Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
El águila vive hasta 70 a?os, pero a los 40 a?os debe tomar una difícil decisión ya que sus garras y pico se han debilitado y no puede cazar. Sus opciones son morir o someterse a un doloroso proceso de renovación de 150 días en el que arranca su pico y plumas para que crezcan nuevas, dándole 30 a?os más de vida. De forma similar, en la vida a veces debemos alejarnos para renacer renovados y libres del pasado.
Jessica Bennett is currently studying towards a Master of Building Science at Victoria University of Wellington's School of Architecture, researching the affect that apartment design has on occupant health, comfort and well-being. Previously she has completed a Bachelor of Building Science with Honours researching apartment design, indoor air quality and New Zealand Building Code regulations. From 2006 she has worked part-time at BRANZ as a Building Performance Scientist, undertaking weathertightness assessments for Appraisal Certificates as well as simulation work on indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy efficiency and climate change.
Jessica's interests include apartment design & refurbishment, occupant health, comfort & well-being, and the IEQ of buildings. Her role in The Plant Room (Wellington SHaC Team) involves providing technical information and advice as well as undertaking modelling and simulation of the proposed design.
This document provides an overview of developing apps for the iPad using web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript compared to developing native apps. It discusses key differences like the APIs available, performance, costs, updating processes, and more. It then provides best practices for web design on iPads, including considerations for touch targets, orientations, animations, images, and more. It also covers specific technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and backend development approaches. The overall message is that web development for iPads is very capable with modern techniques.
This document discusses how social media is relevant to the healthcare industry. It provides 3 key benefits of social media for healthcare: 1) it can help establish brand identity and raise awareness, 2) it allows healthcare businesses to network with others and showcase their mission, and 3) it helps solidify their image for social media users. The document also notes that social media can directly impact anyone living in the US by making the entire healthcare industry more accessible via social platforms. It provides examples of hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare organizations that are using social media.
This document provides an introduction to internet marketing practices over several weeks. It will cover acquisition, conversion, and retention of users. Google Analytics is introduced as a tool to track user behavior on websites to optimize different steps in the user journey. Proper use of Google Analytics can provide insights into traffic sources, user paths, goals and conversions. Guidelines are provided on setting up tracking consistently and avoiding misuse that could skew metrics.
The document examines back muscle activity during three traditional mat Pilates exercises - swimming, single leg kick with static prone back extension, and double leg kick - through surface electromyography of healthy adult females. The study found that swimming increased lumbar extensor muscle activity the most at 29% on average compared to the other two exercises. Double leg kicking produced significantly more back muscle activation than single leg kicking. Overall, back muscle activation during the exercises ranged from 15-61% of participants' maximum voluntary isometric contraction levels.
The document presents a series of word equations where letters of the alphabet are assigned numeric values and added together. It shows that common concepts like "luck", "love", and "knowledge" do not equal 100% when their letters are summed. It then reveals that the letters in "attitude" are the only ones that sum to 100%, indicating a positive attitude is what truly leads to success.
This document outlines how to create a course through the FreeU learning platform by finding self-motivated friends to join, planning an online or in-person launch date, asking participants to contribute media like books, music or art to the course library, defining terms, building a timeline, participating in peer review through one-pagers with a central image and 4 short statements, and treating the course as a work in progress.
This document discusses a person's media consumption habits and favorite dates. They say they never watch the news and that they own a book. Their favorite days are April Fools' Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, and especially their birthday on July 23rd.
Jessica Bennett is currently studying towards a Master of Building Science at Victoria University of Wellington's School of Architecture, researching the affect that apartment design has on occupant health, comfort and well-being. Previously she has completed a Bachelor of Building Science with Honours researching apartment design, indoor air quality and New Zealand Building Code regulations. From 2006 she has worked part-time at BRANZ as a Building Performance Scientist, undertaking weathertightness assessments for Appraisal Certificates as well as simulation work on indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy efficiency and climate change.
Jessica's interests include apartment design & refurbishment, occupant health, comfort & well-being, and the IEQ of buildings. Her role in The Plant Room (Wellington SHaC Team) involves providing technical information and advice as well as undertaking modelling and simulation of the proposed design.
This document provides an overview of developing apps for the iPad using web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript compared to developing native apps. It discusses key differences like the APIs available, performance, costs, updating processes, and more. It then provides best practices for web design on iPads, including considerations for touch targets, orientations, animations, images, and more. It also covers specific technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and backend development approaches. The overall message is that web development for iPads is very capable with modern techniques.
This document discusses how social media is relevant to the healthcare industry. It provides 3 key benefits of social media for healthcare: 1) it can help establish brand identity and raise awareness, 2) it allows healthcare businesses to network with others and showcase their mission, and 3) it helps solidify their image for social media users. The document also notes that social media can directly impact anyone living in the US by making the entire healthcare industry more accessible via social platforms. It provides examples of hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare organizations that are using social media.
This document provides an introduction to internet marketing practices over several weeks. It will cover acquisition, conversion, and retention of users. Google Analytics is introduced as a tool to track user behavior on websites to optimize different steps in the user journey. Proper use of Google Analytics can provide insights into traffic sources, user paths, goals and conversions. Guidelines are provided on setting up tracking consistently and avoiding misuse that could skew metrics.
The document examines back muscle activity during three traditional mat Pilates exercises - swimming, single leg kick with static prone back extension, and double leg kick - through surface electromyography of healthy adult females. The study found that swimming increased lumbar extensor muscle activity the most at 29% on average compared to the other two exercises. Double leg kicking produced significantly more back muscle activation than single leg kicking. Overall, back muscle activation during the exercises ranged from 15-61% of participants' maximum voluntary isometric contraction levels.
The document presents a series of word equations where letters of the alphabet are assigned numeric values and added together. It shows that common concepts like "luck", "love", and "knowledge" do not equal 100% when their letters are summed. It then reveals that the letters in "attitude" are the only ones that sum to 100%, indicating a positive attitude is what truly leads to success.
This document outlines how to create a course through the FreeU learning platform by finding self-motivated friends to join, planning an online or in-person launch date, asking participants to contribute media like books, music or art to the course library, defining terms, building a timeline, participating in peer review through one-pagers with a central image and 4 short statements, and treating the course as a work in progress.
This document discusses a person's media consumption habits and favorite dates. They say they never watch the news and that they own a book. Their favorite days are April Fools' Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, and especially their birthday on July 23rd.
5. Ewa Bia?ek
Adres e-mail
?Pozwala na wys?anie listu do dowolnego u?ytkownika w sieci Internet.
?Sk?ada si? z:
–nazwy (identyfikatora) adresata,
–znaku @ (w j?zyku angielskim at),
–identyfikatora komputera, na którym posiada on konto pocztowe zakończonego oznaczeniem typu domeny.
?Typowy adres pocztowy ma nast?puj?ca posta?:
uzytkownik - identyfikator lub alias u?ytkownika,
maszyna - identyfikator komputera z kontem uzytkownik nale??cym do adresata,
domena – identyfikator zgodny z podzia?em organizacyjnym lub administracyjnym.
6. Ewa Bia?ek
?Za po?rednictwem poczty elektronicznej otrzymujemy listy, dokumenty a nawet programy, w?ród których mog? znale?? si? ?niechciane” pliki, w tym wirusy komputerowe.
?Nie nale?y uruchamia? otrzymanych poczt? elektroniczn? programów, szczególnie je?li nie znamy nadawcy oraz nie wiemy dok?adnie, do czego s?u?? te programy.
7. Ewa Bia?ek
?SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), prosty protokó? przesy?ania poczty elektronicznej.
?POP (Post Office Protocol), protokó? poczty odczytuje i przenosi wszystkie wiadomo?ci z serwera poczty na komputer u?ytkownika.
?IMAP (Internet Messages Access Protocol), rozszerzona wersja POP, która pozwala na zdalne zarz?dzanie skrzynk?.