Medan vektor memberikan contoh medan vektor, divergensi dan rotasi medan vektor, serta medan vektor konservatif. Medan vektor adalah fungsi yang mengasosiasikan vektor pada setiap titik ruang.
Can SEO help Startups?
Get ten elemantary hints how to get your site ranked.
Lecture held on the 16th Berlin Lean Startup Conference, January 2013 in Berlin.
The document discusses plans to launch a new cat food product called Kitty's Catch Mouse Mousse. It would be a 100g can of processed mouse meat sold for $1 through supermarkets. Testing found that while many owners recognize cats hunt mice, over half disagreed with commercially processed mouse meat. The product launch plans were not supported. However, the testing revealed opportunities in products that address cats' aggressive behaviors.
St. Luke's United Methodist Church has worked with a consulting group called Auxano to develop a new vision and branding strategy. This document outlines a multi-phase plan to introduce a new visual identity aligned with the church's mission and values. It includes developing a logo, branding materials, and website redesign by October 2010, followed by internal and external rollouts in early 2011 to promote the new brand across the church's campuses and ministries.
* Business Analysis
* Strategic Options
* Systems and Process Development
* Customized Training
* Business Process Implementation
* Business Process Control
* Brand Management
As a management consultant.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang materi matematika kelas 1 pada minggu ke-5 yang mencakup menentukan basis dan dimensi ruang, perbedaan ruang Euklides dan ruang hasil kali dalam, serta konsep bergantung dan bebas linear.
This document is an end user license agreement (EULA) for software from CyberLink Corp. It outlines the terms of use for the software, including granting the user a non-exclusive license to use the software, ownership and copyright remaining with CyberLink, warranty terms for defective media, limitations of liability, and governing law being the laws of Taiwan. The user must agree to these terms before installing or using the software.
Menyemai Benih Budaya Ilmiah di Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPAIwan Pranoto
Teks tersebut membahas hasil uji TIMSS 2011 yang menunjukkan prestasi siswa Indonesia dalam matematika dan IPA sangat rendah. Ada beberapa masalah utama yang disebutkan, yaitu: 1) pengajaran matematika dan IPA yang terlalu menekankan hafalan tanpa pemahaman; 2) ujian nasional yang hanya mengukur pengetahuan rendah; 3) kurangnya budaya ilmiah di sekolah. Teks ini menyarankan beberapa strategi untuk memperbaiki situasi
Ini kuliah Kalkulus 2A, minggu ke-5, hari pertama. Dalam menuliskan rumusan R_n di kelas, saya kelupaan menulis x^(n+1). Nanti kamis, akan saya ulangi kembali.
This document summarizes Tholons' top 10 trends in services globalization for 2010. The trends include nearshore locations gaining momentum, increased spending on cloud computing and new technologies, clients taking stakes in outsourcing value creation, overall increased IT spending, emerging demand centers in Asia Pacific, increased mergers and acquisitions, pricing stabilization, growth of small to medium enterprises outsourcing, decreased average deal sizes, and declining captive business models. Tholons is a management consulting firm that provides strategic advice to global businesses on operations expansion, go-to-market strategies, and cost optimization.
National Consumer Agency conducted market research on consumer switching behaviour. Some key findings include:
- 32% of consumers switched at least one provider in the past year, most commonly for car insurance, broadband, or fixed landline.
- Those who switched car insurance reported average annual savings of €125.
- 83% of consumers found the switching process easy. 59% found their new service better than the previous provider.
- The main reasons for not switching included satisfaction with their current provider's service or the provider offering the best value. Over 50% had not checked for better deals in over a year.
Menegur Kembali Pentingnya Pembangunan Budaya BernalarIwan Pranoto
Secara ringkas, artikel ini membahas tentang pentingnya pembangunan budaya ilmiah melalui pendidikan matematika dan sains di sekolah. Sayangnya, pendidikan matematika dan sains saat ini hanya berfokus pada penghafalan rumus tanpa pemahaman mendalam, sehingga menimbulkan citra negatif di masyarakat. Padahal, tujuan sebenarnya adalah membentuk ketrampilan berpikir kritis dan memecahkan masalah melalui proses
1. Kurikulum matematika Indonesia kurang memfokuskan pada penalaran dan pemecahan masalah serta kurangnya topik dan penggunaan kalkulator.
2. Guru matematika Indonesia rendah pendidikannya dan sedikit yang memiliki gelar di bidang matematika serta jarang mengikuti pelatihan.
3. Dukungan sekolah dan rumah kurang memadai untuk pendidikan matematika karena sumber daya terbatas di sekolah dan lingkungan serta pendidikan orang tua
* Business Analysis
* Strategic Options
* Systems and Process Development
* Customized Training
* Business Process Implementation
* Business Process Control
* Brand Management
As a management consultant.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang materi matematika kelas 1 pada minggu ke-5 yang mencakup menentukan basis dan dimensi ruang, perbedaan ruang Euklides dan ruang hasil kali dalam, serta konsep bergantung dan bebas linear.
This document is an end user license agreement (EULA) for software from CyberLink Corp. It outlines the terms of use for the software, including granting the user a non-exclusive license to use the software, ownership and copyright remaining with CyberLink, warranty terms for defective media, limitations of liability, and governing law being the laws of Taiwan. The user must agree to these terms before installing or using the software.
Menyemai Benih Budaya Ilmiah di Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPAIwan Pranoto
Teks tersebut membahas hasil uji TIMSS 2011 yang menunjukkan prestasi siswa Indonesia dalam matematika dan IPA sangat rendah. Ada beberapa masalah utama yang disebutkan, yaitu: 1) pengajaran matematika dan IPA yang terlalu menekankan hafalan tanpa pemahaman; 2) ujian nasional yang hanya mengukur pengetahuan rendah; 3) kurangnya budaya ilmiah di sekolah. Teks ini menyarankan beberapa strategi untuk memperbaiki situasi
Ini kuliah Kalkulus 2A, minggu ke-5, hari pertama. Dalam menuliskan rumusan R_n di kelas, saya kelupaan menulis x^(n+1). Nanti kamis, akan saya ulangi kembali.
This document summarizes Tholons' top 10 trends in services globalization for 2010. The trends include nearshore locations gaining momentum, increased spending on cloud computing and new technologies, clients taking stakes in outsourcing value creation, overall increased IT spending, emerging demand centers in Asia Pacific, increased mergers and acquisitions, pricing stabilization, growth of small to medium enterprises outsourcing, decreased average deal sizes, and declining captive business models. Tholons is a management consulting firm that provides strategic advice to global businesses on operations expansion, go-to-market strategies, and cost optimization.
National Consumer Agency conducted market research on consumer switching behaviour. Some key findings include:
- 32% of consumers switched at least one provider in the past year, most commonly for car insurance, broadband, or fixed landline.
- Those who switched car insurance reported average annual savings of €125.
- 83% of consumers found the switching process easy. 59% found their new service better than the previous provider.
- The main reasons for not switching included satisfaction with their current provider's service or the provider offering the best value. Over 50% had not checked for better deals in over a year.
Menegur Kembali Pentingnya Pembangunan Budaya BernalarIwan Pranoto
Secara ringkas, artikel ini membahas tentang pentingnya pembangunan budaya ilmiah melalui pendidikan matematika dan sains di sekolah. Sayangnya, pendidikan matematika dan sains saat ini hanya berfokus pada penghafalan rumus tanpa pemahaman mendalam, sehingga menimbulkan citra negatif di masyarakat. Padahal, tujuan sebenarnya adalah membentuk ketrampilan berpikir kritis dan memecahkan masalah melalui proses
1. Kurikulum matematika Indonesia kurang memfokuskan pada penalaran dan pemecahan masalah serta kurangnya topik dan penggunaan kalkulator.
2. Guru matematika Indonesia rendah pendidikannya dan sedikit yang memiliki gelar di bidang matematika serta jarang mengikuti pelatihan.
3. Dukungan sekolah dan rumah kurang memadai untuk pendidikan matematika karena sumber daya terbatas di sekolah dan lingkungan serta pendidikan orang tua
Sebuah Ringkasan: Menyemai Benih Budaya Ilmiah di Pembelajaran Matematika dan...Iwan Pranoto
1. Pendidikan matematika dan IPA di Indonesia menunjukkan hasil yang rendah pada tes internasional seperti TIMSS dan PISA. Siswa Indonesia berada di peringkat bawah dalam penguasaan proses berpikir di bidang matematika dan IPA.
2. Penyebab rendahnya kinerja siswa adalah kurangnya penanaman budaya ilmiah dalam pembelajaran. Matematika dan IPA diajarkan secara dogmatis tanpa melibatkan proses berpikir.
3. Per
The document discusses the results of the TIMSS 2011 report and issues with math and science education in Indonesia. It finds that Indonesian students are very weak in cognitive skills requiring higher-order thinking like applying, reasoning, and decision-making. Students are only mastering the basic level of remembering and summarizing material. It attributes these issues to a lack of conceptual understanding among teachers, an education system that does not emphasize reasoning, and pseudoscience approaches being used. It recommends empowering teachers, improving STEAM education, and developing a culture of scientific thinking in schools.
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai pengukuran pemahaman siswa dalam tes, termasuk soal-soal yang hanya dapat dijawab benar melalui peniruan atau penghitungan saja tanpa pemahaman, serta berbagai model pengukuran pemahaman seperti Bloom, PISA, TIMSS, dan PIRLS. Dokumen ini juga membahas mengenai bahasa yang digunakan dalam soal tes, serta contoh soal-soal untuk mengukur berbagai tingkat
The document discusses the Fibonacci sequence and how it relates to patterns found in nature, such as spirals in pinecones and sunflowers. It provides examples of the golden ratio in art and architecture, including the Parthenon and paintings like the Mona Lisa. The document argues that teaching concepts like the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio show how math is present in beauty found in both nature and design.
Dokumen ini membahas pentingnya membelajari matematika sebagai kata kerja dan bukan sebagai kata benda. Matematika harus diajarkan sebagai tradisi mempertanyakan dan memperbaiki, bukan sekedar menghafal rumus dan konsep. Siswa juga perlu diajarkan berpikir kritis dan penjelajahan keingintahuan melalui pembelajaran matematika.
Presentasi ini membahas tentang kompleksitas dalam sistem alam dan ilmu pengetahuan. Sistem yang terlihat kompleks ternyata dapat terbentuk dari pengulangan subsistem yang sederhana, seperti pada pohon fraktal dan koloni organisme. Sistem kontrol multi-agen dan algoritma seperti particle swarm optimization dapat menciptakan kecerdasan kolektif meski secara individu tidak cerdas. Presentasi ini mengajak untuk melihat kompleksitas dalam perspektif il
Developing Culture through Math & Science EducationIwan Pranoto
This document discusses using math and science education to develop culture. It argues that teaching these subjects helps cultivate rational thinking and a mind for beauty. The document presents ideas from several sources on how math and science engage different parts of the brain and can be taught through artistic projects to make the subjects more visually engaging and pleasurable for students. It aims to show how these fields resonate with full human experience beyond just logic.
Ini naskah powerpoint saya di seminar ¡±Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Bahasa Ilmiah¡± yang diadakan di Bukittinggi, 1-3 November 2013 oleh Komisi Ilmu Sosial AIPI.
Disajikan di Kelompok Keahlian Ilmu Kemanusiaan, ITB, 10 Desember 2012. Mungkin sekarang saya tak bicara karakter lagi, saat istilah "pendidikan karakter" sudah tak jelas maknanya lagi.
Mempertanyakan Rasionalitas dan Estetika MatematikaIwan Pranoto
1) The document discusses the aesthetics of mathematics, noting how mathematics can be inspired by art and how mathematical processes can produce aesthetics.
2) It provides examples of works of art inspired by mathematics as well as mathematical formulas and concepts considered beautiful.
3) The document argues that mathematicians experience an "aesthetic buzz" both from contemplating beautiful mathematics and achieving insights, and that beauty and intuition are important motivations in mathematics alongside rigor.