Organisms are classified into groups using a binomial system with a genus and species name in Latin for consistency. This document discusses how the binomial system of classification works, with the genus name first and capitalized and the species name following, to categorize organisms into the five kingdoms of animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and protists. It prompts finding the Latin names of common organisms like cats and dogs on Wikipedia to illustrate patterns between closely related species names.
This document discusses text processing tools in Linux. It covers using regular expressions with grep, sed, and awk to search and manipulate text files. It also covers using vi to edit text files with features like search/replace, screen repositioning, and setting options. Common text processing tasks like examining, sorting, filtering, and formatting text are demonstrated using tools like head, tail, wc, sort, uniq, and awk.
The #FabLabs : 10 Questions, 1,000 Answers !Marc Duchesne
Fab Labs are a global network of local laboratories that provide access to digital fabrication tools to boost creativity. They are available as a community resource for both individuals and enterprises. Fab Labs are run by groups of individuals, universities, or public-private partnerships. They allow for on-demand manufacturing and quick modification of goods through tools like laser cutters and 3D printers. While the Fab Lab concept challenges traditional models, its charter also forbids the fabrication of weapons or illegal copying of products.
The new field of Learning Design provides ways to describe innovative teaching strategies, and methods for their online implementation. Last Monday Professor James Dalziel, Director, Macquarie E-Learning Centre Of Excellence (MELCOE), Macquarie University ran a workshop at INSPIRE on this topic. James was in Canberra as part of his Australian Learning and Teaching Council National Teaching Fellowship. The first half of this workshop covered Learning Design concepts and implementation, examples from the "LAMS" Learning Design system, and a discussion of recent development and future prospects for the field. The second half of the workshop was opened up for discussion, questions and exploration of examples, including consideration of the connections between Learning Design and Curriculum Design. Keith Lyons has blogged about the workshop here and the James's powerpoint slides are here.
The document provides information about National History Day and the Bronx Lab School's History Day contest. It outlines 5 steps for students to participate, including picking a general topic related to one of the 20th century wars or revolutions, choosing a specific topic to research, and presenting their learning through a research paper, exhibit, documentary, or website. It then provides background context on some major historical events and eras leading up to the 20th century. Finally, it gives overviews of the four general topic areas for the contest - World War I, the Russian Revolution, World War II, and the Cold War - listing when each occurred, the main participants, and a brief explanation of why each war or conflict took place.
Lessons Learned From Internal CommunitiesPeter Kim
This document summarizes a discussion on using internal social networking at large companies. Representatives from IBM, EMC, Deloitte, and Dachis Corporation discussed their experiences launching internal social platforms, how they are used, and key metrics. They covered challenges around adoption, moderation, and measuring success.
The document shares 11 lessons learned from Design Mind Salon events. Some of the key lessons include:
- Technology brings opportunities to connect with others worldwide but can also reduce uniqueness and underground culture.
- It is important to thoroughly prepare for projects and opportunities instead of hoping they will instantly succeed.
- Most creative work involves reusing 80% of past processes but making the beginnings and endings different for each project.
- Networking is crucial to the success of projects and creative work.
The document discusses how social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are popular among students and how instructors can use these tools in the online classroom. It provides an overview of Twitter and how to get started, common Twitter terminology, tips for using Twitter, and examples of how Twitter can be used for professional growth and in the classroom. The presentation aims to give both a big-picture perspective and specific steps for instructors to engage with students using these social media tools.
Brighton And Hove 2. Getting The Basics Right Pt1Ollie Bray
1. The document discusses searching the internet effectively and provides tips for using search engines like Google which has over 8 billion indexed web pages.
2. It also discusses using images and photographs in the classroom and provides sources for finding images like the Scottish Screen Archive website.
3. The document explains copyright terms like attribution, noncommercial, and share alike and provides examples of images with different copyright licenses that can be used for teaching.
Presentacion Festival Agua Viva Canarias - Atun rojoSebastin Losada
Presentacin realizada en el Festival AguaViva Canarias sobre el uso de mediadas espaciales para la proteccin del atn rojo / Presentation on the use of spatial measures for the protection of bluefin tuna at the AquaViva Canarias Festival
The document outlines scenarios for conducting a trial of the iCamp project. It discusses establishing personal environments and forming project groups. It proposes using a trial weblog and wiki to provide information and links to tools and student/facilitator blogs. Students would form groups and work on projects, with self-reflection in blogs and peer/facilitator evaluation of contracts. Facilitators would monitor group work and activities through aggregated feeds from student blogs and other tools tagged with group identifiers.
The document discusses the Scientific Revolution, a period beginning in the 1500s that marked a major change in how people investigated and understood the world. It describes two key ideas: the heliocentric model with the sun at the center of the universe rather than Earth, and the scientific method as the dominant means of investigation. It also notes this shift began a long conflict between science and the Church, as faith was replaced by reason as the primary way to understand truth.
The document describes several experiments investigating the composition of inhaled and exhaled air. Pie charts are used to illustrate that exhaled air contains higher levels of carbon dioxide and water vapor compared to inhaled air, due to cellular respiration. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation can revive someone by providing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from their lungs.
This document discusses geography futures and is authored by Ollie Bray from Musselburgh Grammar School. It provides Ollie's contact information including his email and blog for any questions about taking geography forward or future directions for the subject. Additional resources are referenced from and to aid in considering geography's future.
Annan m?rku, et tegime avalikult k?ttesaadavaks minu 19.12.2019 Tartu ?likooli t??tajatele tehtud koolitusseminari "Microsoft Teams kasutamine" slaidid.
Videosalvestus siin -
The #FabLabs : 10 Questions, 1,000 Answers !Marc Duchesne
Fab Labs are a global network of local laboratories that provide access to digital fabrication tools to boost creativity. They are available as a community resource for both individuals and enterprises. Fab Labs are run by groups of individuals, universities, or public-private partnerships. They allow for on-demand manufacturing and quick modification of goods through tools like laser cutters and 3D printers. While the Fab Lab concept challenges traditional models, its charter also forbids the fabrication of weapons or illegal copying of products.
The new field of Learning Design provides ways to describe innovative teaching strategies, and methods for their online implementation. Last Monday Professor James Dalziel, Director, Macquarie E-Learning Centre Of Excellence (MELCOE), Macquarie University ran a workshop at INSPIRE on this topic. James was in Canberra as part of his Australian Learning and Teaching Council National Teaching Fellowship. The first half of this workshop covered Learning Design concepts and implementation, examples from the "LAMS" Learning Design system, and a discussion of recent development and future prospects for the field. The second half of the workshop was opened up for discussion, questions and exploration of examples, including consideration of the connections between Learning Design and Curriculum Design. Keith Lyons has blogged about the workshop here and the James's powerpoint slides are here.
The document provides information about National History Day and the Bronx Lab School's History Day contest. It outlines 5 steps for students to participate, including picking a general topic related to one of the 20th century wars or revolutions, choosing a specific topic to research, and presenting their learning through a research paper, exhibit, documentary, or website. It then provides background context on some major historical events and eras leading up to the 20th century. Finally, it gives overviews of the four general topic areas for the contest - World War I, the Russian Revolution, World War II, and the Cold War - listing when each occurred, the main participants, and a brief explanation of why each war or conflict took place.
Lessons Learned From Internal CommunitiesPeter Kim
This document summarizes a discussion on using internal social networking at large companies. Representatives from IBM, EMC, Deloitte, and Dachis Corporation discussed their experiences launching internal social platforms, how they are used, and key metrics. They covered challenges around adoption, moderation, and measuring success.
The document shares 11 lessons learned from Design Mind Salon events. Some of the key lessons include:
- Technology brings opportunities to connect with others worldwide but can also reduce uniqueness and underground culture.
- It is important to thoroughly prepare for projects and opportunities instead of hoping they will instantly succeed.
- Most creative work involves reusing 80% of past processes but making the beginnings and endings different for each project.
- Networking is crucial to the success of projects and creative work.
The document discusses how social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are popular among students and how instructors can use these tools in the online classroom. It provides an overview of Twitter and how to get started, common Twitter terminology, tips for using Twitter, and examples of how Twitter can be used for professional growth and in the classroom. The presentation aims to give both a big-picture perspective and specific steps for instructors to engage with students using these social media tools.
Brighton And Hove 2. Getting The Basics Right Pt1Ollie Bray
1. The document discusses searching the internet effectively and provides tips for using search engines like Google which has over 8 billion indexed web pages.
2. It also discusses using images and photographs in the classroom and provides sources for finding images like the Scottish Screen Archive website.
3. The document explains copyright terms like attribution, noncommercial, and share alike and provides examples of images with different copyright licenses that can be used for teaching.
Presentacion Festival Agua Viva Canarias - Atun rojoSebastin Losada
Presentacin realizada en el Festival AguaViva Canarias sobre el uso de mediadas espaciales para la proteccin del atn rojo / Presentation on the use of spatial measures for the protection of bluefin tuna at the AquaViva Canarias Festival
The document outlines scenarios for conducting a trial of the iCamp project. It discusses establishing personal environments and forming project groups. It proposes using a trial weblog and wiki to provide information and links to tools and student/facilitator blogs. Students would form groups and work on projects, with self-reflection in blogs and peer/facilitator evaluation of contracts. Facilitators would monitor group work and activities through aggregated feeds from student blogs and other tools tagged with group identifiers.
The document discusses the Scientific Revolution, a period beginning in the 1500s that marked a major change in how people investigated and understood the world. It describes two key ideas: the heliocentric model with the sun at the center of the universe rather than Earth, and the scientific method as the dominant means of investigation. It also notes this shift began a long conflict between science and the Church, as faith was replaced by reason as the primary way to understand truth.
The document describes several experiments investigating the composition of inhaled and exhaled air. Pie charts are used to illustrate that exhaled air contains higher levels of carbon dioxide and water vapor compared to inhaled air, due to cellular respiration. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation can revive someone by providing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from their lungs.
This document discusses geography futures and is authored by Ollie Bray from Musselburgh Grammar School. It provides Ollie's contact information including his email and blog for any questions about taking geography forward or future directions for the subject. Additional resources are referenced from and to aid in considering geography's future.
Annan m?rku, et tegime avalikult k?ttesaadavaks minu 19.12.2019 Tartu ?likooli t??tajatele tehtud koolitusseminari "Microsoft Teams kasutamine" slaidid.
Videosalvestus siin -
Ajaveebi loomine ja esitluse lisamine ajaveebialuojalaine
Google docs oppetoos
1. Google Docs'i
kasutamine ?ppet??s
See materjal on kaitstud Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
ShareAlike 3.0 litsentsiga.
M?ned soovitused ja nipid
2. Mis on Google Docs
? Google Docs on veebip?hine
kontoritarkvara, mis sisaldab
esitlusprogrammi, tekstiredaktorit,
tabelarvutust ja ankeetide koostamise
? Tehtud t??d on v?imalik avaldada veebis
ja/v?i jagada teiste kasutajatega.
? V?imalik on ?importida m?ne muu
kontoritarkvaraga tehtud faile Google Docsi
3. Piirangud
? 10 inimest v?ib korraga muuta esitlust
? 50 inimest v?ib korraga toimetada
? 50 inimest v?ib samaaegselt muuta
4. ?pime ksteist tundma
? Jaga ?pilastele hiskasutamiseks dokument
? Iga ?pilane peab v?hemalt 3 vastusega
l?petama ?petaja poolt alustatud lauset
o Minu hobid
o Oskan v?ga h?sti jne
? Iga ?pilane v?ib valida endale meeldiva v?rvi
? L?petab oma sissekanded nimega
5. Dokumendi statistika
Tools -> Word Count
? Analsib kirjutatud teksti
? Annab levaate teksti raskusest ja
o n?iteks mitmesilbilisi s?nu on kasutatud
Teksti loetavusest vaata l?hemalt:
6. Kommenteeri t??d
? Insert menst saab lisada kommentaare
o ilmuvad teksti ??rde
o saab kasutada erinevate m?rkuste
? Samast menst saab joonealuseid
o valitud kohta ilmub #
o algselt n?htav dokumendi k?rval
o trkkimisel ilmub dokumendi l?ppu,
joone alla
7. Kollektiivsed kodut??d
? ?pilased saavad koos teha
? Koostada koos referaati
? Saab anda lesanded, kus ks
?pilane peab parandama teise
? V?ga mugav v?imalus korjata
kokku vaatlus- v?i katseandmeid
8. Dokumentide jagamine
? Dokumente v?ib jagada k?igile
vaatamiseks - Publish on the Web
? V?ib jagada ainult neile, kellel on
olemas link
o Antud lingi v?ib igal ajal thistada
o Saab m??rata, kes v?ib dokumenti
vaadata v?i muuta
? Dokument v?ib olla isiklik
9. Vestlus esitluse ajal
? Esitluse ajal on v?imalik kaasata ?pilasi
? Esitluse k?rval on "vestlusriba"
? ?pilastele saab esitada ksimusi ja nad
saavad kirjalikult vastata
? ?pilased saavad lisada kommentaare ka
kaaslaste esitlustele
? Eriti motiveeritud on 9-10 aastased lapsed
10. Videod ja pildid vestluses
? Esitluste vestlusruumis on v?imalik jagada
pilte ja videosid
? Lisa ainult link
? Youtube videod on n?htavad kohe samas
? Teiste poolt lisatud pilte ja videosid on
v?imalik kohe n?idata k?igile
11. Kaustade ja failide
? Kasuta kindlasti kaustu, et dokumente
paremini eraldada
? Kaustad saab "sildistada" erinevaid v?rve
? V?ga kiiresti leiab failid les otsingu abil
12. Ksitluste kasutamine
? Vii l?bi erinevaid ksitlusi klassis, kohe
saab teha kokkuv?tteid ja diagramme
?pilastele n?idata
? Ksitle lapsevanemaid
? Mugav v?imalus mingi teema kohta
veebiviiteid korjata ja hinnata neid