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Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages and Accademia Britannica (International
House, Rome) are pleased to invite all English teachers to the following teacher training event
on   CLIL: Ideas and Issues
                                         Tuesday 9th March ROME
                                            8,45 am  13,30 pm
                                             ITIS Galileo Galilei
                            Via Conte Verde 51 00185 Roma  METRO A Manzoni
      8.45     9.15   Registration
      9.15    9.20    Welcome and opening announcements
      9.20    10.10 Speaker 1 Julia Keddle Teen spirit - Tapping into the teen world
     10.10    11.00 Speaker 2 Norman Cain CLIL - Teaching English through classical music
     11.00    11.30   Coffee break - meet the speakers and visit the materials exhibition

     11.30    12.20 Speaker 3 Ohla Madylus       Practical applications of CLIL for Teens (11  18
     12.20    13.15 Speaker 4 Margaret Horrigan CLIL  Teaching English through history .

 Speaker 1 Julia Starr Keddle is an EFL writer, materials developer and teacher trainer. She has a degree in
 English Literature and a PGCE in English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. She worked in Italy
 for more than 10 years. She has done extensive teacher training in Italy and courses at Bell Schools. She
 developed EFL school books for Italy for a UK publisher. In recent years she has written a variety of materials
 including  For Real for Scuola Superiore. She is especially interested in teenagers and writing materials based
 on the Common European Framework on which she has written articles.

 Speaker 2 Norman Cain is a teacher and Cambridge ESOL trainer/assessor for CELTA, CELTYL Ext and
 DELTA and an International House Inspector who works for International House Rome, Manzoni. He has a
 Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics and has been teaching students and training teachers since 1979. He has
 taught and trained in the UK, Switzerland, Spain and South Korea as well as all over Italy. He has written
 material for International House training courses, specialist English courses for the UN and often reviews new
 courses for a range of publishers. His special interests are teaching YLs and EAP.

 Speaker 3 Olha Madylus began as a secondary state school teacher in the UK for English and Drama. She has
 been in ELT for 20 years, living, teaching and training in the UK, Hong Kong, Venezuela and Greece. She is
 currently a freelance consultant and teacher trainer in Greece, trains local state school teachers in Peru, Qatar,
 India and Malaysia and works for the British Council global teaching network. In addition to all this she is a
 Cambridge ESOL CELTA and CELTYL trainer. She has written among other things a photocopiable book for
 teenagers  Margaret Horrigan is a teacher and Cambridge ESOL trainer/assessor for CELTA, CELTYL Ext and
 Speaker 4 Film, TV and Music for CUP.
 DELTA trainer. She has an MA in Applied Linguistics and has been teaching students and training teachers
 since 1990. She has taught and trained in Ireland, China, Morocco and has presented seminars in Italy. She has
 published numerous articles with English Teaching Professional and the IH Journal of Education. She has also
 contributed chapters to two books. Margaret is currently the Director of Teacher Training at IH, Rome,
 Manzoni. She specialises in teacher education and phonology.
To REGISTER, complete and return this form by Friday 5th March 2010. Please note that places are
limited and will be allocated on a  first come first served           basis. You will receive written confirmation
that your place has been reserved via e-mail only. If you have not registered by then, but still wish to
attend, please contact the persons at the bottom of the page. For directions see address on Google
Maps online.

 by email to info@ihromamz.it

 by fax 06-70497842

I wish to attend the Cambridge Seminar Tuesday 9th March - ROME

            NAME                 .. SURNAME              .

 Home Address:

 Street                    No   City       Postcode   
 Mobile/Telephone              E-mail                 .........

 School Address

               Street                          No         City        
 Telephone                  E-mail             

 Il/La sottoscritto/a, letta l informativa di cui all art.13 del D.Lgs. 196/03 (vedasi anche alla     pagina internet
 www.cambridge.org/elt/it/contact) presta il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali comuni          da parte della
 Cambridge University Press e Accademia Britannica finalit di invio materiale promozionale, per il     compimento di
 ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale, nonch辿 alla comunicazione dei dati stessi,         e al successivo
 trattamento per le stesse finalit, alle agenzie collegate.
A certificate of attendance valid for the ESONERO MINISTERIALE will be provided at the end of the
seminar. Cambridge University Press (prot.12652 con Decreto del 28.07.2008) 竪 un soggetto accreditato per la
formazione del personale della scuola, secondo la Direttiva Ministeriale 90/2003.

These events are FREE of charge and are part of our on-going commitment to supporting teachers in their
professional development.

For further information on the event, please contact Josephine McNulty cell. 334 6514280 or Accademia
Britannica International House tel no. 06 70476894 / 70476802

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Cambridge Seminars Rome 9 March Clil Event 2010

  • 1. CAMBRIDGE SEMINARS Cambridge University Press, Helbling Languages and Accademia Britannica (International House, Rome) are pleased to invite all English teachers to the following teacher training event on CLIL: Ideas and Issues Tuesday 9th March ROME 8,45 am 13,30 pm ITIS Galileo Galilei Via Conte Verde 51 00185 Roma METRO A Manzoni Programme 8.45 9.15 Registration 9.15 9.20 Welcome and opening announcements 9.20 10.10 Speaker 1 Julia Keddle Teen spirit - Tapping into the teen world 10.10 11.00 Speaker 2 Norman Cain CLIL - Teaching English through classical music 11.00 11.30 Coffee break - meet the speakers and visit the materials exhibition 11.30 12.20 Speaker 3 Ohla Madylus Practical applications of CLIL for Teens (11 18 yrs) 12.20 13.15 Speaker 4 Margaret Horrigan CLIL Teaching English through history . Speaker 1 Julia Starr Keddle is an EFL writer, materials developer and teacher trainer. She has a degree in English Literature and a PGCE in English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language. She worked in Italy for more than 10 years. She has done extensive teacher training in Italy and courses at Bell Schools. She developed EFL school books for Italy for a UK publisher. In recent years she has written a variety of materials including For Real for Scuola Superiore. She is especially interested in teenagers and writing materials based on the Common European Framework on which she has written articles. Speaker 2 Norman Cain is a teacher and Cambridge ESOL trainer/assessor for CELTA, CELTYL Ext and DELTA and an International House Inspector who works for International House Rome, Manzoni. He has a Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics and has been teaching students and training teachers since 1979. He has taught and trained in the UK, Switzerland, Spain and South Korea as well as all over Italy. He has written material for International House training courses, specialist English courses for the UN and often reviews new courses for a range of publishers. His special interests are teaching YLs and EAP. Speaker 3 Olha Madylus began as a secondary state school teacher in the UK for English and Drama. She has been in ELT for 20 years, living, teaching and training in the UK, Hong Kong, Venezuela and Greece. She is currently a freelance consultant and teacher trainer in Greece, trains local state school teachers in Peru, Qatar, India and Malaysia and works for the British Council global teaching network. In addition to all this she is a Cambridge ESOL CELTA and CELTYL trainer. She has written among other things a photocopiable book for teenagers Margaret Horrigan is a teacher and Cambridge ESOL trainer/assessor for CELTA, CELTYL Ext and Speaker 4 Film, TV and Music for CUP. DELTA trainer. She has an MA in Applied Linguistics and has been teaching students and training teachers since 1990. She has taught and trained in Ireland, China, Morocco and has presented seminars in Italy. She has published numerous articles with English Teaching Professional and the IH Journal of Education. She has also contributed chapters to two books. Margaret is currently the Director of Teacher Training at IH, Rome, Manzoni. She specialises in teacher education and phonology.
  • 2. To REGISTER, complete and return this form by Friday 5th March 2010. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. You will receive written confirmation that your place has been reserved via e-mail only. If you have not registered by then, but still wish to attend, please contact the persons at the bottom of the page. For directions see address on Google Maps online. by email to info@ihromamz.it by fax 06-70497842 I wish to attend the Cambridge Seminar Tuesday 9th March - ROME NAME .. SURNAME . Home Address: Street No City Postcode Mobile/Telephone E-mail ......... School Address Institute Street No City Telephone E-mail Il/La sottoscritto/a, letta l informativa di cui all art.13 del D.Lgs. 196/03 (vedasi anche alla pagina internet www.cambridge.org/elt/it/contact) presta il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali comuni da parte della Cambridge University Press e Accademia Britannica finalit di invio materiale promozionale, per il compimento di ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale, nonch辿 alla comunicazione dei dati stessi, e al successivo trattamento per le stesse finalit, alle agenzie collegate.
  • 3. A certificate of attendance valid for the ESONERO MINISTERIALE will be provided at the end of the seminar. Cambridge University Press (prot.12652 con Decreto del 28.07.2008) 竪 un soggetto accreditato per la formazione del personale della scuola, secondo la Direttiva Ministeriale 90/2003. These events are FREE of charge and are part of our on-going commitment to supporting teachers in their professional development. For further information on the event, please contact Josephine McNulty cell. 334 6514280 or Accademia Britannica International House tel no. 06 70476894 / 70476802