The document discusses Pap smear tests and cervical biopsies. It provides definitions of Pap smear tests and describes the procedures, including preparation, instruments used, and roles of nurses. Cervical biopsies are defined and the types, indications, contraindications, procedures, and possible complications are outlined. The document is submitted to the principal of KINSR by Tarini Tarang, a third year nursing student.
The international council of nurses (ICN) is a global organization that works to ensure quality nursing care worldwide and promote sound health policies globally. Founded in 1899, ICN has over 130 national nursing associations as members and offices in Geneva. ICN provides nurses with educational material and supports nursing associations and organizations through its objectives and affiliates like the council of international neonatal nurses and federation of nurse associations.
Indian NC & State Nursing council 2.pptxZellanienhd
The Indian Nursing Council (INC) is an autonomous statutory body that establishes uniform standards for nurses, midwives, and health visitors across India. The INC aims to regulate nursing training policies and programs, prescribe minimum education standards, maintain the Indian nursing register, and promote nursing research. It sets standards for and regulates all types of nursing education. The INC works closely with State Nursing Councils, which inspect and accredit schools, conduct examinations, and maintain nursing registers for their state in accordance with INC guidelines. Examination boards and universities recognized by the INC and State Nursing Councils award nursing qualifications.
Cancer is caused by genetic mutations, most of which are acquired somatically. Certain cancers have a genetic component. Nursing assessments for cancer include obtaining a detailed family history looking for clustering of cancers at early ages or multiple primary cancers in one individual. Physical assessments examine for signs suggestive of hereditary cancer syndromes. Nursing diagnoses for cancer patients include risks of infection, bleeding, impaired nutrition, pain, fatigue, and body image disturbance. Goals of care include managing these risks and complications.
Triage is the process of sorting patients based on the urgency of their condition to determine priority of treatment. The goal is to provide the right care to the right patient at the right time. There are different categories for triage, such as immediate, urgent, less urgent and non-urgent. The triage nurse conducts an initial assessment of the patient's airway, breathing, circulation and disability level to identify life-threatening issues and assign an acuity level for treatment. Re-triage is important as a patient's condition may deteriorate while waiting. The triage nurse plays a key role in efficiently sorting and treating patients based on need.
This document discusses mastoiditis, an inflammation of the mastoid process behind the ear that is connected to the middle ear. It can be acute or chronic. Acute mastoiditis is a complication of acute otitis media, while chronic mastoiditis is associated with chronic suppurative otitis media or cholesteatoma. Signs and symptoms include ear pain, swelling, discharge, and hearing loss. Diagnosis involves examination, imaging tests, and fluid culture. Treatment includes antibiotics, ear irrigation, analgesics, and sometimes surgery like mastoidectomy, myringotomy, or tympanoplasty. Nursing care focuses on pain management, medication administration, and monitoring for infection.
A mastectomy is a surgery to remove one or both breasts to treat or prevent breast cancer. There are several types of mastectomies including total mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, lumpectomy, and radical mastectomy, each with different procedures for removing breast tissue and lymph nodes. Post-mastectomy exercises are performed after surgery to increase blood circulation, muscle strength, restore range of motion, and prevent stiffness; they should be done three times daily under a doctor's guidance using equipment like rubber balls and ropes.
This document discusses maternal and child health, including the objectives of MCH programs, maternal risk factors, components of MCH care, and the roles and responsibilities of nurses. It covers antenatal, intranatal, and postnatal care services. The key aspects of care for mothers include antenatal visits, immunizations, nutrition, health education. Newborn care includes immediate care procedures, breastfeeding support, and growth monitoring. Nurses provide MCH services, educate mothers, and act as administrators in MCH programs.
mastoiditis is the inflammatory condition of the mastoid bone and this topic include its definition, etiology, clinical feature and its treatment this ppt can be used by bsc and gnm nursing student for taking care of the patient suffering from mastoiditis and for learning and writing purpose for their exam
Oral cancer-.pptx oncology and GI disordersAlanSudhan
Oral cancer refers to cancers that develop in the mouth or throat. The most common types are squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Risk factors include smoking, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, HPV infection, and sun exposure. Symptoms may include sores, lumps, pain or bleeding in the mouth. Diagnosis involves biopsy of suspicious areas. Treatment depends on stage but commonly includes surgery to remove the tumor and potentially lymph nodes, as well as radiation therapy. Early detection and treatment leads to the best outcomes.
Cervical cancer is caused by persistent HPV infection that can lead to abnormal cell growth in the cervix. It is diagnosed through screening tests like Pap smear and HPV testing, followed by diagnostic procedures like colposcopy and biopsy if initial tests are abnormal. The FIGO staging system is used to classify cervical cancer on a scale of 0 to IV based on how far the cancer has spread from the cervix.
1. nursing management patient with angina pectorisAkash Bhagwat
This document discusses angina pectoris and its nursing management. It begins with definitions of angina pectoris as chest pain or pressure caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart. It then covers the incidence, risk factors, pathophysiology, types, clinical features, diagnosis, medical management, and nursing management of angina pectoris. The nursing management involves assessing chest pain, monitoring vital signs, administering nitroglycerin to relieve pain, providing oxygen therapy if needed, educating patients and families, and helping patients adhere to treatment plans to prevent complications.
LABRINTITIS. disorder of inner ear affect hearingShikharSingh98
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear that causes symptoms like vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. It is often caused by viral or bacterial infections spreading from the middle ear or respiratory tract. Diagnosis involves tests like audiograms, ENG tests, and imaging scans. Treatment focuses on antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and vestibular rehabilitation therapy to help the brain compensate for abnormal signals from the inner ear. Left untreated, labyrinthitis can lead to permanent hearing loss or other complications.
This document provides an overview of nursing as a profession. It discusses the concept of professionalism and characteristics of professionalism in nursing. It outlines the essential qualities of a nurse and regulatory bodies like the Indian Nursing Council and State Nursing Councils. It also discusses current trends and issues in nursing education, practice standards, codes of nursing ethics, and the Consumer Protection Act as it relates to patients' rights.
The document outlines the key responsibilities of an ICU nurse, which include closely monitoring critical patients and changes in their conditions, documenting important medical information, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, administering treatments, ensuring equipment functions properly, collaborating with the healthcare team, and providing care and support for patients and their families.
fracture is the breakdown in the continutity of the bone alignment this has many types as the fracure this topic include its definition , etiology, pathophysiology, clinical menisfestation, diagnosis and its treatment which can be used by nursing students for taking care of the patient suffering from fracture and for learning for their examination and knowledge purpose
An incident report is used to document unusual events like falls, medication errors, or injuries involving clients, visitors, or staff. It informs administrators of the incident to prevent future occurrences and alerts insurers of potential claims. The report includes details of the incident like time, location, people involved, the nurse's assessment and care provided, physician notification, and is forwarded according to facility policy. Personal opinions or blame are not included.
Train Nurses Association India & STA.pptxZellanienhd
The document discusses the Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) and the Student Nurses Association (SNA) in India. TNAI is the national professional association of nurses in India, established in 1908. Its aims include establishing nursing practice standards, upgrading nursing education, and improving nurses' working conditions. SNA was established in 1929 as the organization for student nurses. Its objectives are to help students uphold nursing ideals and provide advice to aid their professional development.
The document provides assessment criteria for evaluating writing skills in a referral letter writing test. It outlines categories for assessment, including overall task fulfillment, comprehension of the stimulus material, appropriateness of language, control of linguistic features, and control of presentation features. For each category, it lists specific criteria that assessors will use to determine the writing level and provides strategies for candidates to develop skills to achieve an A or B grade.
8 slides di presentazione delle caratteristiche minime comuni ai fondi interprofessionali italiani: basi normative, organi di governo, origine e forme di gestione delle risorse, caratteristiche dei progetti formativi e dei soggetti che possono presentarli.
I Fondi Interprofessionali sono utilizzati dalle aziende di tutti i settori per la formazione continua dei propri dipendenti. Si tratta di Fondi Paritetici nazionali costituiti dalle rappresentanze dei datori di lavoro e dei lavoratori (organizzazioni sindacali). Sono Enti privati che gestiscono denaro pubblico: i contributi obbligatori per dipendenti a INPS.
Attualmente esistono 21 Fondi di cui tre dedicati ai Dirigenti. Unazienda pu嘆 scegliere liberamente a quale fondo aderire.
LEN lavora nella progettazione, erogazione, coordinamento e rendicontazione delle attivit formative afferenti principalmente ai seguenti Fondi:
Fondo Professioni (LEN 竪 Ente accreditato)
Fonditalia (LEN 竪 Ente accreditato)
Materiale didattico di tutti i relatori al seminario
organizzato da ETAss il 5 Marzo 2012
A mastectomy is a surgery to remove one or both breasts to treat or prevent breast cancer. There are several types of mastectomies including total mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, lumpectomy, and radical mastectomy, each with different procedures for removing breast tissue and lymph nodes. Post-mastectomy exercises are performed after surgery to increase blood circulation, muscle strength, restore range of motion, and prevent stiffness; they should be done three times daily under a doctor's guidance using equipment like rubber balls and ropes.
This document discusses maternal and child health, including the objectives of MCH programs, maternal risk factors, components of MCH care, and the roles and responsibilities of nurses. It covers antenatal, intranatal, and postnatal care services. The key aspects of care for mothers include antenatal visits, immunizations, nutrition, health education. Newborn care includes immediate care procedures, breastfeeding support, and growth monitoring. Nurses provide MCH services, educate mothers, and act as administrators in MCH programs.
mastoiditis is the inflammatory condition of the mastoid bone and this topic include its definition, etiology, clinical feature and its treatment this ppt can be used by bsc and gnm nursing student for taking care of the patient suffering from mastoiditis and for learning and writing purpose for their exam
Oral cancer-.pptx oncology and GI disordersAlanSudhan
Oral cancer refers to cancers that develop in the mouth or throat. The most common types are squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Risk factors include smoking, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, HPV infection, and sun exposure. Symptoms may include sores, lumps, pain or bleeding in the mouth. Diagnosis involves biopsy of suspicious areas. Treatment depends on stage but commonly includes surgery to remove the tumor and potentially lymph nodes, as well as radiation therapy. Early detection and treatment leads to the best outcomes.
Cervical cancer is caused by persistent HPV infection that can lead to abnormal cell growth in the cervix. It is diagnosed through screening tests like Pap smear and HPV testing, followed by diagnostic procedures like colposcopy and biopsy if initial tests are abnormal. The FIGO staging system is used to classify cervical cancer on a scale of 0 to IV based on how far the cancer has spread from the cervix.
1. nursing management patient with angina pectorisAkash Bhagwat
This document discusses angina pectoris and its nursing management. It begins with definitions of angina pectoris as chest pain or pressure caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart. It then covers the incidence, risk factors, pathophysiology, types, clinical features, diagnosis, medical management, and nursing management of angina pectoris. The nursing management involves assessing chest pain, monitoring vital signs, administering nitroglycerin to relieve pain, providing oxygen therapy if needed, educating patients and families, and helping patients adhere to treatment plans to prevent complications.
LABRINTITIS. disorder of inner ear affect hearingShikharSingh98
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear that causes symptoms like vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. It is often caused by viral or bacterial infections spreading from the middle ear or respiratory tract. Diagnosis involves tests like audiograms, ENG tests, and imaging scans. Treatment focuses on antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and vestibular rehabilitation therapy to help the brain compensate for abnormal signals from the inner ear. Left untreated, labyrinthitis can lead to permanent hearing loss or other complications.
This document provides an overview of nursing as a profession. It discusses the concept of professionalism and characteristics of professionalism in nursing. It outlines the essential qualities of a nurse and regulatory bodies like the Indian Nursing Council and State Nursing Councils. It also discusses current trends and issues in nursing education, practice standards, codes of nursing ethics, and the Consumer Protection Act as it relates to patients' rights.
The document outlines the key responsibilities of an ICU nurse, which include closely monitoring critical patients and changes in their conditions, documenting important medical information, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, administering treatments, ensuring equipment functions properly, collaborating with the healthcare team, and providing care and support for patients and their families.
fracture is the breakdown in the continutity of the bone alignment this has many types as the fracure this topic include its definition , etiology, pathophysiology, clinical menisfestation, diagnosis and its treatment which can be used by nursing students for taking care of the patient suffering from fracture and for learning for their examination and knowledge purpose
An incident report is used to document unusual events like falls, medication errors, or injuries involving clients, visitors, or staff. It informs administrators of the incident to prevent future occurrences and alerts insurers of potential claims. The report includes details of the incident like time, location, people involved, the nurse's assessment and care provided, physician notification, and is forwarded according to facility policy. Personal opinions or blame are not included.
Train Nurses Association India & STA.pptxZellanienhd
The document discusses the Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) and the Student Nurses Association (SNA) in India. TNAI is the national professional association of nurses in India, established in 1908. Its aims include establishing nursing practice standards, upgrading nursing education, and improving nurses' working conditions. SNA was established in 1929 as the organization for student nurses. Its objectives are to help students uphold nursing ideals and provide advice to aid their professional development.
The document provides assessment criteria for evaluating writing skills in a referral letter writing test. It outlines categories for assessment, including overall task fulfillment, comprehension of the stimulus material, appropriateness of language, control of linguistic features, and control of presentation features. For each category, it lists specific criteria that assessors will use to determine the writing level and provides strategies for candidates to develop skills to achieve an A or B grade.
8 slides di presentazione delle caratteristiche minime comuni ai fondi interprofessionali italiani: basi normative, organi di governo, origine e forme di gestione delle risorse, caratteristiche dei progetti formativi e dei soggetti che possono presentarli.
I Fondi Interprofessionali sono utilizzati dalle aziende di tutti i settori per la formazione continua dei propri dipendenti. Si tratta di Fondi Paritetici nazionali costituiti dalle rappresentanze dei datori di lavoro e dei lavoratori (organizzazioni sindacali). Sono Enti privati che gestiscono denaro pubblico: i contributi obbligatori per dipendenti a INPS.
Attualmente esistono 21 Fondi di cui tre dedicati ai Dirigenti. Unazienda pu嘆 scegliere liberamente a quale fondo aderire.
LEN lavora nella progettazione, erogazione, coordinamento e rendicontazione delle attivit formative afferenti principalmente ai seguenti Fondi:
Fondo Professioni (LEN 竪 Ente accreditato)
Fonditalia (LEN 竪 Ente accreditato)
Materiale didattico di tutti i relatori al seminario
organizzato da ETAss il 5 Marzo 2012
Gli FSE sono una grande opportunit per lanciare progetti di riorganizzazione e di formazione abilitante sul nostro territorio.
Non perdiamo questa occasione.
Formazione finanziata per PMI - Come funziona, cosa fare, quali corsi, quali docenti
Come ottenere corsi GRATIS di inglese e marketing per la tua azienda
Da anni accreditato presso la Regione Lombardia e presso tutti i principali Fondi interprofessionali. In possesso di certificazione ISO 9001:2008 (settore EA37), per le attivit di Formazione aziendale e Servizi per il Lavoro.
L'intervento di Studio Ti Con Zero al Convegno organizzato da AINM -Associazione Imprenditori Nord Milano Finanziamenti Europei e della Regione Lombardia a sostegno del sistema produttivo e della competitivit delle imprese.
Accelera e Risparmia: Guida il tuo Business con i contributi per la Formazione.
Dal 1998 Studio Ti Con Zero affianca le imprese di tutti i settori per ottenere i contributi a fondo perduto per la formazione aziendale
Come funziona la Formazione Finanziata e quali strumenti hanno a disposizione le aziende per ottenere finanziamenti a fondo perduto per corsi di formazione per i propri dipendenti.
Convegno Lisa servizi 31 01 2013 ridurre i costi della formazione con fondimp...Claudio Petrella
Seminario tecnico che illustra i principali metodi per risparmiare facendo sicurezza, partendo dall'OT24 e bando INAIL fino alle novit in ambito formazione. La parte di trattazione riguarda l'argomento lo Fondimpresa e come utilizzarlo per risparmiare investendo sulla formazione
Con il Bonus Formazione 4.0 hai un doppio vantaggio: aumenti le competenze tecnologiche del personale e ottieni una riduzione delle imposte in base a quanto hai investito in formazione.
Unopportunit unica per innovare sistemi produttivi e processi aziendali in modo conveniente: recuperi fino al 70% di quanto spendi, compreso il costo del personale dipendente impegnato nelle attivit formative.
2. Come funzionano i fondi
interprofessionali: semplifichiamo la
L. 388 del 2000: consente di destinare la quota dello 0,30% dei
contributi versati allINPS
ad un fondo interprofessionale a propria scelta, per poter beneficiare
di formazione e consulenza gratuita ai propri dipendenti e dirigenti.
Una legge consente di finanziare
consulenze specialistiche e piani di
formazione di aziende e studi
professionali per i propri dipendenti a
Unico requisito: avere almeno un dipendente ed
essere iscritti a un fondo
3. Come ci si iscrive al Fondo
4. Le Aziende si iscrivono al Fondo senza
sostenere costi e le attivit di
progettazione del piano formativo
sono remunerate allinterno del progetto
progetto formativo
Quali sono i costi per iscriversi e per usare i
5. Quali interventi e corsi possono
essere finanziati?
Qualsiasi tipologia di consulenza specialistica
o di corso, tra cui:
Business coaching strategico
(organizzazione e pianificazione)
Passaggio generazionale
Leadership positiva
Creazione e gestione di team vincenti
Comunicazione assertiva strategica
(gestione personale)
Gestione del tempo
Obiettivi e strategia per il successo
Parlare in pubblico
Gestione emozioni e stress intelligenza
6. .
Alcuni vantaggi per chi
sfrutta i
fondi interprofessionali: Risparmio sui costi della formazione
obbligatoria (es: sicurezza)
Formazione di alto livello a costo zero
(comunicazione, business e team coaching,
gestione del tempo, obiettivi, leadership,
passaggio generazionale)
Voucher formativi
Attivit formativa e consulenza personalizzabile
sulle esigenze espresse
7. .
Perch辿 conviene formare i
propri dipendenti?
Formare adeguatamente:
1. Innalza la qualit lavorativa
2. Aumenta la possibilit di successo
3. Accresce motivazione e
4. Aumenta le skills e il senso di
5. Il clima aziendale ne risente