The document contains several quotes and passages about the meaning and spirit of Christmas. It discusses Christmas as a time for fellowship with family, expressing true sentiments, and opening one's heart to love. Several quotes emphasize opening gifts of forgiveness, tolerance and charity instead of physical presents. The overall message is that Christmas is a time for spreading love, joy, and goodwill.
1. The document discusses a lecture given by Dr. George Hegedus on the power of electrodermal screening (EIS) in clinical practice.
2. EIS was shown to be useful in detecting food intolerances like gluten and casein, and dietary changes based on EIS results led to health improvements for patients.
3. A comparison of EIS measurements between Hungarian and Arab populations found differences that correlate with lifestyle and disease statistics. Monitoring of a weight loss program using EIS showed successful results.
Questions And Answers On Mediation Question 1 What Is Mediationlegal5
This document summarizes key questions and answers about the mediation process under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Mediation is a voluntary process that allows parties in a dispute over a child's special education to resolve issues confidentially with a neutral third party mediator. It offers an opportunity for resolution without a formal due process hearing. Mediation differs from a hearing in that it is less formal, confidential, and allows the parties to establish their own process and potential remedies rather than following strict hearing rules and remedies. The success of mediation relies on selecting an impartial mediator through an agreed upon process, with mediators having specialized training but no conflicts of interest with the school district.
Website conceived, designed & written for Historic Green, non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the interface between sustainable design and historic preservation.
This survey asked parents about their experiences accessing healthcare for their children through CHIP over the last 6 months. The key findings were:
- Nearly all (99%) respondents confirmed their child was insured by CHIP
- Most respondents (74%) reported no problems finding a provider they were happy with
- Wait times to see providers for routine care were typically less than a week
- Urgent and emergency care was usually received as soon as wanted (75-78% same day)
The document outlines seven fundamental beliefs in Islam: belief in Allah as the one God and creator of the universe; belief in angels; belief in holy scriptures including the Quran revealed to the prophet Muhammad; belief in prophets including Muhammad as the final prophet; belief in the Day of Judgment and resurrection after death; belief in divine destiny and preordination; and the definition of key Islamic terms like Islam, Muslim, and Hadith.
Valley Wealth Economy Presentation - March油09jeffburrow
The document summarizes a lecture given by wealth advisors Jeff Burrow and Jason Gordo of Valley Wealth, Inc. on the current economy. It discusses how credit markets and subprime lending contributed to the financial crisis. It outlines government attempts to stimulate the economy through capital injections and economic plans. It emphasizes diversification across asset classes to reduce risk and ensure adequate returns and income over the long term.
The document discusses mobile advertising opportunities using Frog2Frog's interactive advertising platform. It proposes ad-supported mobile services that provide free SMS and voice calls in exchange for viewing brief, inline ads. This benefits operators by boosting revenues, advertisers through improved reach and interactivity, and users through reduced costs. Initial service ideas and a business model demonstrating revenue increases are provided. Implementation is described as requiring simple integration with existing SMS and data gateways.
ITU Telecom 2013 Workshop: New Telecom Opportunities in Voice and MessagingDean Bubley
Presentation slides from workshop run by Martin Geddes & Dean Bubley, at the ITU Telecom World 2013 conference in Bangkok, November 2013.
Covers the evolution of the "phone call" towards new forms of voice communication, the end of telecom services ubiquity, the rise of the OTT model, opportunities from Hypervoice, Telco-OTT services and the new technology of WebRTC. Also covers other areas of VoIP, IMS, SMS, RCS / joyn & the challenge for regulators and telco organisations
Entech Creative Industries is a global creative firm with over 15 years of experience serving clients in themed entertainment, experiential marketing, and museums. They have 50+ employees across facilities in Orlando, FL and Abu Dhabi, UAE, offering engineering, fabrication, design, and project management services. Entech provides innovative solutions to theme parks, corporations, and other clients and has become a credentialed and award-winning creative firm through qualified experts and superior services.
This is a simple idea generating tool for implementing Social Media in your company. Its based on new idea generation techniques that I am using in my MBA thesis and its developed from those all important questions: What, Why and How? A lot of people are still scratching their heads about social media and tend to focus on the technology rather than the conversation and human elements of being social. I hope you find the Social Media Brainstorming tools and the explanations useful and best of luck on any future implementations.
This document outlines the rules for a logic puzzle where a family must cross a river using a raft. The family consists of a father, mother, two daughters, two sons, a thief, and a policeman. Players must follow five rules when determining who can be on the raft at a time: a maximum of two people can be on the raft, fathers and daughters must have the mother present, mothers and sons must have the father present, the thief cannot be with family without the policeman, and the raft must have either the father, mother, or policeman to operate it. The puzzle is started by clicking a blue round button.
The document contains several quotes and passages about the meaning and spirit of Christmas. It discusses Christmas as a time for fellowship with family, expressing true sentiments, and opening one's heart to love. Several quotes emphasize opening gifts of forgiveness, tolerance and charity instead of physical presents. The overall message is that Christmas is a time for spreading love, joy, and goodwill.
1. The document discusses a lecture given by Dr. George Hegedus on the power of electrodermal screening (EIS) in clinical practice.
2. EIS was shown to be useful in detecting food intolerances like gluten and casein, and dietary changes based on EIS results led to health improvements for patients.
3. A comparison of EIS measurements between Hungarian and Arab populations found differences that correlate with lifestyle and disease statistics. Monitoring of a weight loss program using EIS showed successful results.
Questions And Answers On Mediation Question 1 What Is Mediationlegal5
This document summarizes key questions and answers about the mediation process under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Mediation is a voluntary process that allows parties in a dispute over a child's special education to resolve issues confidentially with a neutral third party mediator. It offers an opportunity for resolution without a formal due process hearing. Mediation differs from a hearing in that it is less formal, confidential, and allows the parties to establish their own process and potential remedies rather than following strict hearing rules and remedies. The success of mediation relies on selecting an impartial mediator through an agreed upon process, with mediators having specialized training but no conflicts of interest with the school district.
Website conceived, designed & written for Historic Green, non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the interface between sustainable design and historic preservation.
This survey asked parents about their experiences accessing healthcare for their children through CHIP over the last 6 months. The key findings were:
- Nearly all (99%) respondents confirmed their child was insured by CHIP
- Most respondents (74%) reported no problems finding a provider they were happy with
- Wait times to see providers for routine care were typically less than a week
- Urgent and emergency care was usually received as soon as wanted (75-78% same day)
The document outlines seven fundamental beliefs in Islam: belief in Allah as the one God and creator of the universe; belief in angels; belief in holy scriptures including the Quran revealed to the prophet Muhammad; belief in prophets including Muhammad as the final prophet; belief in the Day of Judgment and resurrection after death; belief in divine destiny and preordination; and the definition of key Islamic terms like Islam, Muslim, and Hadith.
Valley Wealth Economy Presentation - March油09jeffburrow
The document summarizes a lecture given by wealth advisors Jeff Burrow and Jason Gordo of Valley Wealth, Inc. on the current economy. It discusses how credit markets and subprime lending contributed to the financial crisis. It outlines government attempts to stimulate the economy through capital injections and economic plans. It emphasizes diversification across asset classes to reduce risk and ensure adequate returns and income over the long term.
The document discusses mobile advertising opportunities using Frog2Frog's interactive advertising platform. It proposes ad-supported mobile services that provide free SMS and voice calls in exchange for viewing brief, inline ads. This benefits operators by boosting revenues, advertisers through improved reach and interactivity, and users through reduced costs. Initial service ideas and a business model demonstrating revenue increases are provided. Implementation is described as requiring simple integration with existing SMS and data gateways.
ITU Telecom 2013 Workshop: New Telecom Opportunities in Voice and MessagingDean Bubley
Presentation slides from workshop run by Martin Geddes & Dean Bubley, at the ITU Telecom World 2013 conference in Bangkok, November 2013.
Covers the evolution of the "phone call" towards new forms of voice communication, the end of telecom services ubiquity, the rise of the OTT model, opportunities from Hypervoice, Telco-OTT services and the new technology of WebRTC. Also covers other areas of VoIP, IMS, SMS, RCS / joyn & the challenge for regulators and telco organisations
Entech Creative Industries is a global creative firm with over 15 years of experience serving clients in themed entertainment, experiential marketing, and museums. They have 50+ employees across facilities in Orlando, FL and Abu Dhabi, UAE, offering engineering, fabrication, design, and project management services. Entech provides innovative solutions to theme parks, corporations, and other clients and has become a credentialed and award-winning creative firm through qualified experts and superior services.
This is a simple idea generating tool for implementing Social Media in your company. Its based on new idea generation techniques that I am using in my MBA thesis and its developed from those all important questions: What, Why and How? A lot of people are still scratching their heads about social media and tend to focus on the technology rather than the conversation and human elements of being social. I hope you find the Social Media Brainstorming tools and the explanations useful and best of luck on any future implementations.
This document outlines the rules for a logic puzzle where a family must cross a river using a raft. The family consists of a father, mother, two daughters, two sons, a thief, and a policeman. Players must follow five rules when determining who can be on the raft at a time: a maximum of two people can be on the raft, fathers and daughters must have the mother present, mothers and sons must have the father present, the thief cannot be with family without the policeman, and the raft must have either the father, mother, or policeman to operate it. The puzzle is started by clicking a blue round button.
This drawing shows Anna's family, including herself jumping on a trampoline in her favorite room. She expresses love for coco but hate for salami, and has a pet dinosaur named Zuzu.
13. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITET Den insidige Gud Den iboende Gu Syndere tilgivelse S奪rede heling G淡re sin pligt Realisere sig selv Ordets forkyndelse Mysteriet i nadver Forst奪else Erfaring
14. FRA KLASSISK TRO TIL NY SPIRITUALITET Tro som sandhed Tro som tillid Komme i himlen Leve p奪 jorden Embeds - autoritet Personlig autencitet Hierakiske relationer Gensidige relationer St脱rke gr脱nser Bl淡de gr脱nser
23. KALDET Forlad dit land og din sl脱g og din fars hus, og drag til det land, jeg vil vise dig. Jeg vil g淡re dig til et stort folk og velsigne dig. Jeg vil g淡re dit navn stort, og du skal v脱re en velsignelse. I dig skal alle jordens sl脱gter velsignes (1 Mos 12)
30. Mission is finding out what God is doing and joining in. We do need to recover confidence in the God of mission in the Church. We need to recover the sense that the agenda isnt something that we set or the world sets but that God sets, that God has a vision for human beings which he wants us to pursue with him, and that he will give us the resource that we need. And I think unless we have a really strong, a really overwhelming sense of gratitude to God, then were not going to get that confidence back. (Rowan Williams)
31. MISSION ER KIRKENS VSEN Mission er det, som vi som kirke er sendt til verden for a t v脱re: koinonia leiturgia a t g淡re: diakonia a t sige: kerygma s om et vidnesbyrd marturia om det Guds rige, som er kommet n脱r i Jesus Kristus.
32. If we want a mission-shaped church, what we need is a hope-shaped mission.
34. Religion er opium for folket Pie in the sky when we die Det kristne h奪b har ikke noget med denne verden at g淡re
35. Kristendom en privatsag Jeg savner en bispekandidat, som forst奪r, at kristendommen er en privat sag et anliggende mellem den enkelte kristne og Gud og som forst奪r, at vedkommendes rolle er 奪ndelig ikke politisk Kenneth Kristensen Berth, DF
36. Den evige, 奪ndelige verden er den virkelige verden Platonisme Hinduisme Buddhisme Manik脱isme Gnosticisme
37. Kristendom uden h奪b ? "In the past two centuries, a Christian faith in God without hope for the future of the world has called forth a secular hope for the future of the world without faith in God. Since the Christians, the churches, and theology believed in God without future, the will for a future of the earth has joined itself to an atheism which sought a future without God. The messianic hopes emigrated from the church and became invested in progress, evolution, and revolutions."
38. DET KRISTNE HB e r visionen for endem奪let former kirken og kirkens mission bygger p奪 sammenh脱ngen mellem skabelse og nyskabelse/genl淡sning er forankret i Jesu opstandelse handler om frelsen og himlen/Guds rige
39. Himlen Himmeriget - Guds Rige er ikke: E n himmel i det fjerne, der ikke har noget med at g淡re med denne jord, som skal g奪 til grunde E n 奪ndelig/ikke-fysisk/ikke-legemlig verden Gagarin, "I don't see any God up here."
40. GUDS RIGE Det kristne h奪b er det, som Jesus i ord og gerning annoncerede: Guds rige er k ommet n脱r. Det kristne h奪b er det, som Jesus l脱rte os at bede om: Komme dit rige. Ske din vilje, som den sker i himlen, s奪ledes ogs奪 p奪 jorden.
41. GUDS RIGE er der, hvor Jesus regerer, hvor Guds vilje sker. e r kommet n脱r med Jesu liv og l脱re, korsf脱stelse og opstandelse er ikke et fremtidigt rige eller et rige langt v脱k fra vor verden, men er Guds skjulte dimension i vor verden her og nu. bryder fuldt og helt igennem ved Jesu genkomst I ndeb脱rer, at vor verden nyskabes / genl淡ses
42. Frelse er ikke: min sj脱ls frelse at jeg kommer op himlen bare noget 奪ndeligt en frelse v脱k fra denne verden
43. Frelse E r redning, genskabelse eller forl淡sning af hele kosmos er ikke at vi kommer i himlen, men at himlen kommer til jorden. er at blive oprejst til nyt liv i Guds nye himmel og jord er at vi er blevet frelst, vi frelses her og nu, og vi lever i h奪bet om den ultimative frelse
44. Frelse I kke bare af sj脱len, men hele mennesket I kke bare i fremtiden, men ogs奪 nutiden I kke bare hvad Gud g淡r for og i os, men ogs奪, hvad Gud g淡r gennem os I kke bare os mennesker, men hele kosmos
45. Det kristne h奪b er forankret i Jesu opstandelse Det som Gud vor skaber har gjort i Jesus Kristus, kulminerende i hans opstandelse, er det, som Gud 淡nsker at g淡re for hele verden, for hele kosmos.
46. Det kristne h奪b er nyskabelse H eling af alt det, der er s淡nderbrudt Verden vendes p奪 hovedet og mennesker omvendes s奪 alt kommer til at vende rigtigt Transformering eller forvandling af mennesker og kosmos B奪de diskontinuitet og kontinuitet i forhold til den nuv脱rende verden
47. Kirkens h奪bs-motiverede mission Paulus: Det kristne h奪b motiverer os til vor mission, fordi det vi g淡r i verden her og nu bevares, n奪r Guds rige bryder igennem (1 Kor 15,58). Luther: Kommer Jesus Kristus igen i morgen, s奪 plant et tr脱 i dag.
48. KIRKEN ER . kaldet til at v脱re et tegn p奪 et vidne om en forsmag p奪 et redskab for Guds rige (Lesslie Newbigin)
49. Kirkens h奪bs-mission A t v脱re et tegn og en forsmag p奪 det, som Gud vil g淡re med hele kosmos at v脱re en ny skabning (spiritualitet, sk淡nhed) A t etablere tegn p奪 Guds fornyede skabning midt i verden (retf脱rdighed) c. At annoncere at Jesus har overvundet d淡den/ ondskabens magt som et tegn p奪, at Guds Rige er kommet n脱r og alle indbydes til at v脱re med (evangelisering)
50. a. Spiritualitet, sk淡nhed, godhed Kirken et tegn og en forsmag p奪 Guds rige. Som s奪dan er vi designede til at v脱re et tegn og en forsmag p奪 det, som Gud 淡nsker at g淡re for hele kosmos Hele skabningen sukker og er i veer og venter p奪 sin forl淡sning (Rom 8,18-23) Reflektere tilbage Guds godhed tilbage Gud og videre ud til andre mennesker og hele skaberv脱rket
51. b. Kamp for retf脱rdighed Opstandelsen Guds intention om at begynde at vende verden p奪 hovedet og bringe befrielse her og nu Komme dit rige. Ske din vilje som i himlen s奪ledes ogs奪 p奪 jorden. Dagligt br淡d Tilgivelse Wilberforce: Kampen for slaveriets oph脱velse Tutu: Kampen for oph脱velse af apartheid i Sydafrika og sandheds-kommissionen
52. c. Forkyndelse af evangeliet A nnoncering af det faktum, at Jesus er Herre: han har overvundet d淡dens magt og Guds rige er kommet n脱r. Invitation af alle til at v脱re med og opdage tilgivelsen (fortiden), Guds overraskende fremtid og en opgave her og nu. Ny-skabelse: Omvendelse genf淡delse blive en del af Guds familie d奪b
53. Kirke i h奪bets mission H奪bet knytter sig til hvad den treenige Gud har gjort i historien og vil g淡re I nkarnationen Kors opstandelse Udgydelse af Hellig奪nden
54. Mission informeret af julens h奪b Faderen sender s淡nnen Inkarnation: Gud kommer til sin skabning Evangeliet kan udtrykkes i alle kulturer Evangeliet kan forvandle alle kulturer
55. Mission informeret af p奪skens h奪b Guds S淡n ofrer sit liv for os p奪 korset Jesu opstandelse sejren over d淡den K脱rlighedens magt Nyskabelse
56. Mission informeret af pinsens h奪b Faderen og S淡nnen sender Hellig奪nden til verden Hellig奪nden giver kirken kraft til at deltage i Guds mission Hellig奪nden virker i verden
57. DEN BL BETNKNING 1477 (2006) Folkekirkens mission som kristen kirke er at forkynde Kristus som hele verdens frelser Kirkens overordnede opgave danner udgangspunkt for de konkrete former, kirkelivet f奪r i sogn, provsti og stift. Alle konkrete m奪ls脱tninger m奪 dybest set tjene denne opgave
58. 4 . HVAD ER KIRKENS OPGAVER Kirke hos os: Fest gudstjeneste Tro undervisning Handling diakoni Samtale - mission
59. KIRKENS OPGAVE ER at v脱re - gudstjeneste, f脱llesskab, tilstedev脱relse a t g淡re - diakoni , omsorg, n淡dhj脱lp a t sige - forkyndelse, undervisning, samtale
63. KIRKE SOM GUDSTJENESTE, SPIRITUALITET, FLLESSKAB, NRVR 3. Dets g奪de er et guddomsord, som skaber, hvad det n脱vner, som fylder dale trindt p奪 jord og klipperne udj脱vner. 油 4. Med det indvies Jesu d奪b, velsignes Jesu b脱ger, s奪 hist udspringer livets h奪b, og her det vederkv脱ger. 1. Vidunderligst af alt p奪 jord er Jesu Kristi rige, dets herlighed er og s奪 stor, at det har ingen lige. 2. Usynligt vel som sj脱l og sind det nemt dog er at kende, alt som en stad p奪 bjergetind, der ses til verdens ende.
66. KIRKE SOM DIAKONI OMSORG OG NDHJLP 1. Menneske, din egen magt g淡r dig svimmel og forsagt, du skal selv p奪 denne klode skelne ondskab fra det gode, dybt ansvarlig for din jord. 2. Du skal bringe verden fred, dagligt br淡d og k脱rlighed. Livets Gud har dine h脱nder, derfor er det dig, han sender, n奪r din n脱ste lider n淡d. 3. Du skal v脱rne det, der gror overalt p奪 denne jord. Gennem dine varme h脱nder, dine ansigtstr脱k, de kender, kommer Gud til sine b淡rn.
69. FORTL HISTORIEN at fort脱lle om, hvad Jesus har gjort for alle mennesker (den store historie om Jesus) at fort脱lle om, hvad Jesus har gjort for mig (min lille troshistorie) ikke at fors淡ge at omvende mennesker, men at overlade det til Guds 奪nd at f淡re mennesker til tro
71. KIRKE SOM FORKYNDELSE, UNDERVISNING OG SAMTALE Rygtet derom som en l淡beild farer og br脱nder, tungerne gl淡der derunder til jorderigs ender, thi med Guds ord f淡lges Guds-nden p奪 jord, blus han p奪 bjergene t脱nder. Da p奪 dit ord skal det gladeste budskab udbredes, ogs奪 ved os skal der vej for dit 奪syn beredes, s奪 overalt Jesus, som frelser p奪kaldt, du skal med kn脱fald tilbedes.
72. MISSIONAL LYTTEPROCES Lytte til Gud at tage bolig i Ordet Lytte til mennesker i og uden for menigheden - at tage bolig blandt mennesker i lokalsamfundet Lytte til, hvad Gud g淡r og vil g淡re - at lade ordet tage bolig blandt mennesker
75. 5. HVORDAN LSER KIRKEN SINE OPGAVER? Udvikling af nye planer p奪 basis af: Kontekst (Hvor er kirken?) Vision (Hvorfor er kirken?) Mission (Hvad er kirkens opgaver?) Erfaringer (traditioner) Vejledning (Hellig奪nden)
76. Udvikling af nye planer p奪 basis af: Personressourcer Faciliteter konomi Samarbejdspartnere Love og bestemmelser
77. BETHLEHEMSKIRKEN HVOR er kirken? - Kontekst, m奪lgrupper HVORFOR er kirken? - Identitet, selvforst奪else og vision HVAD er kirkens opgaver? - Mission statement m奪l HVORDAN l淡ser kirken sine opgaver? - Udvikling af planer
79. TAK! Mogens S. Mogensen Konsulentfirmaet Adr.: N. J. Holms Park 55, 6070 Christiansfeld Tlf.: 7456 2282 2617 5612 E-mail: [email_address] Website:
Editor's Notes
#45: Gud 淡nskede ikke at redde mennesker fra skaberv脱rket, lige s奪 lidt som han 淡nskede at redde Israel fra hedningerne. Han 淡nskede at frelse Israel for at Israel kunne blive et lys for hedningerne, og han 淡nskede at frelse mennesker s奪 at de kunne blive hans redningsmedabejdere i forhold til skaberv脱rket. (Frit efter N. T. Wright)
#78: Hvordan har M淡lholm kirkes kontekst 脱ndret sig de sidste 10 奪r? Hvilke segmenter af befolkningen er kirken i kontakt med / ikke i kontakt med? Hvordan har M淡lholm Kirkes selvforst奪else udviklet sig de sidste 10 奪r? Hvad er kirkens vision i dag?