20151104 health2.0 in Japan - clinical big data and subjectsNaotoKume
Japanese slides:
Current state of EHR development in Japan. Nation-wide EHR.
Health 2.0 Day1
20151104 health2.0 in Japan - clinical big data and subjectsNaotoKume
Japanese slides:
Current state of EHR development in Japan. Nation-wide EHR.
Health 2.0 Day1
This document describes a science communication course for graduate students that aims to improve their communication skills and ability to think collaboratively. The 4-day course has students explore the context of their research, present it, and develop plans for collaborative research projects combining their work with others’. Students found the experience broadened their thinking beyond their specialties and helped them better understand how to communicate and work with researchers in different fields. The course appears effective at training collaborative and communication skills in a practical manner based on students' positive reflections on reconsidering their research approaches and connectivity with others.
1. Researchers at the Earth-Life Science Institute developed new formats for communicating science more effectively, including a multi-layer scientific article format and a movie format to introduce researchers.
2. One case study involved creating a scientific article on silicon dioxide crystallization and Earth's core evolution with 5 layers of varying accuracy and readability.
3. A second case study developed a movie format to introduce researchers using structured interviews.
The document proposes introducing the case method approach to education for science and technology communication. It summarizes key challenges in current education programs and outlines a research project to develop a case-based educational program. The project would visualize practical knowledge through case studies created by both educators and learners. This would provide more effective learning opportunities while also advancing the theoretical framework of the field. The proposed schedule outlines developing sample cases, prototyping an educational program using cases, and evaluating learning outcomes and the effectiveness of the case method approach.
The document describes the development of a new workshop method using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to address trans-science problems. It involves decomposing the problem, identifying options and evaluation criteria, participants answering AHP questionnaires to score and compare options, and an offline workshop to discuss results. A pilot workshop on sustainable fisheries used AHP to compare options of purchasing cod with or without Marine Stewardship Council certification. Participants changed choices and confidence levels after learning about criteria and results. The method aims to help participants reflect on implicit values and better understand complex issues and diverse perspectives.
6. グループワークの内容
Contents of the Group Work
? 作業1:看護ロボットの「導入案」を考える 15分
To create ideas for introduction of robotics technology
? 作業2:「導入案」のアイディアを絞り込んで「選択肢」をつくる 15分
To make concise options from the ideas above
? 作業3:「選択肢」の「評価基準」をつくる 15分
To make evaluation criteria for options
? 作業4:「評価基準の重み付け」をする 5分
To put different importance on each criterion
? 作業5:「選択肢」を「評価基準」ごとに評価する 15分
To evaluate each option in terms of each criterion
? 作業6:各選択肢の「総合得点」を計算する 5分
To calculate total score for each option
? 作業7:結果を考察?共有する 15分
To discuss about the results and share opinions