This document provides an introduction to various banking products and services. It begins with definitions of banking and the key roles banks play in providing savings opportunities and supplying liquidity through lending. It then describes the different types of banks in India including central banks, public sector banks, private sector banks, and cooperative banks. The document outlines common banking products such as deposits, loans, letters of credit, and safe deposit boxes. It also discusses important banking functions including issuing banknotes, processing payments, and intermediating credit. Finally, it briefly touches on key aspects of bank marketing like market segmentation, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and the marketing mix.
PE and sport are important for children's physical, emotional, and intellectual development. It teaches children well-being that they can carry into adulthood. For this reason, health and fitness should not feel like a chore but rather something enjoyable that provides long-term benefits. A program called Games Sense focuses on fun, flexibility, and learning through play so that all children can participate regardless of their abilities.
The document outlines the top 10 mistakes companies make on social media: 1) Not proofreading posts, 2) Failing to claim business profiles on social media sites, 3) Not using tools to monitor what is said online, 4) Overly promoting products without building relationships, 5) Not including a call to action, 6) Expecting overnight success that requires long-term work, 7) Spending too much unproductive time on social media, 8) Not engaging users by asking questions, 9) Ignoring messages from followers, and 10) Lacking a clear focus in social media strategy. The author offers social media consulting services.
The document provides information about upcoming events at the British International School - Ho Chi Minh City Tu Xuong campus in September and October 2014. It includes:
- A fun run on Sunday 28th September (BBGV Fun Run)
- A 'We Love Books!' celebration from 29th-30th September with book character parades and a visiting author
- A musical coffee morning on 8th October
- Half term holiday during the week commencing 20th October
- Children returning to school on 27th October
This document provides instruction on learning the 12 times tables through a series of interactive examples and games. It begins by explaining how to teach the times tables using counters to represent multiplication problems like 12x1, 12x2, etc. It then describes a game where flash cards with times table problems are hidden around a room and students earn points by finding cards and answering correctly. The document concludes by reviewing the full 12 times tables and congratulating students on learning the multiplication facts.
Alex T. Smyth President , Services
A leading telecommunication expert,
Alexs wealth of knowledge extends
over four decades and two continents
(United States & Europe). Strengthened
with a PHD in Telecommunication
Science, Alexs significant contributions
to the Telecom Industry are well known
particularly in network Design Roll Outs,
Swaps & Operations and Networks
optimization to fulfill operators KPIs and
SLAs as dictated by Operators.
The document discusses the costumes for a music video that will feature two characters acting as one. It outlines that there will be three outfits: a casual hoodie for the main character to appear relatable, a blue semi-formal outfit for the spiritual duplicate character to differentiate it, and a white formal attire to be worn by the character during a lip sync performance, symbolizing purity and a spiritual state. The costumes are intended to advance the narrative and distinguish between scenes.
Customized Modular Kitchens in Stainless Steel from ArttdinoxRajat Tyagi
Attentive to the needs of customers and the Indian market, Arttdinox offer a wide range of customized Modular Kitchens in high quality stainless steel. Check out here the latest range of Stainless Steel Modular Kitchens by Arttdinox.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para configurar un glosario en Moodle. Explica que los glosarios pueden ser principales o secundarios, y que las entradas pueden requerir aprobaci坦n o permitir ediciones continuas. Tambi辿n describe las opciones para el formato de visualizaci坦n, apariencia, calificaci坦n y adici坦n de nuevas entradas en el glosario.
This document summarizes the key qualities that executives look for in leaders. The top four qualities are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competent. Additional qualities in the top ten are fair-minded, supportive, broad-minded, intelligent, straightforward, and dependable. The three most important leadership character qualities identified are empathy, passion, and trust. The document then provides principles and examples of effective leadership.
(April 23, 2013) Canamex Resources Corp. (TSX-V: CSQ) (OTCQX: CNMXF) (FSE: CX6) is very pleased to announce the assay results of the first and second drill holes of the 2013 drilling program at the Penelas East target area on the Bruner Gold Project, Nye, County, Nevada.
The leaflet provides information about animal abuse on food farms in a busy format with a lot of text and some images. It has been clearly laid out but contains a large amount of information that makes it visually busy. The facts featured are referenced from the Captured Animal Protection Society and are likely accurate. The formal language makes it more appropriate for adult/teen audiences who can appreciate the details. While the contrasting colors help elements stand out, some images may discourage some viewers due to harsh material. It aims to educate the public on animal welfare laws and the experiences of animals in food farms.
The document summarizes the concept, cause, and setbacks of "The Ad Project" initiative to redefine the relationship between advertisers and clients and spur economic growth. It believes taking proactive, strategic, and logical actions like persevering and showing solidarity can help get out of recession, rather than passively waiting. The project aims to create a better life through dignity, prosperity, and personal balance through creative work.
The document provides configuration examples for setting up network equipment to establish ISDN connections between multiple sites. The examples show commands for configuring ISDN addresses and routes, IP LAN interfaces and routes, PPP connections, and enabling routing protocols.
The document discusses a city council considering a budget amendment ordinance to allocate additional funds of $46,327 to the Convention and Visitors Bureau Grant Program. It notes the original budget for this program was $128,000, with $110,950 allocated in the fall and $4,000 for the Brazos Valley Bowl, leaving a balance of $13,050. However, a spring allocation of $59,377 has left a shortage of $46,327 requiring the budget amendment.
Timothy Cummings' LinkedIn profile recommends that he built a reliable team quickly that could respond on short notice and that he maintained a WordPress blog at where he discussed these recommendations. The profile also included repeated links to his blog at
This document provides instruction on learning the 12 times tables through a series of interactive examples and games. It begins by explaining how to teach the times tables using counters to represent multiplication problems like 12x1, 12x2, etc. It then describes a game where flash cards with times table problems are hidden around a room and students earn points by finding cards and answering correctly. The document concludes by reviewing the full 12 times tables and congratulating students on learning the multiplication facts.
Alex T. Smyth President , Services
A leading telecommunication expert,
Alexs wealth of knowledge extends
over four decades and two continents
(United States & Europe). Strengthened
with a PHD in Telecommunication
Science, Alexs significant contributions
to the Telecom Industry are well known
particularly in network Design Roll Outs,
Swaps & Operations and Networks
optimization to fulfill operators KPIs and
SLAs as dictated by Operators.
The document discusses the costumes for a music video that will feature two characters acting as one. It outlines that there will be three outfits: a casual hoodie for the main character to appear relatable, a blue semi-formal outfit for the spiritual duplicate character to differentiate it, and a white formal attire to be worn by the character during a lip sync performance, symbolizing purity and a spiritual state. The costumes are intended to advance the narrative and distinguish between scenes.
Customized Modular Kitchens in Stainless Steel from ArttdinoxRajat Tyagi
Attentive to the needs of customers and the Indian market, Arttdinox offer a wide range of customized Modular Kitchens in high quality stainless steel. Check out here the latest range of Stainless Steel Modular Kitchens by Arttdinox.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para configurar un glosario en Moodle. Explica que los glosarios pueden ser principales o secundarios, y que las entradas pueden requerir aprobaci坦n o permitir ediciones continuas. Tambi辿n describe las opciones para el formato de visualizaci坦n, apariencia, calificaci坦n y adici坦n de nuevas entradas en el glosario.
This document summarizes the key qualities that executives look for in leaders. The top four qualities are honest, forward-looking, inspiring, and competent. Additional qualities in the top ten are fair-minded, supportive, broad-minded, intelligent, straightforward, and dependable. The three most important leadership character qualities identified are empathy, passion, and trust. The document then provides principles and examples of effective leadership.
(April 23, 2013) Canamex Resources Corp. (TSX-V: CSQ) (OTCQX: CNMXF) (FSE: CX6) is very pleased to announce the assay results of the first and second drill holes of the 2013 drilling program at the Penelas East target area on the Bruner Gold Project, Nye, County, Nevada.
The leaflet provides information about animal abuse on food farms in a busy format with a lot of text and some images. It has been clearly laid out but contains a large amount of information that makes it visually busy. The facts featured are referenced from the Captured Animal Protection Society and are likely accurate. The formal language makes it more appropriate for adult/teen audiences who can appreciate the details. While the contrasting colors help elements stand out, some images may discourage some viewers due to harsh material. It aims to educate the public on animal welfare laws and the experiences of animals in food farms.
The document summarizes the concept, cause, and setbacks of "The Ad Project" initiative to redefine the relationship between advertisers and clients and spur economic growth. It believes taking proactive, strategic, and logical actions like persevering and showing solidarity can help get out of recession, rather than passively waiting. The project aims to create a better life through dignity, prosperity, and personal balance through creative work.
The document provides configuration examples for setting up network equipment to establish ISDN connections between multiple sites. The examples show commands for configuring ISDN addresses and routes, IP LAN interfaces and routes, PPP connections, and enabling routing protocols.
The document discusses a city council considering a budget amendment ordinance to allocate additional funds of $46,327 to the Convention and Visitors Bureau Grant Program. It notes the original budget for this program was $128,000, with $110,950 allocated in the fall and $4,000 for the Brazos Valley Bowl, leaving a balance of $13,050. However, a spring allocation of $59,377 has left a shortage of $46,327 requiring the budget amendment.
Timothy Cummings' LinkedIn profile recommends that he built a reliable team quickly that could respond on short notice and that he maintained a WordPress blog at where he discussed these recommendations. The profile also included repeated links to his blog at
1. TPCK och SAMR
- modeller f旦r omdefinierad l辰rande
Mars , 2014
Stig T. Hasselg奪rd
2. Varf旦r TPCK SAMR?
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
Pedagogens roll 辰ndras
Utformning av uppgifter
Bed旦mning av uppgifter
3. Detta 辰r inget teknikprojekt,
utan ett pedagogiskt
4. TPCK eller TPACK
En modell som beskriver vilka kompetenser pedagoger
b旦r ha i en skola med h旦g andel av teknologi.
T Teknisk kompetens
P Pedagogisk kompetens
C mnes kompetens, Inneh奪ll (Content)
K Kompetens (Knowledge)
5. TPCK eller TPACK
Utg奪ngpunkt i modell av Lee Shulman 1986:
Uppt辰ckte att man betrakta Pedagogisk Kompetens
och mnes Kompetens (PCK), som tv奪 olika
kompetens (P)
6. TPCK eller TPACK
Vidareutvecklad av Mishra och Koehler 2008/2009
L辰gger till ett nytt omr奪de i Schulmans teori fr奪n 80talet:
Teknologisk kompetens.
10. SAMR modell f旦r att utmana
Erfarenheter fr奪n Maine i USA:
70000 elever fr奪n 奪rskurs 4 till gymnasiet, egna
b辰rbara datorer
B旦rjade f旦r cirka 10 奪r sen
Ruben uppt辰ckte skiftande resultat, 辰ven om
elevunderlaget var det samma.
Skillnaden var hur man utformade uppgifter.
Vi vill alla att eleverna ska bli b辰ttre p奪 att t辰nka
matematiskt inte att r辰kna snabbare
SAMR modellen ingen pedagogisk metod utan ett
verktyg f旦r att utmana pedagoger n辰r man utformar
uppgifter och l辰rprocesser.
12. Omdefinering
( edefinition)
Uppgifter utformas annorlunda, p奪 s奪dant s辰tt som
tidigare inte var m旦jligt utan de digital verktygen,
bl a med hj辰lp av Internet.
( odification)
Tekniken utvecklar och st旦djar l辰rprocessen. Eleverna
kommunicerar och samarbetar och visar upp arbetet f旦r
andra utanf旦r klassrummet (ex: blogg).
( ugmentation)
Anv辰nder tekniken i datorn f旦r att f奪 f旦rb辰ttringar och
f旦renklingar. Ex: anv辰nder talsyntes,
l辰nkar till fler intressegrupper p奪 n辰tet s奪 att eleven kan
ta del av flera k辰llor.
( ubstitution)
N奪gon f旦r辰ndring i utf旦randet sker inte.
F辰rdighetstr辰na i matematikprogram ist辰llet f旦r att g旦ra
det i matematikboken.
Litteraturlista digitalt ist辰llet f旦r via papper.
13. SAMR Nyhetsbevakning
Hitta en tidningsnotis i
dagstidningen om n奪got som h辰nt i
v辰rlden. F辰st den p奪 en v辰rldskarta
och m辰rk ut orten med en n奪l.
Presentation i klassen.
14. N
( edefinition)
Anv辰nd sociala medier till att hitta n奪gon i nyhetsomr奪det ,
g旦r ett intervju via Skype. Ta med nyhetsinslag fr奪n andra
skolor i samma land, eller fr奪n andra l辰nder.
Publicera nyhetss辰ndningen p奪 n辰tet.
Ta del av kommentarer fr奪n n辰tet.
( odification)
Skriv en sammanfattning tillsammans med andra och
spela in ett nyhetsinslag. G旦r en hel nyhetss辰ndning,
diskutera inneh奪llet, skapa f旦rklarande
( ugmentation)
Hitta en nyhetsh辰ndelse fr奪n en lokal dagstidning. S旦k
upp och markera platsen p奪 Google Maps. Under
presentation: zooma in stegvis ner till gatuvy, utforska
( ubstitution)
Skriv ut en tidningsnotis fr奪n tidning p奪 n辰tet, markera
platsen p奪 Google Maps, presentera f旦r klassen.
15. SAMR Svenska 奪r 8 Reklam
Ett arbetsomr奪de i svenska som
handlar om reklamens budskap,
spr奪k, argumentation, k旦nsroller
16. R
( edefinition)
Producera egen reklamfilm med hj辰lp av datorn. Filmen
publiceras p奪 Facebook, Youtube.
Skicka filmen till en reklambyr奪 f旦r att f奪 feedback.
( odification)
Kontakta reklambyr奪er, myndigheter etc f旦r att f奪 svar
p奪 fr奪gor. Digitala m旦ten.
Skypekonferens? Inom gruppen l辰mnas kommentarer
p奪 varandras filmer ev. utifr奪n vissa fr奪gest辰llningar fr奪n
( ugmentation)
Eleverna anv辰nder datorerna till att s旦ka information,
anv辰nda interaktiva hemsidor och se reklamfilm.
( ubstitution)
Datorn som skrivmaskin
17. SAMR Hur skall man t辰nka?
Hade denna uppgift varit m旦jligt att
genomf旦ra utan digitala verktyg?
22. Uppgift
Arbeta i grupp (2-3 pedagoger tillsammans)
Ta utg奪ngspunkt i ett omr奪de/tema ni skall arbeta med
under l辰s奪ret.
Hur kan vi f奪 in TPCK i omr奪det?
Vilka uppgifter ger vi eleverna p奪 de olika niv奪erna