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Much Data
Dispersing into the Cloud

                       Jurgen van der Vlugt
     SecureAmsterdam at Cisco, Sept 11 2012

 Jurgen = Ir.drs. J. van der Vlugt RE CISA CRISC
 Maverisk Consultancy, IS Audit and Advisory services
 (IS) Audit, (Info)Security, BCM, ERM/ORM
 17 years at KPMG, ABN AMRO Bank, Noordbeek, Achmea, ABN AMRO
 ISSA, NOREA: Various prof development/practices committees
The big picture

        Processing   managing this !?  
                     Much Data, perfected?

Cloud Storage          Much Data vs. storage
                     Data Quality / Info Quality

        (Thanks,    )
Much Data

 Zetta, yotta, kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi, pebi, exbi, pebi, yobi
 Social Media         Who owns that data / privacy
 Company data  Do you know
                         What is yours,
                         Where it is,
                         What the value is, etc
 No you dont.
  [See Eric Nieuwlands pres earlier]
Hegel and Derrida aside

 Hegel: Reason will completely merge with the Universe

 Derrida: Fuggeddaboudit. The material representation of language
  is unattached to Meaning (which is individual)

 Conclusion: We will get lost

 Corrolary: We will need I-T to help us

 Which leads to / is Singularity
 Infeasibility to the rescue (?): Infinite meta-loop

 Kyoto School: The river doesnt make any noise
   Data is needed to have information
Storage, anyone ..?
Storage limits
 Impossible to keep up; gap widening

    Hoping for production crash
    Storage vs. ephemeral data

 Facebook (doesnt) knows
  what you did twenty summers ago
    Phew! Reputation restauration possible (?)
    Trust through reputation !?

 When cloud providers run out of secondary provisioning
Data quality. IQ ?

                                            Every step
                                            up will be   Wisdom
                                            harder to    Insight
                    The more data, the less Info             Info
Debatable whether
we have any clue
about how to do
those things
                              Much Data
More data less control
Into the Cloud

 Dump it there
 Fogging up
   The location
   The existence
   The blame
    (ownership / actions)
 Same: Outsourcing
    Some data is somewhere out there
   Social Media; production and privacy
   Value (Data/Information/ )
   MIS Is A Mirage ( J. Dearden, HBR 1972 ..!)

 A manager with a tool, is still a 
 Nevertheless: Just do it
Summarising the big picture

        Processing   managing this !?  
                        Much Data, perfected?

Cloud Storage           Much Data vs. storage
                       Data Quality / Info Quality

        (Thanks,    )

               Confidentiality  Least of your problems (?)
             Integrity  Lack of controls
            Availability  Dream of Nightmare
   Know your data (which, where)
   Protect your data (privacy; data-bound crypto)
   Know your data (architecture, various levels)
   Control integrity (various levels)
   Transparent  transitive! Arrangements
   Double, triple,  availability (storage reqs ..?)
It can be done 

   but through complexity,
    difficulty will grow
   and we dont have enough clue yet
Thats it for me
Much Data 0.95
Thank you
Much Data 0.95

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Much Data 0.95

  • 1. Much Data Dispersing into the Cloud Jurgen van der Vlugt SecureAmsterdam at Cisco, Sept 11 2012
  • 2. Introduction Jurgen = Ir.drs. J. van der Vlugt RE CISA CRISC Maverisk Consultancy, IS Audit and Advisory services (IS) Audit, (Info)Security, BCM, ERM/ORM 17 years at KPMG, ABN AMRO Bank, Noordbeek, Achmea, ABN AMRO ISSA, NOREA: Various prof development/practices committees
  • 3. The big picture Processing managing this !? Much Data, perfected? Cloud Storage Much Data vs. storage Data Quality / Info Quality Networking (Thanks, )
  • 4. Much Data Zetta, yotta, kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi, pebi, exbi, pebi, yobi Social Media Who owns that data / privacy Company data Do you know What is yours, Where it is, What the value is, etc No you dont. [See Eric Nieuwlands pres earlier]
  • 5. Hegel and Derrida aside Hegel: Reason will completely merge with the Universe Derrida: Fuggeddaboudit. The material representation of language is unattached to Meaning (which is individual) Conclusion: We will get lost Corrolary: We will need I-T to help us Which leads to / is Singularity Infeasibility to the rescue (?): Infinite meta-loop Kyoto School: The river doesnt make any noise Data is needed to have information
  • 7. Storage limits Impossible to keep up; gap widening Hoping for production crash Storage vs. ephemeral data Facebook (doesnt) knows what you did twenty summers ago Phew! Reputation restauration possible (?) Trust through reputation !? When cloud providers run out of secondary provisioning
  • 8. Data quality. IQ ? Every step up will be Wisdom harder to Insight control Intelligence Knowledge The more data, the less Info Info Debatable whether we have any clue about how to do those things Much Data
  • 9. More data less control
  • 10. Into the Cloud Dump it there Fogging up The location The existence The blame (ownership / actions) Same: Outsourcing
  • 11. So, Some data is somewhere out there Privacy Social Media; production and privacy Value (Data/Information/ ) MIS Is A Mirage ( J. Dearden, HBR 1972 ..!) A manager with a tool, is still a Nevertheless: Just do it
  • 12. Summarising the big picture Processing managing this !? Much Data, perfected? Cloud Storage Much Data vs. storage Data Quality / Info Quality Networking (Thanks, ) Confidentiality Least of your problems (?) Integrity Lack of controls Availability Dream of Nightmare
  • 13. CIA / CYA Confidentiality: Know your data (which, where) Protect your data (privacy; data-bound crypto) Integrity: Know your data (architecture, various levels) Control integrity (various levels) Availability: Transparent transitive! Arrangements Double, triple, availability (storage reqs ..?)
  • 14. Conclusion: It can be done but through complexity, difficulty will grow and we dont have enough clue yet