This document summarizes a study on Iraqi refugees resettling in Detroit, Michigan. It finds that:
1) Many of the refugees are struggling to adjust to life in Detroit, dealing with issues like enrolling children in school, obtaining driver's licenses, and coping with trauma from their experiences in Iraq.
2) Over 60% of the refugees surveyed had a college education, yet most were still unemployed due to issues like lack of language skills and transportation challenges.
3) The refugees came from professional backgrounds in Iraq as professors, teachers, doctors, and engineers, but were having difficulty establishing their careers in Detroit due to the difficulties of adjusting to life as a refugee.
This document provides information about a school exchange program between students in Spain. It includes videos from Spanish students introducing themselves and their school in Guadix, Spain. They describe features of Acci Secondary School like the front yard, hall, and library. They also highlight important landmarks in Guadix like the cathedral, parks, and squares to provide visiting students a tour of their town.
The document analyzes revisions made to India's defense offset policy. Major changes include expanding eligible defense products and services, introducing multipliers for partnerships with MSMEs and technology transfers, extending the offset period and banking validity, limiting penalties for non-compliance, and defining roles for offset evaluation. Reporting requirements were also clarified, with half-yearly discharge reports and an annual appraisal submitted to the Defense Acquisition Council. The analysis concludes that the policy has addressed many long-standing demands but the effects will only be seen over time.
Monique is a recent high school graduate who is unsure of what career path she wants to pursue. She felt overwhelmed by her last year of school and exams, and that her career advisor and teachers focused more on university than other options. Monique had limited work experience and career guidance, and struggled with applying for jobs and interviews. She wants more support for students transitioning from school to work.
This document provides information about using the KROHNE online learning platform, including:
1. It describes the user's personal "My Area" dashboard and how to access available courses.
2. Courses can be started from the "My Area" tab or "All Courses" tab by joining the course and clicking on links to access learning modules and questionnaires.
3. To complete a course, users must successfully finish all questionnaires in the assigned order, at which point the certificate will be made available for download.
This document summarizes a study on Iraqi refugees resettling in Detroit, Michigan. It finds that:
1) Many of the refugees are struggling to adjust to life in Detroit, dealing with issues like enrolling children in school, obtaining driver's licenses, and coping with trauma from their experiences in Iraq.
2) Over 60% of the refugees surveyed had a college education, yet most were still unemployed due to issues like lack of language skills and transportation challenges.
3) The refugees came from professional backgrounds in Iraq as professors, teachers, doctors, and engineers, but were having difficulty establishing their careers in Detroit due to the difficulties of adjusting to life as a refugee.
This document provides information about a school exchange program between students in Spain. It includes videos from Spanish students introducing themselves and their school in Guadix, Spain. They describe features of Acci Secondary School like the front yard, hall, and library. They also highlight important landmarks in Guadix like the cathedral, parks, and squares to provide visiting students a tour of their town.
The document analyzes revisions made to India's defense offset policy. Major changes include expanding eligible defense products and services, introducing multipliers for partnerships with MSMEs and technology transfers, extending the offset period and banking validity, limiting penalties for non-compliance, and defining roles for offset evaluation. Reporting requirements were also clarified, with half-yearly discharge reports and an annual appraisal submitted to the Defense Acquisition Council. The analysis concludes that the policy has addressed many long-standing demands but the effects will only be seen over time.
Monique is a recent high school graduate who is unsure of what career path she wants to pursue. She felt overwhelmed by her last year of school and exams, and that her career advisor and teachers focused more on university than other options. Monique had limited work experience and career guidance, and struggled with applying for jobs and interviews. She wants more support for students transitioning from school to work.
This document provides information about using the KROHNE online learning platform, including:
1. It describes the user's personal "My Area" dashboard and how to access available courses.
2. Courses can be started from the "My Area" tab or "All Courses" tab by joining the course and clicking on links to access learning modules and questionnaires.
3. To complete a course, users must successfully finish all questionnaires in the assigned order, at which point the certificate will be made available for download.
Then our buildings shape us 10 minutesTim Berglund
The document discusses how the forms and structures we use to create and communicate shape both the creation process and how the ideas are received. It explores how buildings, creative works, software, and technologies all have inherent forms that impose constraints but also facilitate creation. The document argues we must be aware of how the forms we choose shape not only what we build but also how we think.
The document discusses Syndcom Ltd., a Canadian radio syndication company, and its decision about whether to integrate distribution in-house rather than using an external distributor. It analyzes the financials of in-house distribution, noting that it could eliminate a 30% distribution fee and be cost-neutral in the first year. It recommends beginning in-house distribution while focusing on pay-per-day stations and generating more feedback from radio stations through personal visits.
As a former marketing professor and current direct, social media and digital marketing consultant, I am often asked about old school direct marketing and its rules, terms and analytics.
I created this simple direct marketing primer for a client who was looking to enter the direct mail space.
About the author:
Jim Gilbert, is the CEO of Gilbert Direct Marketing, Inc, and President of The non-profit networking and education organization - The Florida Direct Marketing Association.
Jim is a former adjunct Professor of Marketing teaching at Miami International University.
He can be reached at, or follow him on twitter: @gilbertdirect. or Linkedin:
The document discusses the process used by Planet 9 Studios to create 3D models of ports and harbors for the US Navy. It involves collecting on-site photos and geospatial data, importing the data and terrain into Global Mapper, setting the projection, importing imagery, exporting to 3ds Max for texturing and modeling, then exporting to X3D format for use in simulations and training. The goal is to accurately represent facilities in a geo-registered 3D format.
1. C┨mlenin ??eleri S?zc┨klerin c┨mle i?erisindeki g?rev adlar?na ^c┨mlenin ??eleri ̄denir. C┨mle ??elerini, temel ??eler ve yard?mc? ??eler olmak ┨zere iki grupta inceleyebiliriz. A) Temel ??eler: 1- Y┨klem 2- ?zne B) Yard?mc? ??eler: 1- Nesne 2- Dolayl? T┨mle? 3- Zarf T┨mleci
2. A- Temel ??eler: 1-Y┨klem: C┨mlede i?i, olu?u, hareketi ki?i ve zamana ba?l? olarak anlatan yani yarg? bildiren unsura ^y┨klem ̄ denir. C┨mlede y┨klemi bulmak i?in herhangi bir soru sorulmaz. Y┨klem tek ba??na c┨mle olabilir. Di?er ??eler y┨klemi tamamlar. Y┨klem kurall? c┨mlelerde sonda bulunur. Y┨klem tek s?zc┨kten olu?abilece?i gibi de?i?ik s?z gruplar?ndan da olu?abilir.
3. ?rnekler: Babam erkenden d┨kkana gitti. Ka?t?lar . Burada en ?ok yeti?en ┨r┨n elmad?r . Tek iste?i onu g?rmekti . O gen?li?inde r┨zgar gibiydi . D┨n onu arayan bendim . Bu kitap Mustafa¨n?n hat?ras?d?r . ?smail ba?ar?l? bir ??renciydi . Bu hareketiyle g?zden d┨?t┨ . Ge? fark ettim ta??n sert oldu?unu.
4. 2- ?zne: C┨mlede y┨klemin bildirdi?i i?i, hareketi yapan ve yarg?ya konu olan unsurdur. ?zneyi bulmak i?in y┨kleme ^ Ne?, Kim ?  ̄ sorular?n? sorar?z. ?rnek: Adam umursamadan g┨l┨yordu. (G┨len kim?) Bizim evimiz k?y┨n d???ndayd?. (K?y┨n d???nda olan ne?) D┨n ak?am babam?n arkada?? geldi bize. ?al??mak ba?armakt?r.
5. Uyar?: ?zneler c┨mlede yer al?p almamas?na veya fiilin ?at? ?zelli?ine g?re de?i?ik isimler al?r. a) Ger?ek ?zne : Fiilin bildirdi?i i?i yapan ?znedir. ?rnek: Ahmet derslerine ?ok ?al???r. b) Gizli ?zne : C┨mlede yer almayan ?znedir. Gizli ?zne y┨klemden anla??l?r. ?rnek: Bu imtihana ?ok ?al??t? m . c) S?zde ?zne : ??i yapmayan, yap?lan i?ten etkilenen ?znedir. ?rnek: Cam k?r?ld?. Ezan okundu.
6. B)Yard?mc? ??eler: 1 -Nesne : C┨mlede ?znenin yapt??? i?ten etkilenen varl??a ^nesne ̄ denir. Nesneyi bulmak i?in y┨kleme ^ Neyi? Kimi ? ̄ ve ?zneyi bulduktan sonra ^ Ne  ̄ sorular? sorulur. Uyar?: ^Ne ̄ sorusu ?zneyi bulmak i?in de soruldu?u i?in bir c┨mlenin ?nce y┨klemi, sonra ?znesi, daha sonra nesnesi bulunmal?d?r. ( Y.?.N .) Nesneler hal eki al?p almamalar?na g?re ikiye ayr?l?r.
7. A) Belirtili Nesne: Nesne g?revinde bulunan s?z ismin Ci hal ekini alm??sa bu t┨r nesneye belirtili nesne denir. Y┨kleme sorulan ^ Neyi? Kimi ? ̄ sorular?na cevap verir. Nesne tek kelimeden olu?abilece?i gibi bir kelime grubundan da olu?abilir. ?rnek: 意┨姻一?艶 dersini ?ok seviyordu. (Neyi seviyordu?) Eski g┨nleri ?ok ?zledik. Onun gibisini g?rmedim hayat?mda. Bug┨nk┨ gazeteleri okudun mu?
8. B) Belirtisiz Nesne: Nesne g?revinde bulunan kelime yal?n halde bulunuyorsa bu durumdaki nesneye belirtisiz nesne denir. Y┨kleme ?zneyi bulduktan sonra sordu?umuz ^Ne? ̄ sorusuna cevap olur. ?rnek: ?nce bir bardak su i?ti. (Ne i?ti?) Pazardan ┨? kilo elma alm??. (Ne alm???) Sabahtan beri kitap okuyor. (Ne okuyor?) ?nl┨ yazar, bu konuda birka? makale yazd?.
9. 2- Dolayl? T┨mle?: C┨mlede y┨klemin anlam?n? yer bak?m?ndan tamamlayan s?zlere denir. Dolayl? t┨mle?, y┨klemi y?nelme, bulunma, ??kma, y?n┨nden tamamlar. Dolayl? t┨mle? olan kelimeler mutlaka ismin ^-e, -de, -den ̄ hallerinden birinde bulunur. Dolayl? t┨mleci bulmak i?in y┨kleme ^Kime?, Kimde?, Kimden?, Neye?, Neyde?, Neyden?, Nereye?, Nerede?, Nereden? ̄ sorular? sorulur. ?rnek: ?ocuklar sokakta oynuyorlar. Eve ge? gittim. ?ar??dan hen┨z d?nmediler. Bayburt¨tan ayr?lacaklarm??.
10. 3- Zarf T┨mleci: Y┨klemi zaman, miktar, durum, yer-y?n bak?m?ndan tamamlayan kelimelere denir. Zarf t┨mleci y┨klemin y?n┨n┨, y┨klemde bildirilen i?in ne zaman ve nas?l yap?ld???n?, miktar?n? bildirir. Zarf t┨mlecini bulmak i?in y┨kleme de?i?ik sorular sorulur. Bunlar: ^ Ne zaman ?, Ni?in ?, Neden ?, Ne kadar ?, Nas?l ? ̄ gibi sorulard?r. ?rnek: Halamlar d┨n bize geldiler.
11. ?rnekler: ?rnek: D┨n ma?? kazand?k. (Ne zaman?) Ya?l? kad?n durmadan konu?uyordu. (Nas?l?) ^ A??r a??r ??kacaks?n bu merdivenlerden. ̄ ?ocuk sessizce i?eri girdi. Mehmet hastaland???ndan okula gitmemi?. ???iler ?ok yorulmu?tu. ??renciler d??ar? ??kt?lar. Uyar?: Yer-y?n bildiren kelimeler ismin hal eklerinden birini al?rsa zarf t┨mleci olmaz.
12. C┨mlenin ??eleriyle ?lgili Baz? Hususlar - Bir c┨mle ??elerine ayr?l?rken s?fat ve isim tamlamalar?, deyimler, ikilemeler par?alanamaz. ?rnek: ?amurlu yollarda d┨?e kalka ilerliyordu. ?oluk ?ocu?a kar??m??t?. C┨mlesinde ^?oluk ?ocu?a kar??mak ̄ deyimdir ve y┨klem g?revindedir.
13. C┨mlenin ??eleriyle ?lgili Baz? Hususlar - Bir c┨mlede, c┨mlenin ??elerini bulmak i?in sordu?umuz sorulardan hi?birine cevap olmayan bir b?l┨m varsa buna ^C┨mle d??? unsur ̄ denir. ?rnek: Sevgili dostum Ahmet , seni ?ok ?zledim. C.D.U.
14. C┨mlenin ??eleri . Ne zaman ?, Ni?in ?, Neden ?, Ne kadar ?, Nas?l ? ZARF T?MLEC? Kime?, Kimde?, Kimden?, Neye?, Neyde?, Neyden?, Nereye?, Nerede?, Nereden? DOLAYLI T?MLE? Neyi?, Kimi?, Ne? NESNE Kim?, Ne? ?ZNE Kar??l?k verdi?i sorular ??e