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Easy and Fun Animal Drawings
Do your kids or grandkids like to draw? For most children, the answer is yes.
Drawing is a fun and creative activity that can be very therapeutic for kids and adults
alike. While not everyone is a natural-born artist, technique is definitely something
that can be learned and acquired.
So if you're looking for a creative activity to keep the little ones engaged, you’ve
come to the right place.
Here gathered 10 step-by-step tutorials of different animals. And don’t be shy to give
it a try too! Fun is guaranteed.
這裡收集了逐步教學的10 種不同動物。請勿怯於嘗試!保證樂趣無窮。
Dog 狗
1. 先畫一個橢圓形,或是畫得有點「方方的」。這是鼻子。
2. 繼續在橢圓形上方畫一個倒 U 形。這將是頭部。
3. 畫出耳朵。我們選擇了 下垂耳朵,也可以是尖的、按紐型 或任何其他形狀。
1. Start by drawing an oval shape, or make it to be a bit more “boxy”. This will be the snout.
2. Continue by making an inverted U shape above the oval you have previously drawn.
This will be the head. Add a nose in the middle of your oval; it can be round or more of a
triangular shape.
3. Draw the ears. We chose droopy ears, but they can also be pointy, button, or any other
shape you want.
4. Let's finish up the dog's face. Draw two circles for the eyes and two arches above
the eyes for the eyebrows. Add a straight line from the bottom of the nose and a wavy
line for the mouth. Then, draw the front legs underneath the head.
5. For the body, draw a U shape that connects the head and the legs.
6. Last, but not least, draw two inverted Us at the bottom of the body - those are the
hind legs. Finally, add a wiggly tail of your choosing!
4. 狗狗的臉部。畫兩個圓圈當眼睛,眼睛上方加兩條拱形眉毛。
從鼻子下面加一條直線,再加一條 W 波浪線。然後,在頭部下方畫兩條前腳。
5. 身體。畫一條連接頭部和腿部 的 U 形線。
6. 然而,在身體底部兩側畫兩個「半圓」,這是後腳。最後添加擺動的尾巴!
7. All done! Now you can color the dog.
全部完成! 現在可以為狗狗上色了。
Lion 獅子
1. Start by drawing the head. Draw a U shape. Make the middle part slightly wider.
2. Connect the endpoints of your U shape with a wavy line. Then, draw a triangle with
rounded edges for the nose.
3. Add two curved lines above the nose and w curved line below.
1. 獅子頭部。畫一個 U 形。中間部分稍微寬一點。
2. 用波浪線連接 U 型的頂端。 然後畫一個 倒三角形 當鼻子,尖角處呈圓形。
3. 在鼻子上方增加兩條曲線,在鼻子下方增加 w 型曲線。
4. Draw the eyes and a few dots underneath the nose.
5. Next comes the mane. Draw a wavy circle around the head.
6. Draw a pair of ears inside the mane. Then, add two curved lines coming down from
each side of the head. They should look similar to brackets – ( ).
4. 畫眼睛,並在鼻子下方加幾個點。
5. 接下來加上鬃毛。在頭部周圍畫一個波浪形的圓圈。
6. 在鬃毛內畫一對耳朵。然後,從頭部兩側加兩條向下延伸的曲線。有點像括號 ( )。
7. Next come the front legs. They should be attached to the two curvy lines you
drew before.
8. Draw two halves of hearts on each side of the body. Those are the back legs.
9. Connect them to the front legs by another set of feet. Finish off with the tail.
7. 接下來是前腳。加到之前繪製的兩條曲線上。
8. 在身體兩側畫兩個半心形。這些是後腿。
9. 將後腳連接到前腳旁邊。畫上尾巴。
10. All done! Now you can color the lion.
全部完成! 現在可以為獅子著色了。
Elephant 大象
1. Depending on the direction your elephant will be facing, either draw an S
or a reversed S.
2. Draw another shape just like it underneath the first one. You can see the
elephant's trunk forming.
3. Connect the two S-shaped lines to finish the trunk. Then, start drawing the
elephant's head and a little 'lens' shape at the bottom of the head.
1. 在右上方,畫一條 S 或倒轉的 S 曲線。
2. 在第一條 S 曲線下方 繪上另一個條 S 曲線。這是大象的鼻子。
3. 連接兩條 S 曲線端點,完成象鼻。
4. Draw a big C or revered C shape to create the ear. Add an eye and a tusk.
(To be more specific, African elephants have round ears, and Asian elephants
have triangular ears.)
5. Draw a small half-circle at the top of the head. This is the second ear. Then,
draw a line from the tusk towards the ear, but don’t make it all the way to the
ear. And there you have it, your elephant's head is complete!
6. Draw two rectangles for the first pair of legs.
4. 畫一個 倒轉 大C 作為耳朵。加入一隻眼睛 和一根象牙。
(更具體一點,非洲象畫 圓耳朵,亞洲象畫 三角形耳朵。)
5. 在頭頂畫一個小半圓,這是第二隻耳朵。
6. 畫兩個長方形,作為前、後腿。
7. Make the belly by connecting the legs with a curved line. For the back, start
a line from the middle of the ear and work your way to the back leg.
8. For the second pair of legs, add two halved rectangles next to each leg.
9. All there is left to do is add the tail and a few details, like small waves at the
bottom of the legs for the elephant's fingers.
7. 腹部,兩腿之間用曲線連接。
8. 後面的腿,在前面兩腿旁邊,增加兩個「半長方形」。
9. 剩下一些細節,加上尾巴和,大象腿底部的小波浪腳指。
10. All done! Now you can color the Elephant.
全部完成! 現在可以為大象著色了。
Horse 馬
1. Start by drawing the head. The easiest way to do it is simply drawing a U shape.
2. Add two pointy ears on top of the head.
3. Draw the neck.
1. 先畫頭部。最簡單的方法 就是畫一個 U 形。
2. 在頭頂加上兩個尖耳朵。
3. 畫出脖子。
4. Let's draw the facial features: the eyes, nostrils, and mouth.
5. Now, onto the legs. Start with the front leg, just a bit above the neckline, and
draw a line downwards. Then move right and up back again, creating a
rectangular shape. Next comes the hind leg. You can draw it in the same way
you drew the front one or make it a bit more realistic (as shown in the photo).
6. Draw the back. Start by the neck arch, go down just a bit, and then move up
again, as if you were to write the number two. Wrap it up by connecting the
back to the leg. Then make the belly by drawing a line from one leg to the other.
4. 畫臉部特徵:眼睛、鼻孔和嘴巴。
5. 腿部。從前腿開始,略高於頸線,向下畫一條線。然後向右和向上移動,
6. 背部。從頸弓開始,稍微向下,然後再次向上移動,就像寫數字 2 一樣。
7. Similarly to the way you drew the first pair of legs, draw the legs in the
8. Almost there! Draw lines at the bottom of the legs to make the hooves. Draw
the tail by starting at the top and making a loop, as if you were writing a 'loose'
number 2.
9. Finally, draw the mane. Start by the ear and zig-zag your way to the back.
Also, draw a bit of the mane between the ears. All done!
7. 與繪製前方腿的方式類似,繪製後面的腿。
8. 快好了! 在腿的底部畫馬蹄。
畫尾巴,從屁股開始畫一個長圈,向兩個鬆散的 2 字。
9. 最後畫鬃毛。從耳朵開始,用 Z 字形線往下面畫。
10. All done! Now you can color the Horse.
全部完成! 現在可以為馬著色了。
Monkey 猴子
1. Draw an elliptical shape (no need for it to be perfect).
2. Draw an M shape or an upside-down number 3 - two little bumps or hills.
3. Next, draw a rounded line around it. This will be the head.
1. 畫一個橢圓形 (不用完美)。
2. 在橢圓上面畫一個 M 形,或倒過來的數字 3 或小山丘。
3. 接下來,圍著 M 畫一條圓弧。這是頭部。
4. Draw two ears on each side of the head.
5. Now, onto some facial details. Draw two smaller ear shapes inside the ears,
a set of eyes, an elliptical or round nose, and a line for the mouth.
6. Attach a U shape under the head for the body.
4. 在頭部兩側畫兩隻耳朵。
5. 現在畫臉部細節。在耳朵內畫兩個較小的耳朵、
畫一對眼睛、橢圓形或圓形的鼻子 以及嘴巴線條。
6. 在頭部下方,畫上 U 形線條作為身體。
7. Add a smaller U shape inside the bigger one.
8. Draw the limbs.
9. Add a twirly tail.
7. 在大 U 形線條內,加一個較小的 U 形線條。
8. 畫出四肢。
9. 加上一條扭曲的尾巴。
10. All done! Now you can color the Monkey.
全部完成! 現在可以為 猴子 著色了。
Spider 蜘蛛
1. Start by drawing a big circle for the spider's body. Don't worry about making the
circle perfect. An oval shape will work just as well.
2. Draw a wide U shape under the circle. This will become the spider's head.
3. Add a set of eyes and fangs (if you're going for a scary spider).
1. 先畫一個大圓圈作為 蜘蛛 的身體。圓圈不用完美,橢圓也行。
2. 在圓圈下方畫一個寬 U 形線。這是蜘蛛的頭。
3. 加上一對眼睛 和尖牙 (如果想畫可怕的蜘蛛)。
4. Draw two lines for the first set of legs.
5. Then, follow with the second pair that mirror the first two legs.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 on the other side.
7. If you want your spider hanging from a web, draw a straight line from its “backside.”
4. 在右側畫兩條線 作為蜘蛛的腳。
5. 與上面步驟相同,在前方再畫二隻腳。
6. 在左側重複4 和 5步驟,畫四隻腳。
8. All done! Now you can color the Spider.
全部完成! 可以為 蜘蛛 著色了。
Bat 蝙蝠
1. Start by drawing a circle for the bat's head.
2. Under the circle, draw an oval shape for the body of the bat.
3. Add two triangular pointy ears and facial details.
1. 先畫一個圓圈,作為蝙蝠的頭部。
2. 在圓圈下方,畫一個橢圓形是蝙蝠的身體。
3. 加入兩個三角形尖耳朵,畫上臉部細節。
4. Draw a curved line starting at the point that joins the head and the body. This is
the first step to drawing the wings.
5. Draw two lines starting from the pointy end of the wing. These will be the wing
6. Finally, add a wavy line at the bottom of the wings to finish them up.
4. 從頭部和身體的連接處,畫一條曲線。這是畫翅膀的第一步。
5. 從翅膀尖端 向下畫兩條線。這是翅膀的細部。
6. 最後,在翅膀底部添加波浪線,蝙蝠完成了。
7. All done! Now you can color the Spider.
全部完成! 現在可以為 蜘蛛 著色了。
Ladybug 瓢蟲
1. Start by drawing a circle or an oval shape. This will be the body of your ladybug.
2. Draw a curved line from right to left across the circle.
3. Draw a straight line from top to bottom – stop just before you reach the bottom of
the oval. Draw a little triangle at the end.
1. 先畫一個橢圓 或圓形。這是瓢蟲身體。
2. 在橢圓的上部,由右向左畫一條微曲線。
3. 從微曲線中間,由上到下畫一條直線,在到達橢圓形底部之前停止。
在直線末端 畫一個小三角形。
4. Draw several dots. Ladybugs usually have around 7 spots, but you can draw any
kind of quantity you want. If you decided to draw 7, draw one between both wings and
3 on each wing.
5. Draw antennae and legs. You can make the antennae straight, curvy, or even a bit
6. Draw the eyes. Then add dots at the ends of the antennae and legs. And there you
have it, a complete ladybug!
4. 畫幾個點。瓢蟲通常大約有 7 個斑點,但你可以繪製很多斑點。
如果決定畫 7 個,則在翅膀當中畫 1 個斑點,在每邊翅膀上各畫 3 個斑點。
5. 畫觸角和腿。觸角可以是直的或彎的,甚至是螺旋狀的。
6. 畫眼睛。然後在觸角和腿的末端添加圓點。一隻完整的瓢蟲完成了!
7. All done! Now you can color the Ladybug.
全部完成! 現在你可以為 瓢蟲 著色了。
Owl 貓頭鷹
1. Start by drawing an oval shape for the owl’s head.
2. Draw a triangle for a beak on the lower half of the oval.
3. Draw another oval or a “flat heart” shape starting from the beak.
1. 首先畫一個橢圓為 貓頭鷹頭部。
2. 在橢圓下半部畫一個 倒三角形 當喙。
3. 從喙開始畫另一個花生形 或「扁心形」。
4. Draw two big black circles for the owl’s eyes.
5. Continue by drawing two triangular shapes on top of the owl’s head to make
the owl’s “ears.”
6. Draw a U shape underneath the head to make the body.
4. 畫兩個黑色的大圓圈 作為貓頭鷹眼睛。
5. 繼續在貓頭鷹的頭上畫兩個三角形「耳朵」。
6. 在頭部下方畫一個 U 字形作為身體。
7. Add two curved lines on each side of the body for the wings.
8. Last touches – draw the feet and an inverted U shape inside the body to add
detail to the owl’s body.
9. All done! Now you can color the owl.
7. 在身體兩側加上兩條曲線作為翅膀。
8. 最後的修飾-畫貓頭鷹的腳和倒U形的身體。
9. 全部完成!現在你可以為貓頭鷹上色了。
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx
Fox 狐狸
1. Start by drawing a sort of triangular “valley.”
2. On top of it, draw an arch. This completes the shape of the fox’s head.
3. Draw two arches on each side of the head.
1. 先畫一條「微笑」曲線。
2. 在它上面畫一根 對稱曲線。完成了狐狸頭部。
3. 在「微笑」曲線上 加一個 大形彎曲 v 字曲線。
4. Draw the ears and the facial features: the eyes, nose, and snout. Keep the
shapes simple.
5. The shape beneath the head looks like the bottom part of a heart attached to
the head.
6. Underneath it, draw two legs.
5. 將心形下半部,附著在頭部的下方。
6. 在心形下方 畫兩條腿。
7. Draw an egg shape that connects the legs to the body.
8. Next comes the tail.
9. One last touch - add some details to the tail.
7. 畫一個雞蛋形狀,連結腿與身體。
8. 接著畫尾巴。
9. 最後,在尾巴上添加一些曲線。
10. All done! Now you can color the Fox.
全部完成! 你可以為狐狸著色了。
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx

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Bernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsx
Bernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsxBernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsx
Bernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Trier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsx
Trier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsxTrier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsx
Trier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Trier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsx
Trier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsxTrier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsx
Trier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Visit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsx
Visit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsxVisit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsx
Visit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Explore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsx
Explore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsxExplore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsx
Explore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Straursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsx
Straursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsxStraursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsx
Straursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Straursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsx
Straursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsxStraursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsx
Straursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Medieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsx
Medieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsxMedieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsx
Medieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Charming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsx
Charming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsxCharming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsx
Charming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Wine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsx
Wine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsxWine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsx
Wine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Ribeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsx
Ribeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsxRibeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsx
Ribeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Alsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsx
Alsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsxAlsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsx
Alsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Old Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsx
Old Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsxOld Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsx
Old Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Europe wine lands tour 12 days plan (歐洲酒鄉之旅 12 天規劃).ppsx
Europe wine lands tour 12 days plan (歐洲酒鄉之旅 12 天規劃).ppsxEurope wine lands tour 12 days plan (歐洲酒鄉之旅 12 天規劃).ppsx
Europe wine lands tour 12 days plan (歐洲酒鄉之旅 12 天規劃).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Heidelberg old town, Germany (德國 海德堡老城區).ppsx
Heidelberg old town, Germany (德國 海德堡老城區).ppsxHeidelberg old town, Germany (德國 海德堡老城區).ppsx
Heidelberg old town, Germany (德國 海德堡老城區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Rudesheim on the Rhine, Germany (德國 萊茵河畔呂德斯海姆).ppsx
Rudesheim on the Rhine, Germany (德國 萊茵河畔呂德斯海姆).ppsxRudesheim on the Rhine, Germany (德國 萊茵河畔呂德斯海姆).ppsx
Rudesheim on the Rhine, Germany (德國 萊茵河畔呂德斯海姆).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Koblenz to Rudesheim, Middle Rhine Valley, DE (德國 萊茵中游河谷,科布倫次 到 呂德斯海姆).ppsx
Koblenz to Rudesheim, Middle Rhine Valley, DE (德國 萊茵中游河谷,科布倫次 到 呂德斯海姆).ppsxKoblenz to Rudesheim, Middle Rhine Valley, DE (德國 萊茵中游河谷,科布倫次 到 呂德斯海姆).ppsx
Koblenz to Rudesheim, Middle Rhine Valley, DE (德國 萊茵中游河谷,科布倫次 到 呂德斯海姆).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
AP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (2) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (2).ppsx
AP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (2) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (2).ppsxAP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (2) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (2).ppsx
AP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (2) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (2).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
AP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (1) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (1).ppsx
AP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (1) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (1).ppsxAP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (1) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (1).ppsx
AP 100 Featured News Review Photos of 2024 (1) 美聯社 2024 年 100 張精選新聞回顧照片 (1).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Cochem ancient town, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 科赫姆古鎮).ppsx
Cochem ancient town, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 科赫姆古鎮).ppsxCochem ancient town, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 科赫姆古鎮).ppsx
Cochem ancient town, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 科赫姆古鎮).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Bernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsx
Bernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsxBernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsx
Bernkastel?Kues to Cochem, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯 到 科赫姆).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Trier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsx
Trier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsxTrier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsx
Trier to Bernkastel?Kues, Mosel Valley, DE (德國 摩澤爾河谷 特里爾 到 伯恩卡斯特?庫斯).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Trier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsx
Trier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsxTrier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsx
Trier, ancient city in Germany (德國古老城市 特里爾).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Visit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsx
Visit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsxVisit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsx
Visit the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (盧森堡大公國).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Explore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsx
Explore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsxExplore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsx
Explore Strasbourg by Petit Train (搭乘小火車??探索史特拉斯堡).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Straursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsx
Straursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsxStraursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsx
Straursbog old town, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡老城區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Straursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsx
Straursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsxStraursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsx
Straursbog Petite France, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 史特拉斯堡小法國區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Medieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsx
Medieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsxMedieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsx
Medieval Village Eguisheim, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 中世紀村莊 埃吉桑).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Charming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsx
Charming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsxCharming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsx
Charming Town Kaysersberg, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 魅力小鎮 凱瑟斯堡).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Wine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsx
Wine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsxWine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsx
Wine Town Riquewihr, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 醉鄉小鎮 里屈埃維).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Ribeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsx
Ribeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsxRibeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsx
Ribeauvillé Town, Alsace, France (法國 亞爾薩斯 里博維萊小鎮).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Alsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsx
Alsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsxAlsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsx
Alsace Wine Route, France (法國 阿爾薩斯酒鄉之路).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Old Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsx
Old Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsxOld Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsx
Old Town in Colmar, Alsace, France (法國亞爾薩斯 科爾馬老城區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang

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Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx

  • 2. Easy and Fun Animal Drawings Do your kids or grandkids like to draw? For most children, the answer is yes. Drawing is a fun and creative activity that can be very therapeutic for kids and adults alike. While not everyone is a natural-born artist, technique is definitely something that can be learned and acquired. So if you're looking for a creative activity to keep the little ones engaged, you’ve come to the right place. Here gathered 10 step-by-step tutorials of different animals. And don’t be shy to give it a try too! Fun is guaranteed. 容易而有趣的動物繪畫 你的孩子或孫子喜歡畫畫嗎?對大多數孩子來說,答案是肯定的。 繪畫是一項有趣且富有創意的活動,對兒童和成人都非常有療效。雖然每個人都不是 天生藝術家,但技巧絕對是可以學習和取得的。 因此,如果你正在尋找一項讓小孩們參與的創意活動,那麼你找對了地方。 這裡收集了逐步教學的10 種不同動物。請勿怯於嘗試!保證樂趣無窮。
  • 4. 1. 先畫一個橢圓形,或是畫得有點「方方的」。這是鼻子。 2. 繼續在橢圓形上方畫一個倒 U 形。這將是頭部。 橢圓形上方中間加一個鼻子;可以是圓形,也可以是三角形。 3. 畫出耳朵。我們選擇了 下垂耳朵,也可以是尖的、按紐型 或任何其他形狀。 1. Start by drawing an oval shape, or make it to be a bit more “boxy”. This will be the snout. 2. Continue by making an inverted U shape above the oval you have previously drawn. This will be the head. Add a nose in the middle of your oval; it can be round or more of a triangular shape. 3. Draw the ears. We chose droopy ears, but they can also be pointy, button, or any other shape you want.
  • 5. 4. Let's finish up the dog's face. Draw two circles for the eyes and two arches above the eyes for the eyebrows. Add a straight line from the bottom of the nose and a wavy line for the mouth. Then, draw the front legs underneath the head. 5. For the body, draw a U shape that connects the head and the legs. 6. Last, but not least, draw two inverted Us at the bottom of the body - those are the hind legs. Finally, add a wiggly tail of your choosing! 4. 狗狗的臉部。畫兩個圓圈當眼睛,眼睛上方加兩條拱形眉毛。 從鼻子下面加一條直線,再加一條 W 波浪線。然後,在頭部下方畫兩條前腳。 5. 身體。畫一條連接頭部和腿部 的 U 形線。 6. 然而,在身體底部兩側畫兩個「半圓」,這是後腳。最後添加擺動的尾巴!
  • 6. 7. All done! Now you can color the dog. 全部完成! 現在可以為狗狗上色了。
  • 8. 1. Start by drawing the head. Draw a U shape. Make the middle part slightly wider. 2. Connect the endpoints of your U shape with a wavy line. Then, draw a triangle with rounded edges for the nose. 3. Add two curved lines above the nose and w curved line below. 1. 獅子頭部。畫一個 U 形。中間部分稍微寬一點。 2. 用波浪線連接 U 型的頂端。 然後畫一個 倒三角形 當鼻子,尖角處呈圓形。 3. 在鼻子上方增加兩條曲線,在鼻子下方增加 w 型曲線。
  • 9. 4. Draw the eyes and a few dots underneath the nose. 5. Next comes the mane. Draw a wavy circle around the head. 6. Draw a pair of ears inside the mane. Then, add two curved lines coming down from each side of the head. They should look similar to brackets – ( ). 4. 畫眼睛,並在鼻子下方加幾個點。 5. 接下來加上鬃毛。在頭部周圍畫一個波浪形的圓圈。 6. 在鬃毛內畫一對耳朵。然後,從頭部兩側加兩條向下延伸的曲線。有點像括號 ( )。
  • 10. 7. Next come the front legs. They should be attached to the two curvy lines you drew before. 8. Draw two halves of hearts on each side of the body. Those are the back legs. 9. Connect them to the front legs by another set of feet. Finish off with the tail. 7. 接下來是前腳。加到之前繪製的兩條曲線上。 8. 在身體兩側畫兩個半心形。這些是後腿。 9. 將後腳連接到前腳旁邊。畫上尾巴。
  • 11. 10. All done! Now you can color the lion. 全部完成! 現在可以為獅子著色了。
  • 13. 1. Depending on the direction your elephant will be facing, either draw an S or a reversed S. 2. Draw another shape just like it underneath the first one. You can see the elephant's trunk forming. 3. Connect the two S-shaped lines to finish the trunk. Then, start drawing the elephant's head and a little 'lens' shape at the bottom of the head. 1. 在右上方,畫一條 S 或倒轉的 S 曲線。 2. 在第一條 S 曲線下方 繪上另一個條 S 曲線。這是大象的鼻子。 3. 連接兩條 S 曲線端點,完成象鼻。 然後,開始畫大象的頭部,頭部底下加一條小「曲線」。
  • 14. 4. Draw a big C or revered C shape to create the ear. Add an eye and a tusk. (To be more specific, African elephants have round ears, and Asian elephants have triangular ears.) 5. Draw a small half-circle at the top of the head. This is the second ear. Then, draw a line from the tusk towards the ear, but don’t make it all the way to the ear. And there you have it, your elephant's head is complete! 6. Draw two rectangles for the first pair of legs. 4. 畫一個 倒轉 大C 作為耳朵。加入一隻眼睛 和一根象牙。 (更具體一點,非洲象畫 圓耳朵,亞洲象畫 三角形耳朵。) 5. 在頭頂畫一個小半圓,這是第二隻耳朵。 然後,從象牙向耳朵畫一條短線,不要碰到耳朵。好了,象頭已經完成了! 6. 畫兩個長方形,作為前、後腿。
  • 15. 7. Make the belly by connecting the legs with a curved line. For the back, start a line from the middle of the ear and work your way to the back leg. 8. For the second pair of legs, add two halved rectangles next to each leg. 9. All there is left to do is add the tail and a few details, like small waves at the bottom of the legs for the elephant's fingers. 7. 腹部,兩腿之間用曲線連接。 背部,從耳朵中間畫一條曲線,一直彎到後腿。 8. 後面的腿,在前面兩腿旁邊,增加兩個「半長方形」。 9. 剩下一些細節,加上尾巴和,大象腿底部的小波浪腳指。
  • 16. 10. All done! Now you can color the Elephant. 全部完成! 現在可以為大象著色了。
  • 18. 1. Start by drawing the head. The easiest way to do it is simply drawing a U shape. 2. Add two pointy ears on top of the head. 3. Draw the neck. 1. 先畫頭部。最簡單的方法 就是畫一個 U 形。 2. 在頭頂加上兩個尖耳朵。 3. 畫出脖子。
  • 19. 4. Let's draw the facial features: the eyes, nostrils, and mouth. 5. Now, onto the legs. Start with the front leg, just a bit above the neckline, and draw a line downwards. Then move right and up back again, creating a rectangular shape. Next comes the hind leg. You can draw it in the same way you drew the front one or make it a bit more realistic (as shown in the photo). 6. Draw the back. Start by the neck arch, go down just a bit, and then move up again, as if you were to write the number two. Wrap it up by connecting the back to the leg. Then make the belly by drawing a line from one leg to the other. 4. 畫臉部特徵:眼睛、鼻孔和嘴巴。 5. 腿部。從前腿開始,略高於頸線,向下畫一條線。然後向右和向上移動, 構成一個長方形。 接下來畫後腿。也可以按照前面相同方式來繪製,或者畫得更真實一點 (如圖示)。 6. 背部。從頸弓開始,稍微向下,然後再次向上移動,就像寫數字 2 一樣。 將背部連接到後腿上,將其包起來。然後,兩腿之間連一條線畫腹部。
  • 20. 7. Similarly to the way you drew the first pair of legs, draw the legs in the background. 8. Almost there! Draw lines at the bottom of the legs to make the hooves. Draw the tail by starting at the top and making a loop, as if you were writing a 'loose' number 2. 9. Finally, draw the mane. Start by the ear and zig-zag your way to the back. Also, draw a bit of the mane between the ears. All done! 7. 與繪製前方腿的方式類似,繪製後面的腿。 8. 快好了! 在腿的底部畫馬蹄。 畫尾巴,從屁股開始畫一個長圈,向兩個鬆散的 2 字。 9. 最後畫鬃毛。從耳朵開始,用 Z 字形線往下面畫。 此外,在耳朵之間畫一點鬃毛。畫完了!
  • 21. 10. All done! Now you can color the Horse. 全部完成! 現在可以為馬著色了。
  • 23. 1. Draw an elliptical shape (no need for it to be perfect). 2. Draw an M shape or an upside-down number 3 - two little bumps or hills. 3. Next, draw a rounded line around it. This will be the head. 1. 畫一個橢圓形 (不用完美)。 2. 在橢圓上面畫一個 M 形,或倒過來的數字 3 或小山丘。 3. 接下來,圍著 M 畫一條圓弧。這是頭部。
  • 24. 4. Draw two ears on each side of the head. 5. Now, onto some facial details. Draw two smaller ear shapes inside the ears, a set of eyes, an elliptical or round nose, and a line for the mouth. 6. Attach a U shape under the head for the body. 4. 在頭部兩側畫兩隻耳朵。 5. 現在畫臉部細節。在耳朵內畫兩個較小的耳朵、 畫一對眼睛、橢圓形或圓形的鼻子 以及嘴巴線條。 6. 在頭部下方,畫上 U 形線條作為身體。
  • 25. 7. Add a smaller U shape inside the bigger one. 8. Draw the limbs. 9. Add a twirly tail. 7. 在大 U 形線條內,加一個較小的 U 形線條。 8. 畫出四肢。 9. 加上一條扭曲的尾巴。
  • 26. 10. All done! Now you can color the Monkey. 全部完成! 現在可以為 猴子 著色了。
  • 28. 1. Start by drawing a big circle for the spider's body. Don't worry about making the circle perfect. An oval shape will work just as well. 2. Draw a wide U shape under the circle. This will become the spider's head. 3. Add a set of eyes and fangs (if you're going for a scary spider). 1. 先畫一個大圓圈作為 蜘蛛 的身體。圓圈不用完美,橢圓也行。 2. 在圓圈下方畫一個寬 U 形線。這是蜘蛛的頭。 3. 加上一對眼睛 和尖牙 (如果想畫可怕的蜘蛛)。
  • 29. 4. Draw two lines for the first set of legs. 5. Then, follow with the second pair that mirror the first two legs. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 on the other side. 7. If you want your spider hanging from a web, draw a straight line from its “backside.” 4. 在右側畫兩條線 作為蜘蛛的腳。 5. 與上面步驟相同,在前方再畫二隻腳。 6. 在左側重複4 和 5步驟,畫四隻腳。 (如果你想讓蜘蛛掛在網上,從它的「背後」畫一條直線。)
  • 30. 8. All done! Now you can color the Spider. 全部完成! 可以為 蜘蛛 著色了。
  • 32. 1. Start by drawing a circle for the bat's head. 2. Under the circle, draw an oval shape for the body of the bat. 3. Add two triangular pointy ears and facial details. 1. 先畫一個圓圈,作為蝙蝠的頭部。 2. 在圓圈下方,畫一個橢圓形是蝙蝠的身體。 3. 加入兩個三角形尖耳朵,畫上臉部細節。
  • 33. 4. Draw a curved line starting at the point that joins the head and the body. This is the first step to drawing the wings. 5. Draw two lines starting from the pointy end of the wing. These will be the wing details. 6. Finally, add a wavy line at the bottom of the wings to finish them up. 4. 從頭部和身體的連接處,畫一條曲線。這是畫翅膀的第一步。 5. 從翅膀尖端 向下畫兩條線。這是翅膀的細部。 6. 最後,在翅膀底部添加波浪線,蝙蝠完成了。
  • 34. 7. All done! Now you can color the Spider. 全部完成! 現在可以為 蜘蛛 著色了。
  • 36. 1. Start by drawing a circle or an oval shape. This will be the body of your ladybug. 2. Draw a curved line from right to left across the circle. 3. Draw a straight line from top to bottom – stop just before you reach the bottom of the oval. Draw a little triangle at the end. 1. 先畫一個橢圓 或圓形。這是瓢蟲身體。 2. 在橢圓的上部,由右向左畫一條微曲線。 3. 從微曲線中間,由上到下畫一條直線,在到達橢圓形底部之前停止。 在直線末端 畫一個小三角形。
  • 37. 4. Draw several dots. Ladybugs usually have around 7 spots, but you can draw any kind of quantity you want. If you decided to draw 7, draw one between both wings and 3 on each wing. 5. Draw antennae and legs. You can make the antennae straight, curvy, or even a bit spiral. 6. Draw the eyes. Then add dots at the ends of the antennae and legs. And there you have it, a complete ladybug! 4. 畫幾個點。瓢蟲通常大約有 7 個斑點,但你可以繪製很多斑點。 如果決定畫 7 個,則在翅膀當中畫 1 個斑點,在每邊翅膀上各畫 3 個斑點。 5. 畫觸角和腿。觸角可以是直的或彎的,甚至是螺旋狀的。 6. 畫眼睛。然後在觸角和腿的末端添加圓點。一隻完整的瓢蟲完成了!
  • 38. 7. All done! Now you can color the Ladybug. 全部完成! 現在你可以為 瓢蟲 著色了。
  • 40. 1. Start by drawing an oval shape for the owl’s head. 2. Draw a triangle for a beak on the lower half of the oval. 3. Draw another oval or a “flat heart” shape starting from the beak. 1. 首先畫一個橢圓為 貓頭鷹頭部。 2. 在橢圓下半部畫一個 倒三角形 當喙。 3. 從喙開始畫另一個花生形 或「扁心形」。
  • 41. 4. Draw two big black circles for the owl’s eyes. 5. Continue by drawing two triangular shapes on top of the owl’s head to make the owl’s “ears.” 6. Draw a U shape underneath the head to make the body. 4. 畫兩個黑色的大圓圈 作為貓頭鷹眼睛。 5. 繼續在貓頭鷹的頭上畫兩個三角形「耳朵」。 6. 在頭部下方畫一個 U 字形作為身體。
  • 42. 7. Add two curved lines on each side of the body for the wings. 8. Last touches – draw the feet and an inverted U shape inside the body to add detail to the owl’s body. 9. All done! Now you can color the owl. 7. 在身體兩側加上兩條曲線作為翅膀。 8. 最後的修飾-畫貓頭鷹的腳和倒U形的身體。 9. 全部完成!現在你可以為貓頭鷹上色了。
  • 45. 1. Start by drawing a sort of triangular “valley.” 2. On top of it, draw an arch. This completes the shape of the fox’s head. 3. Draw two arches on each side of the head. 1. 先畫一條「微笑」曲線。 2. 在它上面畫一根 對稱曲線。完成了狐狸頭部。 3. 在「微笑」曲線上 加一個 大形彎曲 v 字曲線。
  • 46. 4. Draw the ears and the facial features: the eyes, nose, and snout. Keep the shapes simple. 5. The shape beneath the head looks like the bottom part of a heart attached to the head. 6. Underneath it, draw two legs. 4.畫耳朵和臉部特徵:眼睛、鼻子和口。保持形狀簡單。 5. 將心形下半部,附著在頭部的下方。 6. 在心形下方 畫兩條腿。
  • 47. 7. Draw an egg shape that connects the legs to the body. 8. Next comes the tail. 9. One last touch - add some details to the tail. 7. 畫一個雞蛋形狀,連結腿與身體。 8. 接著畫尾巴。 9. 最後,在尾巴上添加一些曲線。
  • 48. 10. All done! Now you can color the Fox. 全部完成! 你可以為狐狸著色了。