The document contains brief announcements and facts about several notable firsts and opportunities: Mae C. Jemison was the first black female astronaut; in 1950 Gwendolyn Brooks was the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for poetry; and in 1932 Jane Bolin became the first black woman to become a U.S. judge.
The document is a prayer update from a church that includes prayer concerns for several members, armed services members, and those unable to attend that day. It also lists upcoming events at the church including a lunch, care center visit, Ash Wednesday service, circle meeting, tamale dinner, women's retreat, breakfast, and corned beef dinner. Donations are requested for parking lot repairs by April.
iTunes U: the first mobile-ready free learning channeltbirdcymru
iTunes U is Apple's free mobile-ready learning platform. It allows universities to publish audio, video, PDF and ePub educational content. While it works best on Apple devices, it is also accessible from Android devices. The presentation discusses iTunes U's history and features, trends in mobile learning and tablets, and case studies of universities' use of iTunes U for both education and marketing. It concludes that iTunes U is a leading platform for mobile learning despite some limitations, and universities should consider publishing content there.
The document is a poem in Japanese with an English translation about a lover saying goodbye under falling cherry blossoms. It describes the narrator sitting alone in the rain on a broken bench without a song, asking their dear lover to stay as they are feeling cold. Though the seasons change, the shooting star they once watched has become a lost dream. The history section then discusses how Japan gifted thousands of cherry trees to Washington D.C. over the 1900s-1980s, which are now celebrated annually at the National Cherry Blossom Festival.
The document contains announcements for students at BMC Campus regarding various events, deadlines, sales and services occurring around campus. Key points include an upcoming textbook buyback event in July, portfolio presentations in June, workshops on computer literacy skills, a nursing student council meeting, the deadline to complete FAFSA financial aid applications, and regular shuttle service between the Norwood and Woodlawn campuses.
The document provides information about various campus events, workshops, and resources for students at BMC including:
- A computer literacy skills workshop on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2-4pm in room 107 to help with computer skills.
- A reminder to complete the FAFSA financial aid application by the approaching deadline to qualify for grants and loans.
- Information about a shuttle service between the Woodlawn and Norwood campuses on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Este documento describe un proyecto de educaci坦n expandida con TIC que busca capacitar a docentes en innovaci坦n educativa. Consiste en 5 m坦dulos sobre nuevas alfabetizaciones, recursos educativos en internet, actividades did叩cticas con TIC, modelos educativos con TIC y un proyecto de innovaci坦n. Los docentes desarrollar叩n competencias en articulaci坦n de TIC en la ense単anza y evaluaci坦n de su integraci坦n. Se utilizar叩 una metodolog鱈a colaborativa y constructivista con plataformas virtuales. Hay dos opcion
Canada is a country located in North America. It has a total area of 9,984,670 square kilometers and coastlines along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Ed in the Cloud: a snapshot of cloud-based tools for educationtbirdcymru
Ed in the Cloud discusses how cloud-based tools can improve efficiency and communication within education. It provides examples of cloud storage options like Dropbox and Google Drive that allow accessing and sharing files from any device. Video tools like YouTube and iTunes U are mentioned for sharing educational videos. The document also lists audio platforms like SoundCloud and photo/image sharing sites like Flickr that can be used for educational purposes. Presentation tools such as Prezi and 際際滷share are presented as well. Risks of cloud computing are acknowledged but not described in detail.
The summary provides information about three key events mentioned in the document:
1) The Criminal Justice Olympic team from Brown Mackie College won first place in a competition in Louisville.
2) Two $500 scholarships from the Education Foundation are available for all programs, with an application deadline of April 28th.
3) The document announces the April nursing scholarship winners, Donald Crew, Jr. and Taylor De'Shae Crew.
November 6 campus notes with bmcci logo 11062012Abigail Bacon
The document provides announcements and information for students at Brown Mackie College including:
- Winners of a student costume contest and teacher of the year award
- Reminders about textbook access ending in November
- Details about an upcoming career fair on November 8th
- Shuttle schedule between campuses
- Sign up information for an ambassador honor society and holiday CD
- Computer lab hours and etiquette reminders
- Grades access reminder and thank you notice
- Calls for singers for a holiday CD and participants in a music video contest
Este documento describe un proyecto de capacitaci坦n docente para cerrar brechas digitales. Se capacit坦 a docentes en nuevas alfabetizaciones, recursos educativos en internet y desarrollo de actividades did叩cticas con TIC. El proyecto busca promover el uso pedag坦gico de las TIC para mejorar la ense単anza a trav辿s de la capacitaci坦n docente y el desarrollo de infraestructura y recursos digitales.
This document provides information about various campus events and announcements at Brown Mackie College. It announces a poetry contest and slam, availability of metro bus passes, free computer workshops, shuttle service between campuses, book board for buying and selling textbooks, and computer lab hours. It also provides contact information for program directors and information on forms, attendance, smoking policies, and more.
The document advertises a Veterans' Career Assistance Program workshop being held on February 21st from 9:00am to 2:00pm that provides comprehensive career services. It provides contact information to RSVP for the free workshop that is open to students and the public. It also lists times and locations for on-campus peer tutoring opportunities and contact information for the advisor.
Apartamento Olympia Vista | Renata 11.7853-9660 | Em constru巽達o乙乙温沿京姻温壊庄鉛
CORRETORA RENATA GABAN (11) 7853-9660 ID: 55*48*22 - (11) 9610-6012 Vivo - (11) 8594-9350 Tim - (11) 9137-7136 Claro - APTO OLYMPIA VISTA - EM CONSTRUO..
El documento describe los conceptos clave del e-learning, incluyendo su definici坦n, formas de implementaci坦n, elementos y ventajas comparadas con la ense単anza tradicional presencial. Explica que el e-learning utiliza tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje flexible que promueve la participaci坦n activa y el aprendizaje colaborativo. Los componentes clave del e-learning son los contenidos educativos, las actividades de aprendizaje, la interacci坦n y la gesti坦n de usuarios a trav辿s de una
Academic Advising will be giving away free popcorn on Tuesday December 17, 2013 at the Main Campus Student Lounge from 10:45-11:15 AM and 1:45-2:15 PM and at the Norwood/Main entrance from 6:45-7:15 PM in recognition of Student Appreciation Day. Contact Glenna or Karla with any questions.
Este documento propone el desarrollo de cursos semi-presenciales y virtuales sobre la metodolog鱈a de WebQuest en Bolivia para promover el aprendizaje colaborativo e innovador. El proyecto capacitar叩 a 90 docentes en el primer a単o y ofrecer叩 capacitaci坦n masiva en l鱈nea en el segundo a単o. Los objetivos son motivar el uso de las WebQuest y compartir experiencias entre profesores. Se espera que esta iniciativa mejore la educaci坦n boliviana incorporando tecnolog鱈a de manera gradual.
The document contains announcements for students at BMC Campus regarding various events, deadlines, sales and services occurring around campus. Key points include an upcoming textbook buyback event in July, portfolio presentations in June, workshops on computer literacy skills, a nursing student council meeting, the deadline to complete FAFSA financial aid applications, and regular shuttle service between the Norwood and Woodlawn campuses.
The document provides information about various campus events, workshops, and resources for students at BMC including:
- A computer literacy skills workshop on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2-4pm in room 107 to help with computer skills.
- A reminder to complete the FAFSA financial aid application by the approaching deadline to qualify for grants and loans.
- Information about a shuttle service between the Woodlawn and Norwood campuses on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Este documento describe un proyecto de educaci坦n expandida con TIC que busca capacitar a docentes en innovaci坦n educativa. Consiste en 5 m坦dulos sobre nuevas alfabetizaciones, recursos educativos en internet, actividades did叩cticas con TIC, modelos educativos con TIC y un proyecto de innovaci坦n. Los docentes desarrollar叩n competencias en articulaci坦n de TIC en la ense単anza y evaluaci坦n de su integraci坦n. Se utilizar叩 una metodolog鱈a colaborativa y constructivista con plataformas virtuales. Hay dos opcion
Canada is a country located in North America. It has a total area of 9,984,670 square kilometers and coastlines along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Ed in the Cloud: a snapshot of cloud-based tools for educationtbirdcymru
Ed in the Cloud discusses how cloud-based tools can improve efficiency and communication within education. It provides examples of cloud storage options like Dropbox and Google Drive that allow accessing and sharing files from any device. Video tools like YouTube and iTunes U are mentioned for sharing educational videos. The document also lists audio platforms like SoundCloud and photo/image sharing sites like Flickr that can be used for educational purposes. Presentation tools such as Prezi and 際際滷share are presented as well. Risks of cloud computing are acknowledged but not described in detail.
The summary provides information about three key events mentioned in the document:
1) The Criminal Justice Olympic team from Brown Mackie College won first place in a competition in Louisville.
2) Two $500 scholarships from the Education Foundation are available for all programs, with an application deadline of April 28th.
3) The document announces the April nursing scholarship winners, Donald Crew, Jr. and Taylor De'Shae Crew.
November 6 campus notes with bmcci logo 11062012Abigail Bacon
The document provides announcements and information for students at Brown Mackie College including:
- Winners of a student costume contest and teacher of the year award
- Reminders about textbook access ending in November
- Details about an upcoming career fair on November 8th
- Shuttle schedule between campuses
- Sign up information for an ambassador honor society and holiday CD
- Computer lab hours and etiquette reminders
- Grades access reminder and thank you notice
- Calls for singers for a holiday CD and participants in a music video contest
Este documento describe un proyecto de capacitaci坦n docente para cerrar brechas digitales. Se capacit坦 a docentes en nuevas alfabetizaciones, recursos educativos en internet y desarrollo de actividades did叩cticas con TIC. El proyecto busca promover el uso pedag坦gico de las TIC para mejorar la ense単anza a trav辿s de la capacitaci坦n docente y el desarrollo de infraestructura y recursos digitales.
This document provides information about various campus events and announcements at Brown Mackie College. It announces a poetry contest and slam, availability of metro bus passes, free computer workshops, shuttle service between campuses, book board for buying and selling textbooks, and computer lab hours. It also provides contact information for program directors and information on forms, attendance, smoking policies, and more.
The document advertises a Veterans' Career Assistance Program workshop being held on February 21st from 9:00am to 2:00pm that provides comprehensive career services. It provides contact information to RSVP for the free workshop that is open to students and the public. It also lists times and locations for on-campus peer tutoring opportunities and contact information for the advisor.
Apartamento Olympia Vista | Renata 11.7853-9660 | Em constru巽達o乙乙温沿京姻温壊庄鉛
CORRETORA RENATA GABAN (11) 7853-9660 ID: 55*48*22 - (11) 9610-6012 Vivo - (11) 8594-9350 Tim - (11) 9137-7136 Claro - APTO OLYMPIA VISTA - EM CONSTRUO..
El documento describe los conceptos clave del e-learning, incluyendo su definici坦n, formas de implementaci坦n, elementos y ventajas comparadas con la ense単anza tradicional presencial. Explica que el e-learning utiliza tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n para crear un ambiente de aprendizaje flexible que promueve la participaci坦n activa y el aprendizaje colaborativo. Los componentes clave del e-learning son los contenidos educativos, las actividades de aprendizaje, la interacci坦n y la gesti坦n de usuarios a trav辿s de una
Academic Advising will be giving away free popcorn on Tuesday December 17, 2013 at the Main Campus Student Lounge from 10:45-11:15 AM and 1:45-2:15 PM and at the Norwood/Main entrance from 6:45-7:15 PM in recognition of Student Appreciation Day. Contact Glenna or Karla with any questions.
Este documento propone el desarrollo de cursos semi-presenciales y virtuales sobre la metodolog鱈a de WebQuest en Bolivia para promover el aprendizaje colaborativo e innovador. El proyecto capacitar叩 a 90 docentes en el primer a単o y ofrecer叩 capacitaci坦n masiva en l鱈nea en el segundo a単o. Los objetivos son motivar el uso de las WebQuest y compartir experiencias entre profesores. Se espera que esta iniciativa mejore la educaci坦n boliviana incorporando tecnolog鱈a de manera gradual.
1. ISTRA貼IVANJE UTJEE LI RAZINA OBRAZOVANJA RODITELJA NA NJIHOVU SURADNJU? Suresh Kumar N Vellymalay School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia E-mail: suresh @ usm . my Izla転e Andrija Kozina, mag. paed.
2. UVOD Istra転ivanje kritiki prati razinu obrazovanja roditelja i njihovo sudjelovanje u obrazovanje djece (okrug Kerian, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malezija) . Glavna pitanja: Koja je razina obrazovanja roditelja? Koja je strategija njihove suradnje? Kakav je odnos razine obrazovanja roditelja i njihove suradnje sa 邸kolom?
3. PREGLED LITERATURE Lareau (1987.),utjecaj dru邸tvenih klasa na sudjelovanje roditelja u obrazovanju djece Sewell i Hauser (1980.), veina uenika podrijetlom iz radnike klase ima niske kognitivne sposobnosti Katsilis i Rubinson (1990.), socioekonomski status utjee na 邸kolski uspjeh Baker i Stevenson (1986.), obrazovane majke vi邸e znaju o 邸kolovanju djece, kontaktiraju i surauju sa 邸kolom, prate napredak djece i vode ih prema visoko邸kolskom obrazovanju Lockheed (1989.), djeca obrazovanih roditelja posti転u visoke rezultate u matematici
4. METODOLOGIJA - Uzorak ini 150 od ukupno 588 polaznika Nacionalne srednje 邸kole Tamil, Malezija Polaznici prve i druge godine nisu uvr邸teni u studiju jer su u ranoj fazi 邸kolovanja te je prerano za procjenu roditeljske suradnje. Oko 79,3% su 転ene (n=119), a 20,7% su mu邸karci (n=31) pitanja se odnose na socioekonomski status ispitanika Stupnjevi obrazovanja roditelja: (1) bez formalnog obrazovanja; (2) osnovno obrazovanje; (3) nezavr邸ena srednja 邸kola; (4) zavr邸ena srednja 邸kola; (5) matura/diploma; (6 ) vi邸a i visoka; (7) magistri i doktori znanosti
11. RASPRAVA Meu veinom istra転ivaa na podruju obrazovanja postoji percepcija da vi邸a razina obrazovanja roditelja poma転e njihovoj vi邸oj suradnji. Literatura istie da roditelji s vi邸im stupnjem obrazovanja pokazuju visoku ukljuenost u obrazovanje djece. Za razliku od navedenih djela, ova studija nije prona邸la sna転nu povezanost izmeu obrazovanja roditelja i njihove ukljuenosti u pojedinim strategijama koje provode u obrazovanju djeteta. Meutim, rezultati imaju najmanje etiri ogranienja: podaci se odnose samo na roditelje iz indijskog etnikog podruja; studija je usmjerena samo na nacionalne srednje 邸kole Tamila; 3. istra転ivanje je provedeno samo u okrugu Kerian, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malezija; 4. nisu obuhvaene sve srednje 邸kole u okrugu ili dr転avi.
12. RASPRAVA Dva su mogua obja邸njenja rezultata: - veina se tamilskih 邸kola nalazi na planta転ama, nedaleko od samog doma uenika; topli odnosi na temelju etnike slinosti daju 邸kolama priliku da motiviraju roditelje i utjeu na njih, vezano uz va転nost njihova ukljuivanja u obrazovanje djece i sudjelovanja u njemu - veina roditelja u studiji nema visoko obrazovanje; velika su im oekivanja vezana uz djecu; nadaju se da se djeca nee suoiti s te邸koama koje oni do転ivljavaju; roditelji mogu prepoznati potencijal u sebi i biti vrlo racionalni u dono邸enju strategije o tome 邸to trebaju uiniti kako bi podupirali obrazovanje svoje djece
13. ZAKLJUAK Rezultati istra転ivanja va転na su implikacija za buduu praksu. Bez obzira na razinu obrazovanja, veina roditelja ini sve i ula転e u obrazovanje svoje djece. Jasno je da topli odnos 邸kola na temelju etnike slinosti potie roditelje na va転nost ukljuenosti i strategije u obrazovanju djeteta. Rezultati istiu potrebu za mnogim drugim istra転ivanjima u ovom podruju. Prijedlog su daljnja istra転ivanja i eksperimentiranja vezana uz navedena ogranienja.