Traduci¨®n ao galego dunha presentaci¨®n do prof. Tom¨¢s P¨¦rez Molina, onde nos achega as caracter¨ªsticas m¨¢is senlleiras da escultura barroca a trav¨¦s da obra de Bernini
Traduci¨®n ao galego dunha presentaci¨®n do prof. Tom¨¢s P¨¦rez Molina, onde nos achega ¨¢s principais caracter¨ªsticas da pintura no alto Renacemento a trav¨¦s da obra de Leonardo e Rafael
This document summarizes key concepts in artificial intelligence planning and logic. It discusses representations like atomic, factored, and structured states. Planning approaches include state-space search, planning graphs, and situation calculus. Factored representations allow more flexible and hierarchical plans using relations between state variables. Planning graphs efficiently represent possible plan states and actions to derive heuristic estimates and extract plans.
A data model provides tools to describe data, relationships, semantics and constraints. There are several types of data models including entity-relationship models, relational models, object-oriented models and semi-structured models. The entity-relationship model uses entities and relationships between entities to represent data, while the relational model uses tables with rows and columns. Object-oriented and semi-structured models extend traditional models to new domains.
Traduci¨®n ao galego dunha presentaci¨®n do prof. Tom¨¢s P¨¦rez Molina, onde nos achega ¨¢s principais caracter¨ªsticas da pintura no alto Renacemento a trav¨¦s da obra de Leonardo e Rafael
This document summarizes key concepts in artificial intelligence planning and logic. It discusses representations like atomic, factored, and structured states. Planning approaches include state-space search, planning graphs, and situation calculus. Factored representations allow more flexible and hierarchical plans using relations between state variables. Planning graphs efficiently represent possible plan states and actions to derive heuristic estimates and extract plans.
A data model provides tools to describe data, relationships, semantics and constraints. There are several types of data models including entity-relationship models, relational models, object-oriented models and semi-structured models. The entity-relationship model uses entities and relationships between entities to represent data, while the relational model uses tables with rows and columns. Object-oriented and semi-structured models extend traditional models to new domains.
This document discusses Forward, a branding consultancy firm. It summarizes how Forward keeps clients happy through solving problems, understanding client needs, and developing effective branding strategies. Forward helps clients understand their strengths and develop brands that communicate their advantages in new categories. The document provides several case studies of how Forward has helped brand refresh and reposition clients to grow their businesses.
PunkMoney: How To Print Money on Twitter (2)punkmoney
#PunkMoney allows people to create and transfer digital promises or debts on Twitter. Users can promise goods, services, or favors to other users by tweeting at them and including the #PunkMoney hashtag. These promises function as a type of alternative currency that can be transferred between Twitter users. The system provides optional parameters for specifying an expiration date or making a promise non-transferable. Promises can also be transferred to other users by having the original recipient tweet to transfer the promise to someone else. The goal of #PunkMoney is to pilot an alternative currency that is created and transferred over social media.
This document introduces a person named Doug Anndrew Greer who likes the colors blue, purple and green as well as books. It states they have items like Scooby Doo, the number 1 and a lot from both their mom and dad sides. The document ends by saying it's not quite the end.
The document provides instructions for fitting a turbo twintercooler to a SEAT Leon mk2 2.0fsi vehicle. It is a 10 step process that involves removing the front bumper, lowering the horns, drilling holes in crash bar brackets, attaching the intercooler brackets, fitting new hoses between the turbo, intercooler and engine, and refitting the bumper once complete. Tools required include various screwdrivers, spanners, and safety equipment.
As the riots progress over several days, the Daily Mail's coverage and framing of the events evolves:
- Initially it focuses on shocking images and details of violence and unrest spreading to new areas.
- It then highlights the involvement of youths and portrays the rioters negatively as opportunists rather than legitimate protesters.
- Later articles place more blame on poor parenting and the lack of youth programs, while also criticizing the police response.
- Throughout, the coverage aims to generate and prolong a "moral panic" in readers by emphasizing threatening images and language about the unrest spreading and society breaking down.
This document outlines an agenda for learning XNA game development. It introduces programming concepts needed for XNA like C# and object-oriented programming. It also covers installing XNA, building a first XNA game, exploring common code elements, and making a basic game with sprites and collision detection. References for further learning XNA are provided at the end.
This document summarizes the roles and histories of the Alberta College of Social Workers (ACSW) and the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW). The ACSW was established in 1961 and regulates social workers under the Health Professions Act to protect the public interest. The CASW was established earlier in 1926 and aims to provide a unified voice for social workers across Canada through its board of directors. Both organizations adhere to the same Code of Ethics. The document discusses the debate between the ACSW and CASW around fees, recognition of diploma social workers, and advocacy activities. It concludes that severing ties between the ACSW and CASW was warranted given the substantial fees paid and lack of advocacy and services provided by
Recommendations for Custom Calibration Solutions DBA Custom-Cal by Randy Youseyrjyousey
Randy Yousey is the owner and CEO of Custom-Cal, a company that provides calibration and repair services for test and measurement equipment. Multiple customers provide recommendations praising Randy and Custom-Cal for their expert knowledge, high quality and cost-effective services, and ability to repair equipment that others cannot. Randy is described as having decades of experience and being able to keep critical equipment running with minimal downtime.
This document provides guidance on how to evaluate a coursework production using five key media concepts: genre, narrative, representation, audience, and media language. It instructs the reader to analyze their coursework in detail using theories related to each concept over the next two weeks. The analyses will serve as important revision aids for an upcoming exam that requires evaluating one's coursework based on one of the five concepts selected by the examiner.
#PunkMoney is a promise currency that allows users to print, transfer, and redeem promises on Twitter by tweeting them with the #PunkMoney hashtag. Promises can include things like hours of work or services and can be exchanged between users. All #PunkMoney activity is recorded on the website which also provides a complete guide to using the currency.
This document is Michael Voit's professional portfolio, which provides an introduction and overview of his 20-year career as an architect. It highlights several educational, institutional, and faith-based building projects he has led. The portfolio includes project summaries and images for buildings such as a science center addition at Ursuline Academy, a library addition at the University of Texas at Dallas, and a chapel addition at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church. The portfolio is intended to showcase Voit's experience in design, management, and serving client needs through a collaborative process.
The document summarizes the cost savings of using plastic and Global pallets compared to wooden pallets for air freight. A Global Pallet costs $16 for freight, saving $84 over a wooden pallet costing $100 and $34 over a plastic pallet costing $50. Additional savings come from reduced slip sheet usage, breakage, and ground transportation due to lower pallet weights. Global pallets can also withstand water for 24 hours while supporting heavy loads.
This document summarizes an introduction to artificial intelligence planning and logic. It discusses different types of planning problems and representations including classical planning with STRIPS, planning with factored states, partial observability, and extensions like planning graphs and situation calculus. The document also provides an overview of the GRAPHPLAN algorithm for solving planning problems using planning graph representations.
A escultura renacentista no Cinquecento: a obra de Miguel Anxoprofesor historia
Traduci¨®n ao galego dunha presentaci¨®n do prof. Tom¨¢s P¨¦rez Molina, onde nos achega ¨¢s principais caracter¨ªsticas da escultura no alto Renacemento a trav¨¦s da obra de Miguel Anxo Buonarroti
Traduci¨®n ao galego dunha presentaci¨®n do prof. Tom¨¢s P¨¦rez Molina, onde nos achega ¨¢s principais caracter¨ªsticas da obra pict¨®rica de Miguel Anxo Buonarroti
La civilizaci¨®n mixteca floreci¨® entre los siglos XV-II a.C. y XVI d.C. en el sur de M¨¦xico. Ten¨ªan una organizaci¨®n pol¨ªtica compuesta por varios reinos gobernados por se?ores militares. Su econom¨ªa se basaba principalmente en la agricultura. Cre¨ªan en varios dioses y en la vida despu¨¦s de la muerte, y sus sacerdotes eran muy respetados. Desarrollaron una escritura pictogr¨¢fica, arquitectura con decoraci¨®n de mosaicos de piedra, y destacada orfebrer¨ªa y cer¨¢m
La cultura Moche se desarroll¨® en el valle del r¨ªo Moche en el norte de Per¨² entre los siglos II y V d.C. Fueron expertos agricultores, pescadores, metal¨²rgicos y ceramistas conocidos por sus impresionantes obras de arquitectura e ingenier¨ªa hidr¨¢ulica como Huaca del Sol y Huaca de la Luna. Adoraban a dioses como Ai Apaec y practicaban sacrificios humanos. Han dejado tras de s¨ª numerosos hallazgos arqueol¨®gicos incluyendo las tumbas intact
La civilizaci¨®n mixteca floreci¨® en el sur de M¨¦xico entre los siglos XV-II a.C. y XVI d.C. cuando llegaron los europeos. Los mixtecos habitaron una extensa regi¨®n en Oaxaca, Guerrero y Puebla. Su sociedad estaba organizada en reinos gobernados por se?ores y su econom¨ªa se basaba en la agricultura. Cre¨ªan en varios dioses y ten¨ªan una escritura pictogr¨¢fica. Desarrollaron una arquitectura con decoraci¨®n de mosaicos de piedra y una destacada orfebrer¨ªa
1. Miguel ?ngel . Virxe da escaleira, c. 1491-93 Imita ¨¢ ¡°Virxe do Leite¡± de Donatello, pero apunta xa formas de grande corpulencia. Bota man da t¨¦cnica do schiacciato (relevo aplanado) para resaltar as figuras mediante o contorno. Resalta o volume. Non ten relaci¨®n co Neno. Na parte de atr¨¢s est¨¢n dous anxos co sudario, nunha previsi¨®n da morte de Cristo. A s¨²a tipolox¨ªa pode relacionarse co motivo das nais lactantes das estelas funerarias romanas. Miguel ?ngel como escultor: - adopta o ¡°schiacciato¡± - Pon en pr¨¢tica tam¨¦n o ¡°non finito¡± - Dota as s¨²as figuras da terribilit¨¢ - Na s¨²a obra evoluciona dende a busca da beleza ideal (clasicismo renacentista) ata o incremento da expresividade e a expresi¨®n dunha Idea, acheg¨¢ndose as¨ª ao manierismo.
3. Miguel ?ngel . Baco cun s¨¢tiro. 1496. Tr¨¢tase dun grupo que non ofrece ninguna posici¨®n frontal posto que estaba destinado a un xard¨ªn. A composici¨®n est¨¢ dominada por unha grande curva. A s¨²a iconograf¨ªa, a s¨²a postura, o seu modelado, resulta dunha asombrosa novidade nos ¨²ltimos anos do s¨¦culo XV, precisamente polo que demostra do co?ecemento dos modelos antigos. Insinuada, m¨¢is que afirmada, a sabidur¨ªa anat¨®mica do artista. (destaca o car¨¢cter vagamente hermafrodita de Baco).
4. Contido : repres¨¦ntase o intre posterior ¨¢ crucifixi¨®n, no que o fillo morto descansa no colo da s¨²a nai. En contra da tradici¨®n, o artista decidiu darlle un aspecto xuvenil ¨¢ Virxe (¡°a nai ti?a que ser nova, m¨¢is nova que o Fillo, para mostrarse eternamente Virxe¡±; mentres que o Fillo, incorporado ¨¢ nosa natureza humana, deb¨ªa aparecer como un home calquera nos seus restos mortais¡±). Tr¨¢tase da ¨²nica estatua asinada polo autor, quen se sentiu profundamente orgulloso do seu traballo. Cincelou a inscrici¨®n na cinta que cruza o peito da Virxe. As d¨²as figuras conforman unha pir¨¢mide pechada. O corpo de Cristo est¨¢ encadrado dentro do contorno debuxado polo corpo de Mar¨ªa, o que fai ¨¦nfase na uni¨®n ¨ªntima entre nai e fillo. A Virxe, que mant¨¦n a mirada baixa, acolle cunha man ao seu fillo, mentres que coa outra semella convidarnos a adoralo. O seu vestido equilibra a composici¨®n e act¨²a como base da pir¨¢mide.
5. Miguel ?ngel . David (4,34 m). Museo da Academia. Florencia. 1501-04
6. Miguel ?ngel . Resultado final do proxecto para o sepulcro de Julio II
7. Miguel ?ngel. Capela dos Medicis: Sepulcro de Lourenzo. 1524-27. Bas¨ªlica de San Lourenzo, Florencia.
8. A figura de Perseo er¨ªxese sobre un pilar de m¨¢rmore cuadrangular decorado con pequenas estatuas de bronce dentro de hornacinas. A¨ªnda que pensaba que unha estatua deb¨ªa poder ser contemplada desde oito puntos de vista diferentes, o seu Perseo produce un maior efecto dram¨¢tico se se observa desde o seu lado dereito, desde o cal ga?an protagonismo a espada e a cabeza da Medusa (o corpo inerte xace aos p¨¦s do heroe grego). O casco coas ¨¢s de Mercurio que cobre a s¨²a cabeza destaca pola s¨²a minuciosidade. Perseo personifica a Cosme I de M¨¦dici, comitente da obra, quen tam¨¦n triunfou sobre os seus adversarios.