Sermon 2016 # 8 kingdom membershipSSMC"Kingdom Membership: Come One Come All" Message by Robin Liew on 19June2016.
Sermon #8 in Kingdom of God Sermon Series
Touching lives Part 3 - Making a Difference 19Jan2014SSMCThis document discusses how to touch lives for Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that we must first be touched by Christ's love and sacrifice before we can touch others. It encourages living for Christ rather than oneself. It also promotes being "MAD for Jesus" by being open, available, and ready to serve Him through fostering others, volunteering for church activities, and using the opportunities God provides no matter how small our abilities. The overall message is a call to use what resources we do have to touch lives for Christ.
Sociala Media Corporate EfficiencySNSPresentation used att Seminar for Enabling May 2011.
Main topic, how can we use socal media to improve our internal efficiency.
Spiritual authority 6 (10 nov2013)SSMC1) The document discusses Mark 10:35-45 and spiritual authority. It says true spiritual authority comes through submission to Christ and having godly character, which requires painful transformation.
2) It summarizes the key points in Mark 10:35-45, including that disciples were ambitious for power like the world, and that the primary calling is to be a servant like Christ.
3) The conclusion is that God is calling his people, including individuals, churches, and the Malaysian church, to fully obey and exercise their God-given authority as servants through sanctification and sacrificial living.
What does-it-take-to-follow-christSSMCThis document discusses what it means to follow Christ and be dependent on Him. It argues that true obedience to Christ comes from a close relationship with Him, where believers rely on Him for wisdom, strength, and direction, similar to how branches rely on and draw nourishment from a vine. It warns that trying to live the Christian life through self-effort alone will lead to defeat, emptiness, and a lack of spiritual fruit. True obedience flows from abiding in Christ through prayer, Bible study, confession, and continually trusting in Him.
Mc Farland Studerguest110da8c6The document discusses several topics related to economics and employment including:
1) The number of low-skilled workers after a trade pact between China and America.
2) The percentage of the population involved in food production.
3) The current US unemployment rate.
4) Reasons why some knowledge workers may need to change jobs or fields.
ONACamp: Branding & Community EngagementMandy JenkinsThe document discusses strategies for journalists to engage with communities through social media and in-person. It provides tips for using tools like Twitter, Facebook, and blogs to build relationships with readers, share expertise on topics, and crowdsource information and story ideas. The document emphasizes engaging in two-way conversations, being transparent, and meeting with communities offline through events and "office hours" to strengthen connections.
World Usability Day 2014 - Keene State College - Usable Documentation - Kevin...Braun InteractiveCreating documentation for designers and developers that is actually usable...treating project team members like "end users" of UX deliverables and hopefully creating better products because of it.
Mk Dobbs 2010 ResumemkDobbsMary K. Dobbs is a results-oriented professional with 10 years of experience in project coordination, business analysis, customer service, and release management. She has a track record of success leading teams and driving on-time project completion. Her technical skills include Remedy, Hummingbird, Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, Visio, SharePoint, and Oracle. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Linfield College.
Writing quality code, as a team.e0ipsoAs developers we have tools that can be used to reduce the impact of all these situations. We can write quality code as a team.
In this session I will talk about some of the processes that we can use to write code that fails less often and fails in a helpful way. We will learn how we need to be responsible of our code and the code that our peers write, of setting expectations about the level of effort, of helping QA to cover edge cases, …
Современные жилые комплексы: взгляд со стороны различных заинтересованных группТвоя столицаКонференция "Коммерческая и жилая функции: враги или союзники?", Минск, 2011
False Teachings SSMC1) False teachings were threatening the early Christians because they were living in the "last hour" period between Jesus' ascension and Second Coming.
2) The false teachings denied that Jesus is the Christ and Savior, and went against sound biblical doctrine.
3) Christians are to respond by knowing the truth found in Scripture, which the Holy Spirit teaches and reveals.
Jim Yost - It's now or never SSMCThis passage from Luke describes a parable told by Jesus about a man who prepared a great banquet but many of the invited guests made excuses for why they could not attend. When the servant told the man this, he became angry and told the servant to bring in the poor, crippled, blind, and lame instead. The parable illustrates that people often make excuses to avoid following God but He desires all people to come to His banquet, especially the marginalized. Discipleship requires obeying God's commandments to love Him and others above all else.
Sreejith Sr.Software Engineer Java J2 Ee 4 Yearssreejith82Sreejith G has over 4 years of experience in software development using Java, J2EE, and related technologies. He has a MSc in Bioinformatics and BSc in Computer Science. He is proficient in Java, JSP, Struts, HTML, AJAX, and databases like Oracle and MySQL. His past work includes projects for Millennium Consultants and Accel Frontline developing applications using technologies like Spring, Hibernate, and Tomcat. He is interested in both software development and bioinformatics.
Maximize Your Social MediaMandy JenkinsTactics and tips to improve your comfort on social media, establish your brand,
encourage audience engagement, and measure how well your social media efforts are
working over time. Originally presented at APME's Newstrain in Springfield, IL.
Markkinointiviestintä – Mitä tehdä itse, mitä ulkoistaa Worldcom Public Relations GroupMeditan viestintäkonsultti Tommi PIteniuksen puheenvuoro markkinointiviestinnän työnjaosta tilaajan ja PR- ja viestintätoimiston kesken Alihankintamessujen Markkinointiklinikalla Tampereella 16.9.2015
Paying the Price for Revival, July 1 by mark goodwinSSMCThe document discusses reasons for churches to be in a state of permanent revival. It provides examples of revivals like the Brownsville Revival and Bethel Church in Redding, CA. It emphasizes holiness and being faithful with what God has given. The document encourages churches to aspire to be like the bride of Christ in Revelation, dressed in fine linen representing righteous acts.
Building Your Audience on Social MediaMandy JenkinsThis document discusses strategies for building an audience and measuring success on social media. It provides tips for tracking metrics like retweets, followers over time, Klout scores, and interactions. It also offers suggestions for hashtags, targeting influencers, analyzing trends, submitting stories to relevant blogs, and capitalizing on breaking news. The overall message is that social media success depends on constant evaluation of metrics, interactions, and opportunities to expand one's audience and share content.
What does-it-take-to-follow-christSSMCThis document discusses what it means to follow Christ and be dependent on Him. It argues that true obedience to Christ comes from a close relationship with Him, where believers rely on Him for wisdom, strength, and direction, similar to how branches rely on and draw nourishment from a vine. It warns that trying to live the Christian life through self-effort alone will lead to defeat, emptiness, and a lack of spiritual fruit. True obedience flows from abiding in Christ through prayer, Bible study, confession, and continually trusting in Him.
Mc Farland Studerguest110da8c6The document discusses several topics related to economics and employment including:
1) The number of low-skilled workers after a trade pact between China and America.
2) The percentage of the population involved in food production.
3) The current US unemployment rate.
4) Reasons why some knowledge workers may need to change jobs or fields.
ONACamp: Branding & Community EngagementMandy JenkinsThe document discusses strategies for journalists to engage with communities through social media and in-person. It provides tips for using tools like Twitter, Facebook, and blogs to build relationships with readers, share expertise on topics, and crowdsource information and story ideas. The document emphasizes engaging in two-way conversations, being transparent, and meeting with communities offline through events and "office hours" to strengthen connections.
World Usability Day 2014 - Keene State College - Usable Documentation - Kevin...Braun InteractiveCreating documentation for designers and developers that is actually usable...treating project team members like "end users" of UX deliverables and hopefully creating better products because of it.
Mk Dobbs 2010 ResumemkDobbsMary K. Dobbs is a results-oriented professional with 10 years of experience in project coordination, business analysis, customer service, and release management. She has a track record of success leading teams and driving on-time project completion. Her technical skills include Remedy, Hummingbird, Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, Visio, SharePoint, and Oracle. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Linfield College.
Writing quality code, as a team.e0ipsoAs developers we have tools that can be used to reduce the impact of all these situations. We can write quality code as a team.
In this session I will talk about some of the processes that we can use to write code that fails less often and fails in a helpful way. We will learn how we need to be responsible of our code and the code that our peers write, of setting expectations about the level of effort, of helping QA to cover edge cases, …
Современные жилые комплексы: взгляд со стороны различных заинтересованных группТвоя столицаКонференция "Коммерческая и жилая функции: враги или союзники?", Минск, 2011
False Teachings SSMC1) False teachings were threatening the early Christians because they were living in the "last hour" period between Jesus' ascension and Second Coming.
2) The false teachings denied that Jesus is the Christ and Savior, and went against sound biblical doctrine.
3) Christians are to respond by knowing the truth found in Scripture, which the Holy Spirit teaches and reveals.
Jim Yost - It's now or never SSMCThis passage from Luke describes a parable told by Jesus about a man who prepared a great banquet but many of the invited guests made excuses for why they could not attend. When the servant told the man this, he became angry and told the servant to bring in the poor, crippled, blind, and lame instead. The parable illustrates that people often make excuses to avoid following God but He desires all people to come to His banquet, especially the marginalized. Discipleship requires obeying God's commandments to love Him and others above all else.
Sreejith Sr.Software Engineer Java J2 Ee 4 Yearssreejith82Sreejith G has over 4 years of experience in software development using Java, J2EE, and related technologies. He has a MSc in Bioinformatics and BSc in Computer Science. He is proficient in Java, JSP, Struts, HTML, AJAX, and databases like Oracle and MySQL. His past work includes projects for Millennium Consultants and Accel Frontline developing applications using technologies like Spring, Hibernate, and Tomcat. He is interested in both software development and bioinformatics.
Maximize Your Social MediaMandy JenkinsTactics and tips to improve your comfort on social media, establish your brand,
encourage audience engagement, and measure how well your social media efforts are
working over time. Originally presented at APME's Newstrain in Springfield, IL.
Markkinointiviestintä – Mitä tehdä itse, mitä ulkoistaa Worldcom Public Relations GroupMeditan viestintäkonsultti Tommi PIteniuksen puheenvuoro markkinointiviestinnän työnjaosta tilaajan ja PR- ja viestintätoimiston kesken Alihankintamessujen Markkinointiklinikalla Tampereella 16.9.2015
Paying the Price for Revival, July 1 by mark goodwinSSMCThe document discusses reasons for churches to be in a state of permanent revival. It provides examples of revivals like the Brownsville Revival and Bethel Church in Redding, CA. It emphasizes holiness and being faithful with what God has given. The document encourages churches to aspire to be like the bride of Christ in Revelation, dressed in fine linen representing righteous acts.
Building Your Audience on Social MediaMandy JenkinsThis document discusses strategies for building an audience and measuring success on social media. It provides tips for tracking metrics like retweets, followers over time, Klout scores, and interactions. It also offers suggestions for hashtags, targeting influencers, analyzing trends, submitting stories to relevant blogs, and capitalizing on breaking news. The overall message is that social media success depends on constant evaluation of metrics, interactions, and opportunities to expand one's audience and share content.
4. Marca al plànol l’itinerari que heu seguitEscriu una seqüència ordenada dels carrers per on heu passat. Ves anotant punts de referència visuals al llarg del recorregut: començos, semàfors, passos de vianants, edificis concrets, mobiliari urbà, etc.Quan vegeu l’escola amb el Google Maps, poseu el punter a la porta. Que surt a la pantalla?Quina aplicació creus que poden tenir aquestes informacions?