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Although a relatively young discipline,
English Applied Linguistics has made great
strides in the last few decades, with new                                                                              Facolt di Lettere e Filosofia
areas of enquiry acquiring prominence,             http://www.istruzione.lombardia.it/iscrizioni/                Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e
such as Second Language Acquisition and            0809apr10/index.php                                               Letterature Straniere Comparate
Corpus Linguistics. Many of the findings           N.B.: Due to space constraints, attendance must be
from recent research in these areas carry          limited to around 100 participants. Early registration is
important implications for the learning and        strongly advised.
the teaching of English as a foreign
language. The aim of this two-day event,
organized by the English linguistics section
of the Department of Language Studies and
Compared      Literature, Universit degli
Studi di Milano, is to provide a forum for
researchers and teachers to illustrate and
discuss what recent research in English
Applied Linguistics has to say for the
learning and teaching of English. Three            In collaboration with:
main areas of research will be explored in
the conference: Second Language Acquisi-           Scuola Interuniversitaria Lombarda di
tion, Corpus Linguistics and Language              Specializzazione per lInsegnamento
Teaching.                                          Secondario (SILSIS-MI, Universit
                                                   degli Studi di Milano)
                                                                                                               Learning and teaching English:
Scientific Committee: Giovanni Iamartino, Andrea
Nava, Luciana Pedrazzini, Laura Pinnavaia and                                                                  what the research in English
Maria Cecilia Rizzardi.                                                                                        Applied Linguistics has to say
Organization and Information
Giovanni Iamartino, giovanni.iamartino@unimi.it                                                                Milan, 8-9 April 2010
Luciana Pedrazzini, luciana.pedrazzini@unimi.it                                                                Sala Napoleonica, Via S. Antonio 10,
Andrea Nava,        andrea.nava@unimi.it
                                                   Area multilinguismo e internazionalizzazione                Aula Crociera Alta, Via Festa del Perdono 7
                                                                                                                            Tel.: 555-555 5555
8 April 2010                                         9 April 2010                                       9 April 2010
           Sala Napoleonica                                   Aula Crociera Alta                                Aula Crociera Alta

14.30-15.00                                      9.00-12.00                                             14.00- 17.00
Welcome and Conference opening
                                                 Corpus Linguistics Research                            Language Teaching Research
Emilia Perassi (Head of Department,
University of Milan)                             Chair: Giovanni Iamartino (University of Milan)        Chair: Gisella Lang辿 (Inspector, Ministry of
                                                                                                        Education, Lombardy Education Authority)
Giovanni Iamartino (Director of SILSIS-MI,
University of Milan)                              Maria Teresa Prat Zagrebelsky
                                                 (University of Turin)                                   Maria Cecilia Rizzardi (University of Milan)
                                                 Using corpora to explore language and learner
Second Language Acquisition Research                                                                    The Council of Europes Common European
                                                 language                                               Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Chair: Gianfranco Porcelli                                                                              and its implications for the Italian language
(Emeritus Professor of English Linguistics)
                                                  Laura Pinnavaia (University of Milan)
                                                                                                         Carmel Mary Coonan (University of Venice)
 Diane Larsen Freeman                           Learning idioms with corpora: the case of food and
                                                 drink                                                  Language issues in the CLIL classroom: focus on
(English Language Institute,                                                                            the pupils
University of Michigan)
A New Theory of SLA: Emergentism                  Barbara Berti (University of Milan)                   Luciano Mariani
 Paola Giunchi                                  Bilingual dictionaries as a source of collocations?    (Teacher trainer and writer, Milan)
(University of Rome La Sapienza)               The evidence from three English-Italian dictionaries   Researching learners and teachers beliefs and
Imitation and the Second Language
Acquisition System
                                                  Julia Harrison (Cambridge University Press)           Katalin Dor坦,
 Miroslaw Pawlak
                                                 The English Profile Programme: building a corpus for   (University of Szeged, Hungary)
(University Adam Mickiewicz, Poland)
                                                 English Profile research                               The importance of vocabulary teaching for
Researching grammar learning strategies:
                                                                                                        advanced English learners
State of the art
 Andrea Nava and Luciana Pedrazzini
(University of Milan)                                                                                          Discussion and conference closing
SLA in action: an experiential approach to
raising Italian EFL teachers awareness of SLA

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Conference Mi 8 9 April 2010

  • 1. Although a relatively young discipline, English Applied Linguistics has made great Registration: strides in the last few decades, with new Facolt di Lettere e Filosofia areas of enquiry acquiring prominence, http://www.istruzione.lombardia.it/iscrizioni/ Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e such as Second Language Acquisition and 0809apr10/index.php Letterature Straniere Comparate Corpus Linguistics. Many of the findings N.B.: Due to space constraints, attendance must be from recent research in these areas carry limited to around 100 participants. Early registration is important implications for the learning and strongly advised. Conference the teaching of English as a foreign language. The aim of this two-day event, organized by the English linguistics section of the Department of Language Studies and Compared Literature, Universit degli Studi di Milano, is to provide a forum for researchers and teachers to illustrate and discuss what recent research in English Applied Linguistics has to say for the learning and teaching of English. Three In collaboration with: main areas of research will be explored in the conference: Second Language Acquisi- Scuola Interuniversitaria Lombarda di tion, Corpus Linguistics and Language Specializzazione per lInsegnamento Teaching. Secondario (SILSIS-MI, Universit degli Studi di Milano) Learning and teaching English: Scientific Committee: Giovanni Iamartino, Andrea Nava, Luciana Pedrazzini, Laura Pinnavaia and what the research in English Maria Cecilia Rizzardi. Applied Linguistics has to say Organization and Information Giovanni Iamartino, giovanni.iamartino@unimi.it Milan, 8-9 April 2010 Luciana Pedrazzini, luciana.pedrazzini@unimi.it Sala Napoleonica, Via S. Antonio 10, Andrea Nava, andrea.nava@unimi.it Area multilinguismo e internazionalizzazione Aula Crociera Alta, Via Festa del Perdono 7 Tel.: 555-555 5555
  • 2. 8 April 2010 9 April 2010 9 April 2010 Sala Napoleonica Aula Crociera Alta Aula Crociera Alta 14.30-15.00 9.00-12.00 14.00- 17.00 Welcome and Conference opening Corpus Linguistics Research Language Teaching Research Emilia Perassi (Head of Department, University of Milan) Chair: Giovanni Iamartino (University of Milan) Chair: Gisella Lang辿 (Inspector, Ministry of Education, Lombardy Education Authority) Giovanni Iamartino (Director of SILSIS-MI, University of Milan) Maria Teresa Prat Zagrebelsky (University of Turin) Maria Cecilia Rizzardi (University of Milan) 15.00-18.00 Using corpora to explore language and learner Second Language Acquisition Research The Council of Europes Common European language Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Chair: Gianfranco Porcelli and its implications for the Italian language teacher (Emeritus Professor of English Linguistics) Laura Pinnavaia (University of Milan) Carmel Mary Coonan (University of Venice) Diane Larsen Freeman Learning idioms with corpora: the case of food and drink Language issues in the CLIL classroom: focus on (English Language Institute, the pupils University of Michigan) A New Theory of SLA: Emergentism Barbara Berti (University of Milan) Luciano Mariani Paola Giunchi Bilingual dictionaries as a source of collocations? (Teacher trainer and writer, Milan) (University of Rome La Sapienza) The evidence from three English-Italian dictionaries Researching learners and teachers beliefs and attitudes Imitation and the Second Language Acquisition System Julia Harrison (Cambridge University Press) Katalin Dor坦, Miroslaw Pawlak The English Profile Programme: building a corpus for (University of Szeged, Hungary) (University Adam Mickiewicz, Poland) English Profile research The importance of vocabulary teaching for Researching grammar learning strategies: advanced English learners State of the art Andrea Nava and Luciana Pedrazzini Discussion (University of Milan) Discussion and conference closing SLA in action: an experiential approach to raising Italian EFL teachers awareness of SLA research Discussion