Carsten Beck - Future Forum 2013Friuli Future ForumThe document discusses new ways of learning and working that are needed due to increasing changes, challenges, and new technologies. It notes the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (CIFS) was founded in 1970 as a private nonprofit think tank that researches economic, political, and social trends. CIFS has 15 employees and 50 member companies across Europe. The document outlines why looking to the future is important for navigating increased competition and challenges. It then discusses trends shaping the future like digitalization, networks, and new generations and their impact on education, businesses, individuals, and work.
Future Forum 2013 - Norman Longworth, Learning CityFriuli Future ForumCities are the engines of economic growth, social mobility, and cultural exchange. As more people live in cities, cities must grow and adapt to changing needs, or they will decline. A learning city embraces lifelong learning to empower individuals, foster social cohesion, and drive sustainable economic prosperity. It builds major blocks like vibrant community learning, effective workplace learning, and modern learning technologies. These support wider benefits of individual growth, environmental stewardship, and economic competitiveness. A learning city cultivates conditions for learning through collaborative leadership and resource commitment.
Future Forum 2013 - Dilip RahulanFriuli Future ForumThis document discusses the need for smarter cities and outlines three key aspects of transforming cities from dumb to smart: 1) Instrumenting by measuring and sensing everything, 2) Interconnecting people, systems and objects, and 3) Being intelligent by responding quickly and optimizing for the future. It notes issues like traffic congestion costing billions annually and wasted electricity. Smart cities that collect and share data can help address challenges like ensuring access to water. Information technology is key to sustainability and economic growth. The document highlights Pacific Controls' green building and cloud services projects in Dubai as an example of sustainable entrepreneurship.
Gruppo Next 14 antonellabrugnolapresentazione del Gruppo Next14 - agenzia italiana con sede a Milano, leader nelle marketing technologies: aiutiamo le aziende ad emergere dalla confusione di fondo e a prevedere il comportamento dei consumatori attraverso strategie e soluzioni che uniscono dati e creatività, fisico e digitale.
Digital Marketing Internazionale con le News Digitali: SMAU 2017 Giulio GargiulloWeb Marketing internazionale per vendere in Russia e nel mondo con le news digitali: workshop di Giulio Gargiullo a SMAU 2017, Milano.
Big Data e AI nel FintechLucaBonamigoUn approfondimento legato allo sfruttamento dei Big Data e dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nel settore Fintech e Insurtech, con un breve focus su Braino: un AI investment coach di un'azienda milanese.
Elementi Chiave Per Internazionalizzarsi Con SuccessoczanaboniPresentazione di Carlo Zanaboni al convegno “INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE DELLE IMPRESE: Un calcio alla crisi” organizzato da SBG e BEDA presso il CENTRO SVIZZERO di Milano
BIG DATA ED ANALYTICS A SERVIZIO DELLA STRATEGIA DI WEB MARKETINGMarcoBerrino1Gli strumenti big data e analytics sono un mezzo importante a supporto per la definizione e gestione dell’ attivita’ di digital & web marketing, sviluppare strategie e fornire soluzioni efficaci a raggiungere gli obiettivi di business del cliente.
Questa è la nostra presentazione a Connext Genova - Fabbrica Intelligente, 14 ottobre 2019
2019 02 21_Artificial_Intelligence_Fintech_DistrictMarco BelmondoPresentazione di Marco Belmondo (Chief marketing Officer di Datrix | AI applications, Finscience | investment AI, 3rdPlace | user & customer AI), tenuta il 21.02.2019 all'evento Silicon Drinkabout presso il Fintech District. Macroscenario sull'intelligenza Artificiale, valore e casi pratici di utilizzo in Finanza degli Alternativa Data.
Innovazione digitale e i chatbot 2017Paolo MontrasioMulticanalità e Chatbot, un binomio sostenibile per una PMI? di Antonio de Nardis, esperto di web marketing, Docente Digital Transformation & Innovation - IULM - Il Sole 24 Ore - Università Cattolica. Dall'analisi degli obiettivi, degli impatti organizzativi alle soluzioni di operation.
Palestra professioni digitali: Principi di imprenditorialitàDanilo MazzaraDeck presented to "Palestre delle Professioni Digitali": Program to boost digital skills.
Intervista a Gianluca Mapelli_AboutPharma Marzo 2020Revorg - Soluzioni e Servizi per il Life SciencesIntervista di lancio della campagna 2020 su AboutPhama:
“Automazione digitale nella gestione dei processi
Future Forum 2013 - Norman Longworth Friuli Future ForumThe document outlines 15 roles that local governments can take to help create a learning city. These include leading a task force to implement a learning city strategy, organizing lifelong learning courses for professionals, commissioning studies on learning policies and progress, activating a learner's charter that establishes citizens' right to learning, and legislating a business strategy for implementing lifelong learning. The roles aim to promote learning as a desirable activity, encourage active citizenship through sharing knowledge, and transform the city into a prosperous learning entity.
Gruppo Next 14 antonellabrugnolapresentazione del Gruppo Next14 - agenzia italiana con sede a Milano, leader nelle marketing technologies: aiutiamo le aziende ad emergere dalla confusione di fondo e a prevedere il comportamento dei consumatori attraverso strategie e soluzioni che uniscono dati e creatività, fisico e digitale.
Digital Marketing Internazionale con le News Digitali: SMAU 2017 Giulio GargiulloWeb Marketing internazionale per vendere in Russia e nel mondo con le news digitali: workshop di Giulio Gargiullo a SMAU 2017, Milano.
Big Data e AI nel FintechLucaBonamigoUn approfondimento legato allo sfruttamento dei Big Data e dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nel settore Fintech e Insurtech, con un breve focus su Braino: un AI investment coach di un'azienda milanese.
Elementi Chiave Per Internazionalizzarsi Con SuccessoczanaboniPresentazione di Carlo Zanaboni al convegno “INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE DELLE IMPRESE: Un calcio alla crisi” organizzato da SBG e BEDA presso il CENTRO SVIZZERO di Milano
BIG DATA ED ANALYTICS A SERVIZIO DELLA STRATEGIA DI WEB MARKETINGMarcoBerrino1Gli strumenti big data e analytics sono un mezzo importante a supporto per la definizione e gestione dell’ attivita’ di digital & web marketing, sviluppare strategie e fornire soluzioni efficaci a raggiungere gli obiettivi di business del cliente.
Questa è la nostra presentazione a Connext Genova - Fabbrica Intelligente, 14 ottobre 2019
2019 02 21_Artificial_Intelligence_Fintech_DistrictMarco BelmondoPresentazione di Marco Belmondo (Chief marketing Officer di Datrix | AI applications, Finscience | investment AI, 3rdPlace | user & customer AI), tenuta il 21.02.2019 all'evento Silicon Drinkabout presso il Fintech District. Macroscenario sull'intelligenza Artificiale, valore e casi pratici di utilizzo in Finanza degli Alternativa Data.
Innovazione digitale e i chatbot 2017Paolo MontrasioMulticanalità e Chatbot, un binomio sostenibile per una PMI? di Antonio de Nardis, esperto di web marketing, Docente Digital Transformation & Innovation - IULM - Il Sole 24 Ore - Università Cattolica. Dall'analisi degli obiettivi, degli impatti organizzativi alle soluzioni di operation.
Palestra professioni digitali: Principi di imprenditorialitàDanilo MazzaraDeck presented to "Palestre delle Professioni Digitali": Program to boost digital skills.
Intervista a Gianluca Mapelli_AboutPharma Marzo 2020Revorg - Soluzioni e Servizi per il Life SciencesIntervista di lancio della campagna 2020 su AboutPhama:
“Automazione digitale nella gestione dei processi
Future Forum 2013 - Norman Longworth Friuli Future ForumThe document outlines 15 roles that local governments can take to help create a learning city. These include leading a task force to implement a learning city strategy, organizing lifelong learning courses for professionals, commissioning studies on learning policies and progress, activating a learner's charter that establishes citizens' right to learning, and legislating a business strategy for implementing lifelong learning. The roles aim to promote learning as a desirable activity, encourage active citizenship through sharing knowledge, and transform the city into a prosperous learning entity.
Future Forum 2013 - Raffaella RumiatiFriuli Future ForumThis document describes the FoodCast Research Image Database (FRIDa), which includes 877 images in 8 categories related to food and non-food items. The database was validated on 73 healthy participants who rated images on variables like valence, familiarity, and food-specific variables (e.g., perceived calorie content). Visual features of the images like brightness and spatial frequency were also analyzed. The goal was to provide a freely available, validated set of stimuli for researchers studying various aspects of food processing and decision making. FRIDa contains food categories like natural foods, transformed foods, and rotten foods as well as non-food categories to serve as controls.
Future Forum 2013 - Stefano BaroniFriuli Future ForumThe document discusses high-throughput computational materials design. It describes how combining advanced computational methods with large databases and data mining allows scientists to generate and analyze enormous repositories of materials data. This emerging field aims to accelerate the discovery of novel materials through an automated process of virtual materials growth, data storage, and data analysis. Key aspects discussed include thermodynamic and electronic structure calculations, database repositories, and selecting new materials or insights through data characterization and analysis.
Brinda dalal 29.11_okFriuli Future ForumThe document discusses 3 big shifts that are changing the future: 1) Making and manufacturing is shifting from physical to digital with the rise of 3D printing and digital fabrication. 2) Education is shifting from episodic learning to continuous learning through new methods like lifelong learning and personalized education. 3) Work is shifting from traditional jobs to temporary, on-demand "gigs" found through online platforms like crowdsourcing and the sharing economy.
Future Forum 2013 - Kurt SchmidingerFriuli Future ForumThe document discusses the global consequences of livestock production and meat consumption. It addresses the major impacts on the environment (including climate change), world nutrition and hunger, animal welfare, and human health. Regarding the environment, livestock accounts for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is a key driver of deforestation, water pollution from manure, and inefficient use of land and resources. Around a third of global grain harvest is used for livestock feed rather than direct human consumption. Alternatives to animal products that could help address these issues are also presented.
Future Forum 2013 > Claudio CipolliniFriuli Future ForumThe document discusses cities and urban forests, describing them as complex, shared, and personal. It focuses on the transition from cities to urban forests. The author is Claudio Cipollini.
Future Forum 2013 - Debra MountfordFriuli Future ForumThe document discusses strategies for local economic growth in challenging times. It outlines lessons learned about growth strategies, investment tools, economic leadership, and the changing roles of national governments and the private sector. Specifically, it recommends more strategic cluster development, clearer university research support, and expanding global market reach. Public investment tools include skills funding while private tools include tax incentives and business zones. Stronger regional coordination and private sector engagement are also advocated.
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