Un breve racconto natalizio, scritto anche con l'intento di porre all'attenzione di chi vorr leggerlo il tema della Responsabilit Sociale d'Impresa. Grazie a tutti coloro che vorranno leggerlo, ed un grazie speciale a Valeria Cafagna che ha commentato il testo con i suoi delicati, poetici disegni. Auguri di Buon Natale ed un Felice 2016 a tutti!
E' una sera come tante in un bar come tanti della Valle Bormida, ma Luchi e Striche stanno per scoprire il segreto che sta all'origine della vodka alla menta e perch辿 questa sia chiamata "collutorio"...
This document provides instructions for how to taste wine by first decoding the label to understand the producer, vintage, variety, and region. It then guides the reader in examining the wine's color and texture by sight, identifying aromas by smell, and describing flavors, sweetness, and textures experienced during tasting. The goal is to thoughtfully analyze the wine's characteristics using sight, smell, and taste.
Wine tastings can be fun and social affairs, but people are often put off by not knowing how a tasting is performed, what to look for and are too afraid to ask. Wineware has put together a quick and simple guide so that you can confidently take part in a wine tasting, start increasing your knowledge and experience of wines, and enjoy the taste, texture and smell of a wine to its full.
To learn about wine characteristics, one should taste wines blindfolded without knowing details to avoid bias. The document provides instructions for organizing wine tasting events including selecting 9 other tasters, choosing a location, creating a tasting theme, selecting 9 wines that align with the theme, setting up the space with glasses and supplies, and conducting a guided tasting where participants smell, taste and discuss each wine before learning its identity. The goal is to objectively identify characteristics of different grapes, regions, styles through repeated blind tastings.
The document provides steps for properly serving wines. It recommends serving sparkling wines between 6-8属C, white wines 8-12属C, ros辿 wines 9-12属C, and red wines 16-18属C. For both white and red wines, the steps include presenting the bottle to the host, removing the foil, opening with a corkscrew, wiping the neck, removing the cork, pouring a taste for the host's approval, and then pouring clockwise starting with ladies filling glasses to 2/3 for white and 1/2 for red.
A great way to deepen your knowledge of wine, at your own paste. Introduction to wine will help you get aquatinted with grape varietals and helpful hints to remember when taste wine.
The document discusses the basics of wine, including its definition as an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice. It then covers the different types of grapes and wines, such as red, white, rose, sparkling, dessert, and fortified. Specific grape varieties used to make different styles of wine are highlighted, like Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Riesling. The document also briefly discusses the winemaking process and basic rules for food and wine pairings.
This document outlines the proper 14-step process for wine service, including presenting the bottle to the host, removing any foil or wax, uncorking the bottle using a corkscrew, presenting the cork for evaluation, wiping the bottle mouth, pouring a taste for the host's approval, serving wine starting with ladies and gentlemen before the host, and finishing pouring with an upward twisting motion to avoid drips before placing the bottle on the host's right side with the label facing him.
The document discusses wine knowledge and service. It defines wine as the product of fermenting fresh grapes or grape must. Fermentation occurs when yeast feeds on sugars in grapes, converting them to alcohol and carbon dioxide. There are several types of wines categorized by alcohol content and production methods, including still, sparkling, and fortified wines. Wine is also classified by color, sweetness level, and place of origin. Proper wine service involves presenting the bottle, uncorking, pouring, and evaluating factors like aroma, flavor, body, and quality.
The document outlines the 5 key steps in the wine making process: 1) harvesting grapes, 2) crushing and pressing grapes to extract juice, 3) fermenting the juice into wine, 4) clarifying the wine by removing solids, and 5) aging and bottling the finished wine.
The document provides information on wine tasting and service. It discusses appropriate serving temperatures for different wine varieties and styles. Specific grape varieties and regions are highlighted for white, ros辿, sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Sensory evaluation techniques for wine tasting are explained, including the natural tasting sequence of sight, smell, and taste. Key components of wine such as aroma, bouquet, acidity, sugar and balance are defined.
E' una sera come tante in un bar come tanti della Valle Bormida, ma Luchi e Striche stanno per scoprire il segreto che sta all'origine della vodka alla menta e perch辿 questa sia chiamata "collutorio"...
This document provides instructions for how to taste wine by first decoding the label to understand the producer, vintage, variety, and region. It then guides the reader in examining the wine's color and texture by sight, identifying aromas by smell, and describing flavors, sweetness, and textures experienced during tasting. The goal is to thoughtfully analyze the wine's characteristics using sight, smell, and taste.
Wine tastings can be fun and social affairs, but people are often put off by not knowing how a tasting is performed, what to look for and are too afraid to ask. Wineware has put together a quick and simple guide so that you can confidently take part in a wine tasting, start increasing your knowledge and experience of wines, and enjoy the taste, texture and smell of a wine to its full.
To learn about wine characteristics, one should taste wines blindfolded without knowing details to avoid bias. The document provides instructions for organizing wine tasting events including selecting 9 other tasters, choosing a location, creating a tasting theme, selecting 9 wines that align with the theme, setting up the space with glasses and supplies, and conducting a guided tasting where participants smell, taste and discuss each wine before learning its identity. The goal is to objectively identify characteristics of different grapes, regions, styles through repeated blind tastings.
The document provides steps for properly serving wines. It recommends serving sparkling wines between 6-8属C, white wines 8-12属C, ros辿 wines 9-12属C, and red wines 16-18属C. For both white and red wines, the steps include presenting the bottle to the host, removing the foil, opening with a corkscrew, wiping the neck, removing the cork, pouring a taste for the host's approval, and then pouring clockwise starting with ladies filling glasses to 2/3 for white and 1/2 for red.
A great way to deepen your knowledge of wine, at your own paste. Introduction to wine will help you get aquatinted with grape varietals and helpful hints to remember when taste wine.
The document discusses the basics of wine, including its definition as an alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice. It then covers the different types of grapes and wines, such as red, white, rose, sparkling, dessert, and fortified. Specific grape varieties used to make different styles of wine are highlighted, like Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and Riesling. The document also briefly discusses the winemaking process and basic rules for food and wine pairings.
This document outlines the proper 14-step process for wine service, including presenting the bottle to the host, removing any foil or wax, uncorking the bottle using a corkscrew, presenting the cork for evaluation, wiping the bottle mouth, pouring a taste for the host's approval, serving wine starting with ladies and gentlemen before the host, and finishing pouring with an upward twisting motion to avoid drips before placing the bottle on the host's right side with the label facing him.
The document discusses wine knowledge and service. It defines wine as the product of fermenting fresh grapes or grape must. Fermentation occurs when yeast feeds on sugars in grapes, converting them to alcohol and carbon dioxide. There are several types of wines categorized by alcohol content and production methods, including still, sparkling, and fortified wines. Wine is also classified by color, sweetness level, and place of origin. Proper wine service involves presenting the bottle, uncorking, pouring, and evaluating factors like aroma, flavor, body, and quality.
The document outlines the 5 key steps in the wine making process: 1) harvesting grapes, 2) crushing and pressing grapes to extract juice, 3) fermenting the juice into wine, 4) clarifying the wine by removing solids, and 5) aging and bottling the finished wine.
The document provides information on wine tasting and service. It discusses appropriate serving temperatures for different wine varieties and styles. Specific grape varieties and regions are highlighted for white, ros辿, sparkling, fortified and dessert wines. Sensory evaluation techniques for wine tasting are explained, including the natural tasting sequence of sight, smell, and taste. Key components of wine such as aroma, bouquet, acidity, sugar and balance are defined.
Progetto per la creazione di una strategia di marketing legata alla realizzazione di un network per le cantine vitivinicole del Rosso Conero.
Un progetto firmato dall'agenzia di marketing e Comunicazione di Ancona Tangherlini. www.tangherlini.it
Verso - Bimensile di turismo culturale
Progetto editoriale realizzato durante il corso di Digital Graphics allo IED di Milano.
L'editoriale propone un itinerario di viaggio da seguire all'interno di un'unica localit.
1. A personal learning environment (PLE) is a concept that allows learners greater control over their learning experience through the aggregation of single-functionality tools like blogs and Web 2.0 technologies used for working, learning, reflection, and collaboration.
2. PLEs provide support for learners to set goals, manage both content and process, and communicate with others during learning. They integrate formal and informal learning through social networks that cross institutional boundaries and connect resources through networking protocols.
3. PLEs move from a single expert voice or tool by not pre-weighing any knowledge source and allowing numerous voices and customized tools to be used for highly personalized learning.
This document provides information about accommodation options near the convention site for the TESOL-Italy National Convention taking place in Rome from November 19-20, 2010. It lists religious guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, hotels of varying star ratings, and details on how to reach the convention center. Attendees are asked to pre-register for the conference by November 5, 2010 and various registration fees are outlined. A program schedule for the two-day event is also provided.
This document provides an overview of presentations at an upcoming conference on English language teaching. It lists over 70 presentation titles organized by topic area such as approaches/methodology/techniques, assessment, content and language integrated learning, culture, educational policies, English as a lingua franca, global English, independent learning, intercultural communication, learner needs, literature, multiculturalism, primary education, teacher education/development, technology in ELT, and more. Each presentation is one to three sentences describing its content and format such as cultural event, demonstration, panel, plenary, poster, talk, or workshop.
This document provides information about seminars being held from April to May 2010 in L'Aquila, Italy on using technology to enhance English language teaching. It lists the dates, times, titles and brief descriptions of four seminars that will discuss using Web 2.0 tools, wikis, and language corpora in the classroom to develop students' communication skills and explore new ways of integrating technology into English language instruction. Teachers are asked to confirm their participation in the seminars by email or fax.
The document summarizes an upcoming two-day conference on recent research in English Applied Linguistics and its implications for teaching English. The conference will explore three main areas of research: Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics, and Language Teaching. On the first day, talks will cover Second Language Acquisition research and Corpus Linguistics research. The second day will focus on Language Teaching research and implications for teaching English based on current research findings. Attendance is limited to around 100 participants, so early registration is advised.
The document summarizes an upcoming two-day conference on recent research in English Applied Linguistics and its implications for teaching English. The conference will explore three main areas of research: Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics, and Language Teaching. On the first day, talks will cover Second Language Acquisition research and Corpus Linguistics research. The second day will focus on Language Teaching research and implications for teaching English based on current research findings. Attendance is limited to around 100 participants, so early registration is advised.
The document summarizes an upcoming two-day conference on recent research in English Applied Linguistics and its implications for teaching English. The conference will explore three main areas of research: Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics, and Language Teaching. On the first day, talks will cover Second Language Acquisition research and Corpus Linguistics research. The second day will focus on Language Teaching research and implications for teaching English based on current research findings. Attendance is limited to around 100 participants, so early registration is advised.
This document provides information about a teacher training event on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) to be held on March 9th, 2010 in Rome, Italy. The event will feature 4 speakers presenting on topics related to using CLIL approaches for teaching English to teenagers. The day-long event will include registration, coffee breaks, and materials exhibitions. Attendees can register by email or fax by March 5th and will receive a certificate of attendance valid for exemption from ministry requirements. The event is free of charge and aims to support teacher professional development. Contact information is provided for those seeking more details.
The document announces an upcoming lecture by Dr. Janet Zadina from Tulane University for TESOL-Italy. In 3 sentences:
Dr. Zadina will present on using brain research to enhance language instruction through a Multiple Pathways Model that goes beyond visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning to utilize multiple pathways in the brain. Attendees will learn about lesser known learning pathways and strategies to reach diverse learners. The lecture will provide an interactive experience focusing on how the brain learns languages and is impacted by stress in post-traumatic situations.
Dr. Janet N. Zadina is an educational neuroscientist who conducts lively presentations for educators on learning processes in the brain. Through interactive presentations using illustrations and simulations, she provides attendees with an understandable introduction to neuroscience research and how it applies to classroom instruction and addressing student learning differences. Participants feel energized about applying new strategies in their teaching to better foster student success and reach all learners.
1. Come, come, good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used; exclaim no more against it. (W. Shakespeare: Othello)There is not the hundredth part of the wine consumed in this kingdom that there ought to be. Our foggy climate wants help. (Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey )When I find someone I respect writing about an edgy, nervous wine that dithered in the glass, I cringe.油 When I hear someone I don't respect talking about an austere, unforgiving wine, I turn a bit austere and unforgiving myself.油 When I come across stuff like that and remember about the figs and bananas, I want to snigger uneasily.油 You can call a wine red, and dry, and strong, and pleasant.油 After that, watch out.... (Kingsley Amis: Everyday Drinking)Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing. (Ernest Hemingway: Death in the Afternoon )1
2. John Keats: The Mermaid TavernSouls of Poets dead and gone, What Elysium have ye known, Happy field or mossy cavern, Choicer than the Mermaid Tavern? Have ye tippled drink more fine Than mine host`s Canary wine? Or are fruits of Paradise Sweeter than those dainty pies Of Venison? O generous food! Drest as though bold Robin Hood Would, with his Maid Marian, Sup and bowse from horn and can. .Souls of Poets dead and gone, What Elysium have ye known Happy field or mossy cavern Choicer than the Mermaid Tavern? 2
3. John Keats: Give women, wine, and snuffGive me women, wine and snuff,Until I cry out "hold, enough!" You may do so sans objection Till the day of resurrection: For, bless my beard, they aye shall be My beloved Trinity.3
4. Le Grane Colli Maceratesi Ribona DOCVitigno: 100% ribona (la ribona o maceratino 竪 un vitigno raro che si coltiva solo nella provincia di Macerata). Vendemmia: inizio settembre, raccolta manuale.Vinificazione: pigiatura soffice e fermentazione in tini di acciaio inox a temperatura controllata per circa 12 giorni; alla fine della prima fermentazione viene aggiunta al mosto uva diraspata intera raccolta leggermente surmatura. Questa seconda rifermentazione, che viene chiamata tradizionalmente fare le grane, dura una ulteriore decina di giorni e permette lestrazione di sostanze e profumi tipici della buccia delluva.Caratteristiche: la particolare tecnica di vinificazione e la rarit del vitigno conferiscono al vino peculiarit uniche. Il colore 竪 paglierino intenso quasi giallo ed in bocca risulta strutturato, pieno ed armonico. Al naso si caratterizza per i profumi particolari di frutti maturi. Si abbina bene alle paste ed ai piatti di pesce della cucina Italiana, non disdegnando sapienti accostamenti con carni bianche o formaggi. 4
5. Youssou ndour: 7 SecondsMusicis a way of life thatisusedtotransmit a messagetothosewho are abletounderstand and appreciateit. By mixing African, Caribbean and pop rhythms, Youssou NDourhasnevertiedhimself down to a single style buthascontinuoulsyevolved, lookingfor the perfectunionbetween the traditionofhisland and contemporarymusic. Wethinkhellintensify the bouquet , the refinedstructure, the fullness and harmonyof the wine aswellas the fragranceof ripe fruit. 5
6. W.B. Yeats: A Drinking Song Wine comes in at the mouthAnd love comes in at the eye;That's all we shall know for truthBefore we grow old and die.I lift the glass to my mouth,I look at you, and I sigh.6
7. W.B.Yeats All Souls Night 油Midnight has come, and the great Christ Church BellAnd may a lesser bell sound through the room;And it is All Souls' Night,And two long glasses brimmed with muscatelBubble upon the table.油油A ghost may come;For it is a ghost's night,His element is so fineBeing sharpened by his death,To drink from the wine-breathWhile our gross palates drink from the whole wine7
8. Saltapicchio Marche SangioveseVitigno: sangiovese 60%, merlot 40%. Vendemmia: fine settembre, inizio ottobre, raccolta manualeVinificazione: dopo una lunga macerazione sulle proprie bucce, matura in barriques nuove o di secondo passaggio per un periodo di 14-16 mesi, quindi viene imbottigliato e conservato per almeno sei mesi in azienda prima di essere immesso al consumo. Caratteristiche: il Saltapicchio si esprime con la finezza e leleganza dei profumi, e con la ricchezza, la morbidezza e la dolcezza dei tannini, esaltando al massimo le caratteristiche di tipicit del Sangiovese delle Marche. Pur preferendo labbinamento classico alle carni rosse, questo vino pu嘆 accompagnare i primi piatti sostanziosi della cucina tradizionale italiana. 8
9. Diana Krall: How Can YouMend a BrokenheartShehas a soft, sensual voice. Herelegant and refined sound allowshertointerpret the classicsof jazz . Diana Krallisperfectforsetting the mood in a sophisticated atmosphere likethatof Sangiovese Saltapicchio, whoserefinement and eleganceisenhanced, aswell the richness and softnessofitstannins.9
10. Emily Dickinson I taste a liquor never brewedI taste a liquor never brewed, From tankards scooped in pearl; Not all the vats upon the Rhine Yield such an alcohol! Inebriate of air am I, And debauchee of dew, Reeling, through endless summer days, From inns of molten blue. When the landlord turn the drunken bee Out of the foxglove's door, When butterflies renounce their drams, I shall but drink the more! Till seraphs swing their snowy hats, And saints to windows run, To see the little tippler Leaning against the sun.10
11. Ben Johnson: To Celia Drink to me only with thine eyesAnd I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup And I'll not look for wine. The thirst that from the soul doth rise Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove's nectar sup, I would not change for thine. I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Not so much honouring thee As giving it a hope that there It could not wither'd be; But thou thereon didst only breathe, And sent'st it back to me; Since when it grows, and smells, I swear, Not of itself but thee!11
12. Rosso PicenoVitigno: montepulciano (50%), sangiovese (50%). Vendemmia: fine settembre per il Sangiovese, seconda met di ottobre per il Montepulciano. Raccolta manuale.Vinificazione: pigia-diraspatura soffice e fermentazione in tini di acciao inox con rimontaggi programmati e frequenti; lunga macerazione del mosto sulle bucce. Affinamento del vino in barriques di rovere francese di secondo e terzo passaggio per 10-12 mesi. Caratteristiche: di colore rubino profondo, questa moderna versione del Rosso Piceno al naso presenta una caratteristica nota speziata con sentori evidenti di vaniglia, cioccolato e piccoli frutti rossi; in bocca i tannini si estendono in una trama cremosa e avvolgente che garantisce un finale piacevole e persistente. Pu嘆 essere facilmente abbinato ai piatti tradizionali tipici del Centro-Italia, come pu嘆 accompagnare le preparazioni della nuova cucina italiana. 12
13. MalikaAyane: Soul WaverHer voice is strong, creamy and compelling. Itfeelslikeblackvelvet and bringsto mind warmfar-awayplaceswherealthoughshedidnotgrow up there, shehashad in her home sinceshewas a child, in the smelloffood and in the coloursofMorocco. Wesuggestaccompanyingitwith the Rosso Piceno ofwhichwe are surewillhighlight the spicyflavourwithunmistakeableclearscentsofvanilla, chocolate and smallredfruit, so that the taninnswilllinger in yourmouthasMalikas soft musicwillremain in your mind.13