'Toole was nominated, the movies he was nominated for, and on the left the person who won that year and the movie for which they won. No additional context is given about the movies or people.
This document discusses various concepts for alpine gardens including structures, decks, line-work, and outdoor living spaces as well as water features like waterfalls and koi ponds to create new living spaces and challenging projects that enhance views and potentially include fishing piers.
This document announces Oak Hall School's inaugural student exchange trip to China over spring break in 2011. The trip will include visits to historic sites in Beijing such as the Forbidden City and Great Wall, as well as experiencing Chinese crafts and manufacturing. Students will then take overnight trains to Shanghai and Suzhou, seeing landmarks like the Bund in Shanghai and exploring Suzhou's canals. The trip also includes experiencing a day at a 1250-year-old high school in Changzhou and cultural activities in Shanghai before returning home.
The document discusses directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance and the risk profile of financial institutions. It outlines factors underwriters evaluate like regulatory exposures, mergers and acquisitions, loan quality, and securities litigation trends by industry. The document also reviews top D&O insurance enhancements and coverage considerations for financial institutions based on their specific risk characteristics and needs.
Angels are created from light by Allah. Jinns are created from smokeless fire, while humans are created from clay. Angels obey Allah completely and do not rebel, while jinns have free will and can believe or disbelieve. Satan was a jinn, not an angel, who disobeyed Allah's command to prostrate before Adam.
The document discusses prophets in Islam. It states that Allah appointed 124,000 prophets throughout history to different nations, with 25 mentioned by name in the Quran. It asserts that all prophets, from the first prophet Adam to the last prophet Muhammad, preached the concept of submitting to the one God alone, which is the meaning of Islam. Therefore, all prophets were Muslims. While prophets are infallible and do not deliberately commit sins, they can make innocent errors of judgment as they are still human. The role of prophets is to receive revelation from Allah and convey it to people while inviting them to submit to Allah and follow His guidance. The last prophet is identified as Muhammad.
The document provides an overview of the Essar Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate company. It discusses Essar's various business units including steel, energy, power, communications, shipping and logistics, and projects. For each business unit, it provides details on Essar's global operations, assets, facilities, and expansion plans. It also discusses Essar's goal to create value for customers and stakeholders through world-class operations, technology, and a positive workforce culture.
This document discusses basic concepts in applied electrical technology including switches, resistance, and photos related to the topic. It appears to provide an overview of fundamental electrical concepts but does not go into detail about any single topic. The document mentions switches, resistance, and includes a photo but does not explain or elaborate on these ideas.
This document discusses thinking strategies for problem solving and idea generation, specifically the technique of mind mapping. Mind mapping involves creating a central idea or word with branching stems that connect related ideas. It can be done by hand, on a computer, drawn digitally, using text and pictures, or a mix of digital and hand drawn formats. The goal of mind mapping is to help think outside the box and explore connections between ideas.
The document discusses tensions between two groups in San Francisco, with the "Haters" making an initial move that prompted a response from the "Anti-Haters", who took action that led to the "Haters" retreating in disarray.
LegalShield provides legal services and identity theft protection for a monthly fee. For one flat fee, members can access unlimited legal advice on any matter from traffic violations to estate planning. They also receive identity theft monitoring and restoration services. Over 2 million requests for legal assistance are made through LegalShield each year. For $26.95 per month, individuals and families can gain legal protection and peace of mind. LegalShield has over 1.4 million memberships across North America. Associates can build a business marketing LegalShield memberships and earn commissions on their own sales and those of their sales team.
This document provides information about an inflatable sculpture mixed media project displayed at the Tate Modern from May to October 2003. It also includes links to videos and instructables about inflatable sculptures and NYC street art by artist Joshua Allen Harris.
This document provides an overview of directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance. It discusses current D&O claims trends related to regulatory exposures from bank failures and mergers and acquisitions. It also reviews D&O limits benchmarking and the top 10 recommended D&O coverage enhancements, such as expanding the definition of insured to include holding companies. The presentation was given by an insurance brokerage to provide management liability solutions for community and regional banks.
This document announces Oak Hall School's inaugural student exchange trip to China over spring break in 2011. The trip will include visits to historic sites in Beijing such as the Forbidden City and Great Wall, as well as experiencing Chinese crafts and manufacturing. Students will then take overnight trains to Shanghai and Suzhou, seeing landmarks like the Bund in Shanghai and exploring Suzhou's canals. The trip also includes experiencing a day at a 1250-year-old high school in Changzhou and cultural activities in Shanghai before returning home.
The document discusses directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance and the risk profile of financial institutions. It outlines factors underwriters evaluate like regulatory exposures, mergers and acquisitions, loan quality, and securities litigation trends by industry. The document also reviews top D&O insurance enhancements and coverage considerations for financial institutions based on their specific risk characteristics and needs.
Angels are created from light by Allah. Jinns are created from smokeless fire, while humans are created from clay. Angels obey Allah completely and do not rebel, while jinns have free will and can believe or disbelieve. Satan was a jinn, not an angel, who disobeyed Allah's command to prostrate before Adam.
The document discusses prophets in Islam. It states that Allah appointed 124,000 prophets throughout history to different nations, with 25 mentioned by name in the Quran. It asserts that all prophets, from the first prophet Adam to the last prophet Muhammad, preached the concept of submitting to the one God alone, which is the meaning of Islam. Therefore, all prophets were Muslims. While prophets are infallible and do not deliberately commit sins, they can make innocent errors of judgment as they are still human. The role of prophets is to receive revelation from Allah and convey it to people while inviting them to submit to Allah and follow His guidance. The last prophet is identified as Muhammad.
The document provides an overview of the Essar Group, an Indian multinational conglomerate company. It discusses Essar's various business units including steel, energy, power, communications, shipping and logistics, and projects. For each business unit, it provides details on Essar's global operations, assets, facilities, and expansion plans. It also discusses Essar's goal to create value for customers and stakeholders through world-class operations, technology, and a positive workforce culture.
This document discusses basic concepts in applied electrical technology including switches, resistance, and photos related to the topic. It appears to provide an overview of fundamental electrical concepts but does not go into detail about any single topic. The document mentions switches, resistance, and includes a photo but does not explain or elaborate on these ideas.
This document discusses thinking strategies for problem solving and idea generation, specifically the technique of mind mapping. Mind mapping involves creating a central idea or word with branching stems that connect related ideas. It can be done by hand, on a computer, drawn digitally, using text and pictures, or a mix of digital and hand drawn formats. The goal of mind mapping is to help think outside the box and explore connections between ideas.
The document discusses tensions between two groups in San Francisco, with the "Haters" making an initial move that prompted a response from the "Anti-Haters", who took action that led to the "Haters" retreating in disarray.
LegalShield provides legal services and identity theft protection for a monthly fee. For one flat fee, members can access unlimited legal advice on any matter from traffic violations to estate planning. They also receive identity theft monitoring and restoration services. Over 2 million requests for legal assistance are made through LegalShield each year. For $26.95 per month, individuals and families can gain legal protection and peace of mind. LegalShield has over 1.4 million memberships across North America. Associates can build a business marketing LegalShield memberships and earn commissions on their own sales and those of their sales team.
This document provides information about an inflatable sculpture mixed media project displayed at the Tate Modern from May to October 2003. It also includes links to videos and instructables about inflatable sculptures and NYC street art by artist Joshua Allen Harris.
This document provides an overview of directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance. It discusses current D&O claims trends related to regulatory exposures from bank failures and mergers and acquisitions. It also reviews D&O limits benchmarking and the top 10 recommended D&O coverage enhancements, such as expanding the definition of insured to include holding companies. The presentation was given by an insurance brokerage to provide management liability solutions for community and regional banks.
Anerkendende Samtaler er positiv psykologi i praksis.
Disse slides har v脱ret brugt til en proces p奪 1.5 time med ansatte p奪 Ryslinge Efter- og H淡jskole juni 2011.
Selvledelse & forandringsledelse
Individuel l脱ring og organisatorisk l脱ring.
Bliv en vision脱r person. Forandrings ledelse er ikke, hvad man l脱re med IQ.
Det er noget man er med EQ (din indre GPS) for at leve forandringen. Det der var rigtig i dag, kan v脱re forkert i morgen og omvendt. Men hvordan og hvorfor?
N奪r vi taler HRD m奪 vi l脱re at g淡re os selv undv脱rlig. Man skal ikke forst奪 livet, det der st奪r i biblen er, at det du s淡ger vil du finde i din egen proces, for livet kan ikke forst奪s, det skal leves (opleves) for at give forst奪else. Styrk og lev din intuition
En diagnose p奪 stress er alt det mennesket ikke n奪r af sig eget
Men man har skabt et system, velf脱rdssamfund og ledelseskultur, hvor man tage valg og beslutninger som p奪virker andre mennesker, det stresser dem, fordi de ikke passer ind i deres liv.
4 dags. Workshop: Styrk og l脱r om valg og beslutninger.
Forst奪elsen for, hvordan vores forsvarsv脱rker p奪virker os.
Hvordan bliver man bevidst om sine forsvarsv脱rker (adf脱rd)?
Hvordan p奪virker det vores samarbejde?
Hvordan p奪virker det vores valg og beslutninger?
Hvordan er forsvarsv脱rker skabt?
Al kommunikation udtrykkes f淡lelsesm脱ssigt, v脱rdibaseret og deri ligger klarheden om destruktiv eller konstruktiv tanke, tale. Vi h淡ster som vi s奪r.
Det er der, den kommunikative proces ledelse kommer til sin ret. Ny v脱rkt淡jskasse, skab bro & balance.
Nye strategier og handlingsplaner for ny virksomheds kultur.
Det er mennesker der skaber problemer eller konflikter for at l脱re af dem, for elleres skabte man dem ikke! Vel.
This drawing shows Anna's family, including herself jumping on a trampoline in her favorite room. She expresses love for coco but hate for salami, and has a pet dinosaur named Zuzu.
1. MENIGHEDSUDVIKLING 5HVOR befinder kirken sig i dag? Kursus i Greve-Solr淡d Provsti Torsdag den 14. april2011Mogens S. MogensenIntercultural.dk
2. OVERSIGT OVER MENIGHEDSUDVIKLINGSKURSUSLYTTE- til Ordet/Gud Dv脱le i Ordet- til hinanden Anerkendende unders淡gelse- til omverdenen Fokusgruppe-interviewREFLEKTERE- over hvor vi kommer fra - Tidsline- over hvor vi er i dag - Kortl脱gning- over hvor vi skal hen - NavigeringHANDLE- eksperimentere- evaluere- implementere2
14. SPRGSML TIL GRUPPESAMTALEHvordan har jeres sogn/lokalsamfund forandret sig de sidste 10 奪r? Fors淡g at blive enige om at identificere de tre vigtigste!Hvilke konsekvenser har disse tre forandringer haft for kirken hos jer?10
25. St淡rre forskelle mellemrig og fattig i Danmark og i verden d. DEMOGRAFISKE FORANDRINGER OG STRRE MOBILITETFolk flytter mere, skifter jobSv脱kkelse af lokalsamfundNetv脱rk spiller st淡rre rolle p奪 bekostning af foreningerPor淡se gr脱nserDemografisk udvikling s脱tter sognestruktur under pres17
26. e. KIRKELIG ARBEJDSDELING UNDER OPBRUDDe frie kirkelige organisationerB淡rne-UngdomsarbejdeDiakoni i Danmark og internationaltMission i Danmark og internationaltDen officielle folkekirkeGudstjenesteKirkelige handlinger: d奪b, konfirmation, vielse, begravelseKirkebygninger, kirkeg奪rde, folkeregistrering
44. Zappermentalitetj. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITETDen hinsidige Gud Den iboende GudSyndere tilgivelse S奪rede helingG淡re sin pligt Realisere sig selvOrdets forkyndelse Mysteriet i nadverForst奪else Erfaring
45. j. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITETTro som sandhed Tro som tillidKomme i himlen Leve p奪 jordenEmbeds-autoritetPersonlig autencitetHierakiske relationer Gensidige relationerSt脱rke gr脱nser Bl淡de gr脱nser
49. ..?SPRGSML TIL GRUPPESAMTALEV脱lg de tre socio-kulturelle str淡mninger, som I synes har haft den st淡rste indflydelse p奪 jeres kirke og fors淡g at svare p奪 flg. to sp淡rgsm奪l for hver af dem:Hvilke farer og problemer udg淡r disse str淡mningerne for jeres kirke?Hvilke nye muligheder 奪bner disse str淡mninger for jeres kirke?26
51. KIRKE I ET TRADITIONELT STATISK SAMFUND- regelstyring (regulativer) - g淡re som vi plejer28
52. KIRKE I ET MODERNE PLANKONOMISK SAMFUND- m奪lstyring (fem奪rsplaner) - forudsige og kontrollere fremtiden29
53. KIRKE I ET POSTMODERNE SAMFUND - leve med radikale forandringer - navigere i kaos (l脱rende organisation) - lytte, dr淡mme, eksperimentere, realisere30
54. TEKNISK / OPERATIONEL LEDELSE31N奪r organisationer er i stabile omgivelserHovedopgave: Vedligeholdelse og udvikling af eksisterende programmerTop-down ledelse: ekspertisen sidder i ledelsenImplementering af planer bygger p奪 forudsigelighedL淡sning af tekniske eller operationelle problemer
55. ADAPTIV / ORGANISK LEDELSEN奪r organisationer oplever radikale 脱ndringer i omgivelserneHovedopgave: at udvikle en l脱rende organisationBottom up ledelse: viden og erfaringer er fordelt i hele organisationen. Ledelsens opgave er at fremme betingelser som fremmer fantasi, initiativ og kreativitetResultatet i et levende system kan ikke forudsiges eller programmeresRespons p奪 adaptive udfordringer32
56. UDFORDRINGER FRA KULTURELLE FORANDRINGERTekniske problemerLette at identificereL淡sninger findes alleredeEksperter kan l淡se problemerneKr脱ver kun en 脱ndring et enkelt sted eller f奪 stederModtages ofte positivt33Adaptive udfordringerVanskelige at identificere
60. Ofte modstand mod adaptive l淡sningerUDFORDRINGER FRA KULTURELLE FORANDRINGERTekniske problemerMaskinelt problemKan gennemf淡res hurtigt evt. ovenfra gennem ordre Appellerer til pr脱sten som h奪ndv脱rker34Adaptive udfordringerSystemisk udfordring
62. Appellerer til pr脱sten som teologThe single biggest failure of leadership is to treat adaptive challenges like tehcnical problems Heifertz
63. SPRGSML TIL GRUPPE-SAMTALE35Giv mindst 1eksempel p奪 et teknisk problem, som I er st淡dt p奪 i jeres kirke, og g淡r rede for en mulig l淡sning.Giv mindst 1 eksempel p奪 en adaptiv udfordring i jeres kirke. Hvorfor er denne udfordring adaptiv og ikke teknisk?
64. TAK!Mogens S. MogensenKonsulentfirmaet Intercultural.dkAdr.: N. J. Holms Park 55, 6070 ChristiansfeldTlf.: 7456 2282 2617 5712E-mail: mogensen@intercultural.dkWebsite: www.intercultural.dk36
Editor's Notes
#21: Menneskers binding til sl脱gt, sted og tradition l淡snes. Identiteten er dermed ikke p奪 forh奪nd givet for det enkeltemenneske. Selvets refleksive proces, hvor det enkelte menneske fors淡ger gennem rekonstruktion af sin livshistorie at skabe mening og kontinuitet i tilv脱relsen. Livsstil, som giver form og indhold til fort脱llingen om ens identitet, bliver helt central (Giddens)