Presentazione atelier creativo saba 5.11Paola Forte
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating an avatar using the MakeMe app, making a comic strip using the ComicStripit app, and sharing the comic strip creation on Padlet. It outlines the process for opening each app, customizing an avatar, adding images and text to frames to develop a comic narrative, and saving or sharing the completed work via email or apps like WhatsApp and Facebook. The instructions note that all student works will be uploaded to a Padlet board for collection and future reference.
The document contains messages from students in the 2B class of the Plesso LOI school in Rome. Each message repeats the phrases "COSTRUIRE LA PACE" (Build Peace) and "QUANDO I BAMBINI INSEGNANO GLI ADULTI IMPARANO" (When children teach, adults learn) and includes the student's name. The final message is from the entire 2B class and says adults should learn from children how to truly live.
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlentiteuxprasil
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Presentazione atelier creativo saba 5.11Paola Forte
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating an avatar using the MakeMe app, making a comic strip using the ComicStripit app, and sharing the comic strip creation on Padlet. It outlines the process for opening each app, customizing an avatar, adding images and text to frames to develop a comic narrative, and saving or sharing the completed work via email or apps like WhatsApp and Facebook. The instructions note that all student works will be uploaded to a Padlet board for collection and future reference.
The document contains messages from students in the 2B class of the Plesso LOI school in Rome. Each message repeats the phrases "COSTRUIRE LA PACE" (Build Peace) and "QUANDO I BAMBINI INSEGNANO GLI ADULTI IMPARANO" (When children teach, adults learn) and includes the student's name. The final message is from the entire 2B class and says adults should learn from children how to truly live.
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlentiteuxprasil
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
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Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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Uscita didattica agribel
Classi III F e IV A E. Loi-
6 novembre 2013
Caratterizzata da un panorama fatto di uliveti, frutteti e terreno ad ortaggi, l'Azienda agricola
Agribel 竪 situata a pochi Km da Roma e precisamente fra i Comuni di Lanuvio e Velletri. Qui vengono
prodotti: olio, pomodoro, marmellate.... Abbiamo imparato le modalit di produzione dell'olio ed
ammirato lo splendido paesaggio in cui 竪 immersa l'Azienda. E' stata una splendida giornata!!!