Dokumen tersebut membahas materi Matematika 1 untuk minggu ke-2 yang meliputi sifat matriks, perhitungan invers matriks dengan metode operasi baris elemen (OBE) dan determinan, aturan Cramer, serta perhitungan invers matriks menggunakan determinan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas hubungan antara gaya, gerak, dan energi melalui beberapa percobaan seperti gaya gravitasi, gaya gesek, dan gaya magnet yang dijelaskan melalui cara induksi dan gosokan.
Gaya magnet memiliki hubungan erat dengan aliran listrik. Percobaan menunjukkan bahwa gaya magnet dapat menarik atau menolak benda logam tertentu, dan hal ini terjadi karena adanya aliran listrik di dalam magnet yang menimbulkan medan magnet.
The document discusses plans to launch a new cat food product called Kitty's Catch Mouse Mousse. It would be a 100g can of processed mouse meat sold for $1 through supermarkets. Testing found that while many owners recognize cats hunt mice, over half disagreed with commercially processed mouse meat. The product launch plans were not supported. However, the testing revealed opportunities in products that address cats' aggressive behaviors.
The document discusses the rise of 3D television technology. It outlines the history of 3D and how 3D movies in theaters helped popularize the technology. Major TV manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, and Panasonic are now releasing 3D TV models. Executives from these companies believe 3D will become mainstream as content increases, including 3D sports broadcasts, movies, games and shows. They aim to make 3D a regular home viewing experience.
Access Granted Foundation Marketing ProposalJaddan Bruhn
The document describes a foundation called ACCESSGRANTED that aims to help teenage parents complete their secondary education and improve their career prospects through a structured work placement program. The 3-month program places candidates in jobs where they can demonstrate skills and receive an accreditation to help find employment. The foundation plans to partner with corporations, government agencies, and conduct various promotional activities to increase awareness and participation in the program.
The document proposes Riccione, Italy as the location to host the 2012 FPA World Flying Disc Championship. It highlights Riccione's experienced organization from previously hosting events, ideal summer location on the Adriatic Coast with beach and entertainment, large audience and media coverage, infrastructure to host a big tournament, nightlife and parties, and convenient transportation. The bid emphasizes its readiness and professionalism to host an excellent event for players and grow the sport on a massive scale.
This document contains introductions from several students attending Alfredo Palacios school in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The students range in age from 11-13 years old and describe their favorite subjects, which include PE, math, language and history. They note that their classroom has around 29 students. Many students mention enjoying the computer room and science lab. Their school days typically run from 8-12:15 and they have different class schedules on different days of the week. Fridays seem to be a popular favorite day for many of the students.
Australian Seniors Insurance Media EvaluationJaddan Bruhn
The document evaluates media options to promote an Australian Seniors Insurance funeral plan product. It identifies newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet and cinema as effective ways to reach the target audience of retired Australians aged 60-75. It recommends a combination of options including newspaper, magazine and radio advertisements along with television commercials and branded content to raise awareness of the funeral plan product.
The document presents a vision for a learning experience that teaches children responsible money habits through engaging them at key money moments like dinners, stores, and paydays. It aims to help busy parents consistently provide feedback to kids aged 7-9 on saving, spending wisely, and working towards goals, while also accommodating different aged children and busy lifestyles. The experience would create chore deals for kids to track and manage their own finances.
Television allows advertisers to reach a mass market through emotionally impactful 15-30 second ads, but requires large budgets. It is effective for brand awareness and FMCG products. Radio provides low-cost broadcast ads with short lead times but messages must quickly grab attention. Magazines allow detailed, colorful ads aligned with content and samples, reaching broad demographics. Newspapers still reach many Australians daily through large ads but readership is declining. Out of home advertising uses large visuals to keep products top of mind through billboards and posters. Internet advertising uses banners and websites cost-effectively but messages cannot slow browsing. Mobile advertising sends location-based offers and coupons but not all have phones on. Viral videos spread authentic brand messages if
The document summarizes findings from a national consumer agency's market research on consumer empowerment and complaints in Ireland. It finds that consumers feel more empowered in their rights and more willing to complain than in previous surveys. When consumers had a reason to complain or return an item in the last year, most (92%) made a complaint, and over three-quarters found the complaints process easy. The majority (84%) of complaints were fully resolved.
Tourism Victoria aims to increase overnight visits from Sydney backpackers aged 18-29 to Melbourne in spring/summer 2010-11 by 15%. Competing destinations include Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory, and New Zealand. The $800k campaign budget gives Tourism Victoria a 15% share of the voice. Advertising will highlight events in Melbourne like the AFL Grand Final, arts festivals, and tennis, and drive traffic to the Backpack Melbourne website. The media plan utilizes radio, print, and online outlets popular with Sydney backpackers to reach them with the campaign message at least four times throughout the campaign period.
Menegur Kembali Pentingnya Pembangunan Budaya BernalarIwan Pranoto
Secara ringkas, artikel ini membahas tentang pentingnya pembangunan budaya ilmiah melalui pendidikan matematika dan sains di sekolah. Sayangnya, pendidikan matematika dan sains saat ini hanya berfokus pada penghafalan rumus tanpa pemahaman mendalam, sehingga menimbulkan citra negatif di masyarakat. Padahal, tujuan sebenarnya adalah membentuk ketrampilan berpikir kritis dan memecahkan masalah melalui proses
1. Kurikulum matematika Indonesia kurang memfokuskan pada penalaran dan pemecahan masalah serta kurangnya topik dan penggunaan kalkulator.
2. Guru matematika Indonesia rendah pendidikannya dan sedikit yang memiliki gelar di bidang matematika serta jarang mengikuti pelatihan.
3. Dukungan sekolah dan rumah kurang memadai untuk pendidikan matematika karena sumber daya terbatas di sekolah dan lingkungan serta pendidikan orang tua
The document discusses the rise of 3D television technology. It outlines the history of 3D and how 3D movies in theaters helped popularize the technology. Major TV manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, and Panasonic are now releasing 3D TV models. Executives from these companies believe 3D will become mainstream as content increases, including 3D sports broadcasts, movies, games and shows. They aim to make 3D a regular home viewing experience.
Access Granted Foundation Marketing ProposalJaddan Bruhn
The document describes a foundation called ACCESSGRANTED that aims to help teenage parents complete their secondary education and improve their career prospects through a structured work placement program. The 3-month program places candidates in jobs where they can demonstrate skills and receive an accreditation to help find employment. The foundation plans to partner with corporations, government agencies, and conduct various promotional activities to increase awareness and participation in the program.
The document proposes Riccione, Italy as the location to host the 2012 FPA World Flying Disc Championship. It highlights Riccione's experienced organization from previously hosting events, ideal summer location on the Adriatic Coast with beach and entertainment, large audience and media coverage, infrastructure to host a big tournament, nightlife and parties, and convenient transportation. The bid emphasizes its readiness and professionalism to host an excellent event for players and grow the sport on a massive scale.
This document contains introductions from several students attending Alfredo Palacios school in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The students range in age from 11-13 years old and describe their favorite subjects, which include PE, math, language and history. They note that their classroom has around 29 students. Many students mention enjoying the computer room and science lab. Their school days typically run from 8-12:15 and they have different class schedules on different days of the week. Fridays seem to be a popular favorite day for many of the students.
Australian Seniors Insurance Media EvaluationJaddan Bruhn
The document evaluates media options to promote an Australian Seniors Insurance funeral plan product. It identifies newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet and cinema as effective ways to reach the target audience of retired Australians aged 60-75. It recommends a combination of options including newspaper, magazine and radio advertisements along with television commercials and branded content to raise awareness of the funeral plan product.
The document presents a vision for a learning experience that teaches children responsible money habits through engaging them at key money moments like dinners, stores, and paydays. It aims to help busy parents consistently provide feedback to kids aged 7-9 on saving, spending wisely, and working towards goals, while also accommodating different aged children and busy lifestyles. The experience would create chore deals for kids to track and manage their own finances.
Television allows advertisers to reach a mass market through emotionally impactful 15-30 second ads, but requires large budgets. It is effective for brand awareness and FMCG products. Radio provides low-cost broadcast ads with short lead times but messages must quickly grab attention. Magazines allow detailed, colorful ads aligned with content and samples, reaching broad demographics. Newspapers still reach many Australians daily through large ads but readership is declining. Out of home advertising uses large visuals to keep products top of mind through billboards and posters. Internet advertising uses banners and websites cost-effectively but messages cannot slow browsing. Mobile advertising sends location-based offers and coupons but not all have phones on. Viral videos spread authentic brand messages if
The document summarizes findings from a national consumer agency's market research on consumer empowerment and complaints in Ireland. It finds that consumers feel more empowered in their rights and more willing to complain than in previous surveys. When consumers had a reason to complain or return an item in the last year, most (92%) made a complaint, and over three-quarters found the complaints process easy. The majority (84%) of complaints were fully resolved.
Tourism Victoria aims to increase overnight visits from Sydney backpackers aged 18-29 to Melbourne in spring/summer 2010-11 by 15%. Competing destinations include Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory, and New Zealand. The $800k campaign budget gives Tourism Victoria a 15% share of the voice. Advertising will highlight events in Melbourne like the AFL Grand Final, arts festivals, and tennis, and drive traffic to the Backpack Melbourne website. The media plan utilizes radio, print, and online outlets popular with Sydney backpackers to reach them with the campaign message at least four times throughout the campaign period.
Menegur Kembali Pentingnya Pembangunan Budaya BernalarIwan Pranoto
Secara ringkas, artikel ini membahas tentang pentingnya pembangunan budaya ilmiah melalui pendidikan matematika dan sains di sekolah. Sayangnya, pendidikan matematika dan sains saat ini hanya berfokus pada penghafalan rumus tanpa pemahaman mendalam, sehingga menimbulkan citra negatif di masyarakat. Padahal, tujuan sebenarnya adalah membentuk ketrampilan berpikir kritis dan memecahkan masalah melalui proses
1. Kurikulum matematika Indonesia kurang memfokuskan pada penalaran dan pemecahan masalah serta kurangnya topik dan penggunaan kalkulator.
2. Guru matematika Indonesia rendah pendidikannya dan sedikit yang memiliki gelar di bidang matematika serta jarang mengikuti pelatihan.
3. Dukungan sekolah dan rumah kurang memadai untuk pendidikan matematika karena sumber daya terbatas di sekolah dan lingkungan serta pendidikan orang tua
Sebuah Ringkasan: Menyemai Benih Budaya Ilmiah di Pembelajaran Matematika dan...Iwan Pranoto
1. Pendidikan matematika dan IPA di Indonesia menunjukkan hasil yang rendah pada tes internasional seperti TIMSS dan PISA. Siswa Indonesia berada di peringkat bawah dalam penguasaan proses berpikir di bidang matematika dan IPA.
2. Penyebab rendahnya kinerja siswa adalah kurangnya penanaman budaya ilmiah dalam pembelajaran. Matematika dan IPA diajarkan secara dogmatis tanpa melibatkan proses berpikir.
3. Per
The document discusses the results of the TIMSS 2011 report and issues with math and science education in Indonesia. It finds that Indonesian students are very weak in cognitive skills requiring higher-order thinking like applying, reasoning, and decision-making. Students are only mastering the basic level of remembering and summarizing material. It attributes these issues to a lack of conceptual understanding among teachers, an education system that does not emphasize reasoning, and pseudoscience approaches being used. It recommends empowering teachers, improving STEAM education, and developing a culture of scientific thinking in schools.
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai pengukuran pemahaman siswa dalam tes, termasuk soal-soal yang hanya dapat dijawab benar melalui peniruan atau penghitungan saja tanpa pemahaman, serta berbagai model pengukuran pemahaman seperti Bloom, PISA, TIMSS, dan PIRLS. Dokumen ini juga membahas mengenai bahasa yang digunakan dalam soal tes, serta contoh soal-soal untuk mengukur berbagai tingkat
The document discusses the Fibonacci sequence and how it relates to patterns found in nature, such as spirals in pinecones and sunflowers. It provides examples of the golden ratio in art and architecture, including the Parthenon and paintings like the Mona Lisa. The document argues that teaching concepts like the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio show how math is present in beauty found in both nature and design.
Dokumen ini membahas pentingnya membelajari matematika sebagai kata kerja dan bukan sebagai kata benda. Matematika harus diajarkan sebagai tradisi mempertanyakan dan memperbaiki, bukan sekedar menghafal rumus dan konsep. Siswa juga perlu diajarkan berpikir kritis dan penjelajahan keingintahuan melalui pembelajaran matematika.
Presentasi ini membahas tentang kompleksitas dalam sistem alam dan ilmu pengetahuan. Sistem yang terlihat kompleks ternyata dapat terbentuk dari pengulangan subsistem yang sederhana, seperti pada pohon fraktal dan koloni organisme. Sistem kontrol multi-agen dan algoritma seperti particle swarm optimization dapat menciptakan kecerdasan kolektif meski secara individu tidak cerdas. Presentasi ini mengajak untuk melihat kompleksitas dalam perspektif il
Developing Culture through Math & Science EducationIwan Pranoto
This document discusses using math and science education to develop culture. It argues that teaching these subjects helps cultivate rational thinking and a mind for beauty. The document presents ideas from several sources on how math and science engage different parts of the brain and can be taught through artistic projects to make the subjects more visually engaging and pleasurable for students. It aims to show how these fields resonate with full human experience beyond just logic.
Ini naskah powerpoint saya di seminar Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Bahasa Ilmiah yang diadakan di Bukittinggi, 1-3 November 2013 oleh Komisi Ilmu Sosial AIPI.
Disajikan di Kelompok Keahlian Ilmu Kemanusiaan, ITB, 10 Desember 2012. Mungkin sekarang saya tak bicara karakter lagi, saat istilah "pendidikan karakter" sudah tak jelas maknanya lagi.
Mempertanyakan Rasionalitas dan Estetika MatematikaIwan Pranoto
1) The document discusses the aesthetics of mathematics, noting how mathematics can be inspired by art and how mathematical processes can produce aesthetics.
2) It provides examples of works of art inspired by mathematics as well as mathematical formulas and concepts considered beautiful.
3) The document argues that mathematicians experience an "aesthetic buzz" both from contemplating beautiful mathematics and achieving insights, and that beauty and intuition are important motivations in mathematics alongside rigor.
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Seminar dan油Knowledge Sharing Kepustakawanan yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Perpusdokinfo LPNK Ristek. Tanggal 28 November 2017
Analisis Subjek Literatur Pada Disertasi Kajian Budaya dan Media (KBM) Sekola...Murad Maulana
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Lokakarya Nasional (Loknas) 2016 PDII LIPI dengan tema tema Pengelolaan Data, Informasi, dan Pengetahuan untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Repositori Nasional Indonesia, tanggal 10 11 Agustus 2016
Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis? Podcast Ikatan Alumni Lemhannas RI IKAL Lem...Dadang Solihin
Keberadaan Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis?
Pendekatan terbaik adalah realistis dengan kecenderungan optimis.
Jika Danantara memiliki perencanaan yang matang, dukungan kebijakan yang kuat, dan mampu beradaptasi dengan tantangan yang ada, maka peluang keberhasilannya besar.
Namun, jika implementasinya tidak disertai dengan strategi mitigasi risiko yang baik, maka pesimisme terhadap dampaknya juga cukup beralasan.
Pada akhirnya, kunci suksesnya adalah bagaimana Danantara bisa dikelola secara efektif, inklusif, dan berkelanjutan, sehingga dampak positifnya lebih dominan dibandingkan risikonya.