The document discusses why innovation has become a buzzword and how understanding cultural and social trends can help with innovation efforts. It argues that observing behaviors across different aspects of life can reveal patterns and opportunities for new products, services, and ideas. Understanding emerging behaviors like increased femininity among women has implications for many industries and can help companies better meet customer needs if interpreted correctly. The document encourages looking for signals in culture rather than relying solely on focus groups or existing product categories when developing innovative concepts.
Joanna Bakas, 丱 亳亰仆亠-个仂仄 TOP Marketing Management, 26-26 仂从磡, 仂从于舒....MarketingOne_TOP-MM
The document discusses the importance of cultural observation and understanding shifts in social behaviors as a starting point for innovation. It argues that observing people's behaviors across various aspects of life can provide insights into new opportunities. Specifically, it notes that actions often speak louder than words, and cultural signals in everyday behaviors can hint at new needs, wants, and trends before people can articulate them. The document provides several examples of observing social and cultural trends to inspire new products, services, and business models.
Wacklin marketing trends and digital marketingJulia Argunova
This document discusses digital marketing and provides recommendations for developing a digital marketing strategy. It covers trends in declining traditional media spending and growth in digital spending. The document also provides advice on developing strategies for owned, bought, and earned media and integrating digital marketing tactics like search, social media, and analytics into the planning, execution, and optimization of digital campaigns.
This document discusses Metro Cash & Carry Russia's shift from product marketing to customer marketing. It outlines Metro's target group management strategy of creating individual business solutions for key customer groups like HoReCa, retail stores, offices, and services. The key components of these business solutions include customer segmentation and priorities, assortment building, pricing policies, and additional services. Communication approaches like mailings, catalogs, expos, and customer centers are also mentioned.
Wacklin marketing trends and digital marketingJulia Argunova
This document discusses digital marketing and provides recommendations for developing a digital marketing strategy. It covers trends in declining traditional media spending and growth in digital spending. The document also provides advice on developing strategies for owned, bought, and earned media and integrating digital marketing tactics like search, social media, and analytics into the planning, execution, and optimization of digital campaigns.
This document discusses Metro Cash & Carry Russia's shift from product marketing to customer marketing. It outlines Metro's target group management strategy of creating individual business solutions for key customer groups like HoReCa, retail stores, offices, and services. The key components of these business solutions include customer segmentation and priorities, assortment building, pricing policies, and additional services. Communication approaches like mailings, catalogs, expos, and customer centers are also mentioned.
Because of parity and the increasing di鍖culty in growth through advertising
Thursday, October 20, 11
4. innovation generally refers to the
creation of better or more e鍖ective
products, processes, technologies, or ideas that are
accepted by markets and society.
Thursday, October 20, 11
5. Innovation is not invention and does not always have to have a focus on the new
but it should have a focus on better. Innovation can be marginal or radical. It
can play a role in any part of the organization and brand o鍖er.
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6. Principles of cultural innovation are: understanding culture, embracing
collaboration and open idea exchange and not losing the concept when going to
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def: the conditions and circumstances that are relevant to
an event, fact, etc.
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8. When much of innovation initiatives fail, how do you get people to embrace your
ideas. A good starting point is understanding culture.
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9. Cultural & social observation
as the starting point for
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10. people will more easily convey through
behavior and conversations the ideas
that they are ready then when they are
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11. life does not happen here
Thursday, October 20, 11
14. "It's really hard to design products by
focus groups. A lot of times, people
don't know what they want until you
show it to them."
Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek, May 25 1998
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15. ''If you want to understand how a lion hunts,
don't go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.''
Thursday, October 20, 11
16. A collections of signals can point you to new behaviors and therefore new needs and opportunities
because actions speak louder than words and because consumers will give hints as to what they are
missing, what they need and what they want. You just need to look, spot the patterns and identify the
opportunities. When we listen only to our own noise, we miss the signals that culture is sending us.
Thursday, October 20, 11
17. Peoples behavior in various aspects of life rather than product categories can collectively point to a
larger social and cultural movement that can have explicit and implicit implications for brands as well
as inspirations for business. 17
Thursday, October 20, 11
18. observe how people are changing their
behavior in all aspects of life to draw
implications, inspiration and
opportunities for innovation
Thursday, October 20, 11
20. FAQ: What do women really want
Thursday, October 20, 11
1 Investments (47 percent).
2 Cars (47 percent).
3 Banking (46 percent).
4 Life Insurance (44 percent).
5 Physicians (41 percent).
6 Car Insurance (39 percent).
7 Work Clothes (37 percent).
8 Hospitals (36 percent).
9 Personal Computers (34 percent).
10 Lodging (33 percent).
Women globally have an economic power greater than India and China combined. Women account
for over 60% of brand purchases and influence over 80%. 65% of American cars are bought by women
and 60% of women said that they would rather have a tooth pulled than visit a car dealership. Women
count, they need approaches, services, products and messages that are relevant yet they are
Thursday, October 20, 11
22. Cultural insight into women and the implications
for brand and business: example of one trend
Thursday, October 20, 11
23. Women have stopped seeking equality in every sense and have started to enjoy and to a
large extend exploit their femininity and sexuality. Feminine charms and beauty itself
carry significant social and oen economic clout and a shi towards what may seem as
cliche definitions of womanhood can be seen a rational way to seek advantages in a
world that clearly has not been able to place women on an equal footing with men.
Woman are still seeking equal opportunity or sometimes changing the rules of the game
in order to define and capitalize on new opportunities, yet if we did not win the equality
fight, on some level we want some of the old perks of being a girl back.
Thursday, October 20, 11
35. a trend like this has many implications
for new products and services,
packaging, communication and
general brand o鍖er and some brands
really get it right
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is is only the beginning
Thursday, October 20, 11
48. observing in all aspects of life rather
than just category behavior will hint
towards patterns of the ideas and
concepts that people are ready to
Thursday, October 20, 11
49. creative concepts development for
innovation and strategy happen within
predetermined opportunity areas
rather than just a creative exercise
Thursday, October 20, 11
50. there is no silver bullet for successful
innovation but understanding cultural
and social shis gives you a better
starting place
Thursday, October 20, 11
51. if we listen to our own noise, we will
miss the signals that culture is sending
Thursday, October 20, 11