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     Winnie Huang
TOPICS OF THE          * Important historical event during 1996.
FUTURE                 * Important historical event during my life.
* My High School       * My friends who understand.
credits so far. + My   * My special quote.
A-G requirements.      * My favorite game (for now)!
* The school subject   * Employable skill I have.
I enjoy the most.      * My definition of success.
* My dream job!        * What I find funny.
* I hope theyll       * Favorite websites.
invent this soon!      * Portrait of an ENFJ.
* Skill I want.
* Organization for

                    (This is actually not my dog.)
Important Historical Event
in My Year of Birth
                 During the year 1996,
                 Princess Diana
                 and Princes Charles
The creation
and explosion
in popularity
of Poke`mon!
These two are some of my closest
friends Jessica (left) and Christina
(right). Ive been friends with Jessica
ever since Kindergarden  we were
separated for middle school but of
course, reunited for high school.
Christina was my friend since the 6th
grade and has been ever since. She
claims to have been in my
Kindergarden class but, I dont
remember the slightest. With these
two, I dont remember ONCE, when I
wasnt happy hanging out with them.

       That Special FRIENDS
I enjoy this quote because it shows that beauty is
really something skin deep  that its more about
attitude rather than looks. I translate it myself into
something like; looks are something that everyone
and anyone can see, but personality is something
that one has to get the privilege of knowing.
 The name of this game is
       League of Legends. Currently it
       is my favorite game. I love playing it
       though to be honest, Im not very
       good at it! :D It features many
       characters that you can choose to
       play. Its a PvP (person versus
       person) game.

Employable Skills I Have.
 Im willing to learn new things and from experience, I tend
    to take on things fairly fast.
   Im bilingual  Mandarin and English. I can understand
    Cantonese and Im ongoing to learn Spanish.
   I have basic computer skills and can type rather fast
    (~55WPM). Ive been fixing most of my computer
    problems since the third grade.
   I work well with others and am very friendly.
   Ive been babysitting since the seventh grade, so I know
    how to work with/calm children.
My Definition of Success
 I like to believe that success means achieving
  something, like, a goal that you had/have for
  yourself. Though to be
  truly honest, Im not sure I have a
  rock solid definition for what success
             means to me.
As you can see, I find the weirdest things funny.

My Awawakward Sense of Humor
My Favorite Website
 Like most any other teenager, my favorite
  website is, facebook. I like it because it helps
  me connect
  with my friends
  without must
  hassle since most all of them are on my list. It
  brings people together from around the world
  since with the touch of a button, you can talk
  with your friends/family.
Portrait of an ENFJ.

ENFJs enjoys company of others. We enjoy giving love and
support for others because we genuinely like helping others
and we are happy seeing other people happy. We hate see
others be insensitive to another but we usually dont stand up
and say it. Its not because were afraid but because we dont
believe in compromising anothers expression. We have
strongly held values but we often bend them to meet the
needs of others. Organization and tidiness is a must for us, we
go insane when things are out of place! Even if we are
surrounded by people, we still get this sense of loneliness.
Were sensitive to criticism and we worry A LOT! Were
ashamed of the fact that we fear that people do not recognize
us for our actions (both good and bad).
Topics of the Future.
High School and Its Tweaks.
Subject                     Years Needed   Years Already Taken
Math                        3              1+遜
English                     4              1+遜
History                     2              1+遜
Science                     2              1+遜
Language                    2              1
Visual + Performing Arts    1              遜
College Prep. Electives     1              遜

     Credits Needed : 230
     Credits Earned : 95
My Favorite School Subject
My favorite school subject would have to be
English. The reason why I enjoy English is
because it creates this atmosphere where one
can express him/herself  show their true colors
and get room to be creative!

Though honestly, I kind of like them
all at the same level since they all
lead to this
What I want to be.
Since I was little, Ive always wanted to be a doctor.
As I grew older, my thoughts constantly changed.
One day I would want
to be a lawyer, the next day, an
astronomer. My opinion
constantly changes so, Ive
made a plan to stop thinking of
the future, and just focus on
my happiness of now.
I Hope Theyll Invent This Soon!
Im hoping that
one day theyll
invent a device
thatll let us play
games in a life like
way. Like, they can
hook us up to
devices that give
us this first person
feel (like were
actually in the
Skill I Wish to Have in the Future!

In the future, I wish to be able to look past the
outside features of people. I want to be able to look
deeper into a person without first judging them on
what their first impressions are to me. Also, I want
to start being more to myself, be able to show my
true self and not be afraid of people judging me  I
guess want I want is, bravery and integrity.
The Cause.
Ive taken the opportunity to do some research
on WWF. Truthfully, the only reason I looked into
them was because of my love for pandas (:. I
hope to grow up and help animals around the
world  focusing on the endangered ones, like
pandas. I plan to volunteer soon for some
animal-related cause groups (such as
WWF, ASPCA). Im not sure when or who, but
Im sure Ill do it one day.
the end.

           bye bye!

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Winnie's lsf.12

  • 2. TOPICS OF THE PAST & NOW. TOPICS OF THE * Important historical event during 1996. FUTURE * Important historical event during my life. * My High School * My friends who understand. credits so far. + My * My special quote. A-G requirements. * My favorite game (for now)! * The school subject * Employable skill I have. I enjoy the most. * My definition of success. * My dream job! * What I find funny. * I hope theyll * Favorite websites. invent this soon! * Portrait of an ENFJ. * Skill I want. * Organization for causes.
  • 3. TOPICS OF THE PAST AND PRESENT. (This is actually not my dog.)
  • 4. Important Historical Event in My Year of Birth During the year 1996, Princess Diana and Princes Charles divorced.
  • 5. IMPORTANT EVENT DURING MY LIFE The creation and explosion in popularity of Poke`mon!
  • 6. These two are some of my closest friends Jessica (left) and Christina (right). Ive been friends with Jessica ever since Kindergarden we were separated for middle school but of course, reunited for high school. Christina was my friend since the 6th grade and has been ever since. She claims to have been in my Kindergarden class but, I dont remember the slightest. With these two, I dont remember ONCE, when I wasnt happy hanging out with them. That Special FRIENDS
  • 7. I enjoy this quote because it shows that beauty is really something skin deep that its more about attitude rather than looks. I translate it myself into something like; looks are something that everyone and anyone can see, but personality is something that one has to get the privilege of knowing.
  • 8. The name of this game is League of Legends. Currently it is my favorite game. I love playing it though to be honest, Im not very good at it! :D It features many characters that you can choose to play. Its a PvP (person versus person) game. MY FAVORITE GAME!
  • 9. Employable Skills I Have. Im willing to learn new things and from experience, I tend to take on things fairly fast. Im bilingual Mandarin and English. I can understand Cantonese and Im ongoing to learn Spanish. I have basic computer skills and can type rather fast (~55WPM). Ive been fixing most of my computer problems since the third grade. I work well with others and am very friendly. Ive been babysitting since the seventh grade, so I know how to work with/calm children.
  • 10. My Definition of Success I like to believe that success means achieving something, like, a goal that you had/have for yourself. Though to be truly honest, Im not sure I have a rock solid definition for what success means to me.
  • 11. As you can see, I find the weirdest things funny. My Awawakward Sense of Humor
  • 12. My Favorite Website Like most any other teenager, my favorite website is, facebook. I like it because it helps me connect with my friends without must hassle since most all of them are on my list. It brings people together from around the world since with the touch of a button, you can talk with your friends/family.
  • 13. Portrait of an ENFJ. ENFJs enjoys company of others. We enjoy giving love and support for others because we genuinely like helping others and we are happy seeing other people happy. We hate see others be insensitive to another but we usually dont stand up and say it. Its not because were afraid but because we dont believe in compromising anothers expression. We have strongly held values but we often bend them to meet the needs of others. Organization and tidiness is a must for us, we go insane when things are out of place! Even if we are surrounded by people, we still get this sense of loneliness. Were sensitive to criticism and we worry A LOT! Were ashamed of the fact that we fear that people do not recognize us for our actions (both good and bad).
  • 14. Topics of the Future.
  • 15. High School and Its Tweaks. Subject Years Needed Years Already Taken Math 3 1+遜 English 4 1+遜 History 2 1+遜 Science 2 1+遜 Language 2 1 Visual + Performing Arts 1 遜 College Prep. Electives 1 遜 Credits Needed : 230 Credits Earned : 95
  • 16. My Favorite School Subject My favorite school subject would have to be English. The reason why I enjoy English is because it creates this atmosphere where one can express him/herself show their true colors and get room to be creative! Though honestly, I kind of like them all at the same level since they all lead to this
  • 17. What I want to be. Since I was little, Ive always wanted to be a doctor. As I grew older, my thoughts constantly changed. One day I would want to be a lawyer, the next day, an astronomer. My opinion constantly changes so, Ive made a plan to stop thinking of the future, and just focus on my happiness of now.
  • 18. I Hope Theyll Invent This Soon! Im hoping that one day theyll invent a device thatll let us play games in a life like way. Like, they can hook us up to devices that give us this first person feel (like were actually in the game!)
  • 19. Skill I Wish to Have in the Future! In the future, I wish to be able to look past the outside features of people. I want to be able to look deeper into a person without first judging them on what their first impressions are to me. Also, I want to start being more to myself, be able to show my true self and not be afraid of people judging me I guess want I want is, bravery and integrity.
  • 20. The Cause. Ive taken the opportunity to do some research on WWF. Truthfully, the only reason I looked into them was because of my love for pandas (:. I hope to grow up and help animals around the world focusing on the endangered ones, like pandas. I plan to volunteer soon for some animal-related cause groups (such as WWF, ASPCA). Im not sure when or who, but Im sure Ill do it one day.
  • 21. the end. bye bye!