A questionnaire was administered to 300 students aged 6-8 at lk端 Primary School. It contained 7 questions about Romania to assess the students' knowledge of the country. The questions covered topics like Romania being a European country, its capital, population size versus Turkey, whether Count Dracula lived there, its currency, and the predominant religion. The results of each question were recorded by frequency and percentage of students answering correctly, falsely, or saying they did not know.
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Romanya questionnaire
1. Questionnaire about Romania
300 students aged between 6-8
7 Questions
lk端 Primary School
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
2. Gender
Frequency Percent
Valid Girl 166 55,3
Boy 134 44,7
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
3. Age Groups
Frequency Percent
Valid 6 year olds 84 28
7 year olds 128 42,7
8 year olds 88 29,3
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
4. Romania is an European country
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 210 70,0
False 62 20,7
I do not know 28 9,3
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
5. Romania is not the neighbour of
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 209 69,7
False 30 10,0
I do not know 61 20,3
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
6. The capital of Romania is Bucherest
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 165 55,0
False 17 5,7
I do not know 118 39,3
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
7. Romanias population is higher than
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 17 5,7
False 220 73,3
I do not know 63 21,0
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
8. The Count Dracula lived in Romania
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 84 28,0
False 113 37,7
I do not know 103 34,3
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
9. Romanias currency is EURO
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 125 41,7
False 88 29,3
I do not know 87 29,0
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
10. Most people of Romania are
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 197 65,7
False 33 11,0
I do not know 70 23,3
Total 300 100,0
Hidden Stars April 2015-Isparta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project