Erindi flutt ¨¢ M¨¢l?ingi um n¨¢tt¨²rufr??imenntun ¨ª Verslunarsk¨®la ?slands 17.-18. apr¨ªl 2015.
? erindinu ver?ur fari? yfir ??r uppl?singar sem til eru um menntun og bakgrunn n¨¢tturufr??ikennara ¨ª grunnsk¨®lum. Einnig ver?ur fjalla? um ?¨¢ m?guleika sem ?eir hafa til starfs?r¨®unar, b??i formlega ¨¢ vegum h¨¢sk¨®la og fagf¨¦laga en einnig ¨®formlega ¨ª starfssamf¨¦l?gum ¨ª gegnum samf¨¦lagsmi?la.
Erindi flutt ¨¢ m¨¢l?ingi um n¨¢tt¨²rufr??imenntun 17.-18. apr¨ªl 2015.
Erindi? byggir ¨¢ l?singum kennara ¨¢ kennslustund ?ar sem uppl?singat?kni var notu?. ?ri? 2009 var safna? 73 l?singum og 48 l?singum 2015. L?singarnar s?na a? notkun ¨¢ uppl?singat?kni sty?ur meira og minna vi? r¨ªkjandi kennsluh?tti, me? ?rf¨¢um undartekningum. ? erindinu veltum vi? upp huglei?ingum um ?a? hvernig uppl?singat?kni g?ti stutt vi? n¨¢tt¨²rufr??in¨¢m ¨¢ 21. ?ldinni og hvernig ?a? samsvarist ??rfum og heimi nemenda, hugmyndum um hva?a v¨ªsindi s¨¦u kennd ¨ª sk¨®lum og t?kni?r¨®un.
Erindi flutt ¨¢ m¨¢l?ingi um n¨¢tt¨²rufr??imenntun. 17.-18. apr¨ªl 2015.
? erindinu munum vi? fara yfir ni?urst??ur spurningalista um ?msa ??tti ¨ª kennslu n¨¢tt¨²rufr??i ¨ª grunnsk¨®lum. Listinn var sendur ¨²t vori? 2014 og 156 kennara sv?ru?u honum. Ni?urst??ur gefa yfirlit yfir a?st??u, kennslug?gn, n¨¢msmat og kennslua?fer?ir sem n?tt eru. Einnig um menntun, ?ekkingu og vi?horf n¨¢tt¨²rufr??ikennara.
Javier M¨ªnguez provides his contact information and summarizes his skills, languages, education, professional experience, exhibitions, research papers mentored, equipment experience, and competencies. He has a bachelor's degree in fine arts and a master's degree focusing on artistic production. He has extensive experience coordinating events, exhibitions, and social media for the art world.
¡°One Library Per Village¡± is a revolutionary notion, and when people don¡¯t have free access to books and internet , then communities are like radios without batteries. You cut people off from essential sources of information ¡ª mythical, practical, linguistic, political ¡ª and you break them.
This document provides instructions for operating the controls of a forklift truck, including using the steering wheel to turn left or right, pushing or pulling the left lever forward or backward to move the truck forward or in reverse, pushing or pulling the right lever forward or backward to raise or lower the forks, and using the left and right pedals to engage the brake or accelerator. It also mentions using the parking brake.
The document describes the Italy MBA Football Cup 2016 tournament to be held in Perugia, Italy on June 11-12, 2016. The tournament is reserved for MBA students and alumni and will feature round robin football matches between 3-4 teams. Information about the venue, schedule, participating teams in past years, winners, and contacts for more information are provided.
The document summarizes lessons learned from implementing DevOps practices at Google and applying them to modernize practices in the U.S. federal government. It discusses how Google used transparency, autonomy, collaboration, and other principles to change culture and empower developers. It then outlines similar principles that could be applied in government to overcome inertia, ignorance, and other challenges through initiatives like a shared knowledge base, collaboration groups, and emphasizing learning over process. The overall message is that DevOps success depends on empowering individuals and embracing principles that have worked for open source and other organizations.
This document discusses the 1940 collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state. Known as "Galloping Gertie" due to its violent vertical oscillations in windy conditions, the suspension bridge collapsed just four months after opening when winds of 64 km/h caused it to display both vertical and torsional oscillations. The vertical oscillations were an example of forced harmonic motion where the deck motion matched the sinusoidal force of the wind, with frequency and amplitude increasing as the wind speed matched the bridge's natural frequency. The oscillations then suddenly changed to a torsional twisting motion that persisted for 45 minutes before the bridge collapsed.
This paper analyzes the efficiency of a joint-design of an adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) at the
physical (PHY) layer with an adaptive Rmax-truncated selective-repeat automatic repeat request (ARQ)
protocol at the medium access control (MAC) layer to maximize the throughput of cooperative nonregenerative
relay networks under prescribed delay and/or error performance constraints. Particularly, we
generalize the existing design model/results for cross-layer combining of AMC along with truncated ARQ
in non-cooperative diversity networks in three-folds: (i) extension of the cross-layer PHY/MAC design or
optimization to cooperative diversity systems; (ii) generalization/unification of analytical expressions for
various network performance metrics to generalized block fading channels with independent but nonidentically
distributed (i.n.d) fading statistics among the spatially distributed nodes; (iii) analysis of the
effectiveness of joint-adaptation of the maximum retransmission limit Rmax of ARQ protocol and
cooperative diversity order N for delay-insensitive applications. Our insightful numerical results reveal
that the average throughput can be increased significantly by judiciously combining two additional degrees
of freedom (N and Rmax) that are available in cooperative amplify-and-forward (CAF) relay networks
besides employing AMC at the PHY layer, especially in the most challenging low signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) regime.
Javier M¨ªnguez provides his contact information and summarizes his skills, languages, education, professional experience, exhibitions, research papers mentored, equipment experience, and competencies. He has a bachelor's degree in fine arts and a master's degree focusing on artistic production. He has extensive experience coordinating events, exhibitions, and social media for the art world.
¡°One Library Per Village¡± is a revolutionary notion, and when people don¡¯t have free access to books and internet , then communities are like radios without batteries. You cut people off from essential sources of information ¡ª mythical, practical, linguistic, political ¡ª and you break them.
This document provides instructions for operating the controls of a forklift truck, including using the steering wheel to turn left or right, pushing or pulling the left lever forward or backward to move the truck forward or in reverse, pushing or pulling the right lever forward or backward to raise or lower the forks, and using the left and right pedals to engage the brake or accelerator. It also mentions using the parking brake.
The document describes the Italy MBA Football Cup 2016 tournament to be held in Perugia, Italy on June 11-12, 2016. The tournament is reserved for MBA students and alumni and will feature round robin football matches between 3-4 teams. Information about the venue, schedule, participating teams in past years, winners, and contacts for more information are provided.
The document summarizes lessons learned from implementing DevOps practices at Google and applying them to modernize practices in the U.S. federal government. It discusses how Google used transparency, autonomy, collaboration, and other principles to change culture and empower developers. It then outlines similar principles that could be applied in government to overcome inertia, ignorance, and other challenges through initiatives like a shared knowledge base, collaboration groups, and emphasizing learning over process. The overall message is that DevOps success depends on empowering individuals and embracing principles that have worked for open source and other organizations.
This document discusses the 1940 collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state. Known as "Galloping Gertie" due to its violent vertical oscillations in windy conditions, the suspension bridge collapsed just four months after opening when winds of 64 km/h caused it to display both vertical and torsional oscillations. The vertical oscillations were an example of forced harmonic motion where the deck motion matched the sinusoidal force of the wind, with frequency and amplitude increasing as the wind speed matched the bridge's natural frequency. The oscillations then suddenly changed to a torsional twisting motion that persisted for 45 minutes before the bridge collapsed.
This paper analyzes the efficiency of a joint-design of an adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) at the
physical (PHY) layer with an adaptive Rmax-truncated selective-repeat automatic repeat request (ARQ)
protocol at the medium access control (MAC) layer to maximize the throughput of cooperative nonregenerative
relay networks under prescribed delay and/or error performance constraints. Particularly, we
generalize the existing design model/results for cross-layer combining of AMC along with truncated ARQ
in non-cooperative diversity networks in three-folds: (i) extension of the cross-layer PHY/MAC design or
optimization to cooperative diversity systems; (ii) generalization/unification of analytical expressions for
various network performance metrics to generalized block fading channels with independent but nonidentically
distributed (i.n.d) fading statistics among the spatially distributed nodes; (iii) analysis of the
effectiveness of joint-adaptation of the maximum retransmission limit Rmax of ARQ protocol and
cooperative diversity order N for delay-insensitive applications. Our insightful numerical results reveal
that the average throughput can be increased significantly by judiciously combining two additional degrees
of freedom (N and Rmax) that are available in cooperative amplify-and-forward (CAF) relay networks
besides employing AMC at the PHY layer, especially in the most challenging low signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) regime.
Rakel S?lvad¨®ttir fr¨¢ Skema flutti erindi ¨¢ r¨¢?stefnunni Margt sm¨¢tt gerir eitt st¨®rt, uppl?singat?kni og n?jungar ¨ª sk¨®lastarfi. R¨¢?stefnan var haldinn ¨ª HR f?studaginn 16. mars 2012. R¨¢?stefnan var samvinnuverkefni 3f, HR og
Language: Icelandic
Information from research that were made 2006 in Menntask¨®linn ¨ª K¨®pavogi about what students thinks of using labtops in the school.
Researchers were: Sigurbj?rg J¨®hannesd¨®ttir, Ingibj?rg Haraldsd¨®ttir and Gr¨¦ta Freyd¨ªs Kaldal¨®ns
? L¨ªtil sem engin endurn?jun ¨¢ b¨²na?i 2009¨C2012
? 2013 fer a?eins a? rofa til og verulega b?tt ¨ª
fj¨¢rveitingar 2014 og 2015
? Mest ¨ª grunnsk¨®la en einnig ¨ª leiksk¨®la
? Snjallt?knin hefur hafi? innrei? s¨ªna
? G¨®? ?r¨¢?laus sta?arnet forsenda fyrir ?v¨ª a? n?ta ?¨¢
? G¨®? ?r¨¢?laus sta?arnet ¨ª Sunnul?kjarsk¨®la, Vallask¨®la
og Barnask¨®lanum ¨¢ Eyrarbakka og Stokkseyri
? Allir fimm leiksk¨®larnir me? ?r¨¢?laus net en mis?flug
? Auknar kr?fur ¨¢ t?lvudeild sem hefur valdi? n¨²ningi
? Fagh¨®par kennara og stj¨®rnenda ¨ª ?rborg en starf
h¨®panna hefur m.a. stu?la? a? uppsetningu
?r¨¢?lausra neta ¨ª ?llum sk¨®lum sveitarf¨¦lagsins
? Fr??slustj¨®ri s¨®tti BETT 2014 og hefur r?tt vi?
nokkra fr??slustj¨®ra, verkefnastj¨®ra o.fl. um st??u
m¨¢la ¨ª ?eirra sveitarf¨¦l?gum.
? Umr??a ¨ª fr??slunefnd og samstarfsvettvangur
sk¨®lastj¨®ra, deildarstj¨®ra t?lvudeildar, fr??slustj¨®ra
og framkv?mdastj¨®ra ?rborgar
? Heims¨®ttum K¨®pavog og fengum ?ar fr¨¢b?ra
kynningu ¨¢ ¨¢herslum ?eirra ¨ª UT m¨¢lum ¨ª sk¨®lunum
? Vallask¨®li hefur veri? me? rafr?nt n¨¢msumhverfi ¨¢
unglingastigi ¨ª vetur ?ar sem kennt er ¨ª lotum. 20 kennarar
eru virkir ¨ª verkefninu. (Bring your own device)
? Nota uppl?singt?kni ¨¢ sem e?lilegastan h¨¢tt ¨ª n¨¢mi
? Fyrirmyndin er notkun UT ¨ª samf¨¦laginu ¨ª fj?lbreytilegum
verkefnum og st?rfum
? Sto?kennarinn ¨C n¨¢m og kennsla ¨¢ netinu
? Alls konar kennsluforrit, stuttmyndager?, fart?lvur, s¨ªmar og
spjaldt?lvur (Bring your own device)
? Nota uppl?singt?kni ¨¢ fj?lbreyttan h¨¢tt ¨ª n¨¢mi og kennslu
(Bring your own device).
? N?ta alls konar kennsluforrit, fart?lvur, s¨ªma og spjaldt?lvur ¨C
sk¨®linn ¨¢ nokkrar spjaldt?lvur
? Taka virkan ?¨¢tt ¨ª n?sk?punarkeppni grunnsk¨®la
? Allir leiksk¨®larnir me? virkar heimas¨ª?ur
? Erum a? taka ¨ª notkun leiksk¨®lakerfi? V?lu (n?tist stj¨®rnendum
leiksk¨®la, foreldrum, skrifstofu fr??slusvi?s og fj¨¢rm¨¢lasvi?i).
? iPad ¨ª ?llum leiksk¨®lunum og sumir n?ta spjaldt?lvurnar inni ¨¢
hverri deild og ¨ª s¨¦rkennslu
? N?tast sem n¨¢mst?ki, svo sem ¨ª m¨¢l?rvun, l?si og
? Brimver/?skukot notar einkum iPad ¨ª s¨¦rkennslu
? Samstarf leiksk¨®lans og BES ¨ª tengslum vi?
verkefni? Barnab?. Nemendur og leiksk¨®lab?rn
vinna saman ¨¢ skapandi h¨¢tt me? a?sto? UT.
? Um er a? r??a t?ki? Makey, makey sem kennir
nemendum a? hugsa ¨²t fyrir kassann ¨ª a? gera
hugmyndir s¨ªnar a? veruleika (h?gt a? b¨²a til
gagnvirk listaverk)
? ?lfheimar n?tir iPad ¨²ti ¨ª sk¨®gi ¨ª verkefninu Gullin ¨ª grenndinni
sem er ?flugt ?r¨®unar- og samstarfsverkefni ?vert ¨¢ sk¨®lastig
? J?tunheimar hefur komi? s¨¦r upp rafr?nu b¨®kasafni ¨¢ loka?ri
heimas¨ª?u ¨C ?ar er m.a. h?gt a? leita ¨²t fr¨¢ mismunandi
efnisflokkum ¨ª b¨®kum leiksk¨®lans (vin¨¢tta, litir, fj?lskylda, d?rin
? Hulduheimar. ?ar eru iPadar n?komnir ¨ª h¨²s. N?ta
heimas¨ª?una til kynninga, t?lvup¨®st o.fl. Taka m.a. myndb?nd
af b?rnunum til a? s?na og leggja mat ¨¢ heg?un ?eirra ¨ª
?msum a?st??um.
? Skimanir m.a. me? LOGOS
? Talmeinafr??ingur notar m.a. spjaldt?lvu ¨ª tal?j¨¢lfun
(m¨¢l?rvunarsm¨¢forrit). R¨¢?gj?f ¨ª leiksk¨®lana um
sm¨¢forrit sem n?tast ¨ª m¨¢l?rvun og vinnu me? l?si.
Fr??slufundir eru ¨¢ d?finni ¨ª sumar.
? Kennslur¨¢?gjafi hefur haldi? fr??slufund fyrir
starfsf¨®lk leiksk¨®la m.a. um forrit til a? b¨²a til
myndr?nt skipulag fyrir leiksk¨®lab?rnin.
? OneCRM til a? halda utan um einstaklingsm¨¢l,
Navision o.fl. Mentor ¨ª grunnsk¨®lunm og Vala ¨C
leiksk¨®lakerfi ¨¢ lei?inni.
? Skapa fleiri t?kif?ri til fr??slu og s¨ªmenntunar um
uppl?singat?kni og sk¨®lastarf
? Tryggja g¨®?a og sveigjanlega t?lvu?j¨®nustu.
? Sko?a forgangsr??un verkefna, m.a. ¨²t fr¨¢
m?guleikum sem bj¨®?ast me? opnum hugb¨²na?i,
¨®d?rum netlausnum o.fl. sem au?veldar sk¨®lunum
?r¨®unarstarf og a? taka upp n?jar ¨¢herslur ¨ª n¨¢mi
og kennslu.
? R¨¢?ning UT-r¨¢?gjafa fyrir sk¨®lana ¨ª ?rborg?