Presentazione del progetto di Viaggio della Carolina D'Andrea per il mondo in 6 mesi.
Viaggio nella Carol Essenziale parler叩 dei valori di una Donna che gira il mondo scoprendo l'essenza di ogni luogo per portare a casa il meglio che il destino pu坦 donare al percorso della vita.
Lavvincente racconto di un viaggio solitario e selvaggio tra Canada e USA. Gianluigi Longar Salvi, praino classe 1965, cresce a Longarello, borgo di Pra (Prata Veituriorum) GE, luogo storico patria dei Veiturii, del basilico e, a detta di molti, dei migliori pescatori liguri. Donne e Amori.
1. A personal learning environment (PLE) is a concept that allows learners greater control over their learning experience through the aggregation of single-functionality tools like blogs and Web 2.0 technologies used for working, learning, reflection, and collaboration.
2. PLEs provide support for learners to set goals, manage both content and process, and communicate with others during learning. They integrate formal and informal learning through social networks that cross institutional boundaries and connect resources through networking protocols.
3. PLEs move from a single expert voice or tool by not pre-weighing any knowledge source and allowing numerous voices and customized tools to be used for highly personalized learning.
This document provides information about accommodation options near the convention site for the TESOL-Italy National Convention taking place in Rome from November 19-20, 2010. It lists religious guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, hotels of varying star ratings, and details on how to reach the convention center. Attendees are asked to pre-register for the conference by November 5, 2010 and various registration fees are outlined. A program schedule for the two-day event is also provided.
This document provides an overview of presentations at an upcoming conference on English language teaching. It lists over 70 presentation titles organized by topic area such as approaches/methodology/techniques, assessment, content and language integrated learning, culture, educational policies, English as a lingua franca, global English, independent learning, intercultural communication, learner needs, literature, multiculturalism, primary education, teacher education/development, technology in ELT, and more. Each presentation is one to three sentences describing its content and format such as cultural event, demonstration, panel, plenary, poster, talk, or workshop.
Presentazione del progetto di Viaggio della Carolina D'Andrea per il mondo in 6 mesi.
Viaggio nella Carol Essenziale parler叩 dei valori di una Donna che gira il mondo scoprendo l'essenza di ogni luogo per portare a casa il meglio che il destino pu坦 donare al percorso della vita.
Lavvincente racconto di un viaggio solitario e selvaggio tra Canada e USA. Gianluigi Longar Salvi, praino classe 1965, cresce a Longarello, borgo di Pra (Prata Veituriorum) GE, luogo storico patria dei Veiturii, del basilico e, a detta di molti, dei migliori pescatori liguri. Donne e Amori.
1. A personal learning environment (PLE) is a concept that allows learners greater control over their learning experience through the aggregation of single-functionality tools like blogs and Web 2.0 technologies used for working, learning, reflection, and collaboration.
2. PLEs provide support for learners to set goals, manage both content and process, and communicate with others during learning. They integrate formal and informal learning through social networks that cross institutional boundaries and connect resources through networking protocols.
3. PLEs move from a single expert voice or tool by not pre-weighing any knowledge source and allowing numerous voices and customized tools to be used for highly personalized learning.
This document provides information about accommodation options near the convention site for the TESOL-Italy National Convention taking place in Rome from November 19-20, 2010. It lists religious guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, hotels of varying star ratings, and details on how to reach the convention center. Attendees are asked to pre-register for the conference by November 5, 2010 and various registration fees are outlined. A program schedule for the two-day event is also provided.
This document provides an overview of presentations at an upcoming conference on English language teaching. It lists over 70 presentation titles organized by topic area such as approaches/methodology/techniques, assessment, content and language integrated learning, culture, educational policies, English as a lingua franca, global English, independent learning, intercultural communication, learner needs, literature, multiculturalism, primary education, teacher education/development, technology in ELT, and more. Each presentation is one to three sentences describing its content and format such as cultural event, demonstration, panel, plenary, poster, talk, or workshop.
This document provides information about seminars being held from April to May 2010 in L'Aquila, Italy on using technology to enhance English language teaching. It lists the dates, times, titles and brief descriptions of four seminars that will discuss using Web 2.0 tools, wikis, and language corpora in the classroom to develop students' communication skills and explore new ways of integrating technology into English language instruction. Teachers are asked to confirm their participation in the seminars by email or fax.
The document summarizes an upcoming two-day conference on recent research in English Applied Linguistics and its implications for teaching English. The conference will explore three main areas of research: Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics, and Language Teaching. On the first day, talks will cover Second Language Acquisition research and Corpus Linguistics research. The second day will focus on Language Teaching research and implications for teaching English based on current research findings. Attendance is limited to around 100 participants, so early registration is advised.
The document summarizes an upcoming two-day conference on recent research in English Applied Linguistics and its implications for teaching English. The conference will explore three main areas of research: Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics, and Language Teaching. On the first day, talks will cover Second Language Acquisition research and Corpus Linguistics research. The second day will focus on Language Teaching research and implications for teaching English based on current research findings. Attendance is limited to around 100 participants, so early registration is advised.
The document summarizes an upcoming two-day conference on recent research in English Applied Linguistics and its implications for teaching English. The conference will explore three main areas of research: Second Language Acquisition, Corpus Linguistics, and Language Teaching. On the first day, talks will cover Second Language Acquisition research and Corpus Linguistics research. The second day will focus on Language Teaching research and implications for teaching English based on current research findings. Attendance is limited to around 100 participants, so early registration is advised.
This document provides information about a teacher training event on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) to be held on March 9th, 2010 in Rome, Italy. The event will feature 4 speakers presenting on topics related to using CLIL approaches for teaching English to teenagers. The day-long event will include registration, coffee breaks, and materials exhibitions. Attendees can register by email or fax by March 5th and will receive a certificate of attendance valid for exemption from ministry requirements. The event is free of charge and aims to support teacher professional development. Contact information is provided for those seeking more details.
The document announces an upcoming lecture by Dr. Janet Zadina from Tulane University for TESOL-Italy. In 3 sentences:
Dr. Zadina will present on using brain research to enhance language instruction through a Multiple Pathways Model that goes beyond visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning to utilize multiple pathways in the brain. Attendees will learn about lesser known learning pathways and strategies to reach diverse learners. The lecture will provide an interactive experience focusing on how the brain learns languages and is impacted by stress in post-traumatic situations.
Dr. Janet N. Zadina is an educational neuroscientist who conducts lively presentations for educators on learning processes in the brain. Through interactive presentations using illustrations and simulations, she provides attendees with an understandable introduction to neuroscience research and how it applies to classroom instruction and addressing student learning differences. Participants feel energized about applying new strategies in their teaching to better foster student success and reach all learners.
2. Il contributo ottenuto dalla distribuzione
di questo diario verr devoluto alla LILT
(Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori)
sede provinciale dellAquila
The contributions obtained by the distribution
of this diary will be donated to LILT
Lega Tumore of LAquila
3. A mia figlia Hilary
che 竪 sempre nel mio cuore
To my daughter Hilary
who is always in my heart
Barbara Lief
5. La speranza ricomincia dai bambini Hope starts from the children
Un gruppo di bambini ha calcato con passo leggero i sassi Children, with a light step, have impressed in their
sbriciolati di una terra martoriata che ha pianto e continuer cameras, the crumbled rocks of a land that is crying
a piangere ancora per molto la perdita della serenit, della and that will cry for a long time for the serenity, the
cultura e della quotidianit. culture and the daily life lost.
Questo girovagare per loro diventer passato, ma sar Even though this wandering experience will
sempre vivo e forte nella loro memoria, perch辿 ci嘆 che si become the past for these children, we are sure that it
sedimenta nell'anima dell'infanzia si recupera e si sottolinea will be always alive and strong in their memory. 6th
nella giovinezza e poi nell'et matura. April 2009, City of LAquila: around 3.32 am a
Nella notte del 6 aprile 2009, alle ore 3,32, un disastroso disastrous earthquake killed 300 people and injured
terremoto ha colpito la citt dellAquila e dintorni, lasciando thousands of citizens. The survivors have been forced
oltre 300 morti e migliaia di feriti, coinvolgendo i superstiti to live terrible experiences that go beyond the mere
in esperienze dolorose che sono andate e vanno al di l della consumption of the food that in truth has never been
absent from the tents through the unceasing work of
vita quotidiana che ha potuto continuare grazie all'opera dei the volunteers arriving from every corner of Italy and
volontari accorsi da ogni angolo d'Italia e del mondo. the world.
L'uomo sa essere grande quando vuole, perch辿 sa liberare Man knows when he wants to be great. Man is able
dal profondo dell'animo quella scintilla di umano e di divino to free from his mind the human and divine spark that
che lo fa UOMO accanto agli altri uomini, con commozione, makes him a man next to other men. Man, if he wants
tenerezza e spirito di solidariet umana s狸, ma ardito e spesso is able to do that with humility, tenderness and with
eroico. a bold and heroic spirit of human solidarity. LILT
I volontari sono insostituibile risorsa! volunteers are an invaluable resource!
Questo stesso spirito ha guidato la signora Barbara, che ha This same spirit guided Barbara to bring to LAquila
portato tra le macerie del terremoto aquilano un gruppo di a group of children and to lead them through the
bambini americani, perch辿 vedessero con i loro occhi rubble provoked by the earthquake. She organized this
e fotografassero una realt che ha la voce struggente del experience in order to permit that the childrens eyes
dolore accompagnata dal desiderio di ritornare ad una vita could be able to see a reality that not any voice can
quotidiana normale. describe and to listen to the citizens screaming for the
I bambini hanno fotografato e hanno commentato le imma- desire to return to a normal life. The children
gini con pensieri che non hanno nulla di retorico: tutto 竪 detta- photographed, developed and commented on the
to da una commozione libera, aperta, tenera e commossa. pictures without using the rhetoric as just a child is
Questa esperienza fissata da foto e pensieri 竪 il contenuto able to do.
di questo diario, che sar possibile avere in cambio di The photos and comments that tell about this
un piccolo contributo che verr devoluto alla LILT experience have been fixed in a simple
provinciale dell'Aquila. Non dico le condizioni materiali, publication which proceeds will be used to
umane e spirituali che stiamo vivendo noi volontari della support the LILT section of LAquila.
LILT! I do not want to speak about the human and
Lo lascio solo immaginare. spiritual conditions in which our LILT volunteers are
Ma in tutto il nostro dolore 竪 bello registrare il piccolo living!
miracolo operato da questi straordinari bambini guidati da una You can imagine.
donna, Barbara, che non dice, ma rivela una profondit di Although ours is unimaginable we are very happy
sentimenti umili, che portano per嘆 impronta della sacralit di and proud to record a small miracle realized by these
children and a special woman, Barbara. She revealed
uno spirito che 竪 propria di chi ama, canta e protegge la vita. an humble mind typical of a person that loves, sings
Grazie, Signora Barbara Lief, grazie bambini, grazie per la and protects the life.
partecipazione tenera e commossa alla nostra ricerca di Thanks to Ms. Barbara Lief and thanks to the
sopravvivenza, sar duro e faticoso, ma noi vogliamo conti- children and thanks for participating for our struggle
nuare a vivere sulle tracce di un percorso che richieder amore to survive. We know that this fight will be hard and
e tenacia, ma pretender soprattutto la leggerezza dei passi e difficult but we really want to continue to live in this
dei pensieri che sanno farsi coraggio, affinch辿 una citt land even though our city will ask us more love and
affannata dal pianto si carichi di speranza, la speranza di sacrifice than before the earthquake. LAquila wants
risorgere presto. and we want to rise again soon. A thread of hope is
Un filo di speranza da tessere in larga trama ci viene dato given to us today by Mrs. Barbara and our American
oggi dai nostri amici bambini americani e da chi li ha guidati. friends.
Grazie, grazie di cuore! Thanks!
Il presidente Provinciale LILT dell'AQUILA Il presidente Provinciale LILT dell'AQUILA
Prof. Rodolfo FANINI Prof. Rodolfo FANINI