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Street Smart Solutions
require Ditto Design
Achter de kudde
V坦坦rdat het misgaat
Jurgen van der Vlugt
Amsterdam, 12 september 2013
 Jurgen = Ir.drs. J. van der Vlugt RE CISA CRISC
 ISSA, president NL chapter, member Ethics Committee
 ISACA, NL board for Roundtables
 Supranationale organisatie, IT-audit
 Maverisk Consultancy, IS Audit and Advisory services
 KPMG, ABN AMRO, host of others
 ERM/ORM, (IS) Audit, (Info)Security
 Yup: WIP, gaarne vragen
  is dom
 Simpel maar hard
 Be Prepared
De massa
People-less Process & Technology
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
 is dom
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
In short, you can screw up
with impuny as long as you
screw up like everybody else.
(David Putnam in Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception, p.203)
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
Eigen Groep Eerst
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
 Defectors (afvalligen)
 Horen erbij!
 Houden de boel fris!
Vrijheid door vangrails
Aristotle might say that we need rules to protect us from disaster. But at the
same time, rules without wisdom are blind and at best guarantee mediocrity 
forcing wise practitioners to become outlaws, rule-breakers pursuing a kind of
guerrilla war to achieve excellence.
Weick found that the longer the checklists for the wildland firefighters became,
the more improvisation was shut down. Rules are aids, allies, guides, and
But too much reliance on rules can squeeze out the judgement that is necessary
to do our work well. ...
Better to minimize the number of rules, give up trying to cover every particular
circumstance, and instead do more training to encourage skill and practical
reasoning and intuition. (Schwartz and Scharpe, Practical Wisdom)
Simpel maar hard
Be Prepared
De juiste druk; effectief design
 Doorzie het dilemma
 Zie de druk van allevier de kringen
 Alles op de juiste maat
 Stimuleer samenwerking
 Pakkans ~ straf
 Kies algemene, reactieve (?) sec.systems
 Pas op concentratie-Points of Failure
 Alles transparant
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
Pt > Dt + Rt
(Pt > 0)
E = Dt + Rt
(Pt = 0) 
Zero-day exploits, or
any unknown vectors
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
  is dom
 Simpel maar hard
 Be Prepared
Hoop dat het ritje beviel.Hoop dat het ritje beviel.
Dat was alles. Dank U.Dat was alles. Dank U.
IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs
Dank u
 Jurgen van der Vlugt
 LinkedIn http://nl.linkedin.com/in/jurgenvandervlugt/
 Twitter @jvdvlugt
 (G+, etc.etc.)
Dogma: The problem starts at the secondary level, not with the originator or the developer of
the idea but with the people who are attracted by it, who cling to it until their last nail breaks,
and who invariably lack the overview, flexibility, imagination, and, most importantly, sense of
humor, to maintain it in the spirit in which it was hatched. Ideas are made by masters, dogma
by disciples, and the Buddha is always killed on the road. (Tom Robbins, Still Life with
Woodpecker, 1984)
How to Stop

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IDC Amsterdam 2013 09 12 Smart Security Solutions require Ditto Designs

  • 1. Street Smart Solutions require Ditto Design Achter de kudde of V坦坦rdat het misgaat Jurgen van der Vlugt Amsterdam, 12 september 2013
  • 2. Introductie Jurgen = Ir.drs. J. van der Vlugt RE CISA CRISC ISSA, president NL chapter, member Ethics Committee ISACA, NL board for Roundtables Supranationale organisatie, IT-audit Maverisk Consultancy, IS Audit and Advisory services KPMG, ABN AMRO, host of others ERM/ORM, (IS) Audit, (Info)Security Yup: WIP, gaarne vragen
  • 3. Agenda Massa -loos is dom Reacties Vangrails Simpel maar hard Be Prepared
  • 10. (FUD)
  • 12. In short, you can screw up with impuny as long as you screw up like everybody else. (David Putnam in Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception, p.203)
  • 18. Range
  • 20. Radicalen (Extremistisch- bureaucratischen) Defectors (afvalligen) ALTIJD Horen erbij! Houden de boel fris!
  • 21. Vrijheid door vangrails Aristotle might say that we need rules to protect us from disaster. But at the same time, rules without wisdom are blind and at best guarantee mediocrity forcing wise practitioners to become outlaws, rule-breakers pursuing a kind of guerrilla war to achieve excellence. Weick found that the longer the checklists for the wildland firefighters became, the more improvisation was shut down. Rules are aids, allies, guides, and checks. But too much reliance on rules can squeeze out the judgement that is necessary to do our work well. ... Better to minimize the number of rules, give up trying to cover every particular circumstance, and instead do more training to encourage skill and practical reasoning and intuition. (Schwartz and Scharpe, Practical Wisdom)
  • 23. De juiste druk; effectief design Doorzie het dilemma Zie de druk van allevier de kringen Alles op de juiste maat Stimuleer samenwerking Pakkans ~ straf Kies algemene, reactieve (?) sec.systems Pas op concentratie-Points of Failure Alles transparant
  • 25. Pt > Dt + Rt (Pt > 0) E = Dt + Rt (Pt = 0) Zero-day exploits, or any unknown vectors
  • 27. Agenda Massa -loos is dom Reacties Vangrails Simpel maar hard Be Prepared
  • 28. Hoop dat het ritje beviel.Hoop dat het ritje beviel. Dat was alles. Dank U.Dat was alles. Dank U.
  • 31. Jurgen van der Vlugt Jvdvlugt@maverisk.nl LinkedIn http://nl.linkedin.com/in/jurgenvandervlugt/ Twitter @jvdvlugt (G+, etc.etc.) Contactdetails Dogma: The problem starts at the secondary level, not with the originator or the developer of the idea but with the people who are attracted by it, who cling to it until their last nail breaks, and who invariably lack the overview, flexibility, imagination, and, most importantly, sense of humor, to maintain it in the spirit in which it was hatched. Ideas are made by masters, dogma by disciples, and the Buddha is always killed on the road. (Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker, 1984)