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PRESENTATIONS (Some titles are tentative and may be changed in the final program)

                                Ahmed G. A. Teacher leadership: does culture make a difference? TEd/Dev Tk

                                                                                                                                                           ABBREVIATIONS: AREAS: Approaches/Methodology/Techniques (Appr/Meth/Tech) - Assessment (Assess) - Content and Language Integrated Learning/English for Special Purposes (CLIL/ESP) - Culture (Cult) - Educational
                                                                                                                                                           Policies (EdPol) - English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) - Global English (GlobEng) - Independent Learning (IndLrng) - Intercultural Communication (InterCult) - Learner Needs (LN) - Literature (Lit) - Multiculturalism (Multicult)
                                                                                                                                                           - ELT in Primary Education (Prim) - Teacher Education/Development (TEd/Dev) - Use of Technology in ELT (Techn) - TYPES OF PRESENTATION: Cultural Event (CE) - Demonstration (Demo) - Panel Session (PN) - Plenary (PL) -
                                Angelori J. Yoga and meditation: the technology of listening in the classroom TEd/Dev Demo
                                Ariza-Rodriguez E.-Duran P.-Smith E. The magic hat App/Meth/Tech Demo
                                Balirano G. Connecting with e-books Techn Demo
                                Bamber A. How many seconds (!) each hour do students speak? (That is THE question!) Appr/Meth/Tech Demo
                                Beccheroni C.-Biferale N. Trinity & continuity EdPol Wk
                                Bianchini J. Language in motion: teaching with the flow Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Bizim N.M.-Taskin Simsek H.S. Prospering by blogging in an area of Glocal English Techn Demo
                                Branca G. From web 2.0 to corpora  How to foster learning progression Appr/Meth/Tech Tk

                                Broom N.- The mobile generation: friend or foe? Appr/Meth/Tech Demo
                                Brown C. Exploring virtual spaces: using Internet in the classroom Appr/Meth/Tech Demo
                                Cannelli A. So far so near: speaking shortens distances Techn Demo
                                Caruso L. Language to play, language to enjoy, language to learn Appr/Meth/Tech PS
                                Ceruti M.A.-Lopriore L. Sustaining continuity and learner progression through authentic language tasks Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Ciaffaroni M.T. London by W. Blake through the Interactive Whiteboard Techn Wk
                                Cinganotto L.-Cuccurullo D. How to start up an EFL course on moodle Techn Tk

                                Cirami C.-Pegoraro S. Learn the secrets to have success with horses and not only! Appr/Meth/Tech PS
                                Claypole A. Virtual worlds  threat, challenge or opportunity Techn Tk
                                Claypole M. Dynamism and diversity in language teaching Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Clementson T. Were you really having a bath when the phone rang? Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Coxall J. Teaching generation Y Appr/Meth/Tech Wk
                                CRYSTAL D. Flowing in new directions GlobEng PL
                                CRYSTAL D.-FACCHINETTI R.-GRADDOL D.-THORNE S.L. Redesigning ELT by current global issues and e-technology PN
                                DAndrea M.L. Student exchanges in English as a Lingua Franca ELF PS
                                Del Vecchio F. Fostering adult learners language progression for professional development LN Tk
                                Dooley J. Developing communicative competence Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Dowse C. Living English (Snapshots of updated English culture) Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Elizarova G. Globalization: challenges of an English version of the Russian culture Multicult Demo
                                Ellis D.J. Literary investigations  context, gossip and surprise Lit Tk
                                Evans C.-Kelly Calzini M. Switch on to a lexical approach  the key to fluent English Appr/Meth/Tech Wk

                                Filazzola R.-Rudd L.M.-Sportelli V. Innovative methods and materials for early foreign language learning Prim PS
                                Fraser Bowie J. From reader to actor: the classroom as theatre Appr/Meth/Tech Wk
                                Frontoni R.-Uliano A. Favourite love stories from Shakespeare: beautiful poetry, images & music for our students Lit Tk
                                Frontoni R.-Uliano A. Dances for flirting from Shakespeare to Jane Austen Cult CE
                                Garbin L.-Micheletto R.-Reniero R.-Vettorel P. ICC skills in the primary classroom Prim Tk
                                Gora M. Panta Rei. Exploring powerful theatre techniques for EFL teaching TEd/Dev Wk
                                GRADDOL D. To be announced PL
                                Grazzi E. Learners as social networkers via English as a Lingua Franca ELF Tk
                                Hadjiconstantinou P.-Kakouli Constantinou E. Benefits and challenges of using technology in ELT Techn PS
                                Hill R. Learner progression, language assessment: getting both to work together Assess Tk
                                Iuliano F. From images to texts: graphic novels and the teaching of English Lit Tk
 N A T I O N A L

                                Landolfi L. What roles do teachers play in fostering learning? Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Lehner A. The significance of vocabulary for academic university FL students Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Leonardi V. Promoting intercultural communication through CLIL: a university case InterCult Tk
                                Licciardi S. Learning language in the 21st century: the next platform in education Techn Tk
                                Maglione M.G.-Rossani F.-Sironi C. CLILab project: enhancing content/language learning CLIL Tk
                                Maglione P. Fostering teen and young adult learner progression with new media Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Mandoliti A. Using film clips as teaching tools in the ESL classroom Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Mariani L. Researching beliefs and attitudes: a key to learner and teacher progression LN Tk
                                Mayne S. Intercultural communication among high school teens through fiction and film InterCult Tk
                                Messina G. London yutes do grime, innit?: youths language is going multicultural Multicult Wk
                                Morbiducci M. Language flows in Walt Whitmans poetry Lit Tk
 T E S O L - I T A L Y 3 5 th

                                Pagano N. Realizing female diversity in culture and society through literary texts Lit Wk
                                PHILLIPS S. Motivation: what not to do IndLrng PL
                                Phillips S. Being brain friendly in the primary classroom Prim Wk
                                Piaggio L.A. What can teachers do to help improve listening comprehension skills? LN Tk
                                Prodromou L. Good lessons: the role of flow and transformation Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Prodromou L. English as a Lingua Franca: idioms as translingual flows ELF Wk
                                                                                                                                                           Poster Session (PS) - Talk (Tk) - Workshop (Wk).

                                Ranzoli S. Literary studies at a crossroad Lit Tk
                                Robinson I.M. Corpus linguistics as a springboard for creativity Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Rosen C. Promoting intercultural communication on English language exchange websites Multicult Tk
                                Salamoura A.-Saville N. Exemplifying the CEFR: findings from the English Profile programme Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Sciubba M.E. Intercultural awareness through the ethnography of speaking Multicult Tk
                                Sergaeva Y. Shaping the language of the future via the Internet Techn Demo
                                Sportelli V. The Smartie Cookie methodology: FLL via the culinary experience Appr/Meth/Tech Tk
                                Stipe M.-Yasen L. Motivating the digital generation: technology as theme and tool Techn Demo
                                TESOL-Italy Rome Group A creative writing contest LN PS
                                Tezdiker F. Teachers perceptions of improving pronunciation LN Tk
                                THORNE S. Sociable media and language learning Appr/Meth/Tech PL
                                Toffle M.E. Cross-cultural training for teachers and students TEd/Dev Wk
                                Traverso P. Stories: a tool for emotional development and learning Prim Wk
                                Vellucci L.-Avogadro Students From To Kill a Mockingbird to the Civil Rights movement Appr/Meth/Tech PS
                                Vitulano M.P. From chalkface to interface: the impact of the IWB in the classroom CLIL PS
                                White C. Exploiting available resources in teaching ESP at graduate/postgraduate level ESP Tk

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2010 Tesol Italy Convention

  • 1. PRESENTATIONS (Some titles are tentative and may be changed in the final program) Ahmed G. A. Teacher leadership: does culture make a difference? TEd/Dev Tk ABBREVIATIONS: AREAS: Approaches/Methodology/Techniques (Appr/Meth/Tech) - Assessment (Assess) - Content and Language Integrated Learning/English for Special Purposes (CLIL/ESP) - Culture (Cult) - Educational Policies (EdPol) - English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) - Global English (GlobEng) - Independent Learning (IndLrng) - Intercultural Communication (InterCult) - Learner Needs (LN) - Literature (Lit) - Multiculturalism (Multicult) - ELT in Primary Education (Prim) - Teacher Education/Development (TEd/Dev) - Use of Technology in ELT (Techn) - TYPES OF PRESENTATION: Cultural Event (CE) - Demonstration (Demo) - Panel Session (PN) - Plenary (PL) - Angelori J. Yoga and meditation: the technology of listening in the classroom TEd/Dev Demo Ariza-Rodriguez E.-Duran P.-Smith E. The magic hat App/Meth/Tech Demo Balirano G. Connecting with e-books Techn Demo Bamber A. How many seconds (!) each hour do students speak? (That is THE question!) Appr/Meth/Tech Demo Beccheroni C.-Biferale N. Trinity & continuity EdPol Wk Bianchini J. Language in motion: teaching with the flow Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Bizim N.M.-Taskin Simsek H.S. Prospering by blogging in an area of Glocal English Techn Demo Branca G. From web 2.0 to corpora How to foster learning progression Appr/Meth/Tech Tk FLOWS Broom N.- The mobile generation: friend or foe? Appr/Meth/Tech Demo Brown C. Exploring virtual spaces: using Internet in the classroom Appr/Meth/Tech Demo Cannelli A. So far so near: speaking shortens distances Techn Demo Caruso L. Language to play, language to enjoy, language to learn Appr/Meth/Tech PS Ceruti M.A.-Lopriore L. Sustaining continuity and learner progression through authentic language tasks Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Ciaffaroni M.T. London by W. Blake through the Interactive Whiteboard Techn Wk Cinganotto L.-Cuccurullo D. How to start up an EFL course on moodle Techn Tk LANGUAGE Cirami C.-Pegoraro S. Learn the secrets to have success with horses and not only! Appr/Meth/Tech PS Claypole A. Virtual worlds threat, challenge or opportunity Techn Tk Claypole M. Dynamism and diversity in language teaching Appr/Meth/Tech Tk , Clementson T. Were you really having a bath when the phone rang? Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Coxall J. Teaching generation Y Appr/Meth/Tech Wk CRYSTAL D. Flowing in new directions GlobEng PL CRYSTAL D.-FACCHINETTI R.-GRADDOL D.-THORNE S.L. Redesigning ELT by current global issues and e-technology PN DAndrea M.L. Student exchanges in English as a Lingua Franca ELF PS Del Vecchio F. Fostering adult learners language progression for professional development LN Tk Dooley J. Developing communicative competence Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Dowse C. Living English (Snapshots of updated English culture) Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Elizarova G. Globalization: challenges of an English version of the Russian culture Multicult Demo Ellis D.J. Literary investigations context, gossip and surprise Lit Tk Evans C.-Kelly Calzini M. Switch on to a lexical approach the key to fluent English Appr/Meth/Tech Wk CONVENTION Filazzola R.-Rudd L.M.-Sportelli V. Innovative methods and materials for early foreign language learning Prim PS Fraser Bowie J. From reader to actor: the classroom as theatre Appr/Meth/Tech Wk Frontoni R.-Uliano A. Favourite love stories from Shakespeare: beautiful poetry, images & music for our students Lit Tk Frontoni R.-Uliano A. Dances for flirting from Shakespeare to Jane Austen Cult CE Garbin L.-Micheletto R.-Reniero R.-Vettorel P. ICC skills in the primary classroom Prim Tk Gora M. Panta Rei. Exploring powerful theatre techniques for EFL teaching TEd/Dev Wk GRADDOL D. To be announced PL Grazzi E. Learners as social networkers via English as a Lingua Franca ELF Tk Hadjiconstantinou P.-Kakouli Constantinou E. Benefits and challenges of using technology in ELT Techn PS Hill R. Learner progression, language assessment: getting both to work together Assess Tk Iuliano F. From images to texts: graphic novels and the teaching of English Lit Tk N A T I O N A L Landolfi L. What roles do teachers play in fostering learning? Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Lehner A. The significance of vocabulary for academic university FL students Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Leonardi V. Promoting intercultural communication through CLIL: a university case InterCult Tk Licciardi S. Learning language in the 21st century: the next platform in education Techn Tk Maglione M.G.-Rossani F.-Sironi C. CLILab project: enhancing content/language learning CLIL Tk Maglione P. Fostering teen and young adult learner progression with new media Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Mandoliti A. Using film clips as teaching tools in the ESL classroom Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Mariani L. Researching beliefs and attitudes: a key to learner and teacher progression LN Tk Mayne S. Intercultural communication among high school teens through fiction and film InterCult Tk Messina G. London yutes do grime, innit?: youths language is going multicultural Multicult Wk Morbiducci M. Language flows in Walt Whitmans poetry Lit Tk T E S O L - I T A L Y 3 5 th Pagano N. Realizing female diversity in culture and society through literary texts Lit Wk PHILLIPS S. Motivation: what not to do IndLrng PL Phillips S. Being brain friendly in the primary classroom Prim Wk Piaggio L.A. What can teachers do to help improve listening comprehension skills? LN Tk Prodromou L. Good lessons: the role of flow and transformation Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Prodromou L. English as a Lingua Franca: idioms as translingual flows ELF Wk Poster Session (PS) - Talk (Tk) - Workshop (Wk). Ranzoli S. Literary studies at a crossroad Lit Tk Robinson I.M. Corpus linguistics as a springboard for creativity Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Rosen C. Promoting intercultural communication on English language exchange websites Multicult Tk Salamoura A.-Saville N. Exemplifying the CEFR: findings from the English Profile programme Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Sciubba M.E. Intercultural awareness through the ethnography of speaking Multicult Tk Sergaeva Y. Shaping the language of the future via the Internet Techn Demo Sportelli V. The Smartie Cookie methodology: FLL via the culinary experience Appr/Meth/Tech Tk Stipe M.-Yasen L. Motivating the digital generation: technology as theme and tool Techn Demo TESOL-Italy Rome Group A creative writing contest LN PS Tezdiker F. Teachers perceptions of improving pronunciation LN Tk THORNE S. Sociable media and language learning Appr/Meth/Tech PL Toffle M.E. Cross-cultural training for teachers and students TEd/Dev Wk Traverso P. Stories: a tool for emotional development and learning Prim Wk Vellucci L.-Avogadro Students From To Kill a Mockingbird to the Civil Rights movement Appr/Meth/Tech PS Vitulano M.P. From chalkface to interface: the impact of the IWB in the classroom CLIL PS White C. Exploiting available resources in teaching ESP at graduate/postgraduate level ESP Tk