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Russian spirits market 2013:
new growth drivers needed to
uncover hidden opportunities

Stas Marketing Group Opinion

Four major factors have been driving Russian spirits market growth
during last decade

                                                                                                    Russian vodka market dynamics
                       則р Vodka: ZURABLI, FIVE LAKES,                                                                                                    397
                                                                                                                                 360    355   363
                           ZELENAYA MARKA, BELENKAYA,                                                      325     327   335                        348
                           PUTUNKA, etc.                                                             298
 Brand launches        則р Brandy: STARIY GOROD, TROFEYNIY,                                   252
                           KOMANDIRSKY, STARIY KOENIGSBERG,                                                                      -38%
                                                                                        211   216    221   218     197   185
                       則р Active growth aligned with                                                                            177    166   158   136   137
                           development of independent retail
                           Exclusive brand teams paid by brand
  development                                                                           2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012E
                           owners and working together with
                           distributors sales force
                                                                                              Russian brandy and cognac market dynamics
                       則р New marketing channels                                                                                                   105
   Aggressive          則р Partial ban of alco advertising                                                                              85
 Promotion via             stimulated creativity inside the
 media channels            industry                                                                                      62
                                                                                                                   49                         +3%
                                                                                                     33    38
                                                                                        22    28
                                                                                                                                 11     11    11    12    12
                       則р Illegal schemes of writing off and                            5     6      6     7       8     9
                           reselling excise stamps to other
  Resorting to             companies                                                    2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012E
     fraud             則р Illegal excise optimization schemes
                           through using complicated factoring                                                  Value, bn RUR
                           operations                                                                           Volume, mn dal

 Page 則 2        Source: Russian Federal Statistics Service, Stas Marketing analysis
Series of unfavorable events devalue the market growth drivers

                                                          Basic growth drivers of Russian spirits market dont
                                                                            work anymore
  Reinforcement of alcohol market regulation

  則р 2009: Federal Alcohol Market Control Agency                              則р New vodka brands cannot be
      established as a body within Government                                      successfully launched without
                                                           Brand launches          aggressive advertising support
 Excise tax increase and minimum retail price                                  則р Middle class consumers slowly moving
                  imposition                                                       toward consumption of other products
  則р 170 RUR for 0,5l vodka, 280 RUR for 0,5l
      cognac, 250 RUR for 0,5l bandy from 01.01.13                             則р Shelf space is limited  no chance for
                                                                                   new brands to be placed on shelf
   Re-licensing of distributors in 2011-2012                                   則р Distributors became unreliable
                                                                                   partners with high risk of license
  則р Up to half of distributors have lost their                                   annulation
      licenses and businesses in 2011-2012

                                                                               則р Only in-store marketing and viral
 Banning of alcohol advertising in majority of               Aggressive
                                                                                   marketing are still available for
                media channels                             Promotion via
                                                                                   spirits marketers in Russia
                                                           media channels
  則р New edition of advertising law place the total
      ban on all advertising activities except in-store
      and horeca promotion

                                                                               則р Illegal schemes are no less available
       Changes in consumers preferences                                           for companies without special
                                                          Resorting to fraud
                                                                                   support and contacts in regulation
  則р Growth in consumption of non-traditional
      premium spirits

 Page 則 3           Source: Stas Marketing analysis
Russian spirits market regulation is becoming more and more

 Sphere of regulation                   Possible alternatives of regulation measures

                                          Minimum retail price for vodka, cognac              Loss-making sales are not permitted             No
         Price regulation                 and brandy

                                                                                     Annual excise tax increase for
                                          Excise tax and special tax for alcohol
             Tax regulation                                                          alcoholic drinks with pure               Special tax
                                          sales (differ in categories)
                                                                                     alcohol content>9%

                                          Obligatory marking the product with excise label                                                    No
         Product labeling

                                          Production site is to be licensed                            State monopoly (before 1994)           No
      Production regulation

     Sales and consumption                Point of sales are to be licensed                    State monopoly for retail sales of alcoholic   No
           restrictions                   Consumption place are limited                        drinks

                                          Low-alcohol content drinks allowed               Spirits allowed from 20/21 years      Any drinks allowed from 18
        Drinking age limits               from 18 years old                                old

                                          Drinks sales are limited within daytime           Drinks sales are limited to certain days of the   No
   Time restrictions for sales                                                              week

                                          Full ban of advertising of drinks with alcohol            Spirits advertising is banned. Wine and beer advertising
     Advertising restriction
                                          content                                                   is limited

 Page 則 4            Source: Stas Marketing analysis
SWOT-analysis of an 束typical company損 in spirits market (based on
more than 50 projects in alcohol industry

               Strategic alternatives for independent spirits company in Russia lies on the
                         crossroad of internal and external development factors

 Opportunities                                                                                                       Strengths
 則р Consumers income growth, switch to premium                                則р Wide coverage of channels and regions(S1)
     brands (O1)                                                                              則р Own production capacities (S2)
 則р Modern Trade and HoReCa upgrowth (O2)                                                 則р High level of quality control (S3)
 則р Changes in consumers preferences (O3)                                       則р Successful brands of previous decade(S4)
 則р A lot of production capacity is available (O4)

 EXTERNAL FACTORS                                     Strategic alternatives                  INTERNAL FACTORS
 Threats                                                                                                            Weakness
 則р Share of heavy drinkers goes down (丐1)                                                則р Focus on low price segments (W1)
 則р Restrictive, even repressive state policy (T2)                              則р Poor portfolio and cost management(W2)
 則р Product names line COGNAC is in the risk area                                                 則р Periodic Out-of-stock (W3)
     (T3)                                                                           則р Sales team motivation schemes conflict
 則р Market consolidation, high risk of aggressive                                     with business objectives and needs (W4)
     acquisition (T4)

 Page 則 5        Source: Stas Marketing analysis
Five strategic alternatives which can activate new growth drivers are
developed based on SWOT-analysis of an 束averaged company損

                                                          STRENGTHS (S)                              WEAKNESSES (W)
                                             S1             S2            S3             S4   W1        W2             W3             W4
             OPPORTUNITIES (O)

                                                            Focusing on private label
                                                            production for third-party
                                 O2                                companies

                                                                                                   Transferring production of
                                 O3                                                                 own brand to the third-
                                                                      Focusing on premium          party production facilities
                                                                        market segment

             THREATS (T)

                                 T2                                                                Operating processes optimization
                                                           Export markets entrance

                                                                                                                                 Minimum risk

 Page 則 6                       Source: Stas Marketing analysis
Only companies which increase its operating effieciency will have an
ability to stay and earn in changing spirits market

 Operating income increasing
                                                       PnL structure before                                                PnL structure after
                                                              2012 *                                                             2012 *
 1. Operating processes                    bn RUR                                                        bn RUR
 optimization                             油15                                                           油15

 2. Focusing on premium
 market segment
                                          油10                                                           油10

                                                      15         (91%)
 3. Export markets entrance                         (100%)
                                           油5                                                             油5         9             (76%)
 4. Focusing on private label                                                       1
 production for third-party                                                       (9%)
 companies                                                                                                                                         (24%)
                                           油0                                                             油0
                                                    从舒    Expenses        Operating                          从舒         Expenses       Operating
                                                                                income                                                            income
 5. Transferring production of
                                                    Company with large sales volume/                           Focus on operation efficiency may affect sales
 own brand to the third-party                        value but low operating income                              decrease but surely significant increase in
 production facilities                                                                                                      operating income

                                                              * Estimation based on financial data of market
                                                              leaders and outsiders

 Page 則 7        Source: Stas Marketing analysis
Operating processes optimization strategy assumes following solutions
in distribution, logistics and sales teams incentive schemes

  Distribution and logistics optimization

                                   則р Client base optimization                                          則р Logistics strategy should be
                                       and clients regrouping allow                                          reengineered in order to
                                       reshaping commercial terms                                            avoid out-of-stock
                                       and conducting focused                                                situations, especially in
                                       trade marketing activities                                            peak seasons

  Sales teams incentive schemes optimization

                                   則р Sales team incentive scheme should be build to increase sales, reduce client debt and
                                       stimulate distribution

                                   則р Wider use of non-monetary incentives.

                                   則р Wider use of period / target motivation

 Page 則 8     Source: Stas Marketing methodology
Operating processes optimization strategy assumes following solutions
in category management, costs reduction and trade stock optimization

  Category management and costs reduction

                                   則р Regular cutting range tail                                     則р Uncovering new margin
                                       (products generating less                                          drivers and loss generators
                                       than 10% of total sales)                                           through deeper analysis of
                                                                                                          value chain

                                                                                                      則р Implementing cost

  Trade stock optimization

                                   則р Reducing loans and interest payments through minimizing low-demand products stocks
                                       and production

                                   則р Reducing warehousing and transportation costs

                                   則р Increasing product turnover

 Page 則 9     Source: Stas Marketing methodology
More risky strategies are focusing on premium market segment, export
market entrance and changes in production policy

  Focusing on premium market segments                             Export market entrance

                                  則р Seeding and growing own                                    則р Understanding priority
     Focus on premium                 premium brands                                                 markets
     market with
                                                                                                 則р RTM (Routes-to-
     emphasis on                  則р Regular valuation and                                          Market ) development
     modern trade and                 acquisition of promising                                       for faster entrance in
     HORECA                           but yet small premium                                          foreign markets

  Private labels bottling for retail chains                       Outsourcing production

                                                                   Middle class            則р Outsourcing own brand
                                    In the lack of advertising     consumer is looking         bottling abroad
                                    possibilities and growing      for new products as
                                    appetite of retail bottling    an alternative to       則р Launching the brands looking
                                    private labels might be a      old-fashioned vodka         similar to famous imported
                                    good opportunities for the                                 premium brands
                                    companies with modern
                                    high-productive capacities

 Page 則 10      Source: Stas Marketing methodology
For more info please contact

              Andrei Stas
              Stas Marketing / Managing Partner

              Kirill Safronov
              Stas Marketing / Senior Associate

              +7 499 504 1653 (t) +7 499 504 1654 (f) www.stasmarketing.com info@stasmarketing.com

 Page 則 11

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Russia alcomarket

  • 1. Russian spirits market 2013: new growth drivers needed to uncover hidden opportunities Stas Marketing Group Opinion 2013
  • 2. Four major factors have been driving Russian spirits market growth during last decade Russian vodka market dynamics 則р Vodka: ZURABLI, FIVE LAKES, 397 360 355 363 ZELENAYA MARKA, BELENKAYA, 325 327 335 348 PUTUNKA, etc. 298 Brand launches 則р Brandy: STARIY GOROD, TROFEYNIY, 252 217 KOMANDIRSKY, STARIY KOENIGSBERG, -38% etc. 211 216 221 218 197 185 則р Active growth aligned with 177 166 158 136 137 development of independent retail Distributors Exclusive brand teams paid by brand development 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012E owners and working together with distributors sales force Russian brandy and cognac market dynamics 113 則р New marketing channels 105 Aggressive 則р Partial ban of alco advertising 85 91 82 Promotion via stimulated creativity inside the media channels industry 62 49 +3% 33 38 22 28 11 11 11 12 12 則р Illegal schemes of writing off and 5 6 6 7 8 9 reselling excise stamps to other Resorting to companies 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012E fraud 則р Illegal excise optimization schemes through using complicated factoring Value, bn RUR operations Volume, mn dal Page 則 2 Source: Russian Federal Statistics Service, Stas Marketing analysis
  • 3. Series of unfavorable events devalue the market growth drivers Basic growth drivers of Russian spirits market dont work anymore Reinforcement of alcohol market regulation 則р 2009: Federal Alcohol Market Control Agency 則р New vodka brands cannot be established as a body within Government successfully launched without Brand launches aggressive advertising support Excise tax increase and minimum retail price 則р Middle class consumers slowly moving imposition toward consumption of other products 則р 170 RUR for 0,5l vodka, 280 RUR for 0,5l cognac, 250 RUR for 0,5l bandy from 01.01.13 則р Shelf space is limited no chance for new brands to be placed on shelf Distributors Re-licensing of distributors in 2011-2012 則р Distributors became unreliable development partners with high risk of license 則р Up to half of distributors have lost their annulation licenses and businesses in 2011-2012 則р Only in-store marketing and viral Banning of alcohol advertising in majority of Aggressive marketing are still available for media channels Promotion via spirits marketers in Russia media channels 則р New edition of advertising law place the total ban on all advertising activities except in-store and horeca promotion 則р Illegal schemes are no less available Changes in consumers preferences for companies without special Resorting to fraud support and contacts in regulation 則р Growth in consumption of non-traditional authorities premium spirits Page 則 3 Source: Stas Marketing analysis
  • 4. Russian spirits market regulation is becoming more and more restrictive Sphere of regulation Possible alternatives of regulation measures Minimum retail price for vodka, cognac Loss-making sales are not permitted No Price regulation and brandy Annual excise tax increase for Excise tax and special tax for alcohol Tax regulation alcoholic drinks with pure Special tax sales (differ in categories) alcohol content>9% Obligatory marking the product with excise label No Product labeling Production site is to be licensed State monopoly (before 1994) No Production regulation Sales and consumption Point of sales are to be licensed State monopoly for retail sales of alcoholic No restrictions Consumption place are limited drinks Low-alcohol content drinks allowed Spirits allowed from 20/21 years Any drinks allowed from 18 Drinking age limits from 18 years old old Drinks sales are limited within daytime Drinks sales are limited to certain days of the No Time restrictions for sales week Full ban of advertising of drinks with alcohol Spirits advertising is banned. Wine and beer advertising Advertising restriction content is limited Page 則 4 Source: Stas Marketing analysis
  • 5. SWOT-analysis of an 束typical company損 in spirits market (based on more than 50 projects in alcohol industry Strategic alternatives for independent spirits company in Russia lies on the crossroad of internal and external development factors Opportunities Strengths 則р Consumers income growth, switch to premium 則р Wide coverage of channels and regions(S1) brands (O1) 則р Own production capacities (S2) 則р Modern Trade and HoReCa upgrowth (O2) 則р High level of quality control (S3) 則р Changes in consumers preferences (O3) 則р Successful brands of previous decade(S4) 則р A lot of production capacity is available (O4) EXTERNAL FACTORS Strategic alternatives INTERNAL FACTORS Threats Weakness 則р Share of heavy drinkers goes down (丐1) 則р Focus on low price segments (W1) 則р Restrictive, even repressive state policy (T2) 則р Poor portfolio and cost management(W2) 則р Product names line COGNAC is in the risk area 則р Periodic Out-of-stock (W3) (T3) 則р Sales team motivation schemes conflict 則р Market consolidation, high risk of aggressive with business objectives and needs (W4) acquisition (T4) Page 則 5 Source: Stas Marketing analysis
  • 6. Five strategic alternatives which can activate new growth drivers are developed based on SWOT-analysis of an 束averaged company損 STRENGTHS (S) WEAKNESSES (W) S1 S2 S3 S4 W1 W2 W3 W4 OPPORTUNITIES (O) O1 Focusing on private label production for third-party O2 companies Transferring production of O3 own brand to the third- Focusing on premium party production facilities market segment O4 T1 THREATS (T) T2 Operating processes optimization Export markets entrance T3 Minimum risk strategy T4 Page 則 6 Source: Stas Marketing analysis
  • 7. Only companies which increase its operating effieciency will have an ability to stay and earn in changing spirits market Operating income increasing strategies PnL structure before PnL structure after 2012 * 2012 * 1. Operating processes bn RUR bn RUR optimization 油15 油15 2. Focusing on premium market segment 油10 油10 14 15 (91%) 3. Export markets entrance (100%) 7 油5 油5 9 (76%) (100%) 4. Focusing on private label 1 production for third-party (9%) 2 companies (24%) 油0 油0 从舒 Expenses Operating 从舒 Expenses Operating income income 5. Transferring production of Company with large sales volume/ Focus on operation efficiency may affect sales own brand to the third-party value but low operating income decrease but surely significant increase in production facilities operating income * Estimation based on financial data of market leaders and outsiders Page 則 7 Source: Stas Marketing analysis
  • 8. Operating processes optimization strategy assumes following solutions in distribution, logistics and sales teams incentive schemes Distribution and logistics optimization 則р Client base optimization 則р Logistics strategy should be and clients regrouping allow reengineered in order to reshaping commercial terms avoid out-of-stock and conducting focused situations, especially in trade marketing activities peak seasons Sales teams incentive schemes optimization 則р Sales team incentive scheme should be build to increase sales, reduce client debt and stimulate distribution 則р Wider use of non-monetary incentives. 則р Wider use of period / target motivation Page 則 8 Source: Stas Marketing methodology
  • 9. Operating processes optimization strategy assumes following solutions in category management, costs reduction and trade stock optimization Category management and costs reduction 則р Regular cutting range tail 則р Uncovering new margin (products generating less drivers and loss generators than 10% of total sales) through deeper analysis of value chain 則р Implementing cost monitoring Trade stock optimization 則р Reducing loans and interest payments through minimizing low-demand products stocks and production 則р Reducing warehousing and transportation costs 則р Increasing product turnover Page 則 9 Source: Stas Marketing methodology
  • 10. More risky strategies are focusing on premium market segment, export market entrance and changes in production policy Focusing on premium market segments Export market entrance 則р Seeding and growing own 則р Understanding priority Focus on premium premium brands markets market with 則р RTM (Routes-to- emphasis on 則р Regular valuation and Market ) development modern trade and acquisition of promising for faster entrance in HORECA but yet small premium foreign markets brands Private labels bottling for retail chains Outsourcing production Middle class 則р Outsourcing own brand In the lack of advertising consumer is looking bottling abroad possibilities and growing for new products as appetite of retail bottling an alternative to 則р Launching the brands looking private labels might be a old-fashioned vodka similar to famous imported good opportunities for the premium brands companies with modern high-productive capacities Page 則 10 Source: Stas Marketing methodology
  • 11. For more info please contact Andrei Stas Stas Marketing / Managing Partner andrei@stasmarketing.com Kirill Safronov Stas Marketing / Senior Associate k.safronov@stasmarketing.com STAS MARKETING MOSCOW +7 499 504 1653 (t) +7 499 504 1654 (f) www.stasmarketing.com info@stasmarketing.com Page 則 11