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Lung sonography in the choise of the best mask for NIV in ALS patient
A. Longoni*/** , P. Pozzi **, A. Paddeu**
* S.R.R.F. - ** Cardio-Respiratory Rehabilitation Center Paola Giancola Foundation, S. Anthony Abate Hospital Cant湛, ASST Lariana, Italy
! !!E.R. a 77 year-old woman suffering from ALS with tetraparesis
at lower limbs was hospitalized to start non invasive
mechanical ventilation (NIMV). The basal pulmonary function
testings (PFT) were compatible with a severe reduction of the
forced vital capacity (FVC) as well as of the maximum
inspiratory and expiratory pressures (Mip=32, Mep=28,
FVC=69%,Fev1=83%, Fev1/FVC=131%, Pef=67%), PCEF=
380 lt/m.
Case history
The Niv treatment
At the discharge (31/07 to 21/08/2018) the patient was able to carry the NIMV all night long
and she had a satisfactory diaphragmatic excursion with 1,1 cm to 3 cm in normal and
3,8 cm to 5,2 cm in forced breathing. Mip=33, Mep=25, PCEF= 360 lt/m,
FVC=76%,Fev1=88%, Fev1/FVC=127%, Pef=66%). During NIMV she had 1,2 cm, 4,6
cm, 3 cm in ventilation with oronasal, nasal and facial mask ( Fig. 8-9-10) respect to
normal ventilation (Fig.6) and recruitment of 3,5,9 A lines (Fig. 13-14-15). Diaphragmatic
Sonography can be an excellent verification tool, safe, fast, not expensive method to be
performed, at the patient's bed, to choose the most suitable mask for the needs and
patients face during non invasive ventilation.
The patient has performed NIMV (Amstral 150) with a
integrated hot humidifier and different masks (Fig.2-7-12). The
parameters were: S/T mode, Avaps on, VT= 400 ml, Ipap
max= 20, Ipap min=16, Epap=6, FR=10, Ti =1.2. The
Ultrasound (US) were performed at the admission and at the
discharge with patient in 45属 lying down position (Fig.1) with
normal and forced breathing (Fig.6-11), in M-mode with a
convex probe 1-5 MgHz. We have studied the diaphragmatic
excursion in anterior subcostal view and the presence of A line
in upper right thoracic position.
We have studied the ventilator index, mask leaks and the problems
and sensations reported by the patient during NIMV with the
different masks compared with US parameters:
1) The oronasal mask was the first choice but gave it problems of
eyes for heigh leaks due to the thin shape of the cheeks. The
ventilator had high leaks and lower tidal volume values ( Fig.5) ,
lower US diaphragmatic excursion (Fig. 3) and lower presence of
A lines ( Fig.4) .
2) The nasal mask was most comfortable for the cheeks and nose
and had less ventilator leaks (Fig.10). It had created problems
related to the opening of the mouth during sleep even if it had the
maximum value of diaphragmatic excursion (Fig.8), but low tidal
volume ( Fig.10) and a good presence of A lines ( Fig. 9).
3) The total face mask was the most comfortable. A smaller
diaphragmatic excursion ( Fig.13) than the second mask but an
higher tidal volume ( Fig.15), an alveolar recruitment linked to
the high number of lines A (Fig.14), a reduced mask leaks ( Fig.
15) and elimination of the psychological problems due to
opening mouth.
Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4 Fig.5
Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig.8 Fig.9 Fig.10
Fig.11 Fig.12 Fig.13 Fig.15Fig.14
Masks! Oronasale! Nasale! Facciale!
+!confort! 0! 1! 2!
0!problems! 0! 1! 2!
0!Skin!lesions! 0! 1! 2!
0!Mask!!!leak!(L/min)! 0! 1! 2!
+!Vte!!ml! 0! 1! 2!
0! 2! 1!
0! 1! 2!
Total! 0! 8! 13!

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Lung sonography in the choise of best mask for niv

  • 1. Lung sonography in the choise of the best mask for NIV in ALS patient A. Longoni*/** , P. Pozzi **, A. Paddeu** * S.R.R.F. - ** Cardio-Respiratory Rehabilitation Center Paola Giancola Foundation, S. Anthony Abate Hospital Cant湛, ASST Lariana, Italy angelo.longoni@asst-lariana.it ! !!E.R. a 77 year-old woman suffering from ALS with tetraparesis at lower limbs was hospitalized to start non invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV). The basal pulmonary function testings (PFT) were compatible with a severe reduction of the forced vital capacity (FVC) as well as of the maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures (Mip=32, Mep=28, FVC=69%,Fev1=83%, Fev1/FVC=131%, Pef=67%), PCEF= 380 lt/m. !! Case history The Niv treatment Conclusion: At the discharge (31/07 to 21/08/2018) the patient was able to carry the NIMV all night long and she had a satisfactory diaphragmatic excursion with 1,1 cm to 3 cm in normal and 3,8 cm to 5,2 cm in forced breathing. Mip=33, Mep=25, PCEF= 360 lt/m, FVC=76%,Fev1=88%, Fev1/FVC=127%, Pef=66%). During NIMV she had 1,2 cm, 4,6 cm, 3 cm in ventilation with oronasal, nasal and facial mask ( Fig. 8-9-10) respect to normal ventilation (Fig.6) and recruitment of 3,5,9 A lines (Fig. 13-14-15). Diaphragmatic Sonography can be an excellent verification tool, safe, fast, not expensive method to be performed, at the patient's bed, to choose the most suitable mask for the needs and patients face during non invasive ventilation. The patient has performed NIMV (Amstral 150) with a integrated hot humidifier and different masks (Fig.2-7-12). The parameters were: S/T mode, Avaps on, VT= 400 ml, Ipap max= 20, Ipap min=16, Epap=6, FR=10, Ti =1.2. The Ultrasound (US) were performed at the admission and at the discharge with patient in 45属 lying down position (Fig.1) with normal and forced breathing (Fig.6-11), in M-mode with a convex probe 1-5 MgHz. We have studied the diaphragmatic excursion in anterior subcostal view and the presence of A line in upper right thoracic position. We have studied the ventilator index, mask leaks and the problems and sensations reported by the patient during NIMV with the different masks compared with US parameters: 1) The oronasal mask was the first choice but gave it problems of eyes for heigh leaks due to the thin shape of the cheeks. The ventilator had high leaks and lower tidal volume values ( Fig.5) , lower US diaphragmatic excursion (Fig. 3) and lower presence of A lines ( Fig.4) . 2) The nasal mask was most comfortable for the cheeks and nose and had less ventilator leaks (Fig.10). It had created problems related to the opening of the mouth during sleep even if it had the maximum value of diaphragmatic excursion (Fig.8), but low tidal volume ( Fig.10) and a good presence of A lines ( Fig. 9). 3) The total face mask was the most comfortable. A smaller diaphragmatic excursion ( Fig.13) than the second mask but an higher tidal volume ( Fig.15), an alveolar recruitment linked to the high number of lines A (Fig.14), a reduced mask leaks ( Fig. 15) and elimination of the psychological problems due to opening mouth. Investigations Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig.8 Fig.9 Fig.10 Fig.11 Fig.12 Fig.13 Fig.15Fig.14 Masks! Oronasale! Nasale! Facciale! +!confort! 0! 1! 2! 0!problems! 0! 1! 2! 0!Skin!lesions! 0! 1! 2! 0!Mask!!!leak!(L/min)! 0! 1! 2! +!Vte!!ml! 0! 1! 2! +!Diaphragmatic! excursion!(cm)! 0! 2! 1! +!Alveolar! recruitment!(A0lines)! 0! 1! 2! Total! 0! 8! 13! 25!Gennaio!2020!