Social networks and social media offer tremendous business opportunities in 2010. Yet many professionals find the task of learning about these new technologies daunting. If that’s you, take heart. Even though you do need technology to construct a business web presence, learning how to use the available tools is only one piece of the puzzle. Success comes from having a plan and then telling a coherent, compelling story over time and across platforms. Are you ready?
Presented at the GoldenFleece Story Conference:
SYTYCC gedragsbeinvloeding - WissemaGoup (24-04-2013, print)Johan de Veer
So You Think You Can Change. Presentatie over principes van gedragsbeinvloeding tijdens de 'Break out Lunch'. BOL 24 april 2013: Leidinggeven aan veranderprocessen (Den Haag).
Overwhelmed? Business Strategies for the Social Web presented by Jo Golden MS, PhD, Educator, Digital Strategist, and Web Presence Wrangler, and Tracey Holinka MS, Manager and Web Designer/Developer, of Chaos to Clarity LLC. Growing your business and web presence with social media can be daunting without a clear sense of what to do and how to do it. You can learn new technologies but without understanding how your business can benefit from the changing business environment, technology alone won’t get you what you need from social media. Learn how to succeed on the social web with a business focused strategy, plans you can implement right away, and tools to make it easier.
FISCALIS Human Nature - Behavioral ScienceJohan de Veer
This document contains summaries of presentations by Johan de Veer on topics related to human behavior and tax compliance. It discusses how human behavior is complex, influenced by both rational and irrational factors, as well as situational and biological influences. It also addresses how trust, emotions, and social influences like conformity can impact tax compliance. Additional topics covered include priming, choice architecture, and different monitoring styles used by tax authorities.
This document discusses the services provided by Chaos To Clarity LLC to help businesses bring clarity to their web presence. They begin with a strategic process to understand how a website can integrate with social media and communicate the business brand story and key messages. Their proven process provides structure while staying flexible to meet specific needs. They educate clients along the way so they feel empowered and proud of their new websites.
Overwhelmed? Business Strategies for the Social Web presented by Jo Golden MS, PhD, Educator, Digital Strategist, and Web Presence Wrangler, and Tracey Holinka MS, Manager and Web Designer/Developer, of Chaos to Clarity LLC. Growing your business and web presence with social media can be daunting without a clear sense of what to do and how to do it. You can learn new technologies but without understanding how your business can benefit from the changing business environment, technology alone won’t get you what you need from social media. Learn how to succeed on the social web with a business focused strategy, plans you can implement right away, and tools to make it easier.
FISCALIS Human Nature - Behavioral ScienceJohan de Veer
This document contains summaries of presentations by Johan de Veer on topics related to human behavior and tax compliance. It discusses how human behavior is complex, influenced by both rational and irrational factors, as well as situational and biological influences. It also addresses how trust, emotions, and social influences like conformity can impact tax compliance. Additional topics covered include priming, choice architecture, and different monitoring styles used by tax authorities.
This document discusses the services provided by Chaos To Clarity LLC to help businesses bring clarity to their web presence. They begin with a strategic process to understand how a website can integrate with social media and communicate the business brand story and key messages. Their proven process provides structure while staying flexible to meet specific needs. They educate clients along the way so they feel empowered and proud of their new websites.
6. Managersdag Employability - Workshop 'Wat beweegt jou' 06-12-2012
Probeer een warme
deken te zijn, of op
zijn minst een
warme shawl
Laura Bloksma & Johan de Veer 6