Rancangan Pengajaran Harian RPH Pendidikan KhasNur Kareena
Racangan Pengajaran Harian atau lebih dikenali sebagai RPH merupakan salah satu tugasan subjek KPD 3016 Semester 2014/2015 ISMP Pendidikan Khas UPSI.
RPH ini adalah merupakan 3 RPH yang berturutan di bawah tajuk Kata Nama Bahasa Melayu mengikut sukatan pelajaran Pendidikan Khas
This lesson plan is for a Year 3 English Language class. The lesson focuses on teaching students about animal body parts through reading, writing, listening and speaking activities. Students will learn the names of different animal body parts like antlers, beaks and claws. They will discuss the differences between animal and human body parts. Students will also learn about the differences between antlers and horns. A variety of activities are included, like reading passages aloud, answering questions, labeling diagrams, completing exercises and solving puzzles in groups. The goal is for students to be able to correctly talk, read and write about different animal body parts.
Rancangan Pengajaran Harian RPH Pendidikan KhasNur Kareena
Racangan Pengajaran Harian atau lebih dikenali sebagai RPH merupakan salah satu tugasan subjek KPD 3016 Semester 2014/2015 ISMP Pendidikan Khas UPSI.
RPH ini adalah merupakan 3 RPH yang berturutan di bawah tajuk Kata Nama Bahasa Melayu mengikut sukatan pelajaran Pendidikan Khas
This lesson plan is for a Year 3 English Language class. The lesson focuses on teaching students about animal body parts through reading, writing, listening and speaking activities. Students will learn the names of different animal body parts like antlers, beaks and claws. They will discuss the differences between animal and human body parts. Students will also learn about the differences between antlers and horns. A variety of activities are included, like reading passages aloud, answering questions, labeling diagrams, completing exercises and solving puzzles in groups. The goal is for students to be able to correctly talk, read and write about different animal body parts.
The document provides a detailed lesson plan for a Year 3 English language class. The lesson focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills related to the story "The mousedeer and the farmer". Students will listen to and read the story, answer comprehension questions, do role plays based on dialogs from the story, and complete activities to guess meanings from clues and make smaller words from a larger word. The lesson aims to help students understand and retell the story, while developing their language and thinking skills through cooperative learning activities integrated with multiple intelligences.
This lesson plan outlines a Year 3 English language lesson about food. The plan details the objectives, which are for students to name, spell, and pronounce food names correctly, and rearrange words to form simple sentences. The lesson involves various speaking, reading, writing and listening activities including showing real food items, reading paragraphs with new vocabulary, drill practice of food names, completing multiple exercises, and assembling word puzzles to form sentences. The goal is for students to practice language skills related to food.
This lesson plan is for a Year 3 English language class. It involves teaching grammar concepts like conjunctions through classroom activities and exercises from their activity book. Students will practice using conjunctions like "and", "or", and "but" to fill in blanks and match sentences. They will also work in groups constructing simple sentences using a given stimulus and presenting their sentences to the class. The goal is for students to better understand how to use conjunctions and practice reading, writing, and speaking skills related to grammar.
The document outlines a Year 3 English language lesson plan focused on teaching students prepositions of direction through activities where they ask and answer "Wh" questions about directions, read conversations involving directions, and write instructions and give directions on maps to help lost characters reach destinations. The lesson integrates speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills and aims to teach students to correctly give and understand directions to places.
This English language lesson plan outlines an activity for a Year 3 class to practice prepositions of location such as "at", "on", "in", etc. through speaking, writing, reading, and listening exercises. Students will read a passage, answer questions about locations, complete a handout with missing words, describe locations in groups, and create new words from "location" to reinforce their understanding. The goal is for students to be able to talk, read and write about locations, and give and follow instructions using prepositions correctly.
This document discusses the basic principles of behavior modification including operant conditioning, reinforcement schedules, and types of reinforcers. It describes Ivan Pavlov's work with classical conditioning and B.F. Skinner's research on operant conditioning and how behaviors are strengthened or weakened through consequences. Various behavior modification techniques are covered such as positive reinforcement, extinction, time-out, punishment, and different reinforcement schedules. Finally, the document outlines several categories of reinforcers including conditioned, edible, material, activity, and general reinforcers used in token economies.
This lesson plan is for a Year 3 English class. The students will learn about prepositions of location by reading a passage called "Razin going to Town". They will practice differentiating and using words like "near", "beside", "between", and "centre" correctly through activities like answering questions, describing locations, and working in groups. The goal is for students to be able to talk, read, and write about locations by the end of the lesson.
This lesson plan is for a Year 3 English class. The lesson focuses on speaking skills and involves describing people, animals, and objects using comparative and superlative adjectives. Students will look at pictures in their textbooks, read conversations, complete exercises identifying adjectives and comparing items, and finish by sharing their feelings about the lesson. The goal is for students to learn and practice using descriptive adjectives and comparatives.
The document outlines a lesson plan for a Year 3 English Language class focusing on occupations, with the objectives being for students to correctly talk about, read, and write about occupations and answer riddles using "Yes, you are" and "No, you are not." A variety of teaching activities are listed, including showing pictures, reading passages, exercises to practice spelling and describing occupations, dividing students into groups to complete a crossword puzzle, and ending with riddles.
The document provides a lesson plan for a Year 3 English Language class. The lesson focuses on teaching students about fruits through speaking, writing, and group activities. Students will name, spell, and identify the colors of fruits shown in flashcards. They will also complete sentences and rearrange words to form questions about fruits. The lesson incorporates handouts, flashcards, puzzles and group work to reinforce vocabulary and practice writing and speaking skills.
The document outlines a Year 3 English Language lesson plan focused on teaching students prepositions of direction such as go, straight, turn right, and turn left. The lesson involves students listening to and reading passages about directions, answering questions, giving oral and written directions on maps, and creating words from "directions" to summarize what they learned. The overall goal is for students to understand and correctly give directions to places by the end of the lesson.
This lesson plan is for a Year 3 English Language class about wild animals. It involves speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. Students will learn the names, sounds, and spellings of wild animals. They will read passages and do exercises to practice identifying animal names. They will also work in groups to write animal names for each letter of the alphabet. The goals are for students to be able to name, spell, pronounce, talk, read and write about wild animals.
Rangkasan dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan mengenai rancangan pengajaran harian subjek sains kelas 4A yang membincangkan tentang mengukur panjang. Rancangan ini menekankan aktiviti murid untuk mengukur panjang objek menggunakan alat pengukur yang betul dan merekod hasil ukuran menggunakan unit piawai sistem metrik.
1. Teacher asks pupils questions about objects, people and animals to elicit descriptions using adjectives.
2. Teacher gives examples comparing sizes of objects and ages of people to introduce comparative and superlative adjectives.
3. Exercises in the textbook and activity book reinforce use of comparative and superlative adjectives, and a drawing game tests pupils' understanding.
The document outlines a Year 3 English Language lesson plan focused on festivals in Malaysia. Students will learn about different festivals through reading passages and answering questions, discussing festivals and their traditions, and creating Hari Raya cards. The lesson integrates speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills while teaching students about cooperation, self-love, and thankfulness to God.
This document contains an English language exam for Year 3 students with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions testing spelling, grammar, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. The exam is divided into 8 sections covering topics such as common and proper nouns, pronouns, sentence structure, and reading passages. It provides instructions for students to answer the questions and includes spaces for their responses, as well as areas for teachers to verify, certify, and provide marks.
Hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia. It has large trumpet-shaped flowers with five petals that come in various colors like red, pink, orange, purple, and yellow, though there are fewer that are blue or black. Hibiscus flowers grow in gardens and need plenty of sunlight and water to thrive.
1) The document is a test paper for a Year 3 English class containing multiple sections assessing spelling, matching, filling in blanks, naming objects in a picture, answering comprehension questions about a story, and conjugating verbs to the past tense.
2) It tests students on spelling, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and verb conjugation through various short answer questions and activities.
3) The test has 100 total marks and is designed to evaluate students' English language skills in areas like spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and verb usage through different question formats over 60 minutes.
This document appears to be an English language test for third year students. It consists of multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions testing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and matching pictures to activities. The test has 7 sections (A-G) covering topics like parts of speech, parts of a tree, punctuation, passages about coconut trees and a girl named Nina's fish. The test is out of 100 marks and includes spaces for the student and teacher names and signatures.
1. The document contains an assessment for a Year 2 English class with multiple sections testing spelling, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and sequencing skills.
2. The sections include filling in missing letters, naming modes of transportation, underlining correct answers and rewriting paragraphs with proper punctuation, naming flowers, arranging jumbled words into sentences, sequencing a story based on pictures, and answering comprehension questions about a short text.
3. The assessment tests a variety of basic English language skills and was designed to evaluate students in an SJK (C) or Chinese primary school in Malaysia.
This document lists various occupations such as decorator, policeman, firefighter, postman, teacher, nurse, store manager, computer engineer, plumber, electrician, architect, secretary, security guard, veterinarian, farmer, and police officer.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan lengkap tentang cara mencari pekerjaan melalui portal online Sabah Job Centre (SJC) dan portal pekerjaan kerajaan persekutuan Malaysia (www.spa.gov.my), termasuk cara membuat resume, mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai, dan menghantar permohonan pekerjaan secara online.
The narrator describes their Indian neighbor, the Mohandas family, who have two children named Neena and Harish. Harish and the narrator go to school together and often go fishing or to see movies on weekends. During Deepavali celebrations, the narrator helps Harish put up oil lamps around his house. When visiting Harish's house for Deepavali, the narrator enjoys eating delicious curries and sweets. The narrator feels lucky to have such good neighbors.
The boy received a new blue bicycle for his eighth birthday from his father. He rides it to school each day, locks it in the bicycle shed, and rides it home after school. In the evenings, he rides it in the park with friends. He washes it every Saturday to keep it clean and shiny.
This document contains an English language mid-year assessment for Year 3 students. It consists of several sections testing spelling, use of articles, writing sentences with proper nouns, use of demonstrative pronouns, conjunctions, and rearranging words to form sentences. The student is instructed to answer all questions in the spaces provided within 60 minutes while being monitored. Sections include multiple choice, filling in blanks, rewriting paragraphs with capitalized proper nouns, replacing pictures with words to form sentences, underlining correct answers, and rearranging words to form sentences. An answer sheet with the solutions is provided for the teacher or examiner to check.
The Mouse Deer wanted to eat fruits across the river but couldn't cross due to crocodiles. He tricked the crocodiles into lining up by claiming the king wanted a headcount, allowing him to safely jump across each crocodile's back to reach the other side. There were ten crocodiles in total, who grew angry at being outwitted from eating the Mouse Deer.
Felix the cat lived alone and was lonely. One rainy day, he found a wet crow named David at his door and invited him inside to dry off and eat cakes and milk. Felix was happy to have the company, and David offered to bring worms tomorrow, though Felix preferred mice.
Brian woke up early one morning when his mother was feeling ill. He went to the kitchen to help by making her a sandwich and watermelon juice, putting it on the table for when she woke up. His mother was very happy and proud when she saw the breakfast Brian had prepared to help her feel better.
The fox invited the crane to dinner and served soup in a flat plate that the crane could not eat from with its long beak. Later, when the crane invited the fox, it served soup in a jug with a narrow neck that the fox could not reach into, getting revenge for the earlier incident. Both animals learned that their behavior towards each other had consequences.
The Sun and the Wind disagreed about which was stronger, so they had a competition to see who could make a boy take off his jacket. The Wind went first and blew as hard as possible, but the boy wrapped his jacket tighter. Then the Sun shone gently at first and gradually brighter, so the boy got hot and took off his jacket, proving the Sun was stronger than the Wind.
Portal pekerjaan pemerintah federal Malaysia www.spa.gov.my memungkinkan pencari kerja untuk mendaftar dan mengajukan permohonan untuk pekerjaan di departemen pemerintah. Pencari kerja dapat mencari pekerjaan, memperbarui profil mereka, dan melacak status permohonan mereka.
Subjek : Sains
Kelas : 3A
Masa : 9.00 - 10.00 pagi
Tarikh : 14 Julai 2011
Jumlah murid : 25 orang
Tema : Menyiasat bahan
Tajuk : Pengenalan diri (Kelas pertama)
Pengetahuan sedia ada : Murid-murid mengetahui sifat-sifat bahan dan dapat
memberikan contoh bahan.
Hasil pembelajaran khusus : Pada akhir kelas, murid-murid dapat
1. Mengelaskan bahan
2. Memberi contoh bahan mengikut pengelasan bahan
Kemahiran proses sains (KPS) : Mengelas, membuat inferens, berkomunikasi
KPKK/KBSB : Menjana idea, membanding dan membeza, membuat ramalan,
membuat kesimpulan
Kajian masa depan (KMD) :
Sikap saintifik dan nilai murni (SS & NM) : Sifat ingin tahu, bekerjasama, menghargai masa, bersyukur
atas nikmat Tuhan
Bahan bantu mengajar (BBM) : Papan putih, buku teks
Langkah-langkah keselamatan :
Fasa Isi kandungan Aktiviti Catatan
Orientasi Strategi : 1. Guru memulakan kelas BBM : Papan putih
(30 minit) Sesi pengenalan diri dengan bertanyakan khabar
bersama murid kepada murid.
2. Guru bertanya kepada murid
hari dan tarikh dan guru
menulisnya di papan putih.
3. Guru memberitahu tajuk
aktiviti (Pengenalan diri) dan
2. menulisnya di papan putih.
4. Murid memperkenalkan diri
mereka menggunakan
panduan diberikan oleh guru
(nama, hobi, cita-cita)
5. Guru memperkenalkan diri
dan memberitahu peraturan
dalam kelas
- Jangan bising dalam kelas
- Siapkan kerja rumah
- Pergi ke tandas sebelum
kelas dan selepas kelas
Pencetusan Strategi : 1. Guru bertanyakan kepada KPS : Mengelas
Idea Mengimbas kembali murid mengenai topik
(5 minit) topik yang telah pelajaran lepas. (Sifat-sifat KBKK : Menjana idea
dipelajari bahan)
2. Guru bertanyakan kepada
Konsep : murid-murid sifat-sifat bahan
Untuk mengetahui yang mereka ketahui
pengetahuan murid - Kayu, logam, kaca, getah,
yang sedia ada plastik
Penstrukturan Strategi : 1. Guru menulis jadual KPS : Mengelas
idea Memberi contoh mengenai dengan sifat-sifat
(10 minit) bahan berdasarkan bahan di papan putih KBKK : Menjana idea
sifat bahan (Apendiks 1)
2. Guru mengarahkan murid SS & NM :
Konsep : untuk ke depan memberi Sifat ingin tahu
Untuk mengetahui contoh bahan berdasarkan
pengetahuan murid sifat bahan. BBM : Papan putih
yang sedia ada 3. Guru membimbing semasa
aktiviti dijalankan.
Aplikasi Strategi : 1. Guru bertanyakan kepada KPS : Membuat inferens
idea Menyatakan ciri murid ciri-ciri bahan
(10 minit) bahan berdasarkan berdasarkan sifat bahan. KBKK :
sifat bahan 2. Guru bertanyakan kepada Membanding dan
murid bahan-bahan yang membeza, membuat
Konsep : boleh mengalirkan arus ramalan
Untuk mengetahui elektrik, bahan yang boleh
pengetahuan sedia meregang, bahan yang boleh
ada murid yang sedia terapung di atas air dan juga
ada bahan yang boleh
3. membenarkan cahaya
Refleksi Strategi : 1. Guru dan murid KPS :
(5 minit) Pengukuhan melalui membincangkan topik Membuat inferens,
perbincangan pelajaran. membuat kesimpulan
2. Guru memupuk rasa syukur
kepada tuhan dalam diri KBKK :
murid kerana wujudnya Menhubungkaitkan
pelbagai sifat bahan yang
membantu dalam kehidupan SS & NM : Bersyukur
seharian. dengan nikmat Tuhan.