Gerry's spelling goal is to improve and reach club level 500 by the end of the term. His writing goals are to underline his work and finish on time. He lists some of his favorite activities like skateboarding and rugby. The document also contains samples of Gerry's writing and math work from class.
The proposed policy reforms the secondary school promotion policy in Baltimore City Public Schools. It removes course-specific requirements for promotion between grades 9-11, instead requiring students to earn a set number of credits each year. For graduation, students must earn 21 credits, pass HS assessments or alternatives, and complete 75 hours of service. The current policy does not align with state standards and can discourage at-risk students. The proposed changes bring the policy in line with other counties and support student success.
Posisi dan peran agama sebagai spirit, energi dan motivasi yang melahirkan ide-ide, gagasan-gagasan dan perilaku budaya bangsa yang berkarakter dan bermartabat, meliputi dan menyentuh seluruh dimensi kehidupan. Di sinilah tugas berat kita sesungguhnya, karena hampir semua persoalan bangsa ini. dapat dihubungkan dengan masalah lemahnya pembinaan mentalitas, rendahnya religiusitas dan moralitas, dan belum memadainya pelayanan keagamaan yang nota bene menjadi tanggungjawab aparatur di lingkungan Departemen Agama
With virtually endless design options, decorative tiles are dressing up the ceiling plane while offering numerous performance, safety, and environmental benefits.
Part of the ATI University, this CEU covers the following four learning objections:
1. Identify various design and finishing options available in decorative ceiling tiles
2. Explain the performance characteristics of suspended ceiling systems as they relate to durability, safety, and sustainability
3. Describe the benefits of installation methods for snap-on ceiling systems
4. Discuss appropriate applications for decorative ceiling tiles across various market industries
This document appears to be a student's portfolio containing summaries of their learning and achievements across various subjects over several terms. It includes short assessments of skills developed in areas like spelling, writing descriptions, speech giving, physical education, geometry, and te reo M¨¡ori. The student reflects on goals and next steps to continue practicing and improving adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and other language techniques.
ºÝºÝߣs from my presentation at CodeIgniter Conference 2010 in Bristol in August 2010.
What I talked about:
- Startups: methodologies & techniques
- CodeIgniter: applying what we¡¯ve learned
- The future: how could things be better
The document evaluates online reference sources for use in an elementary school. It discusses criteria for evaluating sources, including authority, scope, treatment, format, and special features. Several sources are reviewed - Grolier Online, World Book Online, and NetTrekker. World Book Online is highly recommended for its age-appropriate content and links to state curriculum standards. Grolier Online and NetTrekker are also worthwhile options for their additional educational resources.
The document discusses improvements in JDK 7 for supporting dynamic languages on the JVM. These include method handles, which provide lightweight method pointers, and invokedynamic, which allows dynamic method dispatch. The Multi Language Virtual Machine project aimed to better support dynamic languages by allowing separate compilation and late-binding of method calls.
The document discusses the concept of owning or enclosing a language. It argues that if someone could own the English language, it would severely limit free speech and communication. The architecture used to implement currencies inherently leads to enclosure, concentrating power and wealth. Overall, the document cautions against allowing ownership of languages or architectures like currencies that can enable enclosure.
This document is advertising a Halloween event at Palau de l'Amitstat on October 22nd at 10:00 PM. People are encouraged to come in costume to have a truly traumatic and frightening Halloween experience that they will never forget. Attendees are asked to dress up and have fun.
MetaCurrency provides a platform for innovation rather than direct solutions, as it aims to empower users to shape the future in ways that may not yet be imagined, similar to how the early internet sparked unforeseen waves of innovation that transformed our world.
Enhance your microsoft bi stack to drive business user adoption slide
This document discusses enhancing Microsoft's business intelligence stack to drive business user adoption. It talks about the need for self-service applications, social and collaborative applications to enable more effective collaboration and faster decision making. It also discusses the challenges of the data explosion era and the need for contextual data discovery. The document then introduces Panorama Necto as a business intelligence 3.0 solution that offers advanced analytics, social BI, self-service capabilities and contextual discovery through an intelligent engine. It provides examples of Panorama Necto customers and invites the reader to try a live demo.
The proposed policy reforms the secondary school promotion policy in Baltimore City Public Schools. It removes course-specific requirements for promotion between grades 9-11, instead requiring students to earn a set number of credits each year. For graduation, students must earn 21 credits, pass HS assessments or alternatives, and complete 75 hours of service. The current policy does not align with state standards and can discourage at-risk students. The proposed changes bring the policy in line with other counties and support student success.
Posisi dan peran agama sebagai spirit, energi dan motivasi yang melahirkan ide-ide, gagasan-gagasan dan perilaku budaya bangsa yang berkarakter dan bermartabat, meliputi dan menyentuh seluruh dimensi kehidupan. Di sinilah tugas berat kita sesungguhnya, karena hampir semua persoalan bangsa ini. dapat dihubungkan dengan masalah lemahnya pembinaan mentalitas, rendahnya religiusitas dan moralitas, dan belum memadainya pelayanan keagamaan yang nota bene menjadi tanggungjawab aparatur di lingkungan Departemen Agama
With virtually endless design options, decorative tiles are dressing up the ceiling plane while offering numerous performance, safety, and environmental benefits.
Part of the ATI University, this CEU covers the following four learning objections:
1. Identify various design and finishing options available in decorative ceiling tiles
2. Explain the performance characteristics of suspended ceiling systems as they relate to durability, safety, and sustainability
3. Describe the benefits of installation methods for snap-on ceiling systems
4. Discuss appropriate applications for decorative ceiling tiles across various market industries
This document appears to be a student's portfolio containing summaries of their learning and achievements across various subjects over several terms. It includes short assessments of skills developed in areas like spelling, writing descriptions, speech giving, physical education, geometry, and te reo M¨¡ori. The student reflects on goals and next steps to continue practicing and improving adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and other language techniques.
ºÝºÝߣs from my presentation at CodeIgniter Conference 2010 in Bristol in August 2010.
What I talked about:
- Startups: methodologies & techniques
- CodeIgniter: applying what we¡¯ve learned
- The future: how could things be better
The document evaluates online reference sources for use in an elementary school. It discusses criteria for evaluating sources, including authority, scope, treatment, format, and special features. Several sources are reviewed - Grolier Online, World Book Online, and NetTrekker. World Book Online is highly recommended for its age-appropriate content and links to state curriculum standards. Grolier Online and NetTrekker are also worthwhile options for their additional educational resources.
The document discusses improvements in JDK 7 for supporting dynamic languages on the JVM. These include method handles, which provide lightweight method pointers, and invokedynamic, which allows dynamic method dispatch. The Multi Language Virtual Machine project aimed to better support dynamic languages by allowing separate compilation and late-binding of method calls.
The document discusses the concept of owning or enclosing a language. It argues that if someone could own the English language, it would severely limit free speech and communication. The architecture used to implement currencies inherently leads to enclosure, concentrating power and wealth. Overall, the document cautions against allowing ownership of languages or architectures like currencies that can enable enclosure.
This document is advertising a Halloween event at Palau de l'Amitstat on October 22nd at 10:00 PM. People are encouraged to come in costume to have a truly traumatic and frightening Halloween experience that they will never forget. Attendees are asked to dress up and have fun.
MetaCurrency provides a platform for innovation rather than direct solutions, as it aims to empower users to shape the future in ways that may not yet be imagined, similar to how the early internet sparked unforeseen waves of innovation that transformed our world.
Enhance your microsoft bi stack to drive business user adoption slide
This document discusses enhancing Microsoft's business intelligence stack to drive business user adoption. It talks about the need for self-service applications, social and collaborative applications to enable more effective collaboration and faster decision making. It also discusses the challenges of the data explosion era and the need for contextual data discovery. The document then introduces Panorama Necto as a business intelligence 3.0 solution that offers advanced analytics, social BI, self-service capabilities and contextual discovery through an intelligent engine. It provides examples of Panorama Necto customers and invites the reader to try a live demo.
Presso la nostra scuola si ¨¨ svolto il concorso ¡°artigiano come noi¡± dove i ragazzi delle medie hanno realizzato vari modelli e tra questi ¨¨ stato scelto il secondo classificato per promuovere il corso di tappezzeria.
Testo collettivo della classe 3B primaria Don Bosco, Mestrino-Padova.
Il testo ¨¨ relativo all'esperienza della visita alla 27¡ã Mostra Internazionale d'Illustrazione per l'Infanzia.
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Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit¨¤ italiana -...Damiano Orru
¡¯Osservatorio sull¡¯information literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della ¡°Open Education Week 2025¡±, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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Progetto 5 comuni del Pasubio - scuola Vallarsa
1. Scuola primaria di Vallarsa a.s. 2007-2008 Progetto 5 comuni del Pasubio Pasubio 1918 ¨C 2008 90¡ã anniversario dalla fine del primo conflitto mondiale
2. Premessa Noi alunni della scuola primaria ¡° F. Cavallin ¡° di Vallarsa abbiamo aderito ad un progetto propostoci dalla Convenzione dei ¡° 5 Comuni del Pasubio (Valli ¨C Vallarsa ¨C Trambileno ¨C Terragnolo ¨C Posina) ¡° sul tema: ¡° Pasubio 1918 ¨C 2008 ¡° 90¡ã anniversario dalla fine della prima guerra mondiale. L¡¯idea era quella di realizzare un francobollo commemorativo ed il suo annullo. Per prima cosa ci siamo recati al museo della guerra di Rovereto ed abbiamo partecipato ad interessanti attivit¨¤ che ci hanno fatto
3. conoscere e comprendere cosa ¨¨ stata la prima guerra mondiale combattutasi anche sul nostro territorio di Vallarsa. Di seguito ¨¨ venuta a scuola la dott.ssa Cogo responsabile del settore ¡° Filatelia ¡° che ha spiegato la storia e la funzione del francobollo. Noi bambini di 3a, 4a e 5a abbiamo ideato dei disegni ¨C progetto che rappresentavano le conoscenza apprese durante il percorso e le emozioni che ci avevano suscitato. A votazione sono stati scelti cinque elaborati. Abbiamo preparato i lavori assieme alla nostra insegnante di educazione all¡¯immagine. I cinque lavori diventeranno delle cartoline.
4. Successivamente i bambini di classe quinta hanno stilizzato i soggetti dei cinque disegni per produrre gli annulli postali. Essi riportano il titolo e la data della commemorazione. Di seguito vi presentiamo i nostri lavori
6. Titolo Questo quadro ¨¨ stato realizzato con tempere. Il soldato spezza con il piccone un filo spinato il quale, rompendosi, da vita alla parola pace e tutto torna a risplendere. E¡¯ stato realizzato da: Cobbe Greta Lorenzi Simone Simeoni Mattia Taldo Lorenzo cartolina annullo postale
8. Titolo Questo quadro ¨¨ stato realizzato su vetro con l¡¯utilizzo di vernici trasparenti e finto piombo per imitare lo stile delle vetrate delle chiese. Lo sfondo ¨¨ un cartoncino dipinto con acquerello. Simboleggis due soldati che stanchi di morte e desolazione, si stringono la mano in segno di pace.Due colombe tolgono il filo spinato da un cuore. Il gruppo di lavoro ¨¨ composto da: Briccio Nicole, Dapor Riccardo Diener Emily, Nave Simone cartolina annullo postale
10. La pace nel cuore Questo quadro ¨¨ stato realizzato seguendo la tecnica di arazzi con pannolenci che veniva usata dall'artista Roveretano Fortunato Depero. Rappresenta un cuore su sfondo scuro suddiviso in due aree: in quella sinistra un arcobaleno in espansione fa da sfondo ad un fiore geometrico,con stelo in filo spinato,che simboleggia la speranza per un futuro di pace. La zona di colore sta lentamente sostituendo, nella parte destra, i soldati geometrici in movimento e le esplosioni stilizzate di bombe. Il lavoro ¨¨ stato realizzato da: Brun Sara, Nave Stefano Diener Cinzia, Raoss Stefania cartolina annullo postale
12. Titolo Questo quadro ¨¨ stato realizzato con la sabbia e tempera mescolati insieme. I bambini che l¡¯ hanno fatto sono : Bergamo Sofia Bienkowski Gregorio Cobbe Nicol¨° Lorenzi Manuel cartolina annullo postale
14. Titolo Il lavoro ¨¨ stato realizzato con pi¨´ tecniche creando effetti a rilievo e per questo il quadro si definisce ¡° materico ¡° . Per produrlo abbiamo usato giornali, rafia, cartoncini di vario tipo, colori a olio, colori a tempera , colori a matita e colla. Questo disegno ¨¨ volutamente scuro per rappresentare la tristezza e la paura delle persone che durante la guerra hanno dovuto abbandonare Vallarsa per andare nei campi profughi. Il gruppo di lavoro ¨¨ composto da: Broz Francesca, Diener Lia. El luizi Aicha Cobbe Lorenzo,Stoffella Stefania cartolina annullo postale