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                                        March 11, 2010
                                          4:00-5:30 pm
                        Auditorium, Music Conservatory Alfredo Casella
                                  Via F. Savini, snc - LAquila

TESOL-Italy is proud to announce that Dr. Janet Zadina, Assistant Professor, Cognitive
Neuroscience/Educational Neuroscience, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans,
LA, will be lecturing on:

       Using Brain Research to Enhance and Energize Language Instruction:
                          The Multiple Pathways Model.

      Come see with your own eyes how learning changes the brain! Go beyond visual,
      auditory, and kinesthetic pathways and utilize multiple pathways in your lessons.
      This Multiple Pathways Model will provide you with an understanding of the many
      pathways by which the brain can learn and how second language impacts the
      learning pathways. The lecture will also focus on the effects of stress on the brain
      and on learning in post-traumatic situations.

      In this exciting presentation, loaded with images and scattered with interactive
      experiences, attendees will learn about these lesser known pathways and acquire
      strategies that can be added to curriculum design to reach diverse and struggling
      language learners.

      Come prepared to laugh, learn, experience, and engage.

      The lecture will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

      Please confirm your participation by e-mail (tesolitaly@gmail.com) or fax (06/46742478)

          TESOL-Italy is associazione qualificata dal MIUR in base alla Direttiva 90/2003

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  • 1. LAQUILA ACTION 2010 March 11, 2010 4:00-5:30 pm Auditorium, Music Conservatory Alfredo Casella Via F. Savini, snc - LAquila TESOL-Italy is proud to announce that Dr. Janet Zadina, Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience/Educational Neuroscience, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, will be lecturing on: Using Brain Research to Enhance and Energize Language Instruction: The Multiple Pathways Model. Come see with your own eyes how learning changes the brain! Go beyond visual, auditory, and kinesthetic pathways and utilize multiple pathways in your lessons. This Multiple Pathways Model will provide you with an understanding of the many pathways by which the brain can learn and how second language impacts the learning pathways. The lecture will also focus on the effects of stress on the brain and on learning in post-traumatic situations. In this exciting presentation, loaded with images and scattered with interactive experiences, attendees will learn about these lesser known pathways and acquire strategies that can be added to curriculum design to reach diverse and struggling language learners. Come prepared to laugh, learn, experience, and engage. The lecture will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Please confirm your participation by e-mail (tesolitaly@gmail.com) or fax (06/46742478) TESOL-Italy is associazione qualificata dal MIUR in base alla Direttiva 90/2003