The document lists different examples of human behaviors and traits, including secrecy (offering blank visiting cards), laziness (asking for a lift while on a morning walk), craziness (getting a blank paper xeroxed), forgetfulness (seeing oneself in the mirror and trying to remember when you last saw someone), stupidity (looking through the keyhole of a glass door), honesty (a pregnant woman taking one and a half tickets), suicide (a dwarf jumping from the footpath), and dehydration (a cow giving milk powder). Each example is presented as "What is the height of [trait]?"
Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963 calling for racial equality and an end to discrimination in the United States. In the speech, he references the Emancipation Proclamation that freed slaves 100 years prior but notes that 100 years later, black Americans still faced segregation and discrimination that crippled their lives. He dreams of a day when all people will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
The document lists different examples of human behaviors and traits, including secrecy (offering blank visiting cards), laziness (asking for a lift while on a morning walk), craziness (getting a blank paper xeroxed), forgetfulness (seeing oneself in the mirror and trying to remember when you last saw someone), stupidity (looking through the keyhole of a glass door), honesty (a pregnant woman taking one and a half tickets), suicide (a dwarf jumping from the footpath), and dehydration (a cow giving milk powder). Each example is presented as "What is the height of [trait]?"
Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963 calling for racial equality and an end to discrimination in the United States. In the speech, he references the Emancipation Proclamation that freed slaves 100 years prior but notes that 100 years later, black Americans still faced segregation and discrimination that crippled their lives. He dreams of a day when all people will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
5. 掌握外部趨勢 科技關鍵字 社交網絡( social web ) 代表各種社群( community )因為網路的出現而強烈連結在一起,這種聯繫可以是單一或是多重的。 提供者( provider )必須了解社群的屬性,就可以知道該提供什麼樣的東西、什麼樣的服務可以維持這個社群;當對應服務出來時,社交網絡會自然產生。
6. 掌握外部趨勢 製造關鍵字 破壞式創新( disruptive innovation ) 哈佛商學院教授克雷頓?克里斯汀森( Clayton Christensen )於著作《創新的兩難》中所提出。 意即市場後來者以不同的思考邏輯和方法,一舉取代了市場領先者的地位,這個後來者可能只是個名不見經傳的市場新秀,卻足以對市場大品牌造成巨大威脅,讓市場重洗牌。 服裝品牌 Zara 和華碩推出的 Eee PC 都稱得上是以破壞式創新搶攻市場。
11. 做好內部管理 工作型態關鍵字 Google 指數 日本暢銷作家勝間和代提倡,工作者應善用網路的力量,及 Google 提供的軟體和管理介面,來創造效率化生活。 她在《十倍速的知識生產術》中列出「檢驗你的 Google 度」量表,建議讀者在實體世界的人脈之外,善用網路的特性做自我管理,拓展人際關係,做到「 Google 式」的個人管理,將虛擬世界的人脈統統變成個人競爭力。 (更多管理關鍵字,請見 2009 年 1 月《經理人月刊》)