General Medicine Interest Group
連絡先:千葉大学医学部附属病院 総合診療科 鋪野紀好
General Medicine Interest Group
連絡先:千葉大学医学部附属病院 総合診療科 鋪野紀好
Vasovagal syncope management Mexico City 2016Antonio Raviele
This document discusses current management and the role of cardiac pacing in vasovagal syncope (VVS). It outlines that VVS is generally benign and self-limiting, and treatment is usually not necessary. For recurrent or high-risk cases, options discussed include non-pharmacological approaches like reassurance/counseling and counter-maneuvers, various drug therapies with limited evidence, and electrical therapies like cardiac pacing or ablation which show more promise but also have limitations and need further study. Pacing may benefit those with documented asystole, while ablation has shown reduced recurrence rates in preliminary studies but requires more research.
This document appears to be medical records from a hospital documenting a patient's care from January 12th to 29th. It describes the patient's initial presentation with abdominal pain and distention. Imaging including CT scan revealed bleeding in the abdomen. The patient received blood transfusions and underwent an operation to stop the bleeding. Key details include a positive FAST exam, declining vital signs treated with ICU admission, and a 1 hour 44 minute long operation removing 1950ml of blood from the abdominal cavity.
Vasovagal syncope (VVS) is caused by an abnormal response of the autonomic nervous system that leads to a drop in blood pressure and sometimes heart rate. It is triggered by pain, anxiety, or emotional stress and causes feelings of faintness. Those at highest risk include younger patients and those with a history of fainting. Nursing care focuses on recognizing VVS symptoms and treating lowered blood pressure and heart rate by having patients lie down with legs elevated.
This document provides an overview of syncope (transient loss of consciousness). It defines syncope and discusses mechanisms and common causes. Cardiac causes include arrhythmias and structural heart issues. Common non-cardiac causes are neurocardiogenic syncope and orthostatic hypotension. The document outlines how to take a history and perform an exam for a syncope patient. It recommends ECG, monitoring, and risk stratification. The summary emphasizes differentiating cardiac from non-cardiac syncope, as cardiac causes have higher mortality and recommends not missing life-threatening conditions.
This document contains a presentation on the assessment of syncope given to registrars at an emergency department teaching meeting. It includes two case presentations of patients who presented with syncope, along with their ECG readings, and a discussion of the differential diagnosis, evaluation algorithms, and decision rules that can be used to evaluate syncope, including the San Francisco Syncope Rule, OESIL criteria, and ROSE risk stratification. The presenter encourages questions and discussion from the audience on syncope evaluation and interesting ECG findings.
8. 意识障害の原因
? A アルコール
? I 低血糖insulin
? U 尿毒症uremia
? E 脳症encephalopathy
/ 内分泌疾患endocrin 電解質異常electrolytes 不整脈electrocardiogram
? O 低酸素血症薬物中毒overdose
? T 頭部外傷trauma
? I 感染症infection
? P 精神疾患psychiatric
? S 脳血管障害stroke 痙攣重積seizure
? / 失神syncope ショックshock