際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMUVmu Share
際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU際際滷 Gi畉i Ph畉u C董 chi Tr棚n Tr動畛ng H Y Khoa Vinh VMU
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C董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa VinhC董 V湛ng M担ng V 湛i Gi畉i Ph畉u H Y H N畛i HMU || Upload By VMU Y Khoa Vinh
Learn Chest X-Ray With Its Normal Positioning & Radio-AnatomyDr.Santosh Atreya
Learn Chest X-Ray With Its Normal Positioning & Radio-Anatomy..For some image description please go through the text book "David Sutton" because i have described these image during my presentation Verbally..There are many animations used inside this presentation so to see all the pictures which are placed layer by layer with the help of animations you simple need to download this presentation first.... Thanx.
Radiological imaging of pleural diseases Pankaj Kaira
The document discusses the anatomy, imaging, and common diseases of the pleura. It begins by describing the normal anatomy of the pleural layers and thickness. Common pleural diseases are then reviewed, including pleural effusions, pneumothorax, hemothorax, and empyema. Imaging findings on chest x-ray, ultrasound, CT, and MRI are provided for diagnosing and characterizing various pleural conditions. Key signs that help differentiate pleural, pulmonary, and extra-pleural masses are also outlined.
This document provides guidelines for interpreting a chest x-ray, including structures to identify, technical aspects to evaluate, and what to examine in different areas of the image. It describes how to analyze the trachea, heart, diaphragms, lungs, hilum, and other areas. Key points covered are proper centering, penetration, inspiration, and angulation of the x-ray. Anatomical landmarks are identified for assessing abnormalities in each lung field.
The document discusses how chest X-rays work and what they can show. Different tissues absorb X-rays at different rates, with bone appearing white, soft tissue grey, and air black. A PA view has X-rays enter through the back while an AP view is from the front. Proper exposure level is needed to see details in the lungs and heart without being over or under penetrated. Positioning is important to evaluate symmetry and check for abnormalities in soft tissues and bones like the ribs, spine, diaphragm and heart. Lung fields and costophrenic angles should have sharp margins and be checked for issues like infiltrates or masses.
1. The document discusses various cardiovascular conditions involving abnormalities of the aorta including aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, and aortic regurgitation.
2. Different types of aortic aneurysms are described such as saccular, fusiform, and false aneurysms. Classification schemes for aortic dissection including DeBakey and Stanford types are provided.
3. Imaging findings of various aortic conditions on techniques such as CT, MRI, and angiography are presented with examples of intimal flaps, true and false lumens, calcifications, and complications like rupture.
The document describes x-ray findings of mitral stenosis of varying severity. For mild mitral stenosis, chest x-rays may be normal but show an enlarged left atrium. Moderate to severe mitral stenosis is seen as an enlarged left atrium, elevated left main bronchus, and displaced descending aorta on chest x-rays. Severe mitral stenosis additionally shows enlarged pulmonary arteries and veins as well as displacement of the esophagus. Differential diagnoses include pectus excavatum and partial absence of the pericardium.
29. 29June 19, 2013
a誰i c旦担ng.
Kie奪m tra ve ky探 thua辰t.
Pha但n t鱈ch h狸nh a短nh.
To奪ng h担誰p ca湛c da叩u ch旦湛ng.
Ca湛c nguye但n nha但n.
Cha奪n 単oa湛n.
Ke叩t lua辰n.
30. 30June 19, 2013
Mo但 mem tha淡nh ng旦誰c.
Khung x旦担ng ng旦誰c.
Ma淡ng pho奪i.
Trung tha叩t.
31. 31 June 19, 2013
32. 32 June 19, 2013
33. 33 June 19, 2013
Imaging of Chest Wall Disorders.Mi-Young Jeung, MD. (Radiographics. 1999;19:617-637.)