Design Research give the information for the design of products and services, communication with the users, set a new stratagy level for the development of the brand in the market today.
The document discusses performance management and performance appraisal. It defines performance management as a systematic process to improve individual and organizational performance through goal setting, continuous feedback, development programs, and rewards. Performance appraisals are evaluations of employee performance and potential that are used for decisions around compensation, promotions, training, and retention. The document outlines various methods for performance appraisals, including rating scales, checklists, forced choice, and behavioral anchored rating scales. It discusses the objectives, advantages, and process of performance appraisals.
Design Code presentation (in Russian).
Design Code, founded in 2008, Ukrainian digital agency specializing on web-development integrated in interactive communication, branding, corporate style, user interface and website development.
We are a team of highly qualified UI and Art designers.
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