Transport 2.0: Sykkelbiblioteket - frokostseminarinsam
Sykkelbiblioteket / Veloteket er et prosjekt for langtids utl奪n av elektriske lastesykler og vanlige elsykler i Drammen. Meningen er at folk skal f奪 pr淡ve ut hvordan en slik sykkel fungerer i deres praktiske liv.
Forus N脱ringspark og Stavanger kommune samarbeider om 奪 f奪 elektriske delesykler til 奪 bli en del av det daglige transporttilbudet i Byen. De har samkj淡rte bilettsystemer for Tog, buss og elsykler, og de har integrert dette med Gobikes bysykkelordning.
Nicolay Schweigaard er markedsansvarlig for GoMore i Norge. Selskapet er Nordens st淡rste samkj淡ringsportal med 230 000 medlemmer i Danmark og litt over 15 000 i Norge. I dette foredraget forteller han om utfordringer GoMore opplever rundt en lovgivning som er 奪pen for tolkning.
PRT / Sportaxi-systemet for Fornebu som ikke ble noe avEinar Flydal
Presentation in Norwegian of the origin of the PRT system Vectus, orginally conceived to serve transportation needs outside Oslo, as well as to build an environmental friendly urban transport solution that is robust to snow and ice, and - in many cases - competitive in cost and comfort to private cars and traditional public transit systems.
Nissan has been a leader in electric vehicles since 1947. They have sold over 270,000 EVs globally and have invested $4 billion in battery production. Current EVs can meet the daily driving needs of most customers. Charging infrastructure for EVs is growing rapidly, especially in Nordic countries. The range of EVs is also increasing quickly, with some new models offering over 500km of range. Nissan is developing solutions like vehicle-to-grid technology and battery second-life applications to support the growth of EVs and smart energy systems. They are also working on autonomous driving technologies that will further revolutionize transportation.
Whim is a mobility as a service (MaaS) solution that offers transportation packages through a single app. It aims to provide customers flexibility and freedom from car ownership by offering access to public transit, taxis, rental cars, and other transportation services through monthly subscription packages. Whim had a soft launch in Helsinki in late 2016 and plans to expand internationally in the coming years. The presentation outlines Whim's value proposition, current package offerings, and roadmap to become a globally available MaaS solution by 2022.
Forus N脱ringspark og Stavanger kommune samarbeider om 奪 f奪 elektriske delesykler til 奪 bli en del av det daglige transporttilbudet i Byen. De har samkj淡rte bilettsystemer for Tog, buss og elsykler, og de har integrert dette med Gobikes bysykkelordning.
Nicolay Schweigaard er markedsansvarlig for GoMore i Norge. Selskapet er Nordens st淡rste samkj淡ringsportal med 230 000 medlemmer i Danmark og litt over 15 000 i Norge. I dette foredraget forteller han om utfordringer GoMore opplever rundt en lovgivning som er 奪pen for tolkning.
PRT / Sportaxi-systemet for Fornebu som ikke ble noe avEinar Flydal
Presentation in Norwegian of the origin of the PRT system Vectus, orginally conceived to serve transportation needs outside Oslo, as well as to build an environmental friendly urban transport solution that is robust to snow and ice, and - in many cases - competitive in cost and comfort to private cars and traditional public transit systems.
Nissan has been a leader in electric vehicles since 1947. They have sold over 270,000 EVs globally and have invested $4 billion in battery production. Current EVs can meet the daily driving needs of most customers. Charging infrastructure for EVs is growing rapidly, especially in Nordic countries. The range of EVs is also increasing quickly, with some new models offering over 500km of range. Nissan is developing solutions like vehicle-to-grid technology and battery second-life applications to support the growth of EVs and smart energy systems. They are also working on autonomous driving technologies that will further revolutionize transportation.
Whim is a mobility as a service (MaaS) solution that offers transportation packages through a single app. It aims to provide customers flexibility and freedom from car ownership by offering access to public transit, taxis, rental cars, and other transportation services through monthly subscription packages. Whim had a soft launch in Helsinki in late 2016 and plans to expand internationally in the coming years. The presentation outlines Whim's value proposition, current package offerings, and roadmap to become a globally available MaaS solution by 2022.
Gjesteforelesning om strategisk b脱rekraft og GoForIT til UiASimen Sommerfeldt
GoForiT best奪r av mange av de st淡rste akt淡rene innenfor bransjen, med b奪de TEKNA, NITO, Accenture, Microsoft, UiA, NTNU, Sopra Steria, CGI, Bouvet, Itera og flere. Her kan du se hvordan vi tenker rundt strategisk b脱rekraft, og skal samarbeide for 奪 s淡rge for at vi utdanner folk i takt med hvordan vi benytter b脱rekraft i arbeidslivet. Si fra hvis du 淡nsker link til opptak av foredraget
Drammenskonferansen 2019: Hans J端rg Schwanderinsam
The document discusses two model districts, Vauban and Rieselfeld, in Freiburg, Germany. It describes how Rieselfeld was developed starting in the 1990s based on principles of short distances between living and working, an orthogonal road network with traffic calming, and a central park. Over 50% of the land is dedicated to living spaces and commerce, while around 13% is public green space. Vauban was developed on a former military site beginning in the 1990s and has high levels of citizen involvement and low car ownership due to its design without parking spaces but with good public transportation and services.
Urgent.Agency is a culture design agency that specializes in placemaking, child-friendly planning, and identity design. They believe in creating value by bridging different fields like culture, space, and strategy. Some of their projects include developing temporary installations for the Carlsberg Byen neighborhood, a concept for "Open Embassy" pop-up diplomacy, and exploring shared living. They also helped foster a vision to make Billund, Denmark the "Capital of Children" by putting children and play at the center of urban planning. Urgent.Placemaking connects stakeholders, considers everyday life, and formulates long-term cultural programs and tangible development projects to engage communities.
Bylivsprosjektet "Ny varelevering i Drammen sentrum" har i f淡rste fase gjort unders淡kelser om varelevering i Drammen. Dette er kortversjonen av funnene.
SAMS autonomous mobility is an industry cluster supplying sustainable autonomous mobility systems globally. It aims to improve current mobility systems which have flaws like emissions, congestion, and accidents. With today's technology, autonomous mobility can open new opportunities for green cities and transportation while making better use of resources and city space. The cluster builds on decades of experience developing autonomous solutions and delivers proven technologies to global markets. Its core competence is designing, developing, testing, and delivering complex control systems for autonomous fleets in a sustainable way.
This document outlines Dr. Nicky Morrison's presentation on negotiating affordable housing in England. The presentation covers the context of England's affordable housing crisis, how the planning system works to secure affordable housing through negotiations with private developers, and the role of housing associations. It also provides an example of an innovative joint venture between a local authority and housing association to develop affordable housing. The presentation concludes by discussing potential cross-cultural lessons around securing affordable housing.
Sverre Gotaas - Kongsberg Innovasjon og Electric Mobility Norway
1. N脱ringslivets rolle i kunnskapstriangelet og
akt淡r for Transport 2.0
Sverre Gotaas, Kongsberg Gruppen ASA
Styringsgruppeleder Electric Mobility Norway
4. Gr淡nt skifte - konsekvenser
Fra Kongsberg Gruppens policy
The long-term consequences of the global megatrends
linked to opportunities and risks shall be met by the
Group's regular strategic processes.
We will maintain a proactive attitude to sustainable
development and business opportunities. The
strategic and business decisions taken within the
Group are to be considered from the perspective of
'Business as usual' is not an alternative
when it comes to resolving the
06.02.2015 Page 4WORLD CLASS - through people, technology and dedication
5. Transport og mobilitet et komplekst system
Nasjonalt energisystem
85 g CO2/km
Nasjonale institusjoner
Elbil produsenter
6. 0
5 000
10 000
15 000
20 000
25 000
30 000
35 000
40 000
45 000
50 000
Incentiver virker
Free registration
Free parking
Toll exempt
around cities
VAT exempt
Use bus lane in
No yearly fee,
only insurance
50% reduction
company car tax
Free transport on
Incentives last
until 2017
8. Klynger Hvorfor?
Partnernes behov
Analyse- og strategiprosesser
Nettverksbygging, m淡teplasser
Id辿 og prosjektutvikling
Faglig bistand
Internasjonale koplinger
Kobling til forskning
Klyngen er Partnernes prosjekt
9. Hoveddrivere for EMN er Infrastruktur og Fl奪ter
H淡y elbil-tetthet muliggj淡r testing og validering av 鉛淡壊稼庄稼乙艶姻
10. Aktiviteter i EMN
Mobility on Demand med integrerte IKT-鉛淡壊稼庄稼乙艶姻 med Move About
Maritim elektromobilitet i Oslofjordregionen med ZEM
Kommunikasjonsstabilitet i ladeinfrastrukturen for elbil med Gr淡nn Kontakt
Id辿utvikling og prosjekter
B脱rekraftig transport gjennom Veien til Hamang (BREEAM)
ITS Norge og SmartCity B脱rum
Lade Mange konseptutvikling og mulige piloter
Oslo-Toulouse samarbeidet
Horizon 2020 GV8 med frist oktober 2015
Utdanning og M.Sc. prosjekter
Multi-charging concept development Fornebu case
Serious gaming approach fremmer bruken av Norges hurtigladenett
MSc-kurs innen elektromobilitet (Ladeinfrastruktur, Ind. state-of-the-art)