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November 2014. 
International Corporation 
Dear Madams/Sirs: 
I am sending you my resume with the objective to offer my professional and labor services. 
Due to my professional experience in Finance, Internal Control, Information Systems and Business 
Development working for companies like Telemovil El Salvador, Lucent Technologies El Salvador, 
Ahorromet Valores (Stock Brokers House) and Phelps Dodge in addition to my academic studies in 
Management Information Systems so as my Master in Business and Administration I can perform 
professional activities in the areas mentioned before. 
I´d like to remark my experience as professor in several universities teaching different classes inclusive 
master’s courses, so as my certification as Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert (CSOE) from Sarbanes 
Oxley Compliance Professionals Association (SOXCPA). Actually I´m the President of Service 
Committee at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador, so as member of International 
Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP). 
I´m in disposition for traveling and relocation so as an excellent level of concordance with Corporate 
Social Responsibility, Diversity, Analytical and Strategic Thinking, and Results Orientation. Actually 
I´m in contact with a US attorney office that will help me with the process to obtain a work visa if I 
receive a job offer, in any case I´m in disposition to follow your corporate normative for this. 
I’d like to have an interview to expand the information that I’m sending you at this moment, so please 
let me have a conversation with you. 
Thanks a lot and best regards. 
Mauricio A. Paredes M. 
Cel. (503) 7887-9509 
email: mauricio.paredes@live.com 
skype: mauricio_a.paredes
1) Main Personal Information. - 
Complete Name: Mauricio Arturo Paredes Marenco 
Telephones: (503) 2289-6222; Mobile (503) 7887-9509 
Languages: Spanish and English (100% both) 
Email address: mauricio.paredes@live.com Skype: mauricio_a.paredes 
2) Academic Studies. - 
· Master Degree. - 
Master in Business and Administration (MBA) at Instituto Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas de la 
Fundación Empresarial para el Desarrollo Educativo (ISEADE/FEPADE). San Salvador, El Salvador; 1997. 
· University Degree. - 
Management Information Systems (BS), at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). 
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, 1990. 
Extracurricular activities: General coordinator of Decanis for First Congress of Venturesome Spirit ITESM; I was in charge 
of 33 people. Treasurer for the Program of the Venturesome Spirit ITESM. Collaborator at Quality Control Center ITESM. 
Manager for Computer Center at Residences Hall at ITESM 
· High school Degree. - 
Graduate of High school Academic option Physics and Mathematics , Colegio Champagnat, 1985. 
3) Labor Experience. - 
Virtual de El Salvador SA de CV. 2006 to date. Senior Manager Consultant in Finance, Internal Control, Information 
Systems and Business Development. 
- Internal Controls procedures to be in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) & Internal Control Integrated 
Framework (COSO 2013); assessment / audit, implementation and control. 
- Development of Integral Auditing Processes . 
- Responsible for Financial-Accounting Operations, including Treasury, Analysis, and Controlling. 
- Budget’s Elaboration and Control. Projects Management and Development 
- Business Development and Organizational Design. Professional Training Services 
- Information Systems Analysis and Evaluation. 
- Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Risk Management (ISO 31000) development. 
- Associated Consultant for NGI Services . Associated Consultant for 360expert. 
- Associated Consultant for Entrepreneur Center, Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN) working with Finpyme 
Program of Interamerican Investment Corporation (IIC)/ InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB), and Fondepro 
Program, until 2012. 
- Plans for Business Expansion so as Macroeconomic Analysis for Sector /Industry. 
Telemovil El Salvador S.A., (Millicom subsidiary (MIC)) 
Treasurer, 2001 to 2005. Purchase and Administrative Manager 2005 to 2006. 
Internal controls implementation for compliance with Sarbanes -Oxley (SOX) for cash management, debt and investments, 
as well as the administrative and purchasing goods and services for local and internationa l during the months of December 
2004 to August 2006. 
Design and implementation of a reorganization plan for the bank debt with seven local and two international banks to ensure 
preferential interest rates for business loans in the short and long term. 
Financial investments program implementation using portfolio management services. 
Annual budget coordination and business plan elaboration within five years scope. 
Suppliers payment system implementation (local and foreign) as well as all other financial obligations. 
Reporting of monthly financial statements for the company's board of directors and analysts parent, all based on generally 
accepted international standards (IFRS's, U.S. GAAP). 
Introduction of electronic banking processes for consultation and making payments to suppliers. 
Negotiation and management of insurance policies of all risk, fidelity, assets, so as medical-hospital insurance and life 
Coordination of the administrative and maintenance functions for physical facilities of the company 
Job was performed primarily in El Salvador, so as Guatemala.
Lucent Technologies El Salvador 
Financial Manager, 1996 to 1998. Associated Manager (1998-2001) 
Financial statements monthly reports, based on generally accepted internat ional standards (IFRS's, U.S. GAAP), to the 
corporate offices. 
Treasury operations including collections, cash flow management, payments. 
Develop and implement a financial analysis system project being conducted by the company. 
Prepare the annual budget of the company and gave a monthly monitoring, reporting and analyzing variations thereof. 
Macroeconomic studies for the industrial sector of the business interest. 
In last years, I worked for specific requirements and also provided services to other entities. 
Job was performed primarily in El Salvador, so as México, Dominican Republic and Honduras . 
Ahorromet Valores SA., Stock Brokers House. 
General Manager, 1994 to 1996. 
Legal and administrative procedures completion for the company´s foundation and startup, including its manuals and 
operating procedures so as personnel selection and training 
Design and supervision of programming computerized trading system as well as its implementation together with a 
computerized accounting system (ERP). 
Promotion of the services and products of company stock 
Issuance and sale of four long-term debt emissions for Financiera Ahorromet. 
Daily buy and sell operations in primary and secondary financial market. 
I worked as a member of the brokerage houses, in the review of the Salvadorian Securities Exchange Act to present 
improvements to it, and Market Information System for use in the stock market environment. 
Monthly financial reports, based on generally accepted international standards. 
Responsible for meeting the requirements of stock exchange office, financial system superintendence, audits , and media 
Prepare the annual budget of the company and gave a monthly monitoring, reporting and analyzing variations thereof. 
Design and implementation a system of economic and stock market statistics 
Job was performed primarily in El Salvador, so as Costa Rica. 
Conductores Eléctricos de Centroamerica (Conelca, Phelps Dodge subsidiary) 
Treasurer Manager Trainee, 1991 to 1994. 
Main Activities: 
- Operative Cash Flow elaboration and control - Operative relations with headquarters 
- Relations with the institutions of the financial system, as well as control of bank account balances 
- Responsible for the payments so much national as international 
- Member of the budget elaboration and control committee 
- Member of the reengineering committee and development of the new on-line Computer Information System. 
Educational Experience (1990 – Up today). - 
- Associated Instructor for Salvadorean Institute of Public Accountants (Internal Control – COSO 2013 and SOX courses). 
- Professor at ISEADE-FEPADE, Graduated Programs. 
- Professor at Finance Course, Master Programs, Universidad Francisco Gavidia. 
- Universidad Don Bosco. Professor for Implications and Impact of Information and Communication Technologies course at 
Master Quality Management program. 
- Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN). Introduction to Information Systems course, 1994 & Sustainability 
Business Innovation course using IIC / IADB methodology for small business diagnostics and evaluation, 2008. 
- Universidad Centroamericana "Dr. José Simeón Cañas" (UCA) and Universidad "Dr. José Matías Delgado". University 
Professor at Computer Programming I and Database courses. 1990 and 1991. 
- University professor on partial time at Universidad Centroamericana "Dr. José Simeón Cañas" (UCA) with courses like 
Stock-Market Operations, Financial Analysis, Long Term Financial Administration, Systems Auditing; as well as thesis 
jury related with finance 1994 on. 
4) Other Important Information. - 
Main Courses and Seminars. – 
- Process of Adoption and Implementation of IFRS for SMEs , CVPCPA, San Salvador, Jan-2011 
- Program FONDEPRO. Ministerio de Economía. San Salvador, 2011. 
- Small Business Development, Univ. Of Texas at San Antonio – Min. Economía, San Salvador, Oct-2010 
- Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert (CSOE), SOXCPA, November-2009 
- Risk Management, I-SEC, San Salvador, September-2008 
- ISO 27001/27002 (Code of practice for information security management), I-SEC, San Salvador, Jul-2008
- Auditing Directives for Information Technology (COBIT ver. 4), I-SEC, San Salvador, Mar-2008 
- Business Continuity Plan (BCP), I-SEC, San Salvador, El Salvador, December-2007. 
- Fast Reading Methods, Técnicas Americanas de Estudio, San Salvador, El Salvador, January-2007 
- FISH a new life Philosophy, Fepade, San Salvador, El Salvador, January-2006 
- Money Laundry, Citibank, San Salvador, El Salvador, August-2005. 
- Non-traditional Finnancial Products, INCAE, San Salvador, El Salvador, 2004. 
- Economic Value Added, INCAE, Managua, Nicaragua, Noviembre 2001. 
- Electronic Trade and strategic tools of technology, ASI, San Salvador, El Salvador, December 2000. 
- Globalization and TLC, ASI, San Salvador, El Salvador, August 1998. 
- International Finance, FEPADE, San Salvador, El Salvador, Oct. 1996 
- Investment Founds, Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, Nov. 1995. 
- Financial Analysis, Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, Oct. 1995. 
- Effective Human Resources Management, Ahorromet, San Salvador, El Salvador, June 1995. 
- Stock Exchange Operations, Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, San Salvador, Sept. 1994. 
- Strategic, Operational and Contingencies Planning, ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, March 1990. 
- Management Information Systems (Strategic Tools), ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, September 1989 
- Leadership and Motivation, ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, April 1986. 
Extracurricular Activities. - 
- Member of Sarbanes Oxley Compliance Professionals Association (SOXCPA) as Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert 
- Member of International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP) 
- Member of Network for Business Innovation & Sustainability (NBIS). 
- Committee of Services at Cámara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador. 
- First Director and Secretary at Asociación Salvadoreña de Profesionales en Computación (ASPROC). 
- Speaker for Fundación Empresarial para el Desarrollo Educativo (FEPADE), working with the Federación Salvadoreña de 
Ingenieros y Arquitectos y Ramas Afines (FESIARA). 
- Speaker for XI Entrepreneurship Congress – ESEN, 2008. · Jury for Entrepreneurship Award Citi-Esen-Acción 2008, 
2009 & 2011. 
References. - 
- Ivan Díaz Rivera, Head of Quality, Telemovil, Tel. (503) 7886-5875 
- Carlos Navas, Compliance Manager, Telemovil, Tel. (503) 7870-0038 
- Rodolfo Alberto Salazar, General Manager, ABB El Salvador Tel. (503) 2264-5471

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Mauricio Paredes - resume

  • 1. November 2014. Madams/Sirs: International Corporation Present.- Dear Madams/Sirs: I am sending you my resume with the objective to offer my professional and labor services. Due to my professional experience in Finance, Internal Control, Information Systems and Business Development working for companies like Telemovil El Salvador, Lucent Technologies El Salvador, Ahorromet Valores (Stock Brokers House) and Phelps Dodge in addition to my academic studies in Management Information Systems so as my Master in Business and Administration I can perform professional activities in the areas mentioned before. I´d like to remark my experience as professor in several universities teaching different classes inclusive master’s courses, so as my certification as Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert (CSOE) from Sarbanes Oxley Compliance Professionals Association (SOXCPA). Actually I´m the President of Service Committee at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador, so as member of International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP). I´m in disposition for traveling and relocation so as an excellent level of concordance with Corporate Social Responsibility, Diversity, Analytical and Strategic Thinking, and Results Orientation. Actually I´m in contact with a US attorney office that will help me with the process to obtain a work visa if I receive a job offer, in any case I´m in disposition to follow your corporate normative for this. I’d like to have an interview to expand the information that I’m sending you at this moment, so please let me have a conversation with you. Thanks a lot and best regards. Mauricio A. Paredes M. Cel. (503) 7887-9509 email: mauricio.paredes@live.com skype: mauricio_a.paredes
  • 2. MAURICIO PAREDES 1) Main Personal Information. - Complete Name: Mauricio Arturo Paredes Marenco Telephones: (503) 2289-6222; Mobile (503) 7887-9509 Languages: Spanish and English (100% both) Email address: mauricio.paredes@live.com Skype: mauricio_a.paredes 2) Academic Studies. - · Master Degree. - Master in Business and Administration (MBA) at Instituto Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas de la Fundación Empresarial para el Desarrollo Educativo (ISEADE/FEPADE). San Salvador, El Salvador; 1997. · University Degree. - Management Information Systems (BS), at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM). Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, 1990. Extracurricular activities: General coordinator of Decanis for First Congress of Venturesome Spirit ITESM; I was in charge of 33 people. Treasurer for the Program of the Venturesome Spirit ITESM. Collaborator at Quality Control Center ITESM. Manager for Computer Center at Residences Hall at ITESM · High school Degree. - Graduate of High school Academic option Physics and Mathematics , Colegio Champagnat, 1985. 3) Labor Experience. - Virtual de El Salvador SA de CV. 2006 to date. Senior Manager Consultant in Finance, Internal Control, Information Systems and Business Development. - Internal Controls procedures to be in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) & Internal Control Integrated Framework (COSO 2013); assessment / audit, implementation and control. - Development of Integral Auditing Processes . - Responsible for Financial-Accounting Operations, including Treasury, Analysis, and Controlling. - Budget’s Elaboration and Control. Projects Management and Development - Business Development and Organizational Design. Professional Training Services - Information Systems Analysis and Evaluation. - Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Risk Management (ISO 31000) development. - Associated Consultant for NGI Services . Associated Consultant for 360expert. - Associated Consultant for Entrepreneur Center, Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN) working with Finpyme Program of Interamerican Investment Corporation (IIC)/ InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB), and Fondepro Program, until 2012. - Plans for Business Expansion so as Macroeconomic Analysis for Sector /Industry. Telemovil El Salvador S.A., (Millicom subsidiary (MIC)) Treasurer, 2001 to 2005. Purchase and Administrative Manager 2005 to 2006. Internal controls implementation for compliance with Sarbanes -Oxley (SOX) for cash management, debt and investments, as well as the administrative and purchasing goods and services for local and internationa l during the months of December 2004 to August 2006. Design and implementation of a reorganization plan for the bank debt with seven local and two international banks to ensure preferential interest rates for business loans in the short and long term. Financial investments program implementation using portfolio management services. Annual budget coordination and business plan elaboration within five years scope. Suppliers payment system implementation (local and foreign) as well as all other financial obligations. Reporting of monthly financial statements for the company's board of directors and analysts parent, all based on generally accepted international standards (IFRS's, U.S. GAAP). Introduction of electronic banking processes for consultation and making payments to suppliers. Negotiation and management of insurance policies of all risk, fidelity, assets, so as medical-hospital insurance and life insurance. Coordination of the administrative and maintenance functions for physical facilities of the company Job was performed primarily in El Salvador, so as Guatemala.
  • 3. Lucent Technologies El Salvador Financial Manager, 1996 to 1998. Associated Manager (1998-2001) Financial statements monthly reports, based on generally accepted internat ional standards (IFRS's, U.S. GAAP), to the corporate offices. Treasury operations including collections, cash flow management, payments. Develop and implement a financial analysis system project being conducted by the company. Prepare the annual budget of the company and gave a monthly monitoring, reporting and analyzing variations thereof. Macroeconomic studies for the industrial sector of the business interest. In last years, I worked for specific requirements and also provided services to other entities. Job was performed primarily in El Salvador, so as México, Dominican Republic and Honduras . Ahorromet Valores SA., Stock Brokers House. General Manager, 1994 to 1996. Legal and administrative procedures completion for the company´s foundation and startup, including its manuals and operating procedures so as personnel selection and training Design and supervision of programming computerized trading system as well as its implementation together with a computerized accounting system (ERP). Promotion of the services and products of company stock Issuance and sale of four long-term debt emissions for Financiera Ahorromet. Daily buy and sell operations in primary and secondary financial market. I worked as a member of the brokerage houses, in the review of the Salvadorian Securities Exchange Act to present improvements to it, and Market Information System for use in the stock market environment. Monthly financial reports, based on generally accepted international standards. Responsible for meeting the requirements of stock exchange office, financial system superintendence, audits , and media Prepare the annual budget of the company and gave a monthly monitoring, reporting and analyzing variations thereof. Design and implementation a system of economic and stock market statistics Job was performed primarily in El Salvador, so as Costa Rica. Conductores Eléctricos de Centroamerica (Conelca, Phelps Dodge subsidiary) Treasurer Manager Trainee, 1991 to 1994. Main Activities: - Operative Cash Flow elaboration and control - Operative relations with headquarters - Relations with the institutions of the financial system, as well as control of bank account balances - Responsible for the payments so much national as international - Member of the budget elaboration and control committee - Member of the reengineering committee and development of the new on-line Computer Information System. Educational Experience (1990 – Up today). - - Associated Instructor for Salvadorean Institute of Public Accountants (Internal Control – COSO 2013 and SOX courses). - Professor at ISEADE-FEPADE, Graduated Programs. - Professor at Finance Course, Master Programs, Universidad Francisco Gavidia. - Universidad Don Bosco. Professor for Implications and Impact of Information and Communication Technologies course at Master Quality Management program. - Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN). Introduction to Information Systems course, 1994 & Sustainability Business Innovation course using IIC / IADB methodology for small business diagnostics and evaluation, 2008. - Universidad Centroamericana "Dr. José Simeón Cañas" (UCA) and Universidad "Dr. José Matías Delgado". University Professor at Computer Programming I and Database courses. 1990 and 1991. - University professor on partial time at Universidad Centroamericana "Dr. José Simeón Cañas" (UCA) with courses like Stock-Market Operations, Financial Analysis, Long Term Financial Administration, Systems Auditing; as well as thesis jury related with finance 1994 on. 4) Other Important Information. - Main Courses and Seminars. – - Process of Adoption and Implementation of IFRS for SMEs , CVPCPA, San Salvador, Jan-2011 - Program FONDEPRO. Ministerio de Economía. San Salvador, 2011. - Small Business Development, Univ. Of Texas at San Antonio – Min. Economía, San Salvador, Oct-2010 - Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert (CSOE), SOXCPA, November-2009 - Risk Management, I-SEC, San Salvador, September-2008 - ISO 27001/27002 (Code of practice for information security management), I-SEC, San Salvador, Jul-2008
  • 4. - Auditing Directives for Information Technology (COBIT ver. 4), I-SEC, San Salvador, Mar-2008 - Business Continuity Plan (BCP), I-SEC, San Salvador, El Salvador, December-2007. - Fast Reading Methods, Técnicas Americanas de Estudio, San Salvador, El Salvador, January-2007 - FISH a new life Philosophy, Fepade, San Salvador, El Salvador, January-2006 - Money Laundry, Citibank, San Salvador, El Salvador, August-2005. - Non-traditional Finnancial Products, INCAE, San Salvador, El Salvador, 2004. - Economic Value Added, INCAE, Managua, Nicaragua, Noviembre 2001. - Electronic Trade and strategic tools of technology, ASI, San Salvador, El Salvador, December 2000. - Globalization and TLC, ASI, San Salvador, El Salvador, August 1998. - International Finance, FEPADE, San Salvador, El Salvador, Oct. 1996 - Investment Founds, Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, Nov. 1995. - Financial Analysis, Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, Oct. 1995. - Effective Human Resources Management, Ahorromet, San Salvador, El Salvador, June 1995. - Stock Exchange Operations, Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, San Salvador, Sept. 1994. - Strategic, Operational and Contingencies Planning, ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, March 1990. - Management Information Systems (Strategic Tools), ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, September 1989 - Leadership and Motivation, ITESM, Monterrey, Mexico, April 1986. Extracurricular Activities. - - Member of Sarbanes Oxley Compliance Professionals Association (SOXCPA) as Certified Sarbanes-Oxley Expert (CSOE) - Member of International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP) - Member of Network for Business Innovation & Sustainability (NBIS). - Committee of Services at Cámara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador. - First Director and Secretary at Asociación Salvadoreña de Profesionales en Computación (ASPROC). - Speaker for Fundación Empresarial para el Desarrollo Educativo (FEPADE), working with the Federación Salvadoreña de Ingenieros y Arquitectos y Ramas Afines (FESIARA). - Speaker for XI Entrepreneurship Congress – ESEN, 2008. · Jury for Entrepreneurship Award Citi-Esen-Acción 2008, 2009 & 2011. References. - - Ivan Díaz Rivera, Head of Quality, Telemovil, Tel. (503) 7886-5875 - Carlos Navas, Compliance Manager, Telemovil, Tel. (503) 7870-0038 - Rodolfo Alberto Salazar, General Manager, ABB El Salvador Tel. (503) 2264-5471