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Thursday, October 20, 11


Thursday, October 20, 11
Because of parity and the increasing di鍖culty in growth through advertising

Thursday, October 20, 11
innovation                      generally refers to the

                 creation of better or more              e鍖ective
                 products, processes, technologies, or   ideas that are
                 accepted     by markets and     society.


Thursday, October 20, 11
Innovation is not invention and does not always have to have a focus on the new
but it should have a focus on better. Innovation can be marginal or radical. It
can play a role in any part of the organization and brand o鍖er.

Thursday, October 20, 11
Principles of cultural innovation are: understanding culture, embracing
collaboration and open idea exchange and not losing the concept when going to
Thursday, October 20, 11

                  def: the conditions and circumstances that are relevant to
                                     an event, fact, etc.


Thursday, October 20, 11
When much of innovation initiatives fail, how do you get people to embrace your
ideas. A good starting point is understanding culture.

Thursday, October 20, 11
Cultural & social observation
                 as the starting point for


Thursday, October 20, 11
people will more easily convey through
                   behavior and conversations the ideas
                   that they are ready then when they are


Thursday, October 20, 11
life does not happen here

Thursday, October 20, 11
it happens here


Thursday, October 20, 11
and here


Thursday, October 20, 11
"It's really hard to design products by
                       focus groups. A lot of times, people
                       don't know what they want until you
                       show it to them."
                       Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek, May 25 1998


Thursday, October 20, 11
''If you want to understand how a lion hunts,
don't go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.''


Thursday, October 20, 11
A collections of signals can point you to new behaviors and therefore new needs and opportunities
because actions speak louder than words and because consumers will give hints as to what they are
missing, what they need and what they want. You just need to look, spot the patterns and identify the
opportunities. When we listen only to our own noise, we miss the signals that culture is sending us.
Thursday, October 20, 11
Peoples behavior in various aspects of life rather than product categories can collectively point to a
larger social and cultural movement that can have explicit and implicit implications for brands as well
as inspirations for business.                        17

Thursday, October 20, 11
observe how people are changing their
                       behavior in all aspects of life to draw
                       implications, inspiration and
                       opportunities for innovation


Thursday, October 20, 11



Thursday, October 20, 11
FAQ: What do women really want

Thursday, October 20, 11
       1 Investments (47 percent).
       2 Cars (47 percent).
       3 Banking (46 percent).
       4 Life Insurance (44 percent).
       5 Physicians (41 percent).
       6 Car Insurance (39 percent).
       7 Work Clothes (37 percent).
       8 Hospitals (36 percent).
       9 Personal Computers (34 percent).
       10 Lodging (33 percent).

Women globally have an economic power greater than India and China combined. Women account
for over 60% of brand purchases and influence over 80%. 65% of American cars are bought by women
and 60% of women said that they would rather have a tooth pulled than visit a car dealership. Women
count, they need approaches, services, products and messages that are relevant yet they are
Thursday, October 20, 11
Cultural insight into women and the implications
for brand and business: example of one trend
Thursday, October 20, 11
Women have stopped seeking equality in every sense and have started to enjoy and to a
           large extend exploit their femininity and sexuality. Feminine charms and beauty itself
           carry significant social and oen economic clout and a shi towards what may seem as
           cliche definitions of womanhood can be seen a rational way to seek advantages in a
           world that clearly has not been able to place women on an equal footing with men.
           Woman are still seeking equal opportunity or sometimes changing the rules of the game
           in order to define and capitalize on new opportunities, yet if we did not win the equality
           fight, on some level we want some of the old perks of being a girl back.

Thursday, October 20, 11
Princess Behavior & Hyper-femininity

Thursday, October 20, 11
Trends in home decoration

Thursday, October 20, 11
Leisure and entertainment

Thursday, October 20, 11
Motherhood and child rearing

Thursday, October 20, 11
Work and career

Thursday, October 20, 11
Business and entrepreneurship

Thursday, October 20, 11
Success and earning

Thursday, October 20, 11
Clothing consumption

Thursday, October 20, 11
Opinions and advice

Thursday, October 20, 11
Mass media

Thursday, October 20, 11
Gender roles and expectations

Thursday, October 20, 11
a trend like this has many implications
                       for new products and services,
                       packaging, communication and
                       general brand o鍖er and some brands
                       really get it right


Thursday, October 20, 11
Glamorizing technology

Thursday, October 20, 11
Luxury womens panties by curated
subscription: Panty By Post

Glamorous convenience

Thursday, October 20, 11
Pink and cute beer

Thursday, October 20, 11
Old world clothing lines

Thursday, October 20, 11
e end of political correctness

Thursday, October 20, 11
From Poison to posh

Thursday, October 20, 11
3 other emerging behavioral patterns

Thursday, October 20, 11
Innovation in customer touch points

Thursday, October 20, 11
Defining the bank of the future

Thursday, October 20, 11
Fitness bike 3.0

Thursday, October 20, 11
What a girl needs

Thursday, October 20, 11

                            is is only the beginning


Thursday, October 20, 11
observing in all aspects of life rather
                       than just category behavior will hint
                       towards patterns of the ideas and
                       concepts that people are ready to


Thursday, October 20, 11
creative concepts development for
                       innovation and strategy happen within
                       predetermined opportunity areas
                       rather than just a creative exercise


Thursday, October 20, 11
there is no silver bullet for successful
                       innovation but understanding cultural
                       and social shis gives you a better
                       starting place


Thursday, October 20, 11
if we listen to our own noise, we will
                       miss the signals that culture is sending


Thursday, October 20, 11
ank you


Thursday, October 20, 11

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Bakas 111031055432-phpapp01

  • 2. INNOVATION 2 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 3. WHY IS INNOVATION SUCH A BUZZ WORD THESE DAYS? Because of parity and the increasing di鍖culty in growth through advertising 3 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 4. innovation generally refers to the creation of better or more e鍖ective products, processes, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets and society. 4 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 5. Innovation is not invention and does not always have to have a focus on the new but it should have a focus on better. Innovation can be marginal or radical. It can play a role in any part of the organization and brand o鍖er. 5 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 6. Principles of cultural innovation are: understanding culture, embracing collaboration and open idea exchange and not losing the concept when going to 6 market. Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 7. CONTEXT def: the conditions and circumstances that are relevant to an event, fact, etc. 7 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 8. When much of innovation initiatives fail, how do you get people to embrace your ideas. A good starting point is understanding culture. 8 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 9. Cultural & social observation as the starting point for innovation 9 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 10. people will more easily convey through behavior and conversations the ideas that they are ready then when they are asked 10 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 11. life does not happen here 11 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 12. it happens here 12 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 13. and here 13 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 14. "It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them." Steve Jobs, BusinessWeek, May 25 1998 14 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 15. ''If you want to understand how a lion hunts, don't go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.'' 15 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 16. A collections of signals can point you to new behaviors and therefore new needs and opportunities because actions speak louder than words and because consumers will give hints as to what they are missing, what they need and what they want. You just need to look, spot the patterns and identify the 16 opportunities. When we listen only to our own noise, we miss the signals that culture is sending us. Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 17. Peoples behavior in various aspects of life rather than product categories can collectively point to a larger social and cultural movement that can have explicit and implicit implications for brands as well as inspirations for business. 17 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 18. observe how people are changing their behavior in all aspects of life to draw implications, inspiration and opportunities for innovation 18 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 19. SOME PRACTICAL EXAMPLES Navigating-Venus.com 19 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 20. FAQ: What do women really want 20 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 21. INDUSTRIES WHERE WOMEN ARE MISUNDERSTOOD 1 Investments (47 percent). 2 Cars (47 percent). 3 Banking (46 percent). 4 Life Insurance (44 percent). 5 Physicians (41 percent). 6 Car Insurance (39 percent). 7 Work Clothes (37 percent). 8 Hospitals (36 percent). 9 Personal Computers (34 percent). 10 Lodging (33 percent). Women globally have an economic power greater than India and China combined. Women account for over 60% of brand purchases and influence over 80%. 65% of American cars are bought by women and 60% of women said that they would rather have a tooth pulled than visit a car dealership. Women count, they need approaches, services, products and messages that are relevant yet they are 21 misunderstood Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 22. Cultural insight into women and the implications for brand and business: example of one trend Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 23. Women have stopped seeking equality in every sense and have started to enjoy and to a large extend exploit their femininity and sexuality. Feminine charms and beauty itself carry significant social and oen economic clout and a shi towards what may seem as cliche definitions of womanhood can be seen a rational way to seek advantages in a world that clearly has not been able to place women on an equal footing with men. Woman are still seeking equal opportunity or sometimes changing the rules of the game in order to define and capitalize on new opportunities, yet if we did not win the equality fight, on some level we want some of the old perks of being a girl back. Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 24. Princess Behavior & Hyper-femininity Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 25. Trends in home decoration Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 27. Motherhood and child rearing Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 28. Work and career Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 34. Gender roles and expectations Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 35. a trend like this has many implications for new products and services, packaging, communication and general brand o鍖er and some brands really get it right 35 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 36. Glamorizing technology 36 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 37. Luxury womens panties by curated subscription: Panty By Post Glamorous convenience 37 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 38. Pink and cute beer 38 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 39. Old world clothing lines 39 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 40. e end of political correctness 40 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 41. From Poison to posh 41 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 42. 3 other emerging behavioral patterns Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 43. Innovation in customer touch points Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 44. Defining the bank of the future Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 45. Fitness bike 3.0 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 46. What a girl needs Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 47. IN CONCLUSION is is only the beginning 47 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 48. observing in all aspects of life rather than just category behavior will hint towards patterns of the ideas and concepts that people are ready to embrace 48 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 49. creative concepts development for innovation and strategy happen within predetermined opportunity areas rather than just a creative exercise 49 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 50. there is no silver bullet for successful innovation but understanding cultural and social shis gives you a better starting place 50 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 51. if we listen to our own noise, we will miss the signals that culture is sending us 51 Thursday, October 20, 11
  • 52. ank you 52 Thursday, October 20, 11