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z nim sp坦jny dialog?
Masowa komunikacja do 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬
Dotarcie do indywidualnego klienta
Targetowanie i personalizacja w
priorytetach 2015
Kiedy poszukujesz nowego produktu do zakupu, do kt坦rego
medium/urzdzenia zwracasz sie przy dokonywaniu
ostatecznego zakupu?
Source: IAB 2014 Mobile Holiday
Shopping Consumer Survey,
conducted online by Harris
Poll, November 19-21, 2014. n=2,103
US adults 18+; n=1,176 US
smartphone owners 18+.
息2015 IBM
Corporation 9
Dziaania w czasie rzeczywistym
up to 60%
Mass Marketing Target
18% - 35%
4% 7% - 12%
THAI potrzebowao rozwizania do e-mailingu, kt坦re pozwolioby na
aktualne, istotne, kampanie marketingowe w wielu kanaach, kt坦re
pozwoliyby na zaanga甜owanie aktulanej bazy 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 oraz
zaadresowanie nowych 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬.
THAI ma dwa g坦wne cele zwizane z emailingiem i marketingiem
Zaanga甜owanie obecnej
bazy 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬
kampanie i wiadomoci do
一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 zwikszajce
lojalno oraz odsprzeda甜
THAI Airways
Wsp坦czynnik otwarcia z kampanii rocznicowej na poziomie 61%
1 na 5 kontakt坦w w bazie 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 zaktualizoway swoje dane
1.5 miliona impresji na facebooku wynikajcych z dzielenia komunikacji na
mediach spoeczniociowych
 Producent Jogurt坦w organicznych
 May dzia marketingu  dziaania oparte na unikalnych
 Dziaania marketingowe d甜ce do wikszego zaanga甜owania
kleinta i wiadomoci marki
Stonyfield Organic
Stonyfield ma dwa g坦wne cele zwizane z emailingiem i
marketingiem cyfrowym:
Indywidualna relacji z
ka甜dym klientem
Budowanie lojalnoci i
zaanga甜owania 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬
Automatyzacja maili oraz efentywna segmentacja pozwalajca zespoowi
marketingowemu Stonyfield na powicenie czasu na bardzie skomplikowane
kampania i dziaania marketingowe
Poprzez segmentacje stworzenie dw坦ch odzielnych grup: Inner Circle Club
and #WakeUpWithStonyfield.
W stworzonych powy甜ej segmentach, poziom otwar maili, po pierwszych 30
dniach, by na poziomie 42%
 Przyjaznym lokalny mleczarz  obecnie online.
 Oferuje ogromne i stale rozwijajce si portfolio produkt坦w
docierajc do ponad miliona dom坦w w caej Wielkiej Brytanii.
 Od chleba i mleka do najwie甜szych sezonowych owoc坦w i
warzyw, pokrywajc dzienne potrzeby swoich 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 przez usugi
online i offline
Milk&more ma dwa g坦wne cele zwizane z emailingiem i
marketingiem cyfrowym:
Segmentacja oparta na
zachowaniu client坦w
Automatyzajca proces坦w
Implementacja marketingu opartego na zachowaniu klienta za pomoc
Silverpop Product Advisor
Przecitne otwarcia na poziomie 40-50% oraz zautomatyzowanie
powtarzalnych program坦w
Zintegrowanie Call Center to obecnych program坦w pozwala na automatyczne
dodanie tego punktu doracia do klienta, nie byo to mo甜liwe przed
implementacj Silverpop
Online & Offline
Efektywna segmentacja 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬
Dotarcie ze spersonalizownym przekazem
Lojalno 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬
Online & Offline

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Retail Consumer Journey

  • 4. Masowa komunikacja do 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬
  • 7. Targetowanie i personalizacja w priorytetach 2015
  • 8. Kiedy poszukujesz nowego produktu do zakupu, do kt坦rego medium/urzdzenia zwracasz sie przy dokonywaniu ostatecznego zakupu? Source: IAB 2014 Mobile Holiday Shopping Consumer Survey, conducted online by Harris Poll, November 19-21, 2014. n=2,103 US adults 18+; n=1,176 US smartphone owners 18+.
  • 9. 息2015 IBM Corporation 9 Dziaania w czasie rzeczywistym 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% ResponseRate 0% 80% up to 60% Event-based Marketing Real-time, event-based Marketing Target Marketing Mass Marketing Predictive Marketing Mass Marketing Target Marketing Predictive Marketing Event-based Marketing Real-time, event-based Marketing 2% 18% - 35% 4% 7% - 12%
  • 10. THAI potrzebowao rozwizania do e-mailingu, kt坦re pozwolioby na aktualne, istotne, kampanie marketingowe w wielu kanaach, kt坦re pozwoliyby na zaanga甜owanie aktulanej bazy 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 oraz zaadresowanie nowych 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬. THAI ma dwa g坦wne cele zwizane z emailingiem i marketingiem cyfrowym: Zaanga甜owanie obecnej bazy 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 Spersonalizowane kampanie i wiadomoci do 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 zwikszajce lojalno oraz odsprzeda甜 THAI Airways
  • 11. Wsp坦czynnik otwarcia z kampanii rocznicowej na poziomie 61% 1 na 5 kontakt坦w w bazie 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 zaktualizoway swoje dane 1.5 miliona impresji na facebooku wynikajcych z dzielenia komunikacji na mediach spoeczniociowych Wyniki
  • 12. Producent Jogurt坦w organicznych May dzia marketingu dziaania oparte na unikalnych kampaniach Dziaania marketingowe d甜ce do wikszego zaanga甜owania kleinta i wiadomoci marki Stonyfield Organic Stonyfield ma dwa g坦wne cele zwizane z emailingiem i marketingiem cyfrowym: Indywidualna relacji z ka甜dym klientem Budowanie lojalnoci i zaanga甜owania 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬
  • 13. Wyniki Automatyzacja maili oraz efentywna segmentacja pozwalajca zespoowi marketingowemu Stonyfield na powicenie czasu na bardzie skomplikowane kampania i dziaania marketingowe Poprzez segmentacje stworzenie dw坦ch odzielnych grup: Inner Circle Club and #WakeUpWithStonyfield. W stworzonych powy甜ej segmentach, poziom otwar maili, po pierwszych 30 dniach, by na poziomie 42%
  • 14. Przyjaznym lokalny mleczarz obecnie online. Oferuje ogromne i stale rozwijajce si portfolio produkt坦w docierajc do ponad miliona dom坦w w caej Wielkiej Brytanii. Od chleba i mleka do najwie甜szych sezonowych owoc坦w i warzyw, pokrywajc dzienne potrzeby swoich 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 przez usugi online i offline milk&more Milk&more ma dwa g坦wne cele zwizane z emailingiem i marketingiem cyfrowym: Segmentacja oparta na zachowaniu client坦w Automatyzajca proces坦w
  • 15. Implementacja marketingu opartego na zachowaniu klienta za pomoc Silverpop Product Advisor Wyniki Przecitne otwarcia na poziomie 40-50% oraz zautomatyzowanie powtarzalnych program坦w Zintegrowanie Call Center to obecnych program坦w pozwala na automatyczne dodanie tego punktu doracia do klienta, nie byo to mo甜liwe przed implementacj Silverpop
  • 17. Efektywna segmentacja 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 Dotarcie ze spersonalizownym przekazem Lojalno 一鉛庄艶稼岳坦敬 Online & Offline

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Way of the past (batch & blast) vs. the way of the future Audience Paradigm: Build an audience Batch and blast A/B Testing Conversational Paradigm: Listening -- Responding Automated message streams Completely personalized content Each step, the content gets more relevant
  • #7: Way of the past (batch & blast) vs. the way of the future Audience Paradigm: Build an audience Batch and blast A/B Testing Conversational Paradigm: Listening -- Responding Automated message streams Completely personalized content Each step, the content gets more relevant
  • #8: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #9: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #11: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #12: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #13: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #14: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #15: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #16: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #17: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #18: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #19: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #20: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if
  • #21: The build walks the audience from the operational world to the marketing performance world, and focuses on driving operational efficiency while marketing performance focuses on strategic marketing effectiveness. No Build: This is traditional Marketing Operations. Its goal is to drive operational efficiency in the marketing organization. Its benefits include best practices, productivity, accountability, and alignment Build 1: This is marketing performance. Its focus is on driving strategic marketing effectiveness (making sure all marketing budgets and spend achieve your CMOs goals). Its benefits include more fact-based strategic forecasting, precise measurement via precise attribution, channel and strategic market mix planning Build 2: Its critical to point out these 2 areas are linked - you can't do one without the other: operational data is necessary to feed marketing performance. And the combination of these 2 moves marketing from what was to what if