This document provides a worksheet for individuals to fill out in order to provide all necessary information to draft their last will and testament. It includes fields for personal information, distribution of property and assets, provisions for minor children if applicable, naming an executor, exclusions, additional details, and modifications if an existing will needs updating. Upon completing all required fields marked with an asterisk, the information can be saved and sent to an attorney to draft the legal will document.
This document outlines the rules for a logic puzzle where a family must cross a river using a raft. The family consists of a father, mother, two daughters, two sons, a thief, and a policeman. Players must follow five rules when determining who can be on the raft at a time: a maximum of two people can be on the raft, fathers and daughters must have the mother present, mothers and sons must have the father present, the thief cannot be with family without the policeman, and the raft must have either the father, mother, or policeman to operate it. The puzzle is started by clicking a blue round button.
This document summarizes the business opportunity and compensation plan of Telecom plus PLC. It includes success stories from individuals who have earned money, paid off debts, purchased homes and vehicles through the opportunity. The document outlines three ways to participate: as a customer gathering associate to receive discounts, as a community fundraiser to earn money for local causes, or as an independent distributor to earn bonuses and residual income. As a distributor, you can earn up to ?40 per customer in bonuses and 2.4-5.3% lifetime commission on your own and your group's customer bills if you maintain at least 6 personal customers. Promotions and additional benefits are available for growing your business and recruiting other distributors.
This document discusses retaining talent at Cancer Research UK through effective reward strategies. It outlines that Cancer Research UK is the world's leading cancer research charity, funding over ?300 million in research annually. However, the organization has historically struggled with high staff turnover of around 17% annually across its various divisions. The document proposes several approaches to improve retention, including strengthening rewards and benefits, improving communication of career opportunities, and shifting perceptions of the organization and its work. The goal is to develop a holistic reward strategy to attract and retain top talent through a competitive total rewards package.
The document discusses the tax benefits available through the U.S. Virgin Islands Economic Development Commission (EDC) program. It provides that EDC beneficiaries can receive a 90% reduction in federal income tax and are exempt from various other taxes. Clearwater Consulting Concepts is an EDC beneficiary and provides benefits to the USVI economy through hiring local employees, purchasing goods and services locally, and charitable contributions. It offers management services and resources to limited partners who participate in the EDC program. Examples are given comparing the tax benefits for an individual limited partner versus a USVI C corporation limited partner.
The document outlines a framework for generating stories from archived web collections. It discusses possible story types using the same page over time, different pages at the same time, or different pages over time. Criteria for choosing pages include being in English and on-topic. Collections are suggested to generate initial stories from, with an expectation of three stories per collection using the different story types.
Kangxi scroll discovery story and lesson planrobert ponzio
Power point showing my "Re" discovery of Kangxi Southern Inspection tour scroll online, visiting Phoenix to get a digital copy, then presenting it to Sister school in Changzhou, China. Made the news in China! I was very excited when they brought us out the the site depicted in Wang Hui's image.
This document describes how to calculate the rotor frequency of a two-pole, 50 Hz induction motor with a rotor speed of 2850 rpm. It first finds the slip speed as 3000 rpm, then calculates the slip as 5%, and uses this to determine the rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz.
Gaber Mohammad Hanafy has provided his CV summarizing his career objective, work experience, education, courses, computer skills, languages, and contact information. He has over 4 years of experience in translation between English and Arabic and 1.5 years of experience in technical support at Sahmgroup, Inc. in Egypt. He has a B.A. in Linguistics with a major in Translation and Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University and his graduation project was translating a book about the post-World War II American economy.
The Gruvi app aims to help users discover and share entertainment experiences by tapping into friends' recommendations on Facebook. It will recommend movies based on users' tastes, show what friends like, and help plan movie nights. This addresses a problem in the film industry where new movies have difficulty gaining exposure. Gruvi will identify early fans, engage them through campaigns, and track engagement metrics. This will help studios market films more effectively and deliver a return on investment. The app plans to expand across Europe and integrate with other services to reach users whenever they make film choices. Revenue projections show the company needs €250,000 to break even in Europe.
The document summarizes the Academic Art style which originated from the European Academies where artists received formal training. It was characterized by highly finished styles using historical or mythological subjects. Neoclassical art was closely associated with this style. The French Academy influenced the Salons in the 19th century and artists like Bouguereau and Gerome exemplified Academic Art. Romanticism emerged as a reaction against Neoclassicism, taking a more individualistic and emotionally expressive approach. The Barbizon School, forerunners of Impressionism, rejected academic traditions in favor of realistically representing the countryside. Major Impressionist artists like Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, and others developed from
This document discusses applied electrical technology. It focuses entirely on applied electrical technology by repeating that phrase multiple times. In a concise manner, the document covers applied electrical technology.
The document discusses limitations in medical malpractice research due to issues with data availability and methodology. It notes that missing or inaccurate data from various sources like jury verdicts and insurance claims, as well as lack of standardized research methods, have led to inconsistent findings. The document describes efforts by researchers to address these weaknesses through improved data collection and more rigorous study designs in order to provide stronger evidence to guide policy solutions.
The document discusses a study of access patterns for robots and humans on web archive sites. It aims to analyze web server logs from the Internet Archive to understand how users access archived web pages. The study seeks to determine differences in how humans and robots/crawlers interact with web archives. The methodology section indicates the researchers analyzed sample logs from the Wayback Machine to classify requests and discover patterns.
This compensation plan offers several bonuses for new members including a welcome bonus and fast start bonus. It pays a dual team building cycle bonus weekly and cuts checks every Thursday without a earnings cap. Members can also earn matching bonuses on retail profits and through infinity generational matching. Leadership pools provide additional compensation.
Thinking about making a change in your real estate career. See what Realty Executives has to offer and set up a discovery day with our Regional Developer. Realy Executives is truly---where the experts are!
The document outlines a framework for generating stories from archived web collections. It discusses possible story types using the same page over time, different pages at the same time, or different pages over time. Criteria for choosing pages include being in English and on-topic. Collections are suggested to generate initial stories from, with an expectation of three stories per collection using the different story types.
Kangxi scroll discovery story and lesson planrobert ponzio
Power point showing my "Re" discovery of Kangxi Southern Inspection tour scroll online, visiting Phoenix to get a digital copy, then presenting it to Sister school in Changzhou, China. Made the news in China! I was very excited when they brought us out the the site depicted in Wang Hui's image.
This document describes how to calculate the rotor frequency of a two-pole, 50 Hz induction motor with a rotor speed of 2850 rpm. It first finds the slip speed as 3000 rpm, then calculates the slip as 5%, and uses this to determine the rotor frequency is 2.5 Hz.
Gaber Mohammad Hanafy has provided his CV summarizing his career objective, work experience, education, courses, computer skills, languages, and contact information. He has over 4 years of experience in translation between English and Arabic and 1.5 years of experience in technical support at Sahmgroup, Inc. in Egypt. He has a B.A. in Linguistics with a major in Translation and Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University and his graduation project was translating a book about the post-World War II American economy.
The Gruvi app aims to help users discover and share entertainment experiences by tapping into friends' recommendations on Facebook. It will recommend movies based on users' tastes, show what friends like, and help plan movie nights. This addresses a problem in the film industry where new movies have difficulty gaining exposure. Gruvi will identify early fans, engage them through campaigns, and track engagement metrics. This will help studios market films more effectively and deliver a return on investment. The app plans to expand across Europe and integrate with other services to reach users whenever they make film choices. Revenue projections show the company needs €250,000 to break even in Europe.
The document summarizes the Academic Art style which originated from the European Academies where artists received formal training. It was characterized by highly finished styles using historical or mythological subjects. Neoclassical art was closely associated with this style. The French Academy influenced the Salons in the 19th century and artists like Bouguereau and Gerome exemplified Academic Art. Romanticism emerged as a reaction against Neoclassicism, taking a more individualistic and emotionally expressive approach. The Barbizon School, forerunners of Impressionism, rejected academic traditions in favor of realistically representing the countryside. Major Impressionist artists like Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, and others developed from
This document discusses applied electrical technology. It focuses entirely on applied electrical technology by repeating that phrase multiple times. In a concise manner, the document covers applied electrical technology.
The document discusses limitations in medical malpractice research due to issues with data availability and methodology. It notes that missing or inaccurate data from various sources like jury verdicts and insurance claims, as well as lack of standardized research methods, have led to inconsistent findings. The document describes efforts by researchers to address these weaknesses through improved data collection and more rigorous study designs in order to provide stronger evidence to guide policy solutions.
The document discusses a study of access patterns for robots and humans on web archive sites. It aims to analyze web server logs from the Internet Archive to understand how users access archived web pages. The study seeks to determine differences in how humans and robots/crawlers interact with web archives. The methodology section indicates the researchers analyzed sample logs from the Wayback Machine to classify requests and discover patterns.
This compensation plan offers several bonuses for new members including a welcome bonus and fast start bonus. It pays a dual team building cycle bonus weekly and cuts checks every Thursday without a earnings cap. Members can also earn matching bonuses on retail profits and through infinity generational matching. Leadership pools provide additional compensation.
Thinking about making a change in your real estate career. See what Realty Executives has to offer and set up a discovery day with our Regional Developer. Realy Executives is truly---where the experts are!
Anerkendende Samtaler er positiv psykologi i praksis.
Disse slides har v?ret brugt til en proces p? 1.5 time med ansatte p? Ryslinge Efter- og H?jskole juni 2011.
This drawing shows Anna's family, including herself jumping on a trampoline in her favorite room. She expresses love for coco but hate for salami, and has a pet dinosaur named Zuzu.
1. MENIGHEDSUDVIKLING ¨C 4HVEM er de mennesker, som vi skal v?re kirke sammen med i vort lokalsamfund?Kursus i Greve-Solr?d Provsti Torsdag den 17. marts 2011Mogens S.
2. TRE LYTTE?VELSERLyttetilOrdet- ?velsei at lyttetilbibelensordgennemandre(¡°Dwelling in the Word¡± ¨CDv?leiOrdet)Lyttetilhinandenikirken- ?velsei at lytte til hinanden for at identificere de ¡±livgivende kr?fter¡± i den lokale kirke (AppreciativeInquiry¨C Anerkendende og v?rds?ttende unders?gelse)Lyttetilkonteksten¨C ?velsei at lyttetilmenneskerseksistensilokalsamfundet(Fokusgruppe-interview - Lytterunde)
6. BAGGRUND FOR AT GENNEMF?RE LYTTERUNDE¡±Mission is finding out what God is doing and joiningin¡°(R. Williams)¡°Before leaping into action churches are encouraged to develop the tools to 'listen for mission'. This involves developing an attitude where you learn to 'multi-listen' ¨C to God, to society, to your community, to your church - so that you can find out what God is doing and know how best to join in¡± (¡°Fresh Expressions¡±)
7. Vigtigheden af at lytte¡°Listening isn't always easy, but needn't be complicated. To listen to God and to other people we need to set aside our own ideas for a time and prepare to be radically changed by what we hear. Only by being open to such a shift of understanding will we "get in the right zone" for forging new ways of bringing God's message to the Widest range of people today.¡± (Rev Steven Croft, ¡°Expressions¡±)
8. LYTTEN SKABER N?RV?R¡±Det handler om at lade detandetmenneskekommetilordeogdermedm?sketil live. DetHandleromn?rv?r, n?rv?rogattern?rv?r¡± (BjarneLenauHenriksen, KirkensKorsh?r)
9. OM AT M?DE MENNESKER DER, HVOR DE ER¡°At man, n?rdetisandhedskallykkes en at f?re et Menneske hen til et bestemtstedf?rstogfremmestm?passep? at finde ham der, hvorhanerogbegynde der. ¡¡± (S?ren Kierkegaard)
10. KVALITATIVE INTERVIEWS¡°I kvalitativeanalyserhvilerfokusikkep? den objektivevirkelighed, men p? den oplevedevirkelighed. Analysernebyggerp?forst?else, tolkningogforklaring. Frem for at indsamle mange besvarelsers?ger vi dybebesvarelser for at forst?m?lgruppersunderliggendemotiver, holdningerogadf?rd.¡±
11. FORM?LET MED LYTTEPROCESSENLytteprocessen er en ?velse i at lytte til menneskers eksistens i lokalsamfundet med det form?l bedre at forst?, hvordan mennesker i lokalsamfundet oplever deres tilv?relse, og hvilken rolle kristendom og kirke spiller i deres liv.
12. LYTTERUNDENS ELEMENTER1. Etablering af lytte-team2. Udarbejdelse af sp?rgsm?l3. Etablering af fokusgruppe4. Gennemf?relse af interview5. Udarbejdelse af rapport over interview6. Refleksion over rapporten
13. 1. LYTTE-TEAMLytte-teamet best?r afEn person, som leder m?detEn eller flere personer, som stiller sp?rgsm?lEn person, som refererer samtalen
14. 2. INTERVIEW-SP?RGSM?L Eksistensen - Hvad er det gode, der virkelig b?rer dig i dit liv. - Hvad er det, der g?r livet vanskeligt og tungt?Relationerne - Hvilke personer har haft betydning for din livsforst?else?Kristendom og tro - Er der noget i kristendommen, som har s?rlig betydning for dig?Kirke - Hvordan oplever du m?det med kirke og kirkelige f?llesskaber og aktiviteter? 14
15. 3. FOKUSGRUPPELytte-teamet finder 5-7 personer fra lokalomr?det, som er villige til at bruge 2-3 timer p? at besvare sp?rgsm?l og indg? i samtale om eksistentielle sp?rgsm?l.
16. 4. INTERVIEW-PROCESM?deleder redeg?r for form?let med interviewet og for hele processenEn eller flere fra lytte-teamet stiller sp?rgsm?l til fokusgruppenM?delederen leder samtalenReferent tager under interviewet notater.M?delederen takke fokusgruppen for deltagelse og lover fokusgruppen at de f?r tilsendt referat.
17. 5. RAPPORTReferent renskriver udkast til rapportDen endelig udformning af rapporten dr?ftes med hele lytte-teamet.Rapporten sendes til deltagerne i fokusgruppe-interviews til orientering og godkendelse.17
18. 6. REFLEKSION OVER RAPPORTENRefleksionen kan enten foretages af lytte-teamet alene eller p? et menighedsr?dsm?de e.l.Sp?rgsm?l til refleksion over rapporten rapporten:Hvad har vi l?rt om erfaringer og holdninger hos mennesker i lokalsamfundet?
20. SUPPLEMENT TIL FOKUSGRUPPE-INTERVIEWSFokusgruppe-interviewene kan evt. suppleres med 1. Uformelle interviews og observationer - samtaler med enkeltpersoner - observationer fra hverdagen - observationer fra kirkelivet2. Indhentning af kvantitative data- data fra Kirkefondets Sognestatistik- demografi- kirkelige data
21. MULIGE RESULTATER AF LYTTEPROCESSERVed at lytte l?rer vi mennesker i lokalsamfundet bedre at kende. - Vigtigt for udvikling af den lokale kirkes arbejdeVed at blive lyttet til f?r mennesker i lokalsamfundet f?r anledning til at s?tte ord p? deres erfaringer, tanker og tro. - Vigtigt for menneskers egen udvikling Ved at lytte og blive lyttet til skabes der relationer mellem kirkeg?ngere og andre mennesker i lokalsamfundet. - Vigtigt for kirkens forankring i lokalsamfundet.20