This document discusses value analysis and value engineering techniques. It provides information on value analysis procedures and steps. Key aspects covered include defining value, dividing value into different types, advantages of value analysis, and the implementation process. Value engineering is presented as a management approach to saving costs from a value perspective.
Value analysis and value engineering (VAVE) is a systematic process to analyze products and services to reduce costs while maintaining or improving performance. It originated from General Electric during World War II and focuses on analyzing a product's functions. The value of a product is defined as its functionality divided by its cost. VAVE can be applied across industries to solve problems, expand markets, and reduce costs as part of a long-term business strategy. To learn VAVE, one should receive training, use analysis tools, and practice with experienced practitioners to generate ideas for cost savings and value improvements.
The document lists 13 famous gardens around the world, including Versailles in Paris, France; The Garden of Cosmic Speculation in Scotland, UK; Boboli Gardens in Florence, Italy; Rikugien Gardens in Tokyo, Japan; Claude Monet Gardens in Giverny, West Paris, France; Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC, Canada; Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town, South Africa; Guarapiranga Sacred Grounds in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Yu Gardens in Shanghai, China; Exbury Gardens in New Forest, England; Keukenhof Gardens in Holland; Mirabell Garden in Salzburg, Austria; and Zen Garden of Ryoan Temple in Kyoto
Erik Johansson is a 23-year-old Swedish student who creates impossible pictures that play tricks on the viewer's mind. His pictures use optical illusions and unusual perspectives to make scenes and objects appear in ways that defy perception and logic.
4. Concept 意識 , 思維 , 價值觀 標準定義 目標設定 細項層別 Improve Item Single Loop Learning Double Loop Learning Vision Mission Strategy A P C D Do the Things Right (Personnel) Do the Right Things (Managers) 心智模式 Action Project 缺乏 整合運作
8. What is VA / VE? VA/VE: Value Analysis/ Value Engineering 價值分析 / 價值工程 VA 價值分析 . 主要是分析現有產品之機能與成本 , 以了解是否可以改進 VE 價值工程 . 主要在計畫進行設計時分析其成本或機能 兩者合稱為 VA/VE 價值工學 ( 或價值管理 ).
9. VA / VE 適用範圍意示圖 VE 價值工程 VA 價值分析 VA/VE 價值工學 銷售服務 生產製造 開發設計 產品企劃 構想
10. VA / VE 的由來 : “ 石綿事件” 在第二次大戰時 , GE 公司的塗裝工場的原材料主辦人員接到一張石綿採購請求單 , 但由於物資缺乏 , 購入價格高一倍以上 . 這石綿板是要敷在塗裝在輸送帶定期替換 , 防止塗在製品上的塗料不會直接掉在地上 . 於是主辦人找到可取代石綿的不燃紙張 , 但是消防法規定不淮使用“如紙的易燃物” 後來終於修改了消防法 , 而使代替案的採用成功
60. VA/VE 推進階段 Summary Phase I Phase II Phase III 所有部門 VE (R&D) VA ( 採購 ) By Plant By Dept (25%) Director By Cross Func. Team (30%) By Product (20%) Mgr/ Sup. QCC (20%) Idea Proposal (40%) All